If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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Ooc post
So I know I’ve been gone awhile Uh, originally I was supposed to be like a couple days cause I was moving
Clearly didn’t stick but
Short story is someone did something that hurt me really bad and now that I’m mostly through physical therapy my cousin brought me a phone and said I can do stuff again since she’s now taking care of me. Hope you all are okay and are staying safe and I am so so so sorry about this and well everything else.
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No, keep doing your job sir.
He's doing it again
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@bestjeanistofficial were you provoked?
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I vote for Best Jeanist to lose his license. He took away my cute sky blue jean-jacket with the bedazzled sequins on the back ;7;
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I also vote for Best Jeanist to lose his license
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I vote for Best Jeanist to have his license revoked.
That is one vote.
@bestjeanistofficial you are 1/100 of a way closer to loosing your license.
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Hero Rules and Protocols:
——- Clarification.
1. You are not being asked to hug villains. It has been decided that unless they are being directly searched for, if you see them out on the street- try to handle it calmly, rationally, and with endangering people surrounding you.
2. If you wish to hug a villain, do so at your own risk. (Any injuries due to the hug will result in fines and possible suspensions)
3. Please send in reports of hero misconduct through the ask box.
4. Heroes who are dead or retired are not under the hpsc(unless they violate any contracts made during there time here) and are effectively considered “harmless” or a “civilian” respectively.
5. If you see fit to protest any rules, please send an ask and if it is found that you have sufficient evidence we will discuss in DMs before an official ruling.
6. No heroes are excluded from following the rules.
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Everyone. No exceptions.
Hero Rules And Protocols:
An Update
Heroes should not provoke or attack a citizen first.
Villains require a delicate touch. Please do not incite them.
Citizens may be arrested if they continue to harass a licensed hero. They must be provided one (1) warning beforehand. Afterwards Heroes are allowed to act as protocols would demand.
If a hero sees cyber bullying please step in and help the victim.
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He's doing it again
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@bestjeanistofficial were you provoked?
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Hero Rules And Protocols:
An Update
Heroes should not provoke or attack a citizen first.
Villains require a delicate touch. Please do not incite them.
Citizens may be arrested if they continue to harass a licensed hero. They must be provided one (1) warning beforehand. Afterwards Heroes are allowed to act as protocols would demand.
If a hero sees cyber bullying please step in and help the victim.
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Paul do u wanna play sdv with me? :)
Stardew valley!!!!? Yes!!!! I love the game!!!!!
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However you are still a prominent figure and still benefit off of some of your merch that still sells.
Which can be stopped.
Sir, it is required that you do not speak negatively of lgbtq+ society.
Continuing on with such behavior will result in fines and ultimately termination.
I'm retired, snowflake!! 😂😂😂
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Mmmmmmm…. Not as long as I’m “to be purged.” Sorry buddy. 😞
@notice-me-stain-sama I'm sorry. You are not the worst person who has thirsted after me anymore.
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And uh…
My boss says I’m not at liberty to discuss that. I’m sorry.
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Best jeanist told me to die
What example are you trying to set, @officialbestjeanist ?
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What is ur pronouns?
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With pineapple?
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