hockeyflicka · 5 years
the best thing i’ve heard in a long time is how foreigners pronounce kaapo kakko
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
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Celebration in Finland
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The amount of Finns celebrating
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President of Finland: Sauli Niinistö
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Head coach: Jukka Jalonen
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Kaapo Kakko
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The team celebrating on stage
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
I havent said anything yet about Finland winning, but honestly I’m so proud I cried. Quoting what the president of Finland said: ”One canadian expert said after game against Russia: there were difference between the teams. One team played with big hearts and other team played with big egos. And that’s a big difference.” I couldn’t agree more. Finland showed once again that ice hockey isn’t about who has the biggest salary, who plays in the nhl or who has the most points. Sweden had bunch of nhl players: cool, Russia had big names: cool, but why did they lose to Finland? Because Finns believed in themselves and had fucking amazing team spirit. They didn’t try to do selfish moves to benefit themselves. Finnish players didn’t try to make themselves shine brighter than the rest of the team. They wanted every single player on that team to succeed and shine bright and that’s why Finland is the world hockey champion in 2019.
ps. Kakko should go 1st overall, he’s a beast compared to Hughes.
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
Kaapo Kakko reminds me that I’m older than him and haven’t achieved anything yet😊😊
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
I feel a little bad that Sweden lost after playing many amazing games on this tournament. However, Finland was better tonight. Sweden had less time to rest and they had to travel a bit and it’s was clear that they were tired. But also, I love how Finland showed that you can win without bunch of NHL stars in your team.
May the better team always win.
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
I mean the fact that Finland has SM-league players, couple KHL players and Sweden has a team full of NHL players. Finland is still making it quite hard for Sweden to get the puck. On second period Finland basically dominated them. I’m so proud of team Finland no matter how this game ends.
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
I mean. Finnish league players are making NHL players look like fools
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
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Sebastian Aho during summer is a great example of how most Finns look in the summer with our tanlines👀
And to save your time, here’s the whole picture
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
NHLWAM 12/26 Sebastian Aho & Teuvo Teräväinen
! Putkola is the shorter blonde guy and Manninen is the taller guy with kinda light brown hair !
Link to the original video: https://www.nordicbet.com/fi/blogi/nhlwam/season-5-osa-12/
Manninen: So you live like this: Sepe and his girlfriend live below Teukka’s apartment. How do you feel about this “living together” situation? Sebastian: Well I lived in this apartment with Teuvo when the season started. It was nice. We didn’t really cook anything.   Manninen: How long did it take before you were able to get your own apartment? Sebastian: Our season started with a longer roadtrip so soon after that.  Manninen: Teukka, has there been any bossing around on rookies? Teuvo: Not really, but I still make sure he goes and cleans the pucks off the ice after practise (referring to Sebastian) and he has snuck out earlier, so I had to pick up the pucks Sebastian: I don’t agree Putkola: Stanley Cup winner picking up pucks after practise and Seppo sneaks out. (Seppo is a nickname for Sebastian) Sebastian: Not true Putkola: The professor is tough, he’s tough (professor being a compliment that Sebastian is such a good hockey player that he can be called a professor) Manninen: Chigago was full of big egos, do you think you’re different here? Teuvo: Yes, I’m more relaxed. There plays such a big stars that I’ve always looked up to and still do. Here are more young guys so I fit in better. 
Putkola: Time for legendary Twitter Q&A: Sebastian Aho and Teuvo Teräväinen. Toni asks, do you guys have a parkour background? Sebastian: No Teuvo: Not that I know of Manninen: They probably referred to this days Snapchat action Putkola: Nevanperä Jani asks, is there a story behind your jersey number? Sebastian: 16 is like my own number, and last year in U20 tournament 16 had been frozen so I couldn’t use it.  Manninen: Ville Peltonen (the one whose number 16 had been frozen) Sebastian: 20 was free and it looked good so I took it and the games went okay. Then I thought that I’ll keep it because here 16 was already Elias Lindholm’s number. 20 has stayed and it has been OK.  Manninen: Yea the games went OK with the 20. (referring sarcastically to the fact that they won the tournament U20 and almost every game they played) Sebastian: Well the tournament went really good. Me, Pulju and Pate had a good trio.  Teuvo: I have a little comment to that. I played my U20 tournament with jersey number 20. I think that has affected Sepe’s choice (he says it jokingly) Sebastian: No. I didn’t remember that but a funny coinsidence that both of us played good tournaments with number 20.  Manninen: Both of them are champions. Rasmus Ristolainen was good and of course Teuvo too. Yea and Teuvo was the captain. He has been a tough guy. Sebastian: Has been Teuvo: Exactly: has.  Putkola: Eemeli Saarinen asks, who is the weirdest guy in the locker room? Sebastian: *points at Teuvo* Teuvo: I’m not the weirdest. Isn’t there someone more weird? Manninen: Teuvo is in top 3. Teuvo: I think Ron is weird. (he talks about some weird habits Ron has) Putkola: For Sepe, what has been the best moment in NHL? Sebastian: Probably my first goal. My parents were there to see me and Teukka got an assist point there.  Teuvo: You weren’t supposed to score beacuse it was already such a good assist to Staal.  Sebastian: True. I was supposed to get an assist point at first. (talks about how he scored) *I’m sorry this part is a little boring but 5:33-6:55 they all talk about hockey sticks and how Teuvo changes his stick like all the time but then Sepe never changes anything about the stick) Putkola: Panu asks is Aho still plays with Kane’s (something about the hockey stick again, like the curve on the stick?) Sebastian: No. (basically he says that he never has played with that.) Putkola: Ask Sepe (and a question about tuning mopeds? It’s common in Finland to get a scooter, moped or microcar when you turn 15) Sebastian: I don’t understand.  Putkola: About tuning mopeds. You have had scooters? Sebastian: No, I didn’t have moped, scooter or microcar. Teuvo: I haven’t had any of those either. Putkola: Joni Alatalo asks Teukka: Big Mac or Whopper? Teuvo: Burger King makes Whoppers right? I don’t like it at all. Big Mac is okay. In Finland McDonald’s is much better than here in US, but Hese is the best. (Hese is Hesburger, basically Finnish fastfood chain like McDonald’s. But I have to agree with him, Hesburger is indeed the best) Manninen: Hese probably sponsors Teukka.  Teuvo: When I played for Jokerit I was planning on getting Hese to sponsor me. I didn’t have driver’s license so I drove with Riku. He told me that today we both score a goal and go to Hese afterwards.  Putkola: Kalle asks which takes the first five minutes for fighting?  Sebastian: Neither of us I guess.  Teuvo: Same as Sepe. Putkola: Coca Cola or Pepsi? Sebastian: Coca Cola Teuvo: Coca Cola, Pepsi is okay too.  Putkola: For Sepe: Kauppuri 5 or Kauppuri 5. This is some Oulu thing (Oulu = Sebastian’s hometown) Sebastian: Good place and good burgers.  Putkola: For Sepe again: pizza with or without mayonnase? Sebastian: As a person from Oulu I have to say that with mayonnase.  Putkola: Samppa asks Sebastian is Pannu Oulu’s best restaurant? Sebastian: Not best but it’s a good restaurant.  Putkola: Niko asks Teuvo if he would have succeed in Salibandy league? (floorball I think in English?) Teuvo: I don’t know. If a lockout comes I can go and try. 
I skipped some questions mainly because they were extremely pointless, like someone asked what kind of truck they would drive etc. But yea, I hope you enjoy. 
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
NHLWAM translation
I was thinking about doing a translation on some episodes of NHLWAM where two Finnish guys go around US to interview Finnish NHL players. 
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hockeyflicka · 5 years
I’ve been quiet for a year? I think that’s a new accomplishment but a lot has happened since I last posted
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hockeyflicka · 6 years
After Finland lost to Swizterland it was so sad to watch Sebastian’s interview. He seemed so upset about the loss. I can understand that tho, he absolutely played the best he could the whole tournament and he wanted to win so much. The finnish media has been writing for weeks about how damn much he wants to win.
He basically looked like he was holding back tears at the beginning of the interview (he literally paused between words because he tried to hold back the tears) He also said ”ottaa päähän” which can be translated to that he feels super shitty about the loss. He said that all respect for team Switzerland. Even tough he was prolly more upset and sad than anyone, he still praised the team that won, because that is just the kind of person he is.
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hockeyflicka · 6 years
The most cute thing is when Sebastian Aho speaks finnish. That damn dialect is so cute
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hockeyflicka · 6 years
So Finland lost to Denmark but won Canada? :)
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hockeyflicka · 6 years
I’m just saying
Sebastian Aho is on fire
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hockeyflicka · 7 years
if sweden wins im probably gonna blurt out all the swedish i know which is actually a lot
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