hereticxtulle · 6 years
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♊ — “That’s a ‘caught with my hand in the cookie jar’ face. I know it well.” He smelled the blood, though he wouldn’t have been able to differentiate it between animal blood – he’d yet to taste the latter. Nor did he care. Kai shot her a disappointed frown. “That was the only picture I had of my twin,” he explained, whining in exasperation. “You’re so mean, Val. Why do I put up with you.”
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Valerie shrugged after hearing his first comment. Honestly she had no problem in being about her eating habits, especially since she didn’t really use the eat, snatch, erase method as much as she used to. Once Kai mentioned the picture she returned being the only one he had of his sister an involuntary scoff sound left her mouth. “You could’ve easily found any other picture and yet, you chose that one,” she shook her head. “I don’t know, I ask myself the same question about you.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Valerie wasn’t really looking for anything in particular, or at least that’s what she now believed. She was certain she’d been looking for something but once she felt the other’s presence her focus went to them. The heretic turned around to face them, her brows rising up a little, “Can I help you?”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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“So, if I were to drop this object now would you be able to catch it?” her brows rose as she kept the book floating in the air. She freely moved her attention between the book and the other person. It was easy to split her focus losing control of the spell due to how often she’d done the spell. “I was thinking of teaching this as a spell to some of my students.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Oh great, she thought to herself as she wiped the rest of the blood from her face. Despite the school’s rules of animal blood she chose to feed on human blood but with her own supply instead. However, when she felt the presence of the other approach her she’d been glad to have finished her meal. “You know, if you’re hoping to get that picture back, I already returned it to its rightful owner.” 
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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(¸.• ♛ → “Valerie?” That was a face that she thought that was a goner and never was going to see her again, until now. “Yes, something that I don’t get. What happened? You were able to run away or you died as well?” She couldn’t help but ask that, looking at her.
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She nodded as the other remembered who she was, thankful for the remembrance. “You and Nora, I found the aftermath,” she sighed. The image saddened her now, but certainly left with anger when she’d first seen it all those years ago. “But I was able to live and get away. I’ve only just recently returned back to Mystic Falls.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
Elijah had been wondering around when he came upon the scene before him. He didn’t know what had happened but he tried helping the person who was attacked. But then a blonde woman came upon him. She looked familiar but he couldn’t place it. “I swear. I just found them like this,”
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Valerie chose to be cautious towards the other man, but for the time being chose to believe him. He seemed oddly familiar, but she couldn’t place it. “So you only just found them like this and not what happened?” she had to be sure. She was still being a little cautious. 
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Considering what little information he did know regarding the gemini coven, he’d had a hunch the heretic knew the former gemini leader, but he had to ask just in case. “I have.” He admitted, purposefully keeping it as vague as he could. “I need to know if he is a threat to my niece, or only his own.”
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Valerie knew enough about him and his actions that she could never truly support him. His nieces deserved to be able to live even if there is a possibility they could have to merge. The heretic returned her attention to the original vampire before she sighed. “Kai is dangerous and I believe he could be a threat to anyone here. But simple threats won’t work against him.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Jo tried to prepare herself for any questions the woman might have, but she knew there was no way in hell she’d ever really be prepared for anything the heretic xould throw ar her. Still, she was surprised by the womans compassion. “Thank you.” Not that it changed anything, not that it made any of it better. “They deserved a better mother than me - I’m just glad they got that.”
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Valerie was tempted to open up about her own struggles, but she chose to set them aside. After all she didn’t enjoy talking about them and she only wanted to talk about the other and the coven in general. Her kids were lucky and even with her small issues towards Caroline, she knew the other blonde could be kind and good with children. “She definitely cares for them, but,” she paused, sighing. “I’m sure they’d still love to have you around, however long that may be.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Should she be a little worried the other knows her but she knows nothing of her?? Not too much she guesses. Lips turn into a forced welcoming smile, worry filling her to the brim but she ignores it. ❝Miss. Valerie Tulle, that name sounds familiar…❞ It should. She knows of heretics, read about them because two species was beyond cool because she herself was three. ❝Is there something I can do to help you with? Or is this a friendly run in?❞ Two weeks of no school left her plenty of downtime to relax. She reaches out, hand ready for a handshake as her mother had taught her manners. 
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Valerie had heard little snippets about the girl, but mostly after the time she siphoned the hex from her aunt Rebekah. Plus her family was already infamous that she only wanted to know more about her. The books could say enough, as could any files, but face to face interaction was more meaningful. “I’d like to think of it as a friendly run in as I have no quarrel with you,” she shrugged. “I’m going to be a teacher here and I know you’re a student here,” she shook hands with the girl. 
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
(¸.• ♛ → “How is that even happening?” She muttered, grabbing her head with one hand, feeling the pain there, she was alive and she didn’t know why she needed to be in Mystic Falls so badly but something was making her stay and looking for something.
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As soon as she heard that voice she sped over to where it was coming from. At first she hadn’t been sure that she’d find her old friend and sister. Yet once her eyes fell upon the familiar blonde an feeling of ease swept over her. “Mary Louise, you’re back too,” she told the blonde as she approached her. 
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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The blonde heretic was right, at least Mary Louise and Nora had each other when they died, but they could have a life together ❝ You are right, we did. Only sad thing is that we could have began a new life together. Same goes for Malcolm, Oscar and Beau, but Lily as well ❞ Nora thought that maybe they did not fit in in today’s century. Despite that she had got used to it a few years ago, it was still a lot of new things she still had to learn ❝ Are you sure it isn’t someone like Rayna Cruz? ❞ She raised a brow. Nora could not help to be a bit insecure about that ❝ Are they both siphoners? Well, better late than never then. It’d been fun if the Gemini coven from our time could see it now. Anyway, how have you been and what have you been up to? I want to hear everything! ❞
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At first Valerie had been upset at what the other two heretics had done. Their actions to destroy the phoenix stone had made her briefly lose Stefan. She eventually was able to get his soul back to his body even if the spell had been taxing on her. Then as the years went by she grew past her grudges and accepted what had happened. Once Nora asked if she was sure that it wasn’t Rayna Cruz, the heretic nodded. However, once she began to ask about the twins from Caroline she sighed. “Yes, they were both born as siphoners. They’re both lucky to not have the kind of families we had,” she shrugged. “As for me, uh, I traveled around the world a lot. I wrote in journals and learned about more magic. But I returned here because I got a job.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Jo froze a bit at the question, her smile fading away until her lips were in a firm line. She wanted to do anything but talk about the coven that had torn her life apart piece by piece until she died on her wedding day, or the brother that took away her happy ending, but was curious what the woman wanted to know, and how she knew who she was in the first place. “What about it?”
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Valerie realized that she’d be coming on strong to the other woman, but she couldn’t just dial back anything anymore. She knew who the woman was and what had sadly happened to her. It was something that resonated within her because of what had been done against her too. “I, uh, I know what happened to you and to your kids. I’m sorry.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
“So Kai is alive.” Caroline sighed pressing a hand against her forehead, having another conversation with another woman she’d had a tentatively negative then somewhat positive relationship with. She was beginning to think that she needed to rethink how she got along with people. “Then from what I’ve heard most of the other Parkers as well, so the Gemini coven is definitely resurrected.” What she needed to know now however was how to keep her daughters from merging on the 22nd. Her absolute goal that had been falling to the side between the Holidays and the supernatural returns. “What are the chances of the ye-old Grandpa leader popping back to life as well?” He’d been the one to try and force the merge on Liv and Luke after all. Past Kai he was probably her biggest concern.
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"I know, I’ve had a couple run-ins with him,” she sighed, the last one she was particularly not proud of. Him and her only shared the same species and hardly much of anything else apart from that. Of course with other people returning she knew anyone could come back since she’d found her former sister Nora and even Stefan. “Perhaps some of those Parkers deserve a second chance, at least from what I remember reading about that family,” she sighed once more. “But what Kai did still remains and if a lot of former Gemini coven members are returning it doesn’t mean they can restart anything.” Valerie still remembered the images from that wedding video and what he’d done after they left the prison world. “I think you just need to work with Alaric on protecting them, but also warning them. They deserve to live their lives however they please.”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Valerie had gone out to run some errands, mostly feeding since she wasn’t going to put herself on the school’s animal blood diet. However, as she was wondering about her ears picked up on a commotion in the distance. The heretic sped over to where she believed the sounds came from and soon found the sight of the body on the ground. Not long after spotting the body did she find the one she believed responsible. “That’s enough!” she threatened as faced the other.
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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“And you ended up back in Mystic Falls…-I guess everyone ends up back here somehow.” Or at least from his experience trying to get away from it never lasted too long even in his years as a vampire or the early days at the very least always led him back to his home. Maybe he was cursed or maybe it was just some draw…either way he was here again. “You will, you’ve always deserved that much.” God knows someone needed to be happy around here and of all the people she was perhaps one of the few that really deserved it.
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“I suppose so. Although I did find happiness here once before, perhaps I’m destined to find it again,” she allowed a grin to briefly appear. After about five or six seconds passed by it disappeared into a serious expression. Once he mentioned her deserving happiness though she shrugged. As much as she wanted to find it she wasn’t always sure she was deserving of it. “You’ve returned, Stefan. I think you deserve it more than I do,” she spoke sincerely. 
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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Patience wasn’t a virtue Kol Mikaelson possessed, but he waited outside the classroom as the students filed out, waiting until he saw the blonde. “Excuse me, can I bother you for a moment?” the original didn’t wait for a moment before asking “Do you happen to know Kai Parker?”
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As soon as the other person stopped her and asked that question an immediate sigh escaped past her lips. Of course she knew who he was and now Kai knew quite a bit about her as well. “Unfortunately I do,” she nodded. After recent events she was even more ashamed to know who the other heretic was. “Have you met him yet?”
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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♊ — “That I’m selfish and hold inconvenient grudges?  Yeah, not that groundbreaking.” He wanted to scoff at her feeble attempt at responsibility. “Denying what you did and acting like it doesn’t matter is the same thing. I own the fact that half of the town wants me dead – and they’ve earned that. I’m a terrible person, Val, but even I know I can’t look my twin in the eye and tell her how to feel.” There was a moment that he tensed up, hands clenching into fists. “Same goes for you. I killed our descendants and you’re pissed at me for it. I wanted to leave you and your ragtag gang in that snowy hellscape and never look back and you’re allowed to not like that.” His lips pursed in a slight scowl. “So, kissing you kinda made me feel like shit ‘cause you weren’t really kissing me, I was just a pair of lips.”
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“If I hadn’t done what I did in the prison world I wouldn’t have survived. And without you being there and even meeting Lily you might’ve never found out what becoming part vampire means,” she shrugged. Valerie had pretty much taken out most of her anger in ways that today she’d disapprove of. However, she wouldn’t take any of it back because she had to learn from those mistakes. The time she spent in the prison world and the time out of it helped her reflect on why her murderous ways were wrong. “You see, Kai Parker. It felt good to enact revenge on the gemini coven, sure. But what you did to your sister and failed to do to her children was horrendous,” she felt the anger bubbling back up. “I don’t feel bad that you got sent to another prison world after what you did. You want to know why, right?” her brows rose, even though it wasn’t really a question. “Because I know what it feels like to have that done to me and I may not have died from it, but it was the most horrible experience of my life.”
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