Documentary Blog
Week 8-This week was a field trip to the North West Film Archive. The field trip was a great chance to experience an archive and to understand their importance. As well as this we were given tips on acquiring and using archive footage in our documentaries 
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Documentary Blog
Week 7-In week seven we talked about dramatic elements such as conflicts and tensions. In more detail we discused how conflict can be incorporated into a documentary film and what it adds to the film as a whole. As well as this me and Rebecca started to talk more in detail about our films, with the best idea being about the Sheffield Blitz and its importance in the second world war.
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Documentary Blog
Week 6-In the sixth week of the course we talked about Michael Moores film ‘Bowling for Columbine’ , a docuemntary i had seen previously and a film i would rate as one of my favourites. As well as this we were also instructed to film our walks home with the cameras we had been provided.
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Documentary Blog
Week 5- In this week we discussed Hoop Dreams, a film i have seen twice before and really enjoyed due to its good storytelling and emotional atachment to the character. We also discussed ethics, with an outside speaker coming in to talk about the importance of ethics when making and publishing a film. In terms of mine and Rebeccas project and spoke to Lisa about the advantages and limitations to doing a documentary on the Moors Murders 
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Documentary Blog
Week 4- The fourth week of the course was about story form and cinematic language. As a class we discussed the screening of the film the thin blue line, looking at questions such as how is it different from "traditional documentaries?" Is objectivity an important concern of this film? Truth? Is the filmmaker fair to his subjects? As well as this we also did some basic work with the cameras, focusing on holding the camera steady and defining different shots 
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Documentary Blog
CHOOSING CHARACTERS/SUBJECT FORMATION Week 3- The third week was about choosing characters and subject formation. We discussed what made a subject intersting. We also talked about the screening of the film Blaxkfish, a film that i was really impressed by how powerful the message was conveyed by keeping the audience engaged throughout . I also spoke further with Rebecca about ideas for a documentary film, including possibly one on the Moor Murders 
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Documentaries Blog
Week 2- In the second week of the course we aimed to find answers to the questions such as :How our characters/subjects are what they do?Who are our characters? Where are our characters? Why should anyonecare enough to watch them? As well as this we also discussed the screening of the documentary film about Harlan mining. I personally thought the film was emotive and thought provoking however struggled to follow who the characters were and clearly understand what exactly they were fighting for. We also discussed pairings, where i spoke with my classmate Rebecca about potential projects. 
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Documentary Blog
Week 1- This week was an introduction to the course where we covered the basis questions about documentaries. For example,What is documentary? What is a director? What do we require of a director?. After this brief intro we discussed ideas for documentaries, about subjects we were interested in. I chose music in the 80s, football hooliganism and also organized crime. These are basic ideas that can be built on. 
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