heylenne · 4 years
What is the best way of support your work?
Like the episodes after reading it, drop a comment or share it if feel like. 😊
For the hard-core people, there's also the Patreon option, that works more or less like tip jar. :)
Thank you for asking. <3
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heylenne · 4 years
Hmm how did the security know there was an intruder? Was it when the apple was plucked??
It was after Ivan showed up and started talking loudly to what seemed to be a stranger. They saw him coming in alone, and then, unexpectedly, he was talking to someone else who shouldn't be there.
The security team first reaction wasn't "this boy is mad, he's pretending to chase an imaginary friend" 😅, but simply "omg he seems to have caught someone in there! Send word to the boss."
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heylenne · 4 years
I'm sorry if it sounds anoyng, but, do you have any plans of re launching the original comic? Like maybe in some way fisical as a colector item, and what about the new version when It ends?
No, it's not annoying at all. ;)
The Official Webtoon version is coming back in May probably. And the whole story should be told in.. um... I'm not sure, maybe 120 to 150 episodes. Currently, I've got the outline of 72 episodes. That's where season 1 ends.
About the old Discover/Canvas version, I'm going to repost it on my Patreon page this weekend.
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heylenne · 4 years
may i get a tattoo of "The Red King" logo or is that against like a copyright rule?
Of course not! 😁 if that's what you want, please, go for it.
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heylenne · 4 years
Does Ivan has or will have some relations/connection with Firebird/Lady Bird? I'm so curious,love your Web Comic!
Well, he’s chasing her now. That’s already something.
Are they going to meet and talk again? Well, I guess that’s inevitable, isn’t it? UNLESS... she dies before he finds her.
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heylenne · 4 years
Hey, how do we send in fan arts?
You can tag me
on instagram -> @heylenne
on twitter -> @heylenne_
Or you can use the “email” button on my instagram page.
(and thank you!)
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heylenne · 5 years
In what episode of the webtoon does the wolf appear?
Episode 22.
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heylenne · 5 years
Hey! I was wondering.... It's probably a dumb question but I really had to ask. So my sister and I are arguing about this. The question is: How do you pronounce ivan like do you pronounce "aivan" or just ivan.
-> His family calls him “ee-VAHN” (the Russian pronunciation)
-> But since they don’t live in Russia (Ivan doesn’t even speak Russian), everyone else just calls him “EE-vn”.
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heylenne · 5 years
I found the red king on webtoon and uff man your art😩😩😍😍😍 and this may sound stupid but I feel like I've seen it before? Like I've seen Ivan, or your style or idkk it feels very familiar, have you made other comics before? Or is just my weird dejavu
yes, you probably did see it before. The first version of The Red King came out more or less 2 years ago. You could find it on Tapas and on Webtoons (Discover). I also posted some pages on Tumblr.
You may also have seen it on xKito Music videos too.
Or maybe on Pinterest: some images of Ivan were pinned 40k times... (and I’m not happy about it -_-)  So... yeah, it’s possible you saw his face before.
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heylenne · 5 years
Hey! I'm wondering, since Ivan is wearing earphones in the episode where he went skateboarding in the park and he met his brother, what type of music does Ivan listen to? Or is he a "I listen to anything" person?
Definitely not a “listen to anything” type of person. XD
I don’t have a precise answer to give you, but these are some groups you’ll surely find on his playlist: Rage Against The Machine, Sex Pistols, Crass, Subhumans.
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heylenne · 5 years
Can you draw the tattoo he has on his arm it looks really good but I can't really se what it is
It’s a skull-headed spiky dragon-like creature. There are several drawings where you can see his whole arm exposed.
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heylenne · 5 years
I love your art style! How long does it take you to complete a chapter of your comic?
In order to respect Webtoon’s deadlines, it should take 7 days max. But I don’t always manage to do that...
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heylenne · 5 years
Hai, I’m fairly new to your story, and was wondering if you’ll ever sell merchandise?? I would be thrilled to buy your stuff!~
Yes, at some point. Right now I don’t have enough time to work on that. x_x 
Thank you! <3
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heylenne · 5 years
what's the name of the firebird character in the RED KING? ( I'm like obsessed with her and with your comic , best thing I could ever come across tbh )
The firebird’s name will remain unknown for now. Sorry. </3
(and thank you so much! T-T)
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heylenne · 5 years
I was just wondering, is The Red King a lot different from the original story?
What do you mean by the original story?
Are you asking if the Webtoon Featured version is different from the Discover one? If that’s the question, then... No, the story isn’t different at all. I only changed the storyboard of the first episodes.
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heylenne · 5 years
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Episode 3 is up, on Webtoons! -> [ X ]
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heylenne · 5 years
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The Red King is finally up! You can read it here: [ X ] <3
Updates every Thursday.
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