his-perfect-love-blog · 10 years
After seeing so many posts comparing Gone Girl with Blank Space, I knew I had to edit this. Enjoy!
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his-perfect-love-blog · 10 years
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When I think of my wife, I always think of the back of her head. I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brain, trying to get answers. The primal questions of a marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other? What will we do?
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
You told me to imagine her as she is. Then you told me to imagine the worst possible thing happening to her, and then everything went black. You told me to imagine Jesus taking her place. I completely lost it. You told me to imagine her sober. I couldn't. You told me to imagine her with her son. I couldn't. You told me to imagine her smiling, really smiling. I couldn't. You told me to ask God to give me the vision for her and to receive the belief that God can change her. Last week was full of eye opening experiences and revelations that when we want something, all we have to do is ask God for it. I've been told three times in my life that I am going to be the person that God uses to change my family. I have no idea how. But that is the perfect spot for me to be in because I know it will all be completely Him. All I have to do is ask God to show me what to do and how to approach things in regards to my family. New York City Urban Project was life changing to say the least. I'm so thankful.
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
Still can't believe youre gone.. 
On November 22, 2013 my sister passed away. It really is hard to believe its already been two weeks, since i lost my best friend. Irene was my reason to try in life. She helped me up when I was down. Irene helped me grow and find myself, especially when I needed her the most. She was right by my side in my journey to become a better person. In my 22 years of life, I have never been more proud to have had a sister like her. She is one special person you guys need to remember. Irene loved and cared for a lot of people, no matter who they were or where they came from. Irene was there when you needed her and seemed to be able to get through to people by channeling the love she had for each and every unique individual. All Irene truly wanted was to be loved in return. Don’t take someone for granted, guys. If you love someone, tell them you do. Life is way too short to not be kind and to be holding on to regrets and past mistakes. Smile, laugh, and make good memories. If you ever have to experience a loss like the ones some of us have gone through, at least you can be at peace knowing you gave your all and made a difference in someones life. This was her blog perhaps you may learn a thing or two by visiting it. 
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
It's so hard to chose You when I don't understand. I want my best friend back.
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
Hey so this girl I like just messaged me saying she missed and we should hangout and catch up. I want to ask her to go hiking and catch up and have a little bible study. Do you think thats a good idea since we havent hung out in forever?
I think hiking would be a great idea! I dont think the bible study would be necessary, especially if you guys are just recently getting back in touch with each other, but hiking and maybe just getting lunch or coffee together would be a good idea to start off with :)
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
hi, i was looking through the "sigma alpha omega" tag feed. i'm helping found a chapter in upstate new york, where are you? :)
That is absolutely awesome!! what chapter will you guys be, and at what school? I'm at James Madison University in Virginia! I look forward to seeing more of you on the national facebook page soon :)
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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his-perfect-love-blog · 11 years
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chevron crush ♥
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