hostagex ¡ 1 year
dog: BARK
me (with the same tone and volume): WHAT
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hostagex ¡ 1 year
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they're soulmates your honour.
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hostagex ¡ 1 year
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"I'm sorry for saying...that you couldn't keep up..."
"I know."
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hostagex ¡ 1 year
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility everyone 🫶🏼🏳️‍⚧️
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hostagex ¡ 1 year
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Tried my hand at a BakuDeku art 🥰
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
It’s been a long day…
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Without you my friend…
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And I’ll tell you all about it when I See You Again…
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When I See You Again.
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1K notes ¡ View notes
hostagex ¡ 2 years
Trans! People! Do! Not! Need! To! Prove! Their! Gender! To! Anyone! 
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
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On tiktok I was asked to do Dabi! So here he is 🛐
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
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My take on the trend 😈🛐
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
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Decided to draw everyone’s favorite baku-boy 🤭
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
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7K notes ¡ View notes
hostagex ¡ 2 years
Would be asleep right now, but there are Fictional Characters to imagine in emotional situations. You know how it is.
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
don't talk to me
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
sorry i haven't read your fic yet it's been in my open tabs for 8 months
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
Ultra Black
Chapter Three
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Ch. 1
Ch. 2
The alarm from his phone chimed, startling him awake. Groaning, Katsuki fumbled around in the dark to find his phone next to him. He quickly shut off the loud droning noise and laid back down, attempting to get back the level of comfort he was so rudely woken from. Or, as much comfort you can get from sleeping on a clearance blow up mattress.
Katsuki Bakugo, a man with little in the way of money to his name and with an even smaller temper. Growing up, Katsuki always had it easy. He got all the electronics he wanted, was always wearing the latest fashion, and was the most popular kid in school. That happens when your parents are leading fashion designers. Katsuki couldn’t take a toe out of the house without his mother, Mitsuki, hounding him about his attire. The constant hovering spurred him into hating both his parents with a burning passion, but his mother especially. So began the distance. The staying out late. And even bringing home guys through the window. I love you’s were no longer said anymore. Before the accident, Katsuki couldn’t even remember the last time he said I love you to either of his parents.
And then came the day where his life turned to shit.
He was in his third year of high school, English class. Katsuki was taking notes when the overhead PA informed him to head to the principal's office immediately. Of course, everyone made a ruckus and wondered what their class trouble-maker had got into now. Walking to the office, Katsuki felt in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong, but he put it aside thinking it was just the cafeteria food that day. Only to find out he was so wrong.
Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo were killed just outside their office, a robbery gone wrong the police said. The junkie was hoping to get lucky and get just a few extra dollars for that day's fix. But what he didn’t expect was an outspoken woman and a family man ready to risk anything. Mitsuki and Masaru were killed with collectively only fifty dollars in their pockets.
Upon hearing the news, Katsuki ran out of the office and just kept running. Running and running until his lungs gave out. He broke down, letting all the pent up emotions over the past flow out of him. The only solace for him was that he was alone and losing his mind in a quiet field. The field was filled with daisies and wildflowers, as well as the faint buzzing of bees around him. In that moment he picked a flower and brought it close to his face, losing himself in the color, the texture, and the scent. Focusing solely on the flower in front of him and not the horrific tragedy that would change his life from that day on.
Sighing, Katsuki rolled off his bed and began his daily process of deflating the mattress and putting away his bedding so none of his employees could see where he was staying. After putting all his life savings into this small flower shop, Katsuki had little to no money to his name. He was hoping that with the location as well as the deal he had going on right now would bring in customers and that the flowers being delivered would entice more people to buy.
Katsuki tucked away the mattress and bed spread in his office closet and padded over to the employee bathroom to brush his teeth and pee before he started his day. Finishing up, he found his usual shirt and blue jeans with corresponding black work apron and put it all on.
Halfway through counting the cash drawer, his manager unlocked the door and relocked it behind himself before coming up to say good morning. “Hey what’s up boss! Get a good night's rest? I have a feeling today is gonna be busy!” Eijiro said, a bright smile on his face. Katsuki looked up from his counting and gave the cherry-red redhead a smirk. “I’ll believe it when I see it shit for brains.” He said, a huff of laughter coming from his lips.
Eijiro laughed loudly and walked behind the counter, putting a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder. “Oh don’t be like that big guy. I’m just hopeful! Besides, didn’t Denki tell you? We had a big order come in a week ago and it needs to be delivered today! And lucky for us, I know just the man for the job!” Eijiro raises his eyebrows jokingly and gives Katsuki a warm smile. He shoves off the other man’s hand and gives him an angry look. “Yeah no shit! You went ahead and got your dumb hand broken so now I have to pick up the damn slack!” Katsuki yells at his subordinate.
“Hey! It’s not my fault! All I did was take a hard fall skateboarding!” Eijiro said, raising his hands, one in a cast, in defense. As if Katsuki could ever really be mad at him. One of his closest friends that he met a year or so after the tragedy of his parents.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know shitty hair. Anyways, where's the delivery for?” Katsuki asked gruffly. The other man picked up the clipboard and looked at the bottom of the list. “It says here it’s a delivery for that one bar we were talking about just the other day. The one hole in the wall place that all the locals rave about? They scheduled it to be delivered at ten tonight though…” That confused Katsuki. Why was a bouquet of flowers being delivered to a bar on the outskirts of town? And also why was it being delivered so late in the day?
“Whatever. They’ve already paid so we just have to deliver. But you owe me you hear?” Katsuki said, going back to working on the drawer. Just as he was about to finish up, the front door unlocked in walked idiot number two as Katsuki liked to call him.
“Hey Eijiro! Hey boss!” Denki says before taking his backpack off and setting it down on the opposite end of the counter. “Hey dumbass.” Katsuki greeted his employee before finally finishing counting the drawer.
Katsuki looked down at the order receipt and then back up the name of the bar, confirming he had the address right. He held the glass vase of flowers closer to his chest and proceeded to walk in, kicking the door open with his shoe and strolling in. He was greeted by the smell of old wood and booze. Katsuki never got too into drinking, what with needing to provide for himself at a young age. He was too scared to take anything that would inhibit his mind after what happened to his parents.
He reached the counter and looked at the bartender, setting the big bouquet down. “Delivery for…” Katsuki looked down at the order again. “...Deku?” What a shitty name, he thought to himself. The bartender looked at him with a confused look. “Who? There’s no one here by that name?” He said. This made Katsuki angry because obviously the order was correct and this was the right address.
“Look man, I have the receipt right here that says that name and this address. There has to be someone by that name here.” He says, his voice growing louder and more aggravated by the second.
Just as he finished his sentence, he heard a throat clear from behind him. Katsuki pivots around to find the same emerald haired man he met the previous week in front of him. Quickly putting two and two together, he grows from slightly upset to downright fuming.
“You? What are you a fucking stalker? You couldn’t take no for an answer so you force me to come see you by buying shit from my shop? That’s fucking low, you know?” Katsuki was yelling at this point, drawing the attention of some of the bar-goers. Izuku held up his hands in submission and approached Katsuki slowly.
“That’s not it. Please can you just… talk to me for a second? I promise all I want is five minutes of your time. If after that you want me to stay out of your life forever then I will.” He said, a hopeful tone in his voice. Hearing the man in front of him, he takes a seat at the bar and takes out his phone, starting a timer for five minutes. “Alright, now talk.” Katsuki says. Izuku takes a breath and takes a seat down next to the blonde.
“Look. First things first, I’m not stalking you. I just wanted to talk to you but you shut that down before I even had a chance. Hell, I had to ask Denki for-“ Izuku was cut off by Katsuki.
“ Fucking Denki?” He screeched. Izuku jumped at the sound and almost knocked himself off his chair but was saved by Katsuki’s hand shooting out to steady the small of his back.
“Thank you. Um…” Izuku rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah. I asked Denki for advice on how to talk to you and he was the one who actually suggested something like this. Please don’t get too mad at him? He only did what I asked.” He says. Katsuki grunted and nodded. “Like I was saying. I’m not stalking you. I just…fuck…” Izuku says under his breath. A switch flips, and he continues. “I just want to get to know you okay? Is that so goddamn hard to understand? You’re hot Katsuki. Anybody with eyes can see that.” The blonde shifts in his seat to better view the other man. “I want to take you out for dinner and talk to you. Really talk to you. I want to know what makes you tick. Why did a twenty something with the face and body of a model open a small flower shop on that side of the tracks? Why do you wear the same clothes every time I see you? And what I really want to know is…” Izuku leans in close and whispers in Katsuki’s face. “Why are you so damn scared of getting to know me? I promise I don’t bite.” He lets out a low laugh. “Actually, I don’t want to start out by lying to you. I don’t bite hard.” Izuku smiles coyly.
This throws the blonde off guard. What happened to the short shy guy who was only wearing a shirt and underwear the first time he saw him? Who the hell was this seductive man in front of him? He swallows before speaking.
“Fine idiot. One dinner. And if it doesn’t go well then that’s it. You stay the hell away from me and my shop. Got it?” He says with finality. Izuku smirks and gives him a two-finger salute and a wink. “Scouts honor chief. Now, can I at least get your number so I can message you the details or do I have to send flowers to the restaurant?” He says.
Katsuki rolls his eyes and shoves over his phone, indicating Izuku to input his number. As the man finishes up, the timer rings.
“Saved by the bell!” Izuku stands up and dusts off his jeans. “I look forward to seeing you again, Katsuki. I’ll text you all the details.” Izuku gives him one last smile before walking out of the bar, leaving Katsuki to wonder to himself what the hell just happened.
As always, if you enjoyed the fic please give some love over on AO3 ❤️
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
is this fic self-indulgent? yes. but what you're failing to consider is that I can write whatever I want so it's fine
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hostagex ¡ 2 years
I love how we went from this...
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