hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Claudia's Debut Season of Heartfirst Writing
I am in desperate need of trying to get back into writing, so I've decided to do a season of blurb requests and the such! The rules are below. I'm excited! There will only be a start date but no end date. I'm not sure when I'll finish or stop taking requests, but I'll be sure to edit this and add it in when I pick one.
You have three options to pick from, and the list of people you can pick from is here.
Song Blurb: Give me a number between 1-271 from this playlist and a person from the list linked above, and I'll write you a blurb!
Prompt List: Send me a number from this prompt list and someone from the list linked above, and I'll write you a blurb! If you would like the piece of writing to go a certain way, please be sure to include it in your request.
All of the above!: You can pick a number from the song list AND the prompt list, and I'll do my best to put them together.
Additional Rules
Please indicate what you're requesting. (i.e. Song blurb 101 with xyz or Prompt list 6 with xyz going in x direction)
Please be respectful! Things are really hectic for me right now, so it might take me a while.
I'll only write each song and prompt once, so please see below if your song/prompt number has already been chosen.
I'm willing to write for someone who isn't on the list, but if I'm not comfortable with it, I hold it at my discretion not to write it.
That's it! I'm excited to see where this goes, and with everything I do, I'll create a masterlist with all the blurbs I wrote with a fancy header. If you have any questions, let me know via ask or dm, and I'll be glad to help you!
Everything will be tagged with "claudia's debut season of heartfirst writing" if you don't want to see any of this.
Song Blurb Numbers Already Claimed: 1, 11, 13, 15, 56, 81, 101, 117, 125, 143, 145, 164, 210, 227, 239
Prompt List Already Claimed: 2, 5, 11, 15, 25, 29, 30, 38, 42, 45, 48, 51, 65, 67, 85, 91, 94
P.S. If anyone can figure out where I got the title from, let me know, and all I can offer you is my undying love.
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Never Ever Have I- p
Playoff Burb
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Don't mind me. I am just writing Sidney and Evie to process my emotions after the Pens and Stars loss
Warning- contains story spoilers
@fallinallincurls @pattiemac1 @penstxgal1968
Evie sat huddled in the family lounge with Taylor. "Evie, put the headphones back on," she suggested, "It will help block the noise." Evie nodded silently and put the headphones back on her ears. Madison Square Garden was still rocking after the OT win against the Penguins.
Trina squatted in front of her and patted Evie's hands. "Drink some water, Evie." Evie had stopped drinking during the third period in order to prevent the need for an emergency pee break. When the game went into overtime, she continued her hold out. Evie shook her head, "I am going to wait until I see Sidney." Trina silently held out the bottle and Evie took it with a smile. A determined mother-in-law would not take no for an answer. She took a long sip of water. She looked briefly at her phone. There were messages from Adriana and Teo. She was opening the text from Adriana when a text came from Sidney
Sidney- Can you go back to the hotel? I will see you in your room.
Evie- Are you sure? I can wait.
Sidney- Would rather see you first in private, but it's your choice.
Evie- Leaving now. Text when you are on the way
Evie showed the text to Sidney's parents. They walked as a group back to the hotel. Evie took hugs in the lobby and went to her room. 
Evie picked at the lobster roll she ordered from room service. She had FaceTimed with Adriana and baby Cruz already. Evie was proud that she had managed to keep it together so far. There was a quick knock on the door before it opened. Sidney walked in and Evie gasped,"Sidney!" She went to push up off the bed which was quite the challenge with her twenty-five week bump. Sidney waved her down. "Don't get up," he said as he walked to the bed. 
She watched as he stripped down to his boxers and climbed onto the bed. "Beso," she started but didn't know what else to say. "You don't have to say anything, Evie," he whispered as his head found her bump. Her fingers immediately went to his hair. He moaned softly. "Want something to eat?", she asked. He shook his head no. "Okay," she said quickly but not before her voice cracked. 
His head lifted up. Evie’s lip quivered and her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry Beso. I am so sorry. I was doing so well," she tried to explain before the tears started. He scrambled to her side and wiped her tears, "Shhhhh, Evie. It's okay, It's okay," he soothed. He sat upright against the headboard and pulled her to his chest. She sobbed quietly and he rubbed back softly. "Beso, is it me?" She whispered, "You would tell me, right?"
 He looked at her in surprise, "Is what you?" 
"Am I the reason that the Penguins lose in the playoffs? Am I a curse?" she asked meekly.
"Evie Rose, look at me," he commanded.
She shook her head no. "Look at me, please," he asked quietly. Evie lifted her eyes to him.
"You are not responsible. You have not caused anything," he said passionately, "You are the furthest thing from a curse there could be." Sidney pushed the hair out of her eyes. "How long have you been carrying that?”, he asked softly. She sighed, "Umm, since the first one-2019."
"Evie," he caressed her cheek, "Why didn't you say anything?" 
"I don't know. I didn't intend to say anything tonight," she whispered.
"I am sorry that you think that," he replied with a sigh, "I wish that we would have won." 
Evie sat up, "Sidney Crosby, look at me. I don't know why I asked, but it breaks my heart for you to apologize. You did everything that you could this season. You came back from surgery, recovered from Covid and literally have a new scar to show for it." She leaned forward and kissed him. "I have never been more proud to be yours. You are the most amazing man. I just want it so badly for you." 
"Evie, everything I need and want is located in this hotel- my team, my family, Buddy and you. Anything else is icing on the cake. You are the most importantnin this world to me- you and Buddy."
Evie looked down at her bump and placed her hand on it, "Do you hear Daddy?" Sidney looked at her hand in wonder. He placed her hand next to hers and felt the kick. "Hey there Buddy," he smiled. He kept his hand and felt the kicks. He moved his hand and kissed Evie. She gasped and said, "Beso, look!" He returned his gaze to the bump and clear as day a small foot pressed Evie's skin upward and moved from one side of her bump to other. "Did you see it?" She cried, "Did you see your girl? 
Sidney beamed, "I saw it. I saw her move. Make her do it again." Much to Buddy's chagrin, Evie and Sidney spent the next hour poking and prodding their baby girl to move before Evie drifted off to sleep in exhaustion. Sidney watched his wife as she slept and smiled. He was right. Everything he needed and wanted was in this room. He would win another cup next year when Buddy would be here to celebrate with him. He placed his hands on Evie’s bump and went to sleep.
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
See You Again- Tyler Seguin Stand Alone
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Summary- When Addy meets Tyler through mutual friends, it's attraction at first sight. Tyler, however, cannot shake the sense of deja vu.
Word Count- 10.5K (sorry)
Warnings- alcohol use, public sex, SMUT, discussion of slut shaming
@fallinallincurls @newlibrary @penstxgal1968 @princessphilly @laurenairay @mattyseggy1991 @horsesandhockeyplayers
August 2022
Addy checked her reflection in the mirror and adjusted her top as she listened to her friend, Gina, go over the details for the evening. She was half-listening, as usual, when Gina mentioned that Tom may have a friend drop by the bar. "Wait, what?" she whined, "Gina, this isn't a set-up, right?"
"No, Addy, I swear-I don't even know the guy's name," Gina responded. "Show me what you're going to wear."
Addy sent the snap.
"No, absolutely not," Gina chided, "Let go of the athleisure wear. Wear a skirt at least."
Addy rolled her eyes, "I will compromise on a nice pair of shorts and crop top. It’s hotter than hell."
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Addy walked up to the bar and leaned up against it. "Hey," she called to the seasoned blonde bartender, "Can I get a drink?" She was casually dressed in a matching black gingham crop top and shorts. A diamond pendant adorned her neck. Her curly brown hair had been tossed in a loosely styled up-do to keep it off her neck. The August Texas heat was still oppressive at night and Addy’s focus was remaining as cool as possible.
The muscular man standing next to her laughed, "Good luck with that. I've been trying to get a beer for ten minutes."
Addy glanced at him before turning back to the bartender, "It's the watch. She hates flashy watches."
Tyler looked down at his watch then back at the petite brunette by his side. "Isn't that some sort of watch discrimination. What did my watch ever do to her?"
Addy turned to face him. She took note of the fitted t-shirt and casual shorts he wore. His brown hair was slicked back and his arms were covered in tattoos. The neatly trimmed beard completed the frat boy look. "It's not the watch, but the wearer. Usually those watches come attached to annoying frat boys who demand immediate service and leave shitty tips."
Tyler's eyebrows raised, "Definitely not a frat boy."
"Well, if you look like a frat boy, dress like a frat boy, you can't be shocked if she treats you well- like a frat boy." she teased. "Let me guess," she continued, "you also flashed a black AMEX to start a tab."
His eyes narrowed slightly, "And?"
She smiled, "It completed the 'I am going to be asshole' vibe thing you got going on. What are you drinking 'Mr. I am not a frat boy'?"
"At this point I will take any cold beer," he said in confusion.
Addy yelled again, "Tess, give me my usual and the poor man a beer. Put it on my tab."
Tess nodded and poured the drinks. When she sat down the drinks, she eyed Tyler suspiciously, "You vouching for him?"
Addy turned and gave Tyler the full body scan, "Yes, at least temporarily. Don't fuck it up, okay?"
"Tyler, by the way," he said casually.
"Oh and the asshole trifecta is complete," she winked as she took her drink.
They sat in an amenable silence before Tyler cleared his throat, "So are you meeting friends here or do you just like drinking alone in dive bars?"
"Meeting friends for drinks. You?" She turned to him.
"Same," he craned his head toward the door which just opened.
"Addy!" Gina called as she walked into the dimly lit bar, "Why do you always pick the grungiest bar in town to meet?"
Addy turned with a smile, "Don't knock the bar. You'll piss off Tess."
Tyler interjected, "Yeah, you don’t want to don't piss her off."
Gina raised an eyebrow towards Addy. She was greeted with a shoulder shrug.The duo greeted each other with a hug. Gina looked around the bar that looked like not a thing had been changed in at least forty years.
"So making friends already?" Regina asked jovially.
"Gina, this is “not a frat boy” Tyler. Tyler, this is Gina," Addy answered.
Tyler stretched his hand out, "Pleasure."
"Seggy," Tom called from the door.
Tyler turned, "Monty!"
The two embraced in a bro hug. "I see that you have met my fiance, Gina, and this is her friend, Addy," Tom declared.
Tyler touched Addy on the arm, "You ready for another round?"
"Sure, tell Tess to add it to my tab," she called as they moved over to the well-worn couch. He gave her body an appreciative glance as he returned with the drinks, "I tried to open my own tab, but she wouldn't do it. Strangest bartender ever."
She scooted over to make room for him. Quickly they were engrossed in conversation about Addy's job as an event planner. She casually asked Tyler about his job and he blinked slowly. "You're kidding, right?" he laughed.
"Kidding about what?" she smiled.
"I play hockey- for the Dallas Stars…" he stammered.
"Oh, I don't follow hockey too closely. I mean- I am aware of them as a team, but not the individual players," she explained.
There was an awkward pause as Tyler contemplated her words. It wasn't the fact that she was unaware of who he was, it was that she seemed thoroughly unaffected by the knowledge. Tyler came to the realization that he was staring at her face. It wasn't a particularly gorgeous face, but was naturally pretty. Her presence felt comfortable and oddly familiar. She snapped her fingers to get him out of his trance. "Hey, Not-Frat-Boy, we are going to play pool. Do you want co-ed or men against women?"
Tyler thought quickly, "Co-ed,"
Addy poked him playfully in the chest, "Try to keep up with me, okay?
Tom and Tyler played a quick game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to determine who would break. Addy gave Tyler a wink and a smile when he won.
He made a grand gesture of bending over and bowing and indicating she should take the first shot. He walked to the opposite end of the table as she took her stick, leaned over and took the break shot. He licked his lips unconsciously as he was given a clear view of her cleavage. As the balls spread across the table, she blew him a flirtatious kiss as two balls sank. Tyler smiled when she did not sink another ball with her second shot. He stood behind her as she waited for Tom to take his shot. He whispered in her ear, "He's a great attorney, but a horrible shot." Addy felt the hairs on her arm stand up as his breath hit her neck. She shifted her weight back and forth and turned to look at him. She stared momentarily. Her gaze went to his lips. She blinked and willed her heart to stop racing. She thought of what his beard would feel like if he kissed her.
"Seggy, you're up" Tom laughed as Tyler stood, leaning on his stick, staring at Addy's neck. He imagined his mouth on the where the smooth skin of her neck met her shoulder, sucking softly.
"Snap out of it," he murmured to himself before leaning up his shot. When Addy walked away to the jukebox, the movement of her hips distracted him and the shot fizzled.
He walked up behind her and leaned over her shoulder as she made her selections. "Going old school, huh?" he joked as she made her selections.
"Can't go wrong with some Miley, " she said, laughing as the song began. "This brings back some memories." Tyler watched as she danced around the pool table between her shots, sinking a ball with each stroke as she mouthed the words.
Tyler had a memory emerge from the depths of his brain. It was fuzzy but he could feel his body respond- pulse quickened, heart rate elevated and breath slightly shallow. He was kissing a girl. She smelled like flowers and wore what he assumed was a cubic zirconia pendant around her necklace. It fell delicately on her clavicle . When they paused for breath, she smiled at him.
"Tyler," he thought he heard as he struggled to place the memory "Tyler, it's your shot."
"Huh?" He said- momentarily confused as Tom directed him to the pool table. “Oh, yeah,” he blushed.
Gina and Tom giggled as they watched Addy and Tyler get sucked into their own heads as they stared at each other, tanking their pool game. Tyler snapped out of his thoughts. He took another bad shot and promptly sunk the cue ball.
"Who wants another round?" they called as they left Addy and Tyler in the pool room, without waiting for a response.
Tyler walked up to Addy and took the stick from her hand, “Sorry about that. Normally I am much better at pool. Guess I got a little distracted.”
Addy felt her face flush and started to fan herself with her hand,"Did it get hot in here? I need some air." She turned and walked to the exit to the small patio. She pushed the door open and took a deep breath. She paced the length of the patio and ran her fingers through her hair. The desire to take Tyler's face between her hands and kiss him overwhelmed her. She was then struck by the sense of deja vu. When he emerged from the bar carrying drinks, he stopped short when she turned to face him. She stood with one hip popped up and both hands on her hips. He crossed the patio to where she stood. Her expression was almost defiant. "Are you going to kiss me or what?" she declared. When he hesitated, she took a step toward him, took his face in her hands and kissed him hard.
Tyler felt the memory come back into complete focus and the realization hit him. He stopped the kiss and asked breathlessly, "Is Addy a nickname or something?"
"Short for Addison," she replied.
His eyes opened wider, "Have you ever been to Toronto?"
"Yeah, when I was 15." she stammered.
He pressed, "Maybe to an amusement park named Canada's Wonderland?
She stepped back, "Yeah"
He stepped forward "Spend time with a hockey team there?"
She looked at him, "Yeah, with a boy named….."
Her hand went to her mouth, "Nooooo"
He nodded his head up and down.
She gasped, "You're Tyler from Toronto? No fucking way!"
He smiled, "Yep-all grown up"
She squatted low and looked up at him before crossing to him, "Kiss me again."
He did and the memory came flooding back to her. Their bodies crashed together as they kissed, the muscle memory of their first make out session came back and he pushed her against the wall. “Addison from Dallas," he moaned, "I finally found you."
Addison stood next to her friend, Juliana, in line to the Drop Tower. Juliana eyed the ride nervously as the line inched toward the loading zone. In front of them a group of ten players from a hockey team stood and joked loudly. They were enjoying a celebratory trip to the amusement park in honor of their recent championship victory. Juliana and Addison were at the front of the group from the Prestonwood Christian Academy choir. The two girls had become fast friends during Juliana’s year of study abroad in Dallas. They bonded over boys, hockey and mocking the popular girls in their class.
Juliana poked Addison in the ribs and nodded towards the tall blonde with a goofy grin on her face. Addison looked up at him and shook her head softly. Of course Juliana set her eyes on the tallest person she could find. The girl definitely had a type-tall, blonde and cute. The line inched forward and Addison locked eyes with the lanky brunette standing next to the blonde. He gave a shy smile before turning away. The blonde noticed and gave him a shove back into Addison. “Make a move Shy Ty,” the Big Rig joked.
"I'm…I'm sorry," Tyler stammered softly before he turned and slammed the blonde on the arm.
Addison gave him a smile and mouthed, “It’s okay,” before turning to Juliana.
The group landed at the loading zone together. The ride attendant shouted at the group of teens, "You four- stand here." Juliana and Addison stood in their assigned circle with Jamie and Tyler. Juliana looked up at the ride, "Addison, if I die in Canada, my mom is going to kill you."
The blonde looked down at the diminutive girl with jet black hair and laughed, "Where are you from?"
Julia smiled broadly, "Originally from Brazil, but we’re from Dallas. I'm Juliana and this is Addison. Are you from Toronto?"
"I'm Jamie and this is Seggy," the blonde elbowed Tyler in the ribs, "We're from Brampton, outside of Toronto."
"It's actually Tyler," he corrected. He looked Addison in the face and she smiled at him. He felt his stomach flip flop.
"Tell me Tyler- are you a wimp? she teased.
He looked confused, "Uhhhhh, what do you mean?"
"I mean can you handle these rides?" she laughed, "I am stuck with Wimpy McGee."
"Yeah, I can handle these rides," he grinned.
"Good," she exclaimed as the attendant directed them to the car. "Sit next to me so I don't have to hear her scream."
Tyler's eyebrows raised, "Okay." He watched her hop into her seat and start swinging her legs back and forth playfully.
After they were harnessed in, she gave him a big grin right before the ride took off, “Here we go, Tyler.” Addison laughed as the car ascended two hundred feet in the air and nervousness spread across Tyler's face, "I thought you said you weren't a wimp?"
"I'm not- I swear," he whined.
"Need to hold my hand?" she said softly and held out her hand to him.
"Yeah," he grabbed it right before the car dropped twenty one stories in a free fall.
Addison reluctantly let go of his hand when the ride attendant came to unharness them. She jumped off the ride and waited for Tyler. When he walked up with a sheepish grin, "I swear I am not a wimp on the other rides. The height on this one gets me."
Addison leaned in and whispered, "Your secret is safe with me." She looked over to Julia who was engrossed in conversation with Jamie. "I guess we are officially ride-buddies now,” she joked as she tilted her head toward Jamie and Juliana who were shamelessly flirting with each other. Addison rolled her eyes as Jamie directed the group towards the Klockwerks ride. “That’s not that scary, dude,” Addison stated once they arrived. Both Tyler and Jamie positioned themselves to be in the inside car position. As the ride began to spin, the force of the ride pulled Juliana and Addison into their sides. Jamie artfully put his arm around Juliana and pulled her tighter. Tyler sat stiffly beside Addison as the speed increased. Eventually she put her hand on his thigh and pushed to create some separation. Tyler’s eyes flashed down to Addison’s hand and then shut tightly. He thought to himself, “For the love of God, stay down, stay down,” as he willed himself not to feel any effects of Addison’s physical proximity. He said a silent prayer of thanksgiving as they exited the ride without an erection popping up.
The group flip-flopped between Team Scaredy-Cat and Team Dare-Devil deciding on which rides to ride. With each one, Addison and Tyler stood closer and closer together in line. He passionately argued that Texas didn't have actual hockey. She questioned "Oh yeah, when is the last time the Leafs have won a cup? The Stars?" Tyler objected and Addison hit him with, "Did the Leafs even make the playoffs this year? The Stars made it.” Tyler rolled his eyes and Addison playfully poked his chest. "Admit defeat," she chided as he smiled down at her, “I’m going to make you a Stars fan if it’s the last thing I do.
He bent down and laughed, “It will be a cold day in hell before I root for the Dallas Stars.” Addison blinked as his face was inches from hers. Thankfully the ride attendant ushered them to the ride.
Somewhere between the Go-Kart Racing ride and Behemoth roller coaster, Tyler made his move and went for the hand grab. Addison simply looked down at their joined hands and back up at Tyler and smiled. Tyler’s inner dialogue of “Stay Cool, be calm- it’s just a girl. Holy shit- it’s a girl and she is letting me hold her hand” simmered under the surface.
When the foursome turned the corner and Juliana saw the tall roller coaster, she simply said, “Nope, nope, nope- I am not riding that, Miss Addison.” Jamie saw his opportunity and took it, “We can go do the swings again. You liked those.” The swings were on the other side of the park and would give him a solid hour of alone time with Juliana. Tyler also did the mental math and glanced at Addison to gauge her reaction.
Addison shrugged her shoulders and pulled Tyler towards the roller coaster. “Y’all have fun. We’ll meet you at the food court in an hour,” she called back to her friend, Juliana, who stood in a bundle of excitement and nerves. Addison turned abruptly and yelled to Juliana, “Don’t forget your PCA character!” When Juliana’s mouth dropped open, Addison laughed, “Bye!” She pulled Tyler with such force that he could barely keep up. “Come on Tyler, there’s barely any line!” she screamed as she ran in front of him. She dropped his hand as they raced up the steps. Tyler slowed his pace slightly when he realized letting her pass allowed him to watch her ass as she climbed.
When they reached the top of the stairs, they were greeted by a ride attendant. “The ride’s not quite open yet,” the young man said, “How did you get up here?” In their excitement, Tyler and Addison had missed the sign that the ride was temporarily closed. Todd, the attendant looked around, “I should send you back down to wait, but we’ll open it up in about fifteen minutes. If you promise to not bother anything, I’ll let you stay up here.”
They looked at each other and smiled, then looked at Todd, “We won’t touch anything.”
Addison squealed once Todd left. She looked at Tyler who nodded. They both spoke at once
Addison- “We get dibs on the front seat.”
Tyler- “We get to be alone for fifteen minutes”
Addison laughed while Tyler blushed, “Well, there’s that too- added bonus” They looked around the ride loading area before Addison pulled out her iTouch. Tyler watched in silence as she pushed buttons. “You like to dance, Tyler?” she asked as music started playing. Miley Cyrus - See you again - With Lyrics The music started and she started to dance. A wide grin spread across his face as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards him. “What? Hockey boys don’t dance?” she teased. “You know there isn’t anyone here. You can risk looking stupid and dance.” She dropped his hand and started dancing and singing. “I've got a way of knowin' when somethin' is right. I feel like I must have known you in another life. 'Cause I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes. Now I can't wait to see you again” Addison reached for his hand again and he readily took it. He sang with her, “The last time I freaked out, I just kept lookin' down. I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout. Felt like I couldn't breathe, you asked what's wrong with me. My best friend Lesley said, "Oh she's just being Miley" Tyler twirled her around the loading area with ease. When the song stopped he pulled her back and she crashed into his chest. Their faces were inches from each other. Their combined heart rates were off the charts and their chests heaved to settle their breathing.
Addison looked into Tyler’s eyes and willed his lips to move closer. They didn’t budge. He pushed a strand of hair that had crossed over into her eyes back. Internally, the lyrics of “Kiss the Girl” raced into his thoughts, “Yes, you want her. Look at her, you know you do. Possible she wants you too. There is one way to ask her. It don't take a word. Not a single word. Go on and kiss the girl” The mental image of the small, red crab singing and dancing raced front and center of his mind. Tyler laughed at the absurdity of it. Addison flinched ever so slightly and pulled back. Tyler knew immediately that he had blown his shot.
Addison dropped his hands and walked over the far wall where the loading zone to the front car was located. She placed her back against the wall and slowly slid down to sit. She didn’t look up when she felt Tyler approach and sit next to her. They didn’t speak for a long time. Tyler checked his watch, “They should be opening it up soon.” Addison nodded in affirmation. He moved his hand to the outside of his thigh and she felt it graze her skin. She glanced down and then back at his face. She smiled and grabbed his hand. Their fingers intertwined together. Addison moved slightly to her left and rested her head on his shoulder.
She fumbled for words, “Fun fact- we are both named after cities in Texas.” He laughed and said, “What?”
“Yep, there is a Tyler, Texas and an Addison, Texas too,” she said quietly, “They are not very close together.”
“That’s too bad,” he replied. She squeezed his hand and he swore that he felt butterflies in stomach. “So tell me about Dallas.”
He looked at her as her face lit up and she started chattering away. The sound of the slow drawl of her voice hypnotized him. Suddenly the idea of Dallas, Texas, was the most fascinating subject on earth. She rambled until they noticed that the loading area had filled with other riders. Tyler frowned as she stopped talking and stood up to climb into the front roller coaster car. She held out her hand and he took it. The smile returned to his face. “Maybe I’ll go to Dallas one day,”
She turned to laugh, “Maybe you’ll play for the Stars one day. I mean you should dream big,Tyler.”
Once they were both securely harnessed for the ride, Tyler grabbed her hand again. She looked at him through her eyelashes and then looked away. Addison was unsure if it was the thrill of the ride that made her heart race or the thrill of the boy next to her. As the clickety-clack of the roller coaster filled the air, she summoned her courage while the car moved higher and higher on top of the hill. She turned to Tyler right before the car went over the summit, “Are you going to kiss me or what?” Tyler turned to her with a surprised look before they fell into the freefall.
When the car came to a complete stop, both of them scrambled to get out of the car, for very different reasons. Addison ran past the crowd that made it to the exit before her. Tyler followed behind her. They raced down the steps and Tyler called her name, “Addison- wait up!” She had no intention of waiting for him. The look of shock when she asked him about kissing her had said everything she needed to know. She thought to herself, “It’s almost four now. I just have to find a place to hang out until we leave at nine. No biggie.”
Addison was completely lost in thoughts when she felt his hand on her arm, pulling her to a stop. He grabbed her hand and held it as he guided her past the ride exit. Tyler pulled her into a corner by the restroom. “Why are you running away from me?” he said breathlessly, “Is this about your question?”
Her eyes flashed up and then down and she nodded her head yes.
Tyler groaned loudly and bent over, putting his hands on his knees, “Girls are weird.”
He stood and crossed to her, “I do want to kiss you. It’s just that….. that” He hesitated before he sputtered, “I’ve never kissed a girl. I don’t know how.” He blushed as she smiled and laughed, “Don’t laugh at me, Addison.” She walked to him, put her hand on his neck and pulled his head so she could reach his face. She smiled and kissed him.
Her lips pressed against his and she sensed his tenson and hesitation. After a beat, she felt them relax and return the kiss. Their lips separated and then came back together. There was an awkward dance of head tilts, noses that collided and teeth clashing together. Each kiss became more intentional, more passionate and more intense. They found their rhythm of a series of kisses followed by a pause for two breaths and another series of kisses.
“Get it Seggy,” a loud voice called out. One of Tyler’s teammates stood at a distance, holding the hand of Reagan, a girl from Addison's choir. It seemed like international romance had blossomed for multiple couples.
Tyler broke the kiss and looked up. He smiled at his teammate before he looked at Addison. He searched her face for a sign of how to proceed. She grinned and rested her forehead against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as she whispered, “Tell me when they leave.”
He whispered, “They’re gone.” as the duo turned the corner. She looked up at him with a goofy grin that he returned. “Ummm, we should probably go find Big Rig and Juliana,” he pushed her hair away from her face, “It’s time to meet up with them and I am starving.”
“Big Rig?” she questioned.
“Jamie,” he smiled, “We call him Big Rig because well, he is big and built like a Mack truck.”
“So you don’t want to talk about what just happened?” she asked.
“Do we need to talk about it?” he asked in return.
“Did you like it?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he replied breathlessly.
“Me too,” she blushed.
“Let’s walk there. Maybe we’ll beat them to the poutine shop and we can do it again,” he spoke as he took her hand to guide her. He laughed when she questioned what the hell poutine was. Given the unspoken enticement of potential kisses, Tyler and Addison made it to the meeting place early. They were taking a post-kiss breath when Jamie and Juliana walked up, holding hands. The two sets of friends exchanged knowing looks before joining the line. Tyler stood behind Addison as she looked at the menu. He leaned over her shoulder, “You don’t have poutine in Dallas? That might be a dealbreaker.”
She turned to look at him, “No poutine, but we have nachos and tacos al pastor which makes up for it.” She ordered her food and dug in her pocket for her money. She picked up each coin and bill and examined it closely in confusion. Tyler resisted the temptation to laugh and quickly ordered his poutine while she searched for the right denomination. He handed his debit card to the cashier to pay. Her head swiveled around, “You didn’t have to pay for my food. I have money.”
“Clearly, you do. You don’t know which is which, but you have money,” he mocked.
“It’s not my fault y’all have funny colored money,” she pouted
“You’re cute when you pout,” he laughed as he guided her to the waiting area. Addison smiled and blushed as he snuck a kiss on the cheek while they waited. Tyler took her reaction as a sign and went in for a full kiss.
The foursome found a table. Juliana began talking animatedly about the swings and the attractions they saw on their walk. Jamie rolled his eyes when she described him being scrunched up in the swing before they were lifted into the air. “So how was the roller coaster?” the brown eyed girl asked. Addison and Tyler shared a shy glance before answering, “Fine. It was fine.” Juliana looked at both of them before exclaiming, “Fine, keep your secrets.”
Addison threw a french fry at her friend. “The ride was closed for repair, then it opened. We rode it. It went fast. We walked here. Exciting times!” She also gave her a look that said that she would give a better explanation later. Tyler and Jamie looked at each other and shrugged. "Are we doing more rides or what?" Addison asked as she picked at her poutine.
"There's always the theater show," Jamie suggested coolly.
Tyler looked confused, "Why would we do that? It's lame." Jamie stared at him in disbelief until he added, "Wait, there is a new show this year. Gotta check it out. It will be good to get out of the heat."
On the short walk to the theater, Juliana grabbed Addison's arm and whispered in her ear, "So what happened?"
Addison looked back at Tyler who was not so subtly staring at her ass. "So we kissed- a lot, which was good. Reagan saw us though," she said quietly.
"Oh shit," Juliana muttered. Reagan was a known gossip who played fast and loose with facts.
"How bad can it be?" She smiled, "It was just kisses. There wasn't even a tongue involved."
"Oh, I got tongue- lots and lots of tongue," the Brazilian beauty giggled. The two spoke in hushed whispers as they continued to walk.
Tyler walked behind them and strained to hear what was being said. He was certain that he was at least partially the subject of conversation and wanted to hear Addison’s opinion of their stunted make-out sessions. Jamie tapped him lightly on the arm and raised his eyebrows, "So…." Tyler nodded yes and smiled. "Me too," the blonde replied with the goofiest of grins, "Me too."
Tyler sped up and grabbed Addison's hand casually, "Hey, my ears were burning. Were you discussing my future NHL career or were you discussing my other skills?"
Addison gave him the side eye, "Tap the brakes there, dude. You don’t go from 'I don't know how to kiss a girl' to bragging about your skills in less than an hour, mmkay?" Tyler looked dejected. She continued, "I will admit that you do seem to have a certain natural skill set in that area. Since that was literally my first real kiss, I would offer that maybe we are both bad at it but don't know any better."
"Wait, that was your first kiss?" Tyler whispered, "but you kissed me like you had kissed a ton of guys. You kissed well for a first timer."
"Well, I wanted to kiss you and you weren't taking your shot so I took matters in my own hands,” Addison shrugged her shoulders. “You were pretty good yourself."
"Do you want to do it again," he nudged her as they walked.
"Yes, which is why I am letting you take me to this lame show in a darkened theater," she teased. His jaw dropped slightly. "You're cute, but the two of you weren't subtle. If you want to kiss me, just ask."
They walked the rest of the way in silence, holding hands. As the group walked into the dimly lit theater, they split up and went to opposite sides of the back row. The row was essentially a carpeted bench attached to a carpeted wall. Addison grabbed the spot nearest the right wall.
Tyler sat next to her and tapped his leg nervously while they waited for the show to begin. She placed her hand on his thigh. He stared at her hand resting casually on his leg, oblivious to the effect it was having on him. "Do you always get this nervous around girls or is it just me?" she joked. He looked down and didn't respond. "I am normally nervous around boys, but not you," she started to ramble, "Maybe I am a little nervous. They have a place like this at Six Flags. It's called the Southern Palace. Now I know why my brother also sat in the back with his girlfriend. I never understood before, but it makes sense now."
Tyler pulled her to his body and kissed her. She was mid-word as his lips met hers. When his tongue slid into her mouth, there was a moment of mutual confusion before instinct kicked into gear. Addison wasn't sure if this was reality or a dream, but she decided to savor the moment. She knew that this was one of those life moments that would be forever etched in her memory.
Tyler's eyes remained partly open as they kissed. He glanced at her in amazement every time they came up for air. They were both twisted towards each other at an awkward angle. Addison moved so that her back leaned against the far wall and swung her legs over Tyler’s legs. Both fumbled with where to put their hands. One of Tyler’s hands landed on her right hip while the other cradled her head. He murmured in her ear, “Is it okay to touch you like this?” He felt her head nod yes. Addison’s hands traveled up his arms and back down again. Each pause for air was marked by a smile or giggle. Tyler had long given up trying to control the raging erection that pressed against his shorts. He gasped when her hands slid under his shirt which added to the ever growing bulge in his lap.
“You can touch them if you want,” she whispered.
“Them?” he asked, knowing what he hoped she meant, but waited for confirmation.
“My boobs- you can touch my boobs,” she whispered as her hands roamed his chest.
His hand tentatively touched her right breast then he chuckled in her ear, “I’m touching your boob. I’m actually touching a boob.” It was a flurry of gropes and touches with a steady stream of hard and soft kisses. His hips twisted slightly and his hard-on pressed into her left thigh. Addison looked at the source and her eyes widened. “Is that a…..,” she gasped. He froze in place, unsure of what to do. “Did I do that? What does it feel like? Does it hurt?” she rambled on until he shut her up with a kiss
“You have to stop talking about it,” he moaned, “You are making it worse.”
Her face scrunched up, “Do we need to stop? Did I do something wrong?”
“We should stop- sorry,” he sat up and sighed deeply. “Fuck,” he groaned softly. He moved away from Addison and leaned forward in an effort to conceal the evidence. She inched towards him and put her head on his shoulder.
“What do you normally do when this happens?” she asked softly.
“Depends,” he answered bashfully, looking around at the rest of the crowd that was absorbed in the show. “If I am in a crowd, I try to think about stinky hockey gear or skating drills. If I am alone, I …..take care of it”
“Oh, you jack off?” she answered, “Do you think that the stinky hockey gear thing will work?”
“Not with you sitting there- smelling like flowers and your lips looking like that,” he whispered.
“Okay then, I guess we go with plan B then,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Can I touch it?” she asked as her hand moved towards it.
“Addison!” he hissed. Her hand landed firmly on his crotch. “Holy shit…. Holy shit,” he panted, “You’re touching it.” She started rubbing her palm up and down. He watched in amazement and then looked back at her face. His hips rocked softly, “That’s good. Yeah like that” Her eyes were wide with wonder and a smile spread across her face.
“Can I see it?” she asked, “Really touch it?”
Tyler’s head swiveled around. Again nobody was paying attention to them. He was pretty sure that he was about to be woken up by the sound of his mom screaming his name to get his ass out of bed for hockey practice. There was no way this was actually happening. He nodded yes and unbuttoned his shorts and freed the erection from the confines of his boxers. The tip glistened with precum. Her eyes went to it and then looked at Tyler’s face. “Okay,” she said, “Tell me what to do.”
Her fingers went to the top and played with the slickness. Her fingers rubbed in a circular motion. He grabbed her hand and placed it on the shaft. “Rub it up and down,” he grunted softly. Her hand touched the tip. Her fingers toying it while she stared at it. “Addison,” he moaned, “rub it-please.” She snapped out of her daze and started rubbing. She wrapped her hand around the shaft and moved it up and down, using the precum as a lube. “Oh God, oh God” his hips bucked quickly, “A little faster, a little harder.” She followed his instructions. His head tilted back and his eyes closed, “Oh, oh, oh.” Addison watched as he came into her hand. She continued to pump slowly until he told her to stop. She looked at her hand and then rubbed it on the carpeted bench. He adjusted himself back into his shorts quickly. Neither of them spoke for a minute and Tyler stared ahead.
“So, is it usually over that quick?” she asked.
“No,” he blushed, “You're the first non-male hand to touch it. Usually it takes me longer.”
“But you liked it?” she asked.
“Oh yeah,” he grinned.
“Can I make a suggestion?” she poked his ribs.
“Sure,” his eyebrows raised.
“When you give the explanation to anyone about why things earlier ended so quickly, just say it was the first hand that wasn’t yours. When you said the first non-male hand to touch it, it sort implied that there have been all sorts of male hands touching it. I mean not my business, but it does invoke images of locker room circle jerks.”
Tyler laughed out loud- loud enough to gather the attention of Jamie and Juliana
“Okay, MY hand. The first person other than ME to touch it,” he smirked. “You’re a brat, you know that? A very pretty brat, but a brat.”
“Can we kiss again?” she deflected.
“I think that we should skip that,” he grinned, “It might pop up again.”
“Can I put my head on your shoulder until the show is over?” she questioned.
“Yeah, I would like that,” he answered and he grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. They sat in silence for the reminder of the show.
When the show ended, Tyler stood up slowly and held out his hand to Addison. They walked out into the night air. Tyler’s phone rang as they walked out of the theater. He answered, “Hi Mom. I thought you said you were coming at nine. It’s only seven thirty now. I know.” Addison pretended to study the show poster on the wall outside the theater. She listened intently as the conversation continued. “I will be at the gate in fifteen minutes. Wait, just a second.” Tyler called to Jamie, “Hey Big Rig, do you need a ride home?” Jamie shook his head not and tossed Juliana’s hair. “Okay, I will see you in fifteen minutes. Bye Mom,” he said finally. He lowered his voice, “Love you too.”
Addison looked at Tyler and then back at Juliana and Jamie. “So you have to leave now? Your mom is picking you up?” she asked. He nodded yes. “Oh,” she replied quietly. She silently cursed herself for not thinking about the outcome of the day. Of course, it would come to an end and she was a fool for not having thought about it. “We don’t meet for the bus back to the hotel until nine PM, but I could walk with you to the front gate. I mean if you wanted,” she looked up and saw him staring at her face. He held out his hand and she took it with a smile. She called out to Juliana, “I will call you after Tyler leaves so I can find you.”
“How much longer are you in Canada?” he asked as they walked through the park.
“We leave tomorrow afternoon,” she sighed.
“I have practice tomorrow morning,” he stated as if there were any real opportunity for them to meet again before Addison left. Today would be their first and last day together. Addison felt numb about the prospect of never seeing Tyler again.
Internally Tyler was having a similar, yet far less nuanced thought process. Part of him was still in disbelief at how the day unfolded. He would never fantasize about meeting a girl like Addison and her finding him interesting enough to kiss.
As they approached the gate, reality set in for both of them. Addison spied a photo booth set among carts selling souvenirs. “Should we take pictures?” she asked. We can use up the rest of my Canadian cash.” Tyler helped her figure out the right coins and hopped into the photo booth. Addison sat on his lap and they smiled into the camera.
“Okay, silly face for pose two,” she instructed
“Kisses,” Tyler requested for pose three.
“Smile again,” she suggested for pose four. Addison looked at the camera while Tyler stared at Addison’s face. When the pictures came out of the machine, they each took a set.
“So,” he said quietly, “Should I give you my phone number or something?”
Addison studied his face, “No, I don’t think so.”
His head snapped upward, “No? Why not?”
They stopped just short of the exit gate. She looked around at the people milling about. Addison took a deep breath, “Have you seen that movie, Serendipity? It’s a chick flick.” He shook his head no. “I figured. In the movie, a girl meets a guy and they have a fantastic day together. At the end of the day, he asks for her phone number and she says no. She writes it in a book and leaves it on a bench.She tells him that if it’s fate that they meet again, it will happen.”
Tyler listened for her to continue. “I would rather leave it like that than give you my number. You’ll probably text or call a few times, but life will get in the way- hockey practices for you and choir stuff for me. I would rather have a perfect day to remember. If we are meant to meet again, we will.”
“Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded her head yes.
“Tyler,” a young blonde called from just outside the gate, “Mom’s waiting for you.”
“Okay Candace, I’m coming,” he called to her. “So this is it then I guess,” he said as he held Addison’s hands.
“Hold on,” She ran to the exit, got her hand stamped and ran back to Tyler. “I will walk you all the way out,” she proclaimed.
Together they walked through the exit hand in hand. Jackie Seguin stood waiting by the car. Her eyes widened at the sight of Tyler walking towards holding a girl’s hand. “Mom, this is Addison. She’s from Dallas,” he said calmly. “Addison, this is my mom.” He turned and gave her a hug. He whispered, “So I guess this bye, huh?”
“Yeah, this is bye,” Addison agreed. As he walked to the car, she called, “Tyler- don’t forget to find me when you come play for Dallas. You’ll look good in green.” He flashed a smile, “Will do.”
Addison waved and walked to the bench outside of the park. Tyler started to get in the car before he turned around and looked at her sitting on the bench. He sprinted towards her and she stood up. He grabbed her face and kissed her. For a moment time stopped as they stood next to the bench, glued together. No one else existed. His mom and sisters were watching from the curb, their jaws dropped in shock. For a moment, there was no risk of their hearts breaking. And for Tyler, it was if he had been a ladies man all along.
“Okay,” he breathed finally, “I have to go or my mom is going to kill me. You’re right. Let’s just leave it as the perfect day and I will find you when I come to Dallas. Deal?”
“Deal,” she smiled.
Addy felt Tyler's weight pressed against her body as she pulled him tighter to it. Her body pulsated as his mouth grazed over her bare shoulders. Her mind, however, raced with thoughts. Her Tyler from Toronto had turned into Tyler-Fucking-Seguin, noted himbo and hockey whore. She had lied to him earlier. As a single woman in Dallas, you didn't have to follow hockey to know what a playboy Tyler had turned into so she knew exactly who he was when he introduced himself. She gathered her thoughts to assess the situation. She was currently making out with the NHL superstar and about to cross the line into dry humping.
"We need to stop or we'll have a repeat of last time," he moaned. "We could stop or we could relocate to some place more private," he added eagerly. “We aren't far from my house. We can order some food and hangout."
"Tyler, we’re thirty. Let's not pretend. We are not going to ‘hang out,’" she responded. "You get an Uber. I will pay the tab."
When they went back into the tavern, Gina and Tom were playing darts. Tyler focused on his phone, ordered the Uber and looked up to see they were staring at them with bemused grins on their faces. Addy didn't make eye contact as she walked to the bar. "Tess, I need to close out my tab" she said as Tyler reached for his wallet. "Put it away, Tyler. I still owe you for my poutine." She swatted his hand away.
Tess looked up and smiled, "That'll be eight bucks, Adorable Addy."
Tyler interjected, "Eight dollars for all of it? I am coming here all the time."
Tess turned and pressed her lips together, "It's eight dollars for her. You get the Addy discount because she vouched for you. Otherwise, you would be sliding over that C-note you carry for emergencies."
Tyler pretended to be offended, "Why do you hate me?"
"You rich white boys get on my last nerves," she laughed, "but if she vouches for you, you must be good people."
Addy slapped down twenty dollars and turned to Tyler. "Let me go say my goodbyes and I'll wait for you outside," she said softly.
He pulled her to his body, "We're thirty. We don't need to pretend to leave separately."
"Says you- you won't have any consequences if people know," she pushed away and walked to her friend, "I'm heading out. Y'all have a good night." When Gina stood up, Addy whispered, "I'll text in the morning." Gina's eyebrows raised at the deviation from their standard routine. Addy shrugged her shoulders, "Not going straight home. Might be late." Gina simply nodded her head.
Tyler simply nodded his head at Tom, "Tuesday at 1? Text me the course." He placed his hand on Addy's back and followed her out of the tavern. When they arrived at the Uber, he opened the door and motioned for her to slide in first. Her leg bounced nervously as they drove off. He placed his hand on her thigh and smiled at her, "Are you always this nervous around men or is it just me?"
"It's just you," she grinned, "What about you?"
"Too early to tell," he explained, "I thought I would be less nervous this time."
"You thought about me? About meeting me again?" she asked softly.
"All the time- especially when I got traded to Dallas," he replied, suddenly serious. Both of them got quiet, not sure what to say.
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When they arrived at Tyler's house, he tried to study her face. Two thoughts emerged in his brain. First, why was he so eager to bring her to his house? It wasn't his usual MO. He usually went to other women's homes which allowed for quick exits. However, that felt unnecessary with Addison. Second, why did he feel the need to impress her? Tyler had become extremely confident. Maybe too confident, he considered, but suddenly he felt unsure and shy.
Addy tried to keep her face neutral as they walked into his large home. It was everything you would expect from a professional athlete, yet somehow felt cozy and warm. He went to check on the dogs and let them out of their crates. Marshall, Cash and Gerry sniffed Addy with mild curiosity as Tyler introduced her to them. "Boys, this is Addison," he said brightly, “Dad knew her a long time ago.”
'It's actually Addy now," she said as patted Gerry's head, "I haven't been Addison in fifteen years."
Tyler turned his head, "Why?"
She stood back up and walked away from him. He watched her intently.
"Why are you no longer Addison?" he asked. He did the mental math in his head, "What happened fifteen years ago?"
"You" she whispered to herself and turned around, "It's been a long time, Tyler. It doesn't matter now."
"I think it does matter, Addison," he stepped towards her, "Tell me."
"Just drop it," she pleaded and looked down.
"No," he answered, "Does it have anything to do with why you don't follow the Stars? Or why the name Tyler completed the asshole trifecta? What happened? I thought we were good when we said bye." He crossed to her and lifted her chin to look into her eyes.
"Addison became Easy A," she yelled.
Tyler took a step back, “Easy A? What does that mean?”
Addy crossed her arms, “What? You didn’t hear? I mean our exploits were legendary at PCA. LE-GEND-ARY.”
“Addison, what are you talking about?” he asked with the confusion showing on his face.
“I’m talking about the fact that you didn’t keep your damn mouth shut about what we did in the back of the theater, more specifically what I did.” she put her hands and pushed him away from her.
“Addison, WHAT-IN-THE-FUCK are you talking about?” he bellowed.
“My name is Addy now, dammit.” she hissed as walked past him. “Thanks to your big mouth I was labeled a slut. Addison is the easy A and the easy lay. There was also 'If you want to have some fun, be sure to call Addison.' You on the other hand? I bet you were hailed as a stud with your conquest. I became a social pariah after my behavior was found to be unladylike and unbecoming. I lost my spot in choir and most of my friends."
"You think I told someone about it?" he protested. "I never told anyone what happened in the theater. Big Rig knew that we made out, but I never told anyone else."
"How did people in Dallas find out?" he added. "The guys teased me in the locker room, but it wasn't that big of a deal."
"It wasn’t a big deal FOR YOU. What did they say in the locker room,Tyler?" she challenged, "What did they say?"
"Seggy shot and he scored," he said quietly, "I didn't think it was a big deal. I mean you were in a different country."
"And you didn't correct them? You didn't think to question why they said that? I mean if you didn't say anything to anyone, how did they get that impression that we fucked? I mean, as long as you looked good it didn't matter, right?" she peppered him with questions.
"I didn't think it went beyond the locker room. If I had known it was spread around Dallas, I would have said something. I didn't know. I SWEAR I didn't know.," Tyler argued. "Addison, you have to believe me. I would have never done anything to fuck up that day." There was a sincerity and tenderness in his voice that she paused and looked at him. She walked around the living room as he watched. She stopped when a framed picture caught her attention. There in a simple black frame was the photo strip they took in the photo booth.
"You kept them? After all this time?" She turned to him with a questioning look. "Why?"
Tyler looked down and didn't answer at first. He took a slow lap around the living room and stood in front of her. "Because you were the first and probably only girl/woman who liked me for me. You believed in me and you trusted me. It was the only tangible thing I had that you were real," he declared.
"You really didn't tell anyone" she whispered.
"I didn't tell anyone- I swear," Tyler inched closer to her.
"Swear on your dick," she held her hand out against his chest.
"Swear on your dick." she smiled, "if you are lying, may you never get another erection again."
"I swear on my dick I told no one," he stepped forward.
She stepped to him and he asked "They called you a slut?" She nodded her head yes. "I'm sorry, Addison. I didn't know. Fuck, I didn't know." He grabbed and pulled her to his chest. "It was the perfect day for me. One of the top five days of my life. I feel awful it got fucked up for you."
He held her tight and swayed slowly as she rested her head against his chest. "It really was a great day, wasn't it?" she looked up and smiled. "I can't believe it's really you-Tyler from Toronto."
"Technically, Brampton- but close enough," he sassed.
She covered his mouth with a kiss. Tyler responded and started to walk her back towards the couch. He gently guided her until they were both on the couch. The weight of his body rested on her as they kissed.
"One day you'll actually let me make the first move" he murmured in her ear.
"No one is stopping you now," she remarked, "Aren't you some sort of hockey sex god? Surely, you have some moves you’ve developed."
"Oh, I have moves now," he said as he slid his hand under her shirt.
"Then show me," she purred.
"Sit up," he ordered.
She raised an eyebrow.
She sat up and he removed her shirt. His hands went to her bra and tugged it down. His mouth went to her nipple and teased it with his teeth before drawing a circle with this tongue. Their eyes met as his tongue flicked softly. His mouth moved down her stomach. Addison placed her hand on his head as it inched lower. "Tyler," she moaned. He smiled against her skin as his finger gripped her shorts and panties. He tugged at them and she lifted her hips to allow him to pull them down. He tossed them to the side. His lips went to her hips and began to trail down. His tongue glided along the curve of her thigh. She sat up on her elbows, "Wait, wait, wait." His head shot up. "Take your clothes off. I want to see you," she implored.
He sat up and peeled off his shirt. Addison gasped as she studied his chest. His arms and chest were covered with tattoos and she felt the urge to touch them. He stood up and removed his shorts and boxers. He smiled shyly as he moved back to her. "You're bigger than I remembered," she commented.
He looked down and grinned up at her. Addison rolled her eyes, "Not your damn cock- the rest of you. You're more muscular-larger. You look different than the picture I had in my mind all these years.”
“Is that good or bad?” he asked in a moment of doubt.
“Not either good or bad. I liked fifteen year old Tyler’s body and I like thirty year old Tyler’s body. They are just different, both hotter than hell in their own ways.” she answered
“You look the same, Addison. I can't believe I didn't know it was you right away. I guess I had given up hope of finding you.” Tyler said as he moved back to her. “You have the same gorgeous eyes and the same smile that makes my heart skip a beat. You look more amazing naked than I dreamed.” He began to kiss her neck and make his way down her torso, kissing her softly as she writhed. “You’re here and you’re naked,” he said with wonder, “I can’t believe it.” When his mouth made contact with her waiting sex, Addison’s back arched off the couch. “TYLER!!!” she panted as his tongue explored.
He looked up and smirked, “Told you that I have moves.”
She sat up on her elbows, “It’s a decent start, but let’s see how you finish.”
“Still a brat, I see,” he shook his head. He began fucking her with his mouth again. It was a flurry of licks, sucks, and soft bites. Addison felt the thrill from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Each movement elicited a moan or whimper. He had dreamed of this moment for almost half of his life. He wanted to bring her to peak and he was entirely focused. When she was able to speak, Addison would call his name. It was music to Tyler’s ears. She wove her fingers through his hair and tugged to pull him closer as her hips rocked against his face. “So close, so close,” she yelped as she felt herself submit to the pleasure. Her orgasm was loud, intense and long. She rode the wave of little aftershocks and Tyler licked her juices that flowed freely.
He slowly and gently kissed his way up her body. She trembled ever-so-slightly with each touch. There was a tenderness to his touch which was not present with the other women he had been with. She continued to run her fingers through his curls.
“Your hair is different, right? It wasn’t curly last time?” she spoke softly. Her heart raced still and a thousand thoughts raced through her mind.
“Yeah, it turned curly sometime in my early twenties- not sure why,” he grinned. When he made his way to her neck, “Are you good? You liked it?”
“Oh yeah, that move was ummmmm, impressive,” she sighed.
“I have another move if you want to see it,” he nibbled her ear.
“Does it involve my long time friend?” she joked as her hand went to his cock. She stroked it casually and Tyler groaned. “It feels the same. I am glad it didn’t change.”
Tyler sat up before leaning off the couch. He grabbed his wallet out of shorts. He opened it deftly and retrieved the condom. Addison bit her lip and closed her eyes. It was a reminder that this was no longer Shy Ty, but a man who was seasoned with hook-ups. She wasn’t sure how that reality made her feel and she tried to push the thought from her mind. He looked at her as he ripped the package. “Hey,” he said softly, “Do you want to stop? We don’t have to…….” She opened her eyes and stared at him. She sat up and straddled his thighs wordlessly. Her hand went to his cheek and she caressed it. He returned the gesture. “Seriously, we can stop. I understand.” She searched his eyes, lost in her thoughts. He smiled sweetly and she saw him staring back at her. Not the NHL superstar, but the sweet boy from Toronto who she fell in love with. It might have been short-lived, but she was sure that it was love. She was also sure that it was returned.
“Hi,” she whispered.
“Hi,” he whispered in return.
“I missed you. I missed you so much,” she said as she kissed him gently.
“Me too-more than you know,” he kissed in return.
“I’m ready now,” she leaned and pulled him with her.
“Really? No pressure,” he said as he rolled on the condom.
“Yes, I’m sure,” she responded.
They both gasped as he slid into her warmth. It was a new and exciting sensation, yet somehow felt entirely familiar. The pace was slow and methodical at first as they explored to find the best angle and pressure for their mutual pleasure. There was muted conversation about hand placement on top of her clit- “A little to the left- yeah, right there” Tyler’s mind exploded with a hundred different thoughts, but the most pressing was that he was determined not to cum until she had again. The speed and the intensity of thrusting increased. Their mouths devoured each other as they fucked. Her legs wrapped around him and she used her muscles to clench down around his rock hard cock. “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum,” they panted in unison. Addison exploded first with Tyler finishing just afterwards.
Tyler rested his body on top of hers in exhaustion. He was far more spent than his actions required. “Addison, that was…..” his voice trailed off. “Shit, can I still call you Addison?” he asked. She nodded yes as he showered her neck and face with kisses. “I don’t want to move. Stay here all night?” he moaned.
“You want me to stay all night with you?” she asked. She was pretty sure that was a deviation from his standard operating method.
“Let’s start with one night,” he said as he looked into her eyes.
“Okay, but I’m too old to sleep on the couch when I know that there has to be a bed somewhere in this house,” she teased. They sat up slowly and gathered their clothes from the floor. She followed him up the stairs and into the main bedroom. The bed was large and fitted with luxurious sheets. She put her things on the bench at the end of the bed. She glanced at her phone and smiled. Gina had sent a funny meme. Juliana had responded to her text. When she put her phone down, she looked up to him staring at her.
“Why are you smiling?” he asked.
“Just a text from Juliana,” she answered, “Remember her? I told her that I was with you tonight.”
“Of course, I remember her. Is she in Brazil or Dallas these days?” he inquired.
“Neither- she moved to Dallas after college, but just got a job in Seattle,” Addison answered.
“Huh, I’ll have to let Big Rig know,” he smiled.
“Where is he these days?” she quizzed.
“You really haven’t been paying attention. He was drafted by Dallas, but now he is in Seattle now.”
“You’re kidding me,” she laughed.
“Nope and he’s single,” Tyler smiled, “Not that I would try to set him up with any one.”
“Of course,” she giggled, “It would break bro code or something. Do you have a shirt I can throw on to sleep?” she asked. He threw the shirt in his hand to her. She caught it in her hands and brought it to her nose to smell. “I’m pretty sure that you’re never getting this shirt back,” she smiled as she inhaled.
“Oh really? Why is that?” he laughed.
She blushed as she put it over her head, “No reason.”
“No- tell me,” he pleaded as they climbed onto the bed.
“I want a memento from tonight,” she sighed.
He rolled over into his side and looked at her, “Why would you need a memento? What do you think is going to happen tomorrow morning?
She rolled to face him and shrugged.
He inched forward and kissed her, “If you think I am going to let you get away from me again, you are sadly mistaken, Addison from Dallas.
She smiled, “Is that so Tyler from Toronto?”
“Yes,” he pulled her close to rest on his chest, “I have big plans for us tomorrow.”
“You do?” she questioned as fingers traced his tattoos.
“A full day at Six Flags to relive our first day together,” he laughed, “Complete with a show at the Southern Palace.”
“Don’t think I am a girl who gives handjobs in darkened theaters these days,” she retorted.
“Yeah, I am classy. I only give blowjobs now.” she laughed.
“Is that a deal?” he asked.
“Deal!” she said as she kissed his chest.
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Friendships Could Never Equal Relationships
sad that this may be the last thing I get to write for a while because I have to be at school full time and put all my focus into that but i finally got to write a piece with Matthew
pairing: matthew tkachuk x gn reader
# of words: 1,322
warnings: mentions of drinking (everyone is of age), mention of sleeping together (nothing explicit + of age)
requested: yes
matthew tkachuk masterlist
Matthew was the type of guy that anyone could’ve asked for. He did everything in his power to make sure that you were always happy and that there was never a dull moment in your life. The two of you had known each other for a bit when you were younger but then you both started to part ways as Matthew wanted to focus on his hockey career and you wanted to focus on school and finish getting your degree. 
Even though the two of you weren’t as close as you were when you were children, it didn’t mean that your friendship was over. You both kept in touch and if either one of you were nearby, you’d always try to make plans on days off. You also kept in touch with each other's families seeing how close the two of you were growing up and had pretty much joined each other's families.
It wasn’t until the summer after the most recent Calgary Flames playoff run where they had lost in the conference finals and had been eliminated. You knew it would take him a few days before he went back to being his old self again seeing how well he did in the regular season up until the post season and in playoffs. 
Summer in St. Louis with you was something that Matthew was looking forward to as he wanted to forget about everything that happened. He still remembers how the team couldn’t tie the game up before the third period had expired after a silly penalty cost them and the other team ended up tying it on their power play. You had left Calgary a week before him so he and the rest of the team could do their last interviews of the playoffs and finish getting ready for the off season. 
“Hey, how are you doing?” you asked him as he walked up to you to give you a hug. He didn’t say anything besides hide his face in his neck before pulling away and taking a deep sigh
“Part of me is relieved that my body can rest” he started
“But…” you asked knowing he had more to say
“If I hadn’t have taken that stupid penalty and try to fight then we’d be in the finals, one step closer to the cup.” he mumbled, trying his hardest not to cry thinking it was his fault
“Hey, it wasn’t your fault. They were trying to get under your skin and you did what you had to do to defend yourself. You played your ass off every game and you helped your team reach the semifinals. This isn’t just on you.” you had to tell him the two of you walked over to the luggage claim and grabbed his stuff before heading back out to your car.
The trip to his house was quiet. You knew that he didn’t want to talk about anything for a while until he settled down. As much as he loved them, he told his family he didn’t want to talk about the game until later in the offseason or when he’s getting ready for training again. The one thing he did want to talk about with his mom was you. He’s loved you for as long as he can remember and he finally thought that this summer was going to finally be the summer where he confesses his love seeing that you aren’t dating anyone after your last breakup nearly a year and a half ago. He knew you wanted to take a break from dating and during the season and he respected that. you would always talk to him about the dates you had gone on but could never stick with anyone or they didn’t seem like the person that they first were. The two of you were open about who you were dating and would often help each other when it came to asking the person out. He remembers the one time where he liked someone so much that you had suggested making them a cake to ask them out to the dance but you had to make it because you didn’t trust his baking skills and knew chantal didn’t want to see her oldest child ruin the kitchen. He didn’t realize he was daydreaming until you put the car into park and had to shake his shoulder.
Matthew, Brady, and you had decided to go out later that night after spending some time with their family to see some friends that they haven’t seen in a while during the season.
“So matty boy, anyone new in your life?” jason had asked matthew seeing he’s been quiet all night and wanted his friend to speak up
“No, no one seems to find me interesting enough to keep up with me” matthew answered and taking a sip out of his beer
“But what about-” jason had tried to ask, confused before he got cut off by matthew himself
“Like I said. There’s currently no one” 
You didn’t know what he was talking about and was a little confused as to why he didn’t want to talk about what Jason wanted to talk about. You looked over to Brady for some help but he just shrugged not knowing about the situation. The night was packed and loud, especially when the news got out that Matthew and Brady Tkachuk were back in town. After a while people realized that they wanted to be alone and hang out with their old friends and later left. 
Matthew had drank several beers by the time that you were starting your third drink. The two of you started to feel the effects of alcohol before Matthew and Brady had heard the opening to Mr. Brightside and you knew what was about to happen as soon the look of shock and excitement got written all over their faces. Brady went to the dancefloor with his girlfriend as Matthew looked over to you and held his hand out signaling that he wants to dance with you. Taking his hand, he smiled and led  you out to where everyone else was and started to sing, more screaming the lyrics before you joined in laughing at him and his love for the song.
It was near the end of the song before the two of you stopped dancing and stared at each other, deeply in the eyes. His green eyes, now dilated due the amount of alcohol he had consumed throughout the night, were staring right into your eyes, emotions filled and running through his body before his eyes glanced down to your lips. Slowly leaning in, his lips captured yours, you started to run your hands through his hair as he brought you in closer. Pulling away, foreheads still touching as the two of you tried to catch your breaths, suddenly capturing each other's lips again.
The next morning you woke up and you instantly recognized the room. It was Matthew's room in the apartment that Brady and Matthew shared during the off season. You looked around to find yours and Matthew's clothes on the floor. Everything started to run through your mind as to what happened and why it happened. Everyone had known you liked Matthew, and everyone knew Matthew liked you, but neither one of you made a move to further your relationship. Slowly moving his arms away from your waist, you had tried to slip out as quietly as you could but Matthew had felt your movement and woke up.
“Where are you going?” he asked, his voice groggy with a hint of curiosity
“Home. I’m sorry”
“Wha-What? Why?” 
“I’m sorry Matthew” you started as you gathered your clothes to put them back on
“This is a one time thing” you whispered stopping at the door but loud enough for Matthew to hear before opening his bedroom door and leaving the apartment, leaving Matthew there shocked and hurt
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Crosby Crew
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Author’s Note- Just a small little blurb that came to me today. It features soft, Daddy Crosby
Keep reading
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
La Familia- Never Ever Have I- Chapter Fourteen
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Story Summary: Hooking up with Evie was supposed to be quick and meaningless for Sidney Crosby. Then the one night stand became a regular thing. Quickly he realized just how special Evie would turn out to be and how his future would be forever altered by the beauty who brought the spice into his life
Chapter Summary- Sidney and Evie celebrate her birthday in Dallas and pay a visit to her family
Author's Notes- I am incredibly thankful for @penstxgal1968 for giving me the courage to explore Evie's background a little more. It was intention for Evie to be part-Hispanic from the story, but chickened out. Many thanks to her for wisdom and guidance.
@pattiemac1 @princessphilly @fallinallincurls @penstxgal1968
Warnings- usual SMUT warnings, parental death, alcohol use and fluff
Saturday, March 23rd
Evie woke up to the smell of coffee. She rubbed her eyes as Sidney opened the curtains to the room. She groaned softly as she sat up in the bed and looked at the note. “What time is it?” she asked groggily. 
“A little before 10:30,” he answered, “You slept late.” 
“I’m sorry,” she answered, “You should have called.”
“I did,” he joked. “I called and texted. When you didn’t respond, I came up and saw you were still asleep so I left you alone.” 
“Did you already do morning skate?” she asked. 
“Yes, so I am all yours until four,” he climbed onto the bed next to her. 
“Is there anything you want to do? I feel like just chilling on the couch and maybe napping,” she said softly. 
He pulled her to his body and snuggled her tight, “Sounds like the perfect day.”
Evie handed her ticket to be scanned at the arena entrance. Mateo followed suit. They both looked around to find directions to the section. She was relieved to see a large amount of people wearing Penguins jerseys milling around.  Evie was certain her section should be on the first level, but after they circled the concourse twice, she gave up and asked an arena employee. 
“Oh, you’re on the suite level,” the employee explained, “You are going to take that escalator up and someone can direct you from there.” 
Evie and Mateo exchanged a look. “Oh, look at you with the bougie seats,” Mateo teased. When they reached the suite level, an employee escorted them to their suite and Evie’s mouth dropped. There was a full bar set-up and counter full of snacks. Happy Birthday balloon bouquets filled the room. She saw a note on the tall table next to a large bag. She opened the card. 
Evie- I hope that the suite will provide a better game experience than Philly. If you need anything, just tell the concierge and they’ll get it for you. Get anything you want. The bag is for Mateo. I guessed at his size but Dana had a limited amount of items to choose from. I will see you after the game in the room. By the way, I plan on lighting the Stars up for you tonight. I love you so much. Forever yours- Beso
Mateo opened the bag to find a Penguins jersey, hat and hoodie. Together they made a couple of strong drinks and they took their seats.  The suite was near center ice and directly across from the Penguins bench. Evie looked around and smiled. It was unbelievable how much joy Sidney took from spoiling her. Nothing was too much for him to give to her. The horn sounded for warm-up to begin and she held her breath as she watched the Penguins take the ice. Her heart fluttered when she saw him stride onto the ice. His face was focused as he began his warm-up rituals. 
Mateo nudged her with his elbow, “So Evie- that’s your man, huh?” She nodded, unable and unwilling to tear her eyes from him as he performed his precise routine. “Does he have any friends? You know, that play for my team?” he laughed. Evie’s head swiveled around and her eyes widened. Evie had suspected Mateo wasn’t straight, but didn’t want to ask. He didn’t tell her until this moment. 
Mateo’s face got serious and Evie began to panic. “No wait, Teo, do you think I am thinking anything negative? I am surprised, but happy, that you told me. I love you and nothing you told me changes that.” 
Mateo nodded his head and wiped a tear, “I just got afraid for a second.” 
Evie squeezed him in a hug, “Thank you for telling me. I am honored that you trust me.” 
Mateo grinned, “So Beso? You seriously call him Beso? Girl, you are hooked.” 
Evie waved her arms around, “How could I not be hooked on this? This isn’t even the good stuff. You should see my suite across the street.” She sighed and then broke out in another grin, “He loves me, Teo, and he takes care of me. I matter to him. What I think and feel matter to him. I love him so much, not because he spends a lot of money on me. It's because he’s sweet and kind and treats me like a princess."
Mateo smiled, "I am impressed. For a superstar, he is unassuming and down to earth. I would have expected more of an ego."
Evie smiled. "He gets that from his family. His parents are amazing. They are so nice to me."
Mateo, "You've met his parents?"
Evie blushed and pulled out her phone. She showed him the pics from Christmas and Philly. "Matching pajamas? I LOVE them. I love this whole journey for you." 
Evie rolled her eyes, “So tell me about your journey? Are you dating? Hooking up? Tell me everything.” 
They spent the majority of the intermissions chatting about Mateo’s love life and the difficulties of finding a good man in Dallas. However, Evie was entirely focused on Sidney during play and it amused Mateo. “Evita, look at you. You’re in love,” he sighed. 
“I know, we’ve had this conversation.” she retorted. 
“No, I am being serious. You’re in love with a good guy. I am really happy for you. You deserve to be happy like this,” he clarified. 
“Thank you, Teo,” she said genuinely, “Now back to less mushy topics.”
Mateo walked Evie back to her hotel suite after the game. “You have a date this late?” he asked as she went to the closet to pull out her dress. Mateo pulled out his phone and started texting as she got ready. 
“Yes, we had the team dinner last night so this is our only opportunity to go out as a couple in Dallas,” she explained as dressed in the bathroom. When she walked, he let out a soft whistle as he saw it. “Damn Evie, when did you get hot?” 
There was a knock on the door and Sidney opened it using his room key. Evie smiled and walked to him. He had redressed in his suit. She could see that he had taken great care with the suit so it wasn't in its usual post-game rumpled state. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her, not noticing Mateo. Sidney whispered in her ear, “You are beautiful- so beautiful.” Mateo cleared his throat and Sidney looked up. “Mateo! I am sorry. I wasn’t expecting you. Forgive me,” Sidney blushed. 
Mateo looked down at his phone and smiled. “No problem. Ummmm, listen Evie- I need to go,” he stammered. Evie and Sidney’s eyebrows both raised simultaneously. “Thank you for the game and the Penguins merch, Sidney. It was very thoughtful,” he said distractedly, “See you tomorrow morning. Gotta go!” He left the room before Evie could say anything. 
She looked at Sidney with a confused look on her face, “I don’t know what just happened. He was fine at the game. I don’t think I said anything to upset him. Do you think he got weirded out because of the kiss?” 
Sidney laughed, “I don’t think he’s upset at all.”
Evie squinted, “He just left like a bat of hell. I think he is upset about SOMETHING.” 
Sidney laughed again, “I know he is your cousin, but you have to take off those naive glasses, Evie.” She crossed her arms and stared at him. “He just got a text confirming a hook-up, booty call, date, whatever you want to call it,” Sidney teased. “I know the behavior of a man who received confirmation that he is getting some.” 
“And how do you know this?” she questioned. 
“Because that’s exactly how I was when I got your response that I could come over to see you,” he said playfully, “Remember back when we weren’t dating? Just fucking?” 
Evie’s eyes widened in surprise, “Wait, you just left in the middle of other things? You would drop everything to come to me?” He nodded his head yes. “Damn, I do have that good coochie,” she giggled. “Would you still drop everything to get it? My coochie?” she asked. 
“Stop talking like that or we will never get out of this room for dinner,” he warned. 
“Answer my question. I genuinely want to know. Did you drop things to spend time with me? Even then?” she asked quietly. 
“Yes, even then you were more important than just about everything. I just wanted to spend time with you. Whatever time I could get,” he took her hand into his and intertwined their fingers. “You became a priority pretty quickly,” he said as he looked into her eyes. 
She smiled and pulled him to her body, “I’m glad. I am glad it wasn’t just me who felt that way. I love you Sidney.” 
“Love you too,” he kissed her softly, “but I am starving and the restaurant will give away our table if we don’t get there soon.”
Sidney held open the door for Evie as they walked into the steakhouse. The hostess looked up nonchalantly. Evie paused for a moment in confusion. Normally in Pittsburgh, this would be the moment when the hostess and restaurant would quietly start buzzing that Sidney Crosby was there. There was no such a response here in Dallas. Evie smiled at Sidney who returned her smile. Unspoken message of “ahhh, anonymity” passed between them. They were about to follow the hostess to their table when a voice called out, “Evie?” Evie turned around and met the eyes of her ex-boyfriend Thad. “It is you!” he stepped toward with a fake grin on his face, “You remember Brittany? My wife?” 
Evie paused for a moment, letting the reality of what was happening sink in. She grinned, “I heard you got married eventually. I was surprised to hear that.” She turned to walk away, “It was good to see you.” She noticed the Stars jerseys that they were wearing and it was clear that they had just come from the game. Thad’s eyes got big when he noticed Sidney. 
“I’m sorry- are you here with Sidney Crosby?” Thad asked. “Is this some sort of date?” he continued to ask in disbelief. “Wow, you hit the big time, Evie,” Thad laughed, “I am sure that your mom is super excited that you landed yourself a big fish. That was her goal, right? For you to land a rich man.”
Evie winced, but kept the smile on her face. Sidney wrapped his arm around her waist and squeezed. He looked at Evie who stood paralyzed. “Hi, I’m Sidney,” he extended his hand to Thad, “Evie told me about you.” Thad’s eyes widened. “Buddy- can I call you Buddy? It's a Maritimer thing. Let’s be clear here. The only person here who landed a big fish is me. I have the great pleasure of loving this magnificent woman. I’m the lucky one,-not her,” Sidney said smoothly. “Now if you will excuse us, I am going to spend time with my girl. You have a nice dinner and bless your heart.” Sidney applied pressure to Evie’s back and guided her into the restaurant to their table. “Fucking idiot,” Sidney said with a smile on his face, “He’s a fucking idiot. Don’t you dare let him upset you. He lost out on you. You didn’t lose anything. Do you hear me?” 
Evie sat down and shook her head. “Thank you, Beso,” she smiled, “Thank you for defending me.” 
“Always,” Sidney looked at her, “It’s the truth. I am the lucky one.” They ordered their food and Evie quickly forgot about Thad. She allowed herself to get caught up in their bubble and enjoy the moment. They chatted about the game and Mateo’s revelation. When Evie left to use the restroom before dessert, Sidney called the waiter over to give him instructions. At Thad’s table, the waiter presented the paid check with a note from Sidney. It read, “You had Evie and you threw her away for that woman? Buddy- you’re an idiot. The least thing I can do is buy your dinner and say thank you for being the stupidest man alive. I know that you are regretting that choice tonight. You reap what you sow.” 
Evie returned to the table and took her seat again. The waiter appeared and presented a large gift bag to Evie. She looked at Sidney who smiled. She shook her head, “Sidney- I don’t need a present. You’re all I need.” 
“Yes, yes, yes- you’re all I need too but I need to give you this,” he chuckled, “Do I also need to remind you of the rule about gifts?” She bit her lip. Complaining about gifts came with a consequence. It was a not-entirely-unwanted consequence, but still a consequence. “Just open the gift, Evie,” he said. 
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She pulled out the large leather weekend bag out of the gift bag. She touched it with reverence. “You like it? It looked classic like you,” he explained, “There is something inside.” There was something entirely endearing about Sidney’s nervousness when giving Evie a gift. She opened the bag to find two pieces of paper. One was a gift certificate for a full day of pampering at the best spa Pittsburgh. The second piece of paper was a gift certificate for a personal shopping session at Nordstrom. She looked up at Sidney who explained, “It’s all for the trip to Europe. You can buy whatever you want. They have the budget so you can pick out the things that you like. I thought that you might like some new clothes for a new continent” His voice trailed off and he looked at her with uncertainty. She flashed a big grin and he let out a sigh of relief. 
“It’s perfect- absolutely perfect. Will you come shopping with me? Give your opinions?” she gushed. She leapt out of chair and crashed into his lap. She showered him with kisses, “You know that you don’t have to do this, right? I would be content with a birthday card and a simple cupcake. I am not complaining at all, but I need you to know that you are all that I want and need. Just you and nothing else- not all the material things. Just you…” She stared into his eyes and felt her breath catch, “You know that, right? Tell me.” 
“I know that, Evie.” he said as his lips ghosted over her lips. 
“And you believe it? You believe it down into your soul?” she asked. 
He nodded his head. 
“Say it Beso,” she pleaded. 
“I am all that you want and need. Just me-nothing else,” he whispered. 
They stared at each other until they heard the waiter quietly clearing his throat. “Would you like me to box anything up for you?” he asked. They shook their heads no and he presented the check. Evie kissed Sidney’s cheek and excused herself to go to the restroom. She examined her flushed cheeks in the mirror and smiled to herself. He was waiting for her when she emerged. He held out his hand to her while the other held her gift. “Ready to go, my Princess?” he asked, “The Uber will be here soon”. She nodded and walked by his side. She leaned into him as they walked into the lobby. 
“Sid,” they heard someone call as they walked outside. Tyler Seguin was next to the valet stand with his date. Sid walked over to him and shook his hand. “Good game tonight,” the younger man praised, “We’ll get you next time.” Tyler looked over at Evie and gave her a discreet body scan. Evie’s eyes were on Sidney but finally glanced in Tyler’s direction. 
“Seggy, this is my girlfriend, Evie,” Sidney said as he introduced them to each other, “Evie, this is Tyler. We played together on Team Canada.” 
She gave him a smile, “Oh nice to meet you. Sorry for your loss tonight.” 
Tyler’s eyebrows raised, “Thanks. I never thought I would see the day that Sid introduced me to his girlfriend.” 
Evie simply shrugged and wrapped her arms around Sidney, “Beso, I am ready to go now.” She looked up at him through her lashes. Sidney knew that look meant that he needed to hurry or they would end up needing to pay off the Uber driver with hush money. She walked toward the Uber as Tyler not-so-subtly stared at Evie’s ass. 
Sidney gave him a light shove, “Back off Seggy…. Back off.” 
“What?” he laughed as he turned to his exasperated date. Tyler shrugged his shoulders, knowing that he might physically be fucking the blonde beside him, but mentally he would be railing the gorgeous brunette with Crosby. 
Sidney and Evie barely made it into the suite before he started ripping her panties off her body.  She kicked her heels across the room as she fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. “Leave it,” he hissed as he picked her up and carried her onto the terrace. He unzipped his pants as he walked her to the railing. He hiked her dress up in the back and she spread her feet apart. “Good girl, Evie,” he moaned, “Good girl getting ready for me to fuck you. When you give me that look….” His voice trailed off as he guided himself into her. She looked back and licked her lips, “That look- that’s the look that drives me wild. You’ve looked at me like that since the moment we met. Like I am the sexiest man you have ever laid eyes on. Do you know how much that turns me on?”
She bit her lip, “But you ARE the sexiest man I have ever seen.” His hand reached around and slipped into her dress. His fingers lightly pinched her nipples as he slammed into her. Her moans got louder. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me Sidney, “ she moaned, “Fuck me out here for all of Dallas to see. I belong to you and you can fuck me anytime and anyplace you want.” She knew all the naughty words he longed to hear. He focused on his control. He prolonged his orgasm until she came three times. With each orgasm, he continued without pausing until the second one just flowed into the third. When her knees buckled, he released control and bent over her back. They stayed there, standing on the terrace. They were still connected as he softly kissed her neck. “Mmmm, Happy Birthday to me,” she teased. He laughed, but didn’t move. 
“Welcome to twenty seven, Baby Girl,” he nibbled her ear. He adjusted himself and zipped his pants before he stepped back. He lowered her dress and held her hand as they walked to the bathroom. She slipped off her dress and sat on the counter. He unhooked her bra as she watched silently. Once the shower warmed up she stepped in and washed her body as he watched. He felt his cock twitch and shook his head. There would be no time for additional rounds. She finished quickly and he tucked her into bed after she toweled off. She rested her head on his chest and hummed. “Go to sleep Evie,” he whispered, “You need your rest.” 
He dressed quickly before leaving another note on her pillow. It simply read - "You are all that I want and need- just you and nothing else Love Beso." He walked down the hall to his room with his head down. He ran into Sully who was heading in the opposite direction. Sully lifted his wrist to check the time. “Cutting it close, Sid,” he smiled. 
Sidney smirked, “What? I have another two minutes.”
Sully kept walking, “Good night, Sid!”
Evie rolled over and landed face first on Sidney's chest. She lifted her head and saw the night sky through the curtains. "Sidney! Sidney! You fell asleep. Wake up!" she said in a panic. He pulled her back tight against his chest. She pushed up again, "Sidney! You are going to get in trouble for not being in your room. You are going to get your hand slapped again." 
"Shhh, go back to sleep. I made an appearance at my room at curfew. I was seen by Sully, waited thirty minutes and came back," Sidney explained. 
She snuggled into his chest and he kissed the top of her head, "What time is it?"
"Evie," he whined, "Go back to sleep."
She stayed still and tried to fall asleep. After thirty minutes, she slipped out from under Sidney's arm and got out of bed. She wrapped her robe around her body and went out on the terrace with her phone. Evie sat on the outdoor furniture and tucked her feet underneath her. She took a deep breath and looked at the stars. She stayed and sat for a long time before she looked at her phone. It was a little before 7 AM. 
"Hey," Sidney called from the door. She turned to him and smiled. He walked with the sheet wrapped around him. She leaned forward so he could position himself behind her on the couch. "Can't sleep?" he asked softly. She shook her head no. "Are you worried about seeing your Abuela?" he asked. She nodded yes, "What can I do to help?”, he questioned. He playfully grabbed her boob and teased, "Need some stress relief?"  
"Not right now, Beso," she answered quietly, "I just want it over with."
"You don't have to go," he countered.
She looked him in the eye, "I've already lost two people without being able to say goodbye. I don't want to lose a third without at least making an effort. If she rejects me, then I know I did my part."
He blinked and pushed her hair out of her eyes, "Okay then."
Evie stared into his eyes and then smiled, "You know what will help?" His eyebrows raised up in question.  "Carbs- more specifically biscuits and gravy. I know the best place for them," she suggested. 
"Promise not to tell Nate?" he laughed. 
"What? You're afraid of Nate's wrath? He is just a baby." she laughed. 
An hour later, Sidney and Evie sat together on one side of a booth at the Lucky's in Oak Cliff. Both nursed a cup of coffee while they waited for their food.  Evie rested her head on Sidney’s shoulder. The cafe was filling up with people. Sidney smiled and kissed the top of her head, "Evie, people are staring at my beautiful girlfriend." She lifted her head and looked around. 
"Beso, they aren't looking at me," she yawned. He looked confused. "We're in the gayborhood. They are looking at your handsome face and hot body, not mine." He flashed a smile before he noticed a familiar face coming through the door. He nudged Evie and pointed to the door. "Is that Mateo?" she whispered. She watched him enter the cafe holding hands with a tall blonde man. She watched as they interacted as they waited for a table. There was physical affection and smiles shared between them. Evie smiled and sighed, "Look Beso, he looks happy. Teo looks happy. We should go say hello."
Sidney shook his head no, "Let him have his space. It's too early to be meeting family, even if she is cute and adorable." Evie stuck out her lip but ultimately agreed. The server placed their food down in front of them. Sidney sniffed the aroma. "They smell amazing," he said as he used his fork to take a bite. He let out a soft moan. "Evie, do you know how to make these too?" He asked. When she nodded yes, "You are the perfect woman. Please make them for me," he pleaded. 
"You are so cute when you beg," she kissed him, "Of course I will cook and bake for you." 
They finished their large breakfast and quickly walked past Mateo at his table. He did a double take as they passed but said nothing. Since they had time to kill, Evie took him on a quick tour of Oak Cliff before pulling in front of a two- story home. Sidney stared at the house. "So this is where your Mom grew up?", he asked. 
"Yes, my abuelo, Eduardo, and abuela, Evangelina, lived here with their two kids, Vanessa and Pedro. Tio Pedro lives next door now," she answered.
Mateo pulled up behind them. They got out of their cars and met on the sidewalk. Evie grinned like a Cheshire cat. Mateo rolled his eyes, "I suppose I should thank you for not interrupting my breakfast." He turned to Sidney, "I know I have you to thank for that." 
Sidney shrugged his shoulders, "She is just excited for you. Are you surprised?" Evie watched quietly as they talked.
"Ready to go in?" Mateo asked.
Evie nodded her yes. She grabbed Sidney’s hand and he gave her hand a squeeze. They followed Mateo into the house. Abuela sat in a recliner, facing a television that played quietly. Mateo knelt in front of her and she placed her hand on his cheek. (In Spanish) "Mijo," she said quietly, "Where have you been?"
Mateo sighed gently(in Spanish), "Abuela, I was here yesterday. I brought someone to see you. Look who came." He pointed at Evie who smiled and waved.
Abuela's eyes filled with tears, (in Spanish) "Mija, how pretty you are. Oh how I have missed you. I missed you my love," she cried with joy. Evie smiled and grabbed Abuela's hands(in Spanish). "My baby, my baby girl is here."
Evie tilted her head(in Spanish), "I am here. I came to see you."
"My beautiful Nessa," she patted Evie's cheek. Evie's eyes met Mateo’s who shrugged his shoulders.
(In Spanish) "No, it's Evie. Remember me? I  am your granddaughter. I am home from Pittsburgh," she said softly.
Abuela cried large tears(in Spanish), "Evita, where is your mother? She has not come to see me in so long. Has your father been keeping her away from me again?" 
Evie's mind raced. She tried to comprehend what was happening. Why would Abuela think her father would keep her mother from her? Mateo explained, "She gets mixed up a lot."
Evie looked at Sidney and mouthed to him, "What do I do?" She looked at her grandmother and spoke softly. She said(in Spanish), "Daddy hasn't been keeping Mama from you. They're dead, remember? They died almost five years ago."
Abuela furrowed her eyebrows (in Spanish), "She is with her Papa now. I remember now. She left after her accident. So sad- she left too young " 
Evie met eyes with Mateo then stood up. She stepped up and rested her forehead on Sidney’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead. "You are doing great, my love, '' he whispered. She turned back to her grandmother. 
Abuela held out her hand, "Evita, who is with you?"
Evie smiled(in Spanish), "This is Sidney, my fiancé." Mateo and Sidney looked at each other. 
Abuela(in Spanish) "He is very handsome. Does he have a good job? Can he take care of you?" 
Evie responded(In Spanish)- "Yes, he is. He has a very good job. He spoils me like a princess." She translated the question to Sidney in English
Abeula turned to Sidney, "You love her?"
Sidney smiled and responded in Spanish, "I love her very much." 
Abuela smiled, "I like you more than the other white boy Evie brought home. He was no good."
Sidney winked, "Thank you. What do you want me to call you?"
"Abuela, you may call me Abuela," she said. 
The door opened and Pedro walked in the house. His eyes immediately went to Mateo and then switched to Evie. "Why is she here?" he asked coolly. 
"Why wouldn't I visit my Abuela? Evie answered. 
"Well. It's about time you brought your butt down. It's only been what, four years?" he taunted.
"Yes, and you have always been so welcoming to me," Evie responded. "Why does Abuela think my father kept my mother from her family? He did no such thing. So why does she think that?"
"Your mother made her choice," he hissed.
"Answer the question. Why does she think it was my father that kept my mother away? We both know it was Abuelo and you. I remember the way you treated my mother. I remember how you hated my father and I remember how you treated me. Why? What did she do except fall in love?" Evie pressed.
"Family comes first Evie," Pedro shouted.
"She did put her family first and you stole the restaurant from her. What? You just wanted her to do all the work while you reap all the rewards? When did you put your family first? Huh?", she challenged.
"Go back to Pittsburgh. You're just like your mother. Abandoning your family for a white boy."
"That's enough," Sidney stepped forward, "Don't speak to her that way."
"Who are you exactly?" Pedro leveled his gaze at Sidney.
"I am the man who loves her- the one that will protect her-always. You will not speak to her in that manner. Do you understand me?" Sidney stepped forward so he was between Pedro and Evie.
Evie put her hand on Sidney’s back and he turned to her. They shared a look and she stepped around the men. She went to her Abuela. Evie knelt in front of her and grabbed her hands. She spoke in Spanish "Abuela, my father didn't keep my mother from you. Abuelo and Tio did that. She loved you and she thought that you didn't love her. She thought you didn't love me."
Abuelo's hand went to Evie’s cheek responded in Spanish, "I do love you."
Evie nodded,(In Spanish) "I love you too. I am sorry that I let them keep me away."
(In Spanish)"I am sorry I didn't fight harder for you," the older woman spoke slowly. "I am tired, Evita. I am tired and ready to go."
Evie looked into her eyes, (In Spanish), "Abuela, rest if you need to. I will be okay. Sidney will take care of me. I have a family now that loves me. If you are tired, go rest."
Her grandmother hugged her tight. Evie could feel the finality of the moment. She whispered, "Evita, I always loved you. Go make your family with your Sidney." 
Evie whispered, "Goodbye Abuela. I love you."
She stood up and took Sidney’s hand, "Beso, It's time to go. It's time to go home." He nodded and guided her to the rental car. She handed the keys to him silently. He looked at her with tenderness. "Sorry about the fiance thing," she whispered, "I figured that we might as well be in her mind. I wanted her to know how serious we are. I hope that you are not mad.
"It's unofficial but not untrue," he answered, "You can describe it any way you want. Want to talk about the other thing?"
She turned to him, "We'll talk about it when we get home."
"You mean the hotel?" he asked.
"No," she answered quickly, "This isn't home for me anymore. It will never be home for me again."
"Where is home now?" he asked gently.
She grabbed his hand, "Any place you are- Pittsburgh, Cole Harbour. Wherever you are is my home."
Sidney and Evie collapsed on the bed after they had made love for the second time that night. He grabbed and pulled her body into his which curled around hers. Evie heard her phone vibrate and groaned. "Ignore it," he moaned as he kissed her neck. 
"You are not getting the hat trick tonight, Beso " she said as she reached for the phone. She sat up when she saw the name on the phone- Mateo. She picked up, "What happened?"
Mateo cried, "Abuela died. She died an hour ago, Evita."
Evie gasped, "Teo- Oh no. What do you need me to do?"
Mateo, "I just wanted you to know."
Evie, "Thank you. I am not coming back for the funeral. I hope you understand."
Mateo responded, "I know."
Evie whispered, "I love you Teo"
Mateo smiled, “Love you too. Give my love to Sidney."
She turned to Sidney and he held open his arms to her, "Abuela?" he asked. She nodded and scooted into his arms. "I am sorry, Evie," he held her gently as she cried. "I am glad that you got to say goodbye. I am also honored I got to meet her- not just her but all of them," he soothed.
"Even Javi? she questioned.
"Even Javi," he kissed the top of her head, "What do you need right now?"
"The same as last night- I just need you- you and only you," she squeezed him, "It will be the same answer tomorrow too."
"You have me- yesterday, today, tomorrow and every day after that," he returned her squeeze. He started humming "At Last" and she drifted off to sleep.
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Trouble with a capital T-Magical Mystery Ride-Chapter One
The story was inspired by the John Legend song “All of Me” -  https://imglyrics.com/75-john-legend-all-of-me-lyrics.html
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Summary: Theodora Baxter has ways been different than what other people expect. No single woman is expected to resist Tyler Seguin’s flirting ways and put him straight into friendzone, right? No single woman is expected to resist Jamie Oleksiak’s quiet charm and keep him at arm’s length in a friend’s with benefits arrangement, right? With a universe hidden behind her eyes, a heart full of gold and an intensity that rivals the fiery red of her hair, she’ll also discover how different love can also be…
Word count: I have only written the first chapter which is about 1K
Author’s note: I finally got the first chapter of my first story completed. I have plans for many, many chapters for the story of Teddy and Tyler. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give me feedback/reblog!!!!!! 
Warnings: Eventually there will be mentions/discussions of PTSD/anxiety/depression, sexual assault, infidelity and toxic relationships as the story progresses. I will provide trigger warnings for the individual chapters as necessary. There will also be eventual SMUT but it will take a while to get there. Also, Jamie Benn will be part of the story eventually. I didn’t feel like I could write a story about Tyler without including him, but will keep him to minimum. Also, Teddy’s family will be amalgamation of some actual people in the Dallas area. All characters are purely fictional, however.
Keep reading
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
dedicating every day to you | tj
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a/n: wow. emmie writes again? it's a miracle! anyways, here's a short blurb i wrote to ease myself back to writing. i've been listening to hamilton all day and after bugging @comphyjost and @audslovesavs i have produced this. and yes, it's based off of dear theodosia from hamilton <3
warnings: this is a baby fic. mentions of pregnancy and babies. fluff. lots of fluff.
The room was dark and quiet, and the only noises to be heard were soft humming of machines, and the steady beep of a heart monitor. A soft glow flooded the room, leading directly to where Tyson stood. He was hunched over, his hand reaching inside the small bassinet. 
In that bassinet, laid a tiny baby girl. His daughter. 
Violet Laura Jost came into the world only hours ago. And since she did, Tyson’s world has never been, and never will be the same. 
The etch of a small smile was present on her face as she slept soundly, small groans coming from her as she breathed. 
He thought back to before as he held her for the first time, eyes identical to his own looking back up at him and a smile worth fighting for, too. 
As he stood above her, (Y/N) asleep in the bed across the room, his eyes welled with tears. He reached out to touch her cheek, gently so that he didn't wake her up. As he did, he let out a watery laugh and began to whisper. 
“Hey, pretty girl.” He paused, as if he was afraid to wake either (Y/N) or the baby up. When neither stirred, he began again. 
“My dear Violet. What do I even say to you. I’ve waited for this moment for so long. Long before you came, and even long before I met your mom.” 
Tyson glanced up at (Y/N), who was fast asleep after what had probably been the longest day of her life. 
“You’ve got the best mama in the world, little one. And you’re gonna grow up to be just as strong and beautiful as she is.” 
Violet stirred in her sleep, letting out a soft hum as her tiny hands moved to stretch, the soft smile falling back to her face. Tyson couldn’t help but smile himself. 
“Gosh, when you smile I come undone, you know. You’re gonna be a happy baby, eh?” He questioned, even though he knew there would be no response. 
“There’s gonna be so much happiness in your life. You’ve got an amazing grandma and auntie who can’t wait to meet you, V. So many strong women in your life.” He paused for a moment, the fears he’d been aware of before Violet arrived coming for the first time that day. 
“I’m gonna be the best dad I can be to you, V. My daddy wasn’t around. But I swear I’ll be around for you, ok? I’m gonna do my best. Whatever it takes.” 
He felt a tear fall down his cheek. Tyson and (Y/N) were both aware of the misses that might come because of his career. But they were both sure that no matter what, nothing would ever vanquish the love Violet would receive. Tyson knew he was going to make mistakes. Every parent does. But that was not going to stop him from making the world safe and sound for his baby girl.
“I’m gonna give the world to you, Violet. I promise. And I know that everything you do is gonna be amazing. You’re gonna blow us all away, baby Jost.” 
taglist: @stars-canucks @sorryjustafangirl @plds2000 @fallinallincurls @joelr @rosesvioletshardy @ilyasorokinn @drei-mrssvechii @joelsfarabees @laurenairay add yourself here
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Have you got writers on board yet? Are you going to reblog any of their work? I’m interested to see who’s involved! 😊
hi friend! yes we do!
we’ve started to reblog member fics they’ve tagged under the network tag :)
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
There’s a Chance That I’ve Fallen Quite Hard - T. Jost
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Summary: Chloe doesn’t believe in fate…but she keeps running into a cute stranger.
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: meet cute, fluff, some bad language
A/N: there has been an abundance of josty on my dash lately and I have been incredibly inspired. And I actually have a few more ideas in mine for Chloe and Tyson, so let me know if you guys are interested?
I’m writing this on my phone so I will fix formatting issues later.
Title from Falling in love at a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg.
Chloe Duncan didn’t really believe in fate. The idea that everything in her life was predestined to happen, completely out of her control? No thank you. She had to admit though, bumping into the same guy three days in a row in three separate locations was a little spooky.
At least he was cute, even if he was potentially a stalker.
The moment that he noticed her though, this time waiting for her drink to be made in the local coffee shop, his eyes went wide and his lips parted in surprise. Huh, the surprise looks genuine. Maybe not a stalker? By the time he had moved to stand next to her, clearly waiting for his own drink, she noticed that he had a light blush coating his cheeks. Curls and a blush? Oh he really was cute.
“Uh, hi,” he said a bit sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“So this is either a co-incidence or really creepy,” Chloe said lightly, a small smirk playing on her lips.
He inhaled sharply, making her grin as he quickly shook his head. Bless his heart.
“No, no, definitely a co-incidence,” he insisted, eyes wide and pleading.
Oh wow. It almost felt cruel to tease him, the human embodiment of a puppy that he was. Almost.
“Hmm, I don’t know man, grocery store on Monday, bakery yesterday, and coffee shop today?” she said dryly, raising a sharp eyebrow.
“Totally random, I swear,” he pleaded quietly.
Okay yeah, that was enough teasing. For now. There was just something so pretty about the way he squirmed.
“I guess I’ll have to take your word for it, stalker,” she grinned.
The fear in his eyes eased slightly at her grin, although the blush on his cheeks didn’t budge. Huh. He liked being teased. This guy was almost too good to be true.
“Not a stalker,” he shot back.
“What should I call you then?” she asked smoothly, grinning a little more as his blush flared up even further. Oh yes, another point to her.
“Tyson. I’m Tyson,” he said, not quite as smoothly.
“Well, Tyson Not-Stalker…nice to put a name to the face,” she mused.
Tyson. It suited him. Cute to match the curls. What confused her the most though was why he wasn’t scowling or pouting at all the teasing. Most guys gave up by this point, or avoided her after the first dry comments. But not him. Why?
“Are you going to tell me your name?” he asked.
Was that hope in his voice? What was it with this guy?
“Uh, sure. Chloe,” she shrugged.
“Nice to meet you too Chloe,” he said, smiling sweetly.
He seemed to relax after that, no longer holding the bunny-in-headlights hesitance that he’d been holding throughout their conversation so far. Usually, by now, she’d stalked away from an innocent guy like this, bored by the apprehension. But there was just something about him, something that piqued her interest. She couldn’t put her finger on it, what it was that didn’t have her running for the hills, but she wanted to find out.
Ah, maybe not then. The easy silence between them broke as they both stepped forward, grabbing their drinks, but Tyson cleared his throat to get her attention, so she raised her eyebrow as if to say yes?
“Do you maybe, uh, want to sit down with me? Drink our coffees together?” he asked hopefully, “I’m new in town so I’m trying to do things other than sit in my house.”
What the fuck?
At her hesitance, his face fell, and Chloe immediately felt like she’d trodden on a kitten. Fuck.
“Oh god that was stupid. Ignore me,” he groaned, rubbing the back of his neck uneasily.
“Sure, why not,” she blurted.
All she could hope was that he didn’t hear her breath hitch in her throat because what the fuck was that. When did she give in to a little awkwardness? Who was this guy?
Still, Chloe followed him over to a table, feeling off kilter for the first time since they’d started talking. She didn’t do this. She didn’t make nice with strangers, especially not sweet little lambs like Tyson. And she would put money on the fact that he didn’t usually spend time with girls like her.
She knew what she looked like, knew what people thought when they looked at her – hair bleached to the point of white, bold eyeliner, dark lipstick, leather jacket, nose ring. The resting bitch face didn’t help either. She looked harsh and cold and unapproachable, and most of the time that was just the way she liked it. Chloe had carefully cultivated a fuck you persona over the years – it had served her well – so for this guy to find it appealing? When he looked like what he really needed was a good hug? Strange. Very strange.
And yet she was still here.
“I don’t usually do this,” she muttered.
“Do what?” Tyson asked, confused.
“Sit down with people I don’t know,” she shrugged.
Who actually did this in real life? This wasn’t a hallmark movie.
“Ah but we’re not strangers? We know each other’s names!” he said, smiling.
What the hell? What did he even mean by that? But Chloe couldn’t find it in herself to be creeped out…it was almost endearing how sweet he was. Like a golden retriever, or a basket of kittens. Adorable – even if that usually gave her the ick. But not him.
“You are the weirdest guy I’ve ever met.”
“And you are terrifying,” he replied.
He promptly groaned, burying his face in his hands, and she couldn’t help but laugh. Bless his heart.
“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” she grinned.
There was something about his unabashed cuteness that was so incredibly appealing, she could admit that to herself.
“You’re like, badass hot and mean. Why do I like that?” he mumbled.
“I have no idea. But maybe you should take my number, see if you can figure it out,” she mused.
He made a soft whining noise, nodding as he passed his phone over, eyes still wide and blush still present. It was a good look. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?
“You should call me sometime, Tyson Not-Stalker,” Chloe said simply, “Convince me that you’re not a weirdo.”
“I can do that,” he nodded. Then he winced, making her laugh, but he smiled anyway. “I will do that. I’ll call you. Take you out to dinner. Show you I’m not a stalker.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” she nodded, ignoring the butterflies filling her stomach.
Chloe Duncan didn’t really believe in fate. Who starts falling in love at a coffee shop?
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
If I were to fill out the application and get selected, what would I have to do as a member of the net?
you’ll get a link to join the discord which is a creator space for conversation and such! after that it’s really up to you! it’s just a way to become more connected and find other common interests for fic writing as well as encourage more writing from and for each other!
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Is this still happening?
yes! we are finishing creating the discord ☺️
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
i think joining the network could be fun but i don’t think my writing is good enough. what should i do?
there’s no such thing as bad writing, but we understand your feelings.
this is a network for you to grow and learn from each other! come join us ❤️
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
This sounds like ur creating a fic collection blog but making it exclusive? You sound like ur trying to grow hockeyblr but it feels exclusive and unwelcoming because we don’t know what criteria you’ll be basing acceptance on and you might only accept ur friends. Why do people have to follow the admins except to boost ur follower count? People can still talk to you without following you. Not everyone will like all the content you reblog but they could still want to be part of net. I just want to understand and their might be more interest if other people understand too.
the goal of the community is to create a safe space for everyone with guidelines that are put in place to help make it a safe space.
there is no intention to exclude anyone. the application process is just to get a very basic overview of what you're interested in and make sure you understand the guidelines in place to ensure that people have a positive experience. we're very new to this which is why we were starting off slow with only fifteen people. there is no intention to exclude anyone.
the community will accept everyone as long as you agree to the rules that help create a safe space. which includes staying away from specific topics and players that are triggering. this does not mean you can't write for those players or topics if you choose to do so, this network might not interact with that kind of content. once again, the application that you will fill out to join is not to exclude anyone, it is just so that there is an understanding of what the community is seeking to create as a positive place.
following admin is in no way a method to boost follower count on our part. we would like everyone to follow each other and support one another. you don't have to follow admin, that's up to you. we would appreciate everyone who belongs to the network as one of the creators to follow each other to help create this community, but if you choose not to do so, that's fine. people can follow this blog without being a part of the network as well. all we are seeking is to create a place that encourages writing, creativity, and friendship among writers. we would appreciate you know who the admin is so that if you have a question, comment, or concern you can reach out in order for us to resolve any issues.
hockey writers net is a way for people to connect more than maybe users have had the opportunity to get to know everyone on the writing side of hockeyblr. it's a vast community and i know, personally, i am always trying to find new writers to follow and new fics to enjoy. hopefully, this network and space help to cultivate that.
not everyone has to participate in all the content that is reblogged and you can still be a part of the net. the goal here is to make an accessible space that creates a community for hockeyblr writers. you're responsible for your own media consumption which is why you'll choose what you choose to interact with. we hope that this space allows for the opportunities to do so and help more people to connect, but if that isn't something you are interested in, that's ok.
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
Question - all my writing is on a side blog? What do I do then haha - @ahockeywrites
side blogs are perfectly fine! admin @mattyanonwrites runs off of a sideblog as well :)
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
hockeywritersnet application
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how to apply:
read the rules before applying.
fill out the application here.
once you fill out the application, please reblog this post with the blog you wish to be accepted on!
since it’s a new network, we will only be accepting about 15 people to start. once it’s been up and running for a bit we will accept more members. 
once you’re accepted: 
we are a family now, no take backs.
if you want to be apart of the discord server please make sure your messaging is open so we can dm you the link!
start using the tag #hwn cloud in the fics you want to be reblogged to the network page 
please send the network page an ask or either admin on their respective blogs if you have any questions! 
as always, tpwk.
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hockeywritersnet · 2 years
hockeywritersnet rules
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before you apply:
you must have a masterlist with at least one fic posted. a list of who you write for is suggested but not needed
you must be 16 or older
please be an active blog!
admins are @mattyanonwrites and @jostystyles
things to consider once you are accepted:
please tag all fics and content under the tag #hwncloud 
plagiarism will not be tolerated. if anyone in the network suspects you are stealing work, or that their work is being stolen, you will be removed from the network.
the read more feature is our friend, not enemy. if you have a work longer than a blurb (300ish words) please use the feature. if you don’t know how, ask! we are all here to help each other :)
content involving any of the following topics are not allowed: self harm, explicit mentions of death (grief is okay), detailed sexual assault, rape, incest, pedophelia, assault of any kind. do not glorify/romanticize mental illness or suicide. 
please include trigger warnings on fics for anything you deem triggering for anything other than what is listed above.
be kind to one another! the goal of this network is to make friends, encourage each other, inspire each other, and stimulate fic engagement. the fics might be free, but the time that goes into them isn’t. tpwk mfers.
if you are not 18+, please make fellow members aware. you will not be allowed to engage with any 18+ content posted nor will we interact with yours, and you will not be allowed to discuss topics in the 18+ channels in the server so you choose to enter it. 
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