hornedarcher · 7 years
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “I don’t know if you can tell, but Hanamura seems to be a breeding ground for Hunters at the moment. But, thankfully most of them are amateurs, couldn’t see an actual demon if it hit them in the face.”, he spoke from experience, he had drunkenly gotten into a fight with one of those amateur hunters, and they had no idea that he was a demon afterwards.
“But, the hunters that actually know what they’re doing... they can be a menace, if you let them.”, his nose wrinkled slightly, thinking back to a few scuffles he had with those hunters, most of which left him with scars. “I take it you need somewhere to stay though? It’s obvious you’re not from here.”, he wasn’t going to say no company, he hadn’t had anyone else like him around for more than a decade now, and it was lonely, being in his castle all by himself.
He looked the other over, taking in every detail of him now that they weren’t out in public. Solid build, no obvious signs that he was a demon save for the fangs that showed whenever he talked. A very human demon, he thought to himself. Sure, he looked human right now as well, but he had a lot more in store when it came to his true appearance than he figured this guy had.
Under any other circumstance he would have been alarmed to see someone walk towards him with such conviction, but this time… It felt almost comforting to know there was someone else out there like him.
He nodded for the other demon to follow him, leading him further towards the Shimada Castle, only stopping once he was inside the courtyard, taking shelter under the wooden walkways connecting the different buildings within the Castle Walls.
“I did not think I would find another demon within Hanamura.”, he said as the other approached him, still holding the bag of food he bought. “Not to worry about prying eyes and ears, not even Hunters dare enter my home.”, he sounded almost casual about it, hood now down to reveal his full face.
High cheekbones adorned with red markings, same with just above his brows, nose piercings glinting faintly in the light of an advertisement shining into the courtyard, undercut hair pulled back into a bun. And from underneath his lower lip, there was the slightest hint of fangs, disguised just enough not to be an obvious give-away of his demonic nature.
It almost surprised Jesse that the other demon seemed to accept his presence so easily, but he surely wasn’t one to question his luck. So he followed the man as he was asked to, stepping behind him into the place he’d never seen nor walked into before. A castle, it seemed, old but still beautiful in a way, almost peaceful. Empty. No one here besides them, when the unknown demon stopped and pulled his hood back while talking.
“I also didn’ think I’d find you here.”, was McCree’s reply to the words as he shifted his weight on his legs, eyes taking in the sight of his surroundings before focussing on the unknown one, looking at his expression, the red markings, the little fangs no one would question, only those who knew that they belonged to a creature that wasn’t human. Like McCree’s own fangs.
“Also, I wasn’ exactly… plannin’ on comin’ here. But… things jus’ didn’ give me another chance. Gettin’ as far away as possible, jus’ to make sure damn hunters wouldn’ always hang on my ass.” Ah, yes. Back where he came from, many people already knew who he was. Not all of them, he could still walk around with his human disguise, but hunters were becoming more alert and experienced, collecting evidences so it was easier for them to find one. And Jesse wasn’t a very unpopular fella at all.
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hornedarcher · 7 years
Under any other circumstance he would have been alarmed to see someone walk towards him with such conviction, but this time... It felt almost comforting to know there was someone else out there like him.
He nodded for the other demon to follow him, leading him further towards the Shimada Castle, only stopping once he was inside the courtyard, taking shelter under the wooden walkways connecting the different buildings within the Castle Walls.
"I did not think I would find another demon within Hanamura.", he said as the other approached him, still holding the bag of food he bought. "Not to worry about prying eyes and ears, not even Hunters dare enter my home.", he sounded almost casual about it, hood now down to reveal his full face.
High cheekbones adorned with red markings, same with just above his brows, nose piercings glinting faintly in the light of an advertisement shining into the courtyard, undercut hair pulled back into a bun. And from underneath his lower lip, there was the slightest hint of fangs, disguised just enough not to be an obvious give-away of his demonic nature.
Hanzo sighed to himself as he walked through rainy Hanamura, hood pulled low over his head to shield his eyes from the rain. Being a demon these days wasn’t easy - Hunters at just about every corner, and people who find out will fear you. So, a human disguise was a must, but even Hanzo only had so much energy to spare.
The fact he was a Shimada did not help matters, digging his hand just a little further into his pocket to keep his hands warm, the plastic bag he carried rustling as he walked through the bustling crowds. Hanamura Castle was empty, noone dared go in there anymore save for the Shimada Heir himself. Heir to what exactly? Even he didn’t know anymore, those he called family were long dead, and those few that lived were scattered to the winds.
Something made him pause just as he was about to enter the castle grounds, something… familiar. The hairs at the back of his neck stood up, nerves tingling beneath his skin, eyes going over the crowd until he met the gaze of a man clearly not from Hanamura.
Another demon.
He knew not to draw attention, the markings on his face already made that hard enough, but he could hardly believe it. Another demon in Hanamura - most demons stuck to small villages, or just entirely disappeared into the forests. He gave a small nod of acknowledgement though, letting the other demon know he can see him.
The feeling did not disappear, even after some more long minutes, causing Jesse to frown as he kept his gaze lingering on a few people. Nothing out of the ordinary at this moment, all of them were humans…
But then, he made eye-contact with someone who was directly staring at him. Dark eyes were focussed on his own, a face partially hidden by a hood turned towards him, and this connection only caused the sensation to literally burst inside him - and tell him that what he’d felt was definitely another demon. Not one he was familiar with, not a demon like McCree was… a differend kind. Still similar, in a way.
So, yes, McCree was indeed looking at another demon at this very second.
Damn, he hadn’t expected to find another one so quickly. They all hid well these days, even though their kind always had the ability to feel if someone else was around. A tingle, usually, feeling different with what kind of demon the other was. Wasn’t easy to really find the cause of such an odd feeling. Today, though, it had been easy.
So Jesse returned the nod of acknowledgement, letting the man know that he himself knew about him as well, before deciding to chew down onto his cigar and make a few steps towards him - maybe they could get so some sort of agreement going. A place for the Gunslinger to hide, in return for… eh. Whatever. Something, he guessed.
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hornedarcher · 7 years
Hanzo sighed to himself as he walked through rainy Hanamura, hood pulled low over his head to shield his eyes from the rain. Being a demon these days wasn’t easy - Hunters at just about every corner, and people who find out will fear you. So, a human disguise was a must, but even Hanzo only had so much energy to spare.
The fact he was a Shimada did not help matters, digging his hand just a little further into his pocket to keep his hands warm, the plastic bag he carried rustling as he walked through the bustling crowds. Hanamura Castle was empty, noone dared go in there anymore save for the Shimada Heir himself. Heir to what exactly? Even he didn’t know anymore, those he called family were long dead, and those few that lived were scattered to the winds.
Something made him pause just as he was about to enter the castle grounds, something... familiar. The hairs at the back of his neck stood up, nerves tingling beneath his skin, eyes going over the crowd until he met the gaze of a man clearly not from Hanamura.
Another demon.
He knew not to draw attention, the markings on his face already made that hard enough, but he could hardly believe it. Another demon in Hanamura - most demons stuck to small villages, or just entirely disappeared into the forests. He gave a small nod of acknowledgement though, letting the other demon know he can see him.
McCree had been to Japan before, but it still didn’t feel like something he was used to. This place was so different from where he was from, the way people behaved and walked through their day. Still, he could feel that the world was also lying heavily on their shoulders, the things they had to cope with on a daily basis, just like back home. Even though this lady who’d plated him some fresh ramen was friendly and nice, she also couldn’t escape what live had become for most of them.
At least Jesse wasn’t hungry anymore.
Still, he needed to find shelter. A place where he could stay for a while, where those damn hunters wouldn’t find him. Good thing no one really knew him here, so the japanese hunters wouldn’t realize it that quickly that he was a demon, and not an ordinary human. Black eyes with glowing red irises were human-looking now, a tone of hazel, and his fangs just a tad bit too short to look odd to someone. Only the ones who knew could identify them as something more than just a little bit too sharp, but getting a look at his teeth wasn’t easy exactly. Who ran around with their mouth wide open all the time? No one, right. So nothing to worry about yet.
Dammit, even here in Japan it was raining like there was no tomorrow. Flourescent advertisements everywhere, people running around in a hurry, some to make some money with whatever they were doing. The place was loud and busy, but McCree could deal with that.
There was an odd feeling though, out of the blue it hit him, caused his nerve endings to tingle, hazel hues to focus as they started to scan his surroundings. He knew that feeling. The feeling of not being… the only one. Not beling alone.
Still, it felt different.
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hornedarcher · 7 years
send a symbol for my muse to react to yours… (or add +reverse for my muse to touch yours)
VIOLENT 🔪 – stabbing them 👊 – punching them ✋ – slapping them in the face 👞 – kicking them 🎀 – pulling their hair
FLUFFY/FRIENDLY 🍭 – stroking their hair 🖐 – high fiving them 🤝 – holding their hand 👄– kissing them on their [place of choice] 👐 – hugging them 💅 – painting their [finger/toe] nails  🤧 – comforting them when crying 🤒 – caring for them when sick/injured 💃 – dancing with them 👗 – adjusting their clothes 👒 – brushing their hair
NSFW 👋 – spanking them on the booty 💋 – giving them an open mouth kiss 👅 – giving them a love bite on [place of choice] ✌️ – fingering them/jerking them off 💦 – eating them out 💫 – pulling their hair 🔥 – grinding against them 💧 – bathing them
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hornedarcher · 7 years
He felt bad, stealing sleep from Jesse, to burden him with what kept him awake. He sighed softly, the hold he had around Jesse's chest tightening a little, burying his face in the crook of Jesse's neck.
"... Nightmares, for the most part.", he mumbled, inhaling a lungful of the vaguely spicy smell Jesse had hanging around him, let it calm him, and yet... it did not keep the guilt that was gnawing at his insides away.
Genji. You were supposed to protect him, Hanzo, how could you kill your own flesh and blood? The voice at the back of his head nagged him, refused to let him find peace, even as he found himself wrapped in the arms of the man he loved. Why do you think you deserve this?
“i can’t sleep.” - hornedarcher ( :3c )
&. SOFT ANGST STARTERS. || accepting
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“Why’s that?”McCree’s voice was low as he spoke, soft with the remains of sleep, hazel eyes heavy lidded as he meets his lover’s gaze, a small loving smile playing along his lips.
“You okay, darlin’?”
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hornedarcher · 7 years
"And you definitely seem to be enjoying the newest addition to the piercing collection.", there was a smirk on his face, despite his cheeks being flushed with colour, one canine catching his lower lip,
He definitely did not regret getting nipple piercings, since Jesse seemed to very much enjoy them, and the fact that they seemed to make his nipples more sensitive to Jesse's ministrations was a definite bonus.
❛ you do magic with your tongue. ❜ - hornedarcher (:3c)
— nsfw sentence starters. || accepting, on your own risk
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Hanzo’s words caused a grin to spread over Jesse’s face as he looked up from his position, tip of his tongue still flicking over the sensitive nipple he’d been licking over for the past few minutes.
“You seem to enjoy it quite a bit, darlin’.”
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hornedarcher · 7 years
50 Dialogue Prompts
“It’s really not that complicated.”
“Close the door.”
“It’s three in the morning.”
“I should have told you a long time ago.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“You have to leave right now.”
“Just trust me.”
“I’ve been waiting a long time.”
“You’re in love with her.”
“Come here.”
“We could get arrested for this.”
“What are you thinking about?”
“I thought you were dead.”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Was that supposed to hurt?”
“I can explain.”
“Love is overrated.”
“Watch me.”
“I’ve missed this.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Sometimes, being a complete nerd comes in handy.”
“I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“We have to be quiet.”
“You’re trembling.”
“I want an answer, goddammit!”
“It was you the whole time.”
“Tell me again.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You don’t see me.”
“I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
“You could have died.”
“Prove it.”
“I might never get another chance to say this.”
“Do you regret it?”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Lie to me then.”
“You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?”
“We need to talk about what happened last night.”
“I never stood a chance, did I?”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
“Are you drunk?”
“I still remember the way you taste.”
“How much of that did you hear?”
“What happens if I do this?”
“Why are you whispering?”
“You make me want things I can’t have.”
“I don’t want to screw this up.”
“People are staring.”
25K notes · View notes
hornedarcher · 7 years
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A commission made by @daddyschlongleg
I absolutely love this so sooo much. So beautiful! I can’t thank daddyschlongleg enough x’)
Will definitely commission again in the future
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hornedarcher · 7 years
Your muse has found mine in a underwater stasis tube. Send in ‘💧😑💧’ for a starter.
Twist; my muse could have been missing for 59 years?
Twist; experments have been done to my muse. Up to your muse to what the effect have occured to the muses in stasis (ie powers, some sort of vampire, wolf… a hybrid… etc…))
530 notes · View notes
hornedarcher · 7 years
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if that ain’t hope
21K notes · View notes
hornedarcher · 7 years
“I’m sure you’ll tell me all about your adventures after your shower. Just be careful not to bust open your head on the sink tripping over your feet like that, it would make it most ironic that you survived bullets flying at you.”, he said as Jesse nearly tripped on his way into the bathroom, humming softly as he made himself comfortable in their bed again.
He was a patient man, and when it came to the promise of his lover safely in his arms again, he could wait for centuries. He smiled when he heard Jesse exiting the shower, humming appreciately when he looked up from the holo-pad he was holding to see Jesse come out of the bathroom with little more than a towel around his waist.
He didn’t say anything, he just kept watching Jesse as he came over to the bed to join him underneath the covers, placing aside the pad he was reading from to greet Jesse in the bed, pressing another gentle kiss upon Jesse’s lips when he finally joined him, arms wrapping around his neck. “Didn’t bother with the hair-dryer I see.”, he mused, fingers carding through wet locks.
“What can I say, the temperature tends to fluctuate.”, he mused, watching Jesse open latches and buckles from his armor and place it down, to be put away properly later, remove boots and hat and chaps. “You look like death, Jesse.”, he said, shifting to sit at the edge of the bed - though only reluctantly leaving the warm spot he had made on the bed’s sheets.
“Let me guess, not enough sleep? Or did you manage to get shot at again?”, the second question was kind of a moot point, part of their job description was getting shot at, but he preferred not to see his loved one catch one of the bullets flying their way - he was certain he had voiced it often enough. 
“Come here.”, he beckoned Jesse closer, kneeling on the bed as he reached up to cup Jesse’s cheek with a warm hand, coaxing him down into a gentle kiss, fingers brushing through stray strands of hair. He chuckled softly when their lips finally seperated, pinching Jesse’s nose. “You reek, Anata. Take a shower, and you may just convince me to let you into the bed with me.”, he was just teasing, but he was genuine when he said that Jesse reeked. Not having access to a shower on a week-long mission tends to do that to people.
“Lookin’ like dead probably’s a lil’ better than bein’ dead I suppose.”, McCree joked, humming in joy as their lips met. He was well-aware that he wasn’t smelling like daisys and roses at the moment, especially not after what they’d gone through the last week or so. “Ain’t one to stay clean durin’ the fun, y’know. Showers weren’t workin’ at the place we stayed at.”
“I’m fine. Jus’ a few minor scratches an’ bruises here an’ there, but that’s our job, ain’t it? Dodged a few bullets, though, you really should have seen that. Damn, bet those were some great moves I did there.” Jesse chuckled, standing straight once again as he opened his shirt and pulled it off his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. That thing was more filthy than clean at this point.
“Wouldn’ even wanna lie down on the clean sheets like that, feelin’ mighty shitty. Need to scrub that layer of we-both-don’-wanna-know off my skin, with some soapy hot water. After that I’ll be good to go, honeydew, jus’ give me a minute. Or an hour.” Yeah, probably more like an hour. Jesse really craved the touch of water now and so he moved towards the bathroom, getting rid of his pants as he did so, more or less gracefully, nearly stumbling over his own feet.
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hornedarcher · 7 years
“What can I say, the temperature tends to fluctuate.”, he mused, watching Jesse open latches and buckles from his armor and place it down, to be put away properly later, remove boots and hat and chaps. “You look like death, Jesse.”, he said, shifting to sit at the edge of the bed - though only reluctantly leaving the warm spot he had made on the bed’s sheets.
“Let me guess, not enough sleep? Or did you manage to get shot at again?”, the second question was kind of a moot point, part of their job description was getting shot at, but he preferred not to see his loved one catch one of the bullets flying their way - he was certain he had voiced it often enough. 
“Come here.”, he beckoned Jesse closer, kneeling on the bed as he reached up to cup Jesse’s cheek with a warm hand, coaxing him down into a gentle kiss, fingers brushing through stray strands of hair. He chuckled softly when their lips finally seperated, pinching Jesse’s nose. “You reek, Anata. Take a shower, and you may just convince me to let you into the bed with me.”, he was just teasing, but he was genuine when he said that Jesse reeked. Not having access to a shower on a week-long mission tends to do that to people.
‘Is that my shirt?’, he had asked him, causing Hanzo to look up from where he was situated on their shared bed, raising an eyebrow in question at the obvious.
“Yes.”, he answered, as blunt and straight-forward as ever, shifting to curl up a little more into the warmth of the flannel shirt he had borrowed from Jesse’s wardrobe. “It is… warm.”, it was hardly a justification, but surrounded by Jesse’s smell he felt safe. Besides, he hadn’t expected Jesse to return from his mission yet, so he had figured he wouldn’t mind.
It was also important to mention that Hanzo was wearing little more than his underwear underneath the shirt, sleeves just a little too long, fabric just a little too loose around his muscular form. His undone hair falling around his shoulders, nose bridge piercings glinting in the dim light -  he knew he painted a very inviting image for Jesse, though he hadn’t initially planned it to be so.
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hornedarcher · 7 years
'Is that my shirt?’, he had asked him, causing Hanzo to look up from where he was situated on their shared bed, raising an eyebrow in question at the obvious.
“Yes.”, he answered, as blunt and straight-forward as ever, shifting to curl up a little more into the warmth of the flannel shirt he had borrowed from Jesse’s wardrobe. “It is... warm.”, it was hardly a justification, but surrounded by Jesse’s smell he felt safe. Besides, he hadn’t expected Jesse to return from his mission yet, so he had figured he wouldn’t mind.
It was also important to mention that Hanzo was wearing little more than his underwear underneath the shirt, sleeves just a little too long, fabric just a little too loose around his muscular form. His undone hair falling around his shoulders, nose bridge piercings glinting in the dim light -  he knew he painted a very inviting image for Jesse, though he hadn’t initially planned it to be so.
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hornedarcher · 7 years
He chuckled softly when he saw Jesse struggling not to stare, giving his robe another pat-down just to torture the other a little more. "Come, it would be most tragic if we missed being fashionably late.", he mused, gesturing for Jesse to follow him.
The afternoon breeze was cool, but couldn't penetrate the heavy cloth Hanzo was wrapped into, moving a hand to his hair to keep it from getting blown out of place. He was sure his servants would have a fit if his outfit and hair got messed up as soon as he stepped outside. After all, it had taken an hour just to get his hair right, and just as long to wrap him in all the layers and jewelery he wore at the moment.
The carriage was fancy, heavy wood painted red, Bamboo-Paper doors hanging over the exit and windows - though the window covers were currently lifted so that he had a view of the landscape they passed. He sighed softly, making himself comfortable on the thick pillow he used for a seat, looking at Jesse through the mask. "Tell me, why did you decide to come to the ball? You know very well these things are not mandatory.", Hanzo went to them all regardless, he liked being on good terms with every other noble around, even if the scheming did get a little ridiculous at points.
“I never thought I’d see you in something so fancy.” - hornedarcher (Royalty AU maybe?)
“Well… I can be fancy if I feel like it ” the man replied with a chuckle as he looked at himself in the mirror, still preferring his normal,less fancy, outfit. Jesse didn’t really like this lifestyle but he had to deal with it.@hornedarcher
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hornedarcher · 7 years
A soft moan escaped him at Jesse's hip movement and his finger running over his clit. He bit his bottom lip again, rolling his hip downward to meet Jesse's movement.
"I'm sure you're proud to know that you do these things to me.", he purred, smirking as he slowly began moving his hips up and down Jesse's cock, savouring the slide downwards to the almost overwhelming feeling if fullness. Both hands were now on Jesse's chest, balancing as he began to ride him, a quiet moan escaping him every time he bottomed out.
"Kuso, Jesse--", he gasped when he rolled his hips just perfect to have pleasure run up his spine, continuing to slowly roll his hips to cause that perfect spike of pleasure for him. He knew it would be slow torture for Jesse, but he intended on taking his sweet time with him.
He also knew perfectly of the picture he was making for his boyfriend - skin shining with moisture, chest and face flushed, clit swollen with arousal, and arms pressing together perfectly to exaggerate his cleavage - something he knew perfectly well that Jesse enjoyed.
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hornedarcher · 7 years
He chuckled, straightening out his kimono for what must have been the hundredth time that evening. "I know, but I also know that you do not like balls all that much.", he mused, voice teasing as he placed the mask for the ball over his face.
It was a simple mask - it covered his forehead, eyes, cheeks, and nose, leaving his mouth uncovered. Pearl white with blue adornments in the shape of dragons stitches into it, it truly wasn't as fancy as most masks at the ball were going to be but it made him stand out.
Truly, he hadn't expected to be as fond of Jesse as he was - the man was very casual despite his birth, aloof and yet he knew how to demand respect like anyone from his stature was expected to. He was... captivating, even if Hanzo's court and advisors would disagree. Over the time they had known each other he had grown very fond of Jesse, and was somewhere around him more often than not.
“I never thought I’d see you in something so fancy.” - hornedarcher (Royalty AU maybe?)
“Well… I can be fancy if I feel like it ” the man replied with a chuckle as he looked at himself in the mirror, still preferring his normal,less fancy, outfit. Jesse didn’t really like this lifestyle but he had to deal with it.@hornedarcher
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hornedarcher · 7 years
“Crass and a flirt? Who would have thought.”, he teased, chuckling softly, hands and chin resting on Jesse’s chest, looking up at Jesse, gaze lingering on Jesse’s lips. He really wanted to kiss him. “And here I thought this was just an innocent snowball fight.”, his voice was still teasing, gaze only breaking away from him when snowflakes began falling from the sky again. 
“Hm... We may have to go inside soon though, unless you’d rather be blanketed by a layer of snow, of course.”, he mused, but still not making a move to get off of Jesse. If Jesse was to move, then he would, but until then he was going to very contently stay situated right where he was and internally seethe with the urge to kiss the cowboy.
However, Hanzo never was one for not acting on his desires, so eventually he thought to himself “fuck it”, and reached up to cup the back of Jesse’s hand, ignoring the sting of cold the snow left on his fingers, pushing himself upwards just enough to press his lips to Jesse’s. He knew the kiss would be kind of out of the blue for Jesse, but they had kissed more than enough for him to figure that Jesse was used to them by now. After all, the kisses they shared only left them craving more, and they felt like home. It was a feeling Hanzo was reluctant to let go of.
He rolled his eyes at Jesse’s comments with a small chuckle, though they did nothing to decrease the blush still residing on his cheeks. He bit the inside of his cheek, unsure how to react to Jesse’s affections, though he leaned his face against Jesse’s hand cupping his cheek.
“You are being crass again, don’t tempt me to dump snow into your face again.”, his voice had no bite to it despite his words, and despite the freezing cold snow surrounding them he felt warm and content where he was. If time stopped right now, he’d be content spending the rest of eternity like this - though the only regret he would have is that he didn’t get to tell Jesse he loved him.
Sure, they had kissed before, even slept together at some points, but he always assumed that they were in an informal basis, that all they had was only for the physical pleasures. Not that he objected, not at all, but he had come to love the cowboy far more than he had allowed himself to love anybody else before, and he was possessive, if nothing else.
Hanzo was beautiful - everything about him. McCree could only repeat this over and over inside his head as he watched the other, who still was on top of him, and he hoped that this wouldn’t change within the next minutes. Well, as long as he kept his metal arm secure around Hanzo’s waist, the poor Archer had to accept his fate anyways.
“Somehow it feels like you’re secretly enjoyin’ it whenever I’m bein’ crass, darlin’.” Jesse chuckled, pausing for a minute before pulling up a cheeky eyebrow. “As you seem to enjoy it to be so close to me. Not that I’m gonna complain… but, don’ you wanna come a lil’ bit closer, still? Not havin’ enough of you yet, sugarpea.”
Being crass, as Hanzo liked to call it, was one of the Cowboy’s … skills, and he would damn well use it to get a message across. Even though they had been close before, intimate even, this still wasn’t as official as McCree wanted it to be, and right now, right here, seemed to be a good moment to finally get things right. At least he hoped this was the right moment. And he also hoped that Hanzo was actually feeling the same. Because if not, this could become awkward rather quickly.
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