hound-bandit · 2 years
I beseech thee, followers, all 2 of you/j
((anyways im having a bit of trouble naming a new Tegas Variant.... fill out the form below to help))
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hound-bandit · 2 years
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
@multiversusroleplay liked for a starter! Turns out, wandering out in the desertous plains of Tegas wasn’t exactly the smartest move for most. Whether it be the long stretches of nothing but either sand or short dead grass, or the various plains full of dangerous pokemon, However, worst of all were the Bandits- Something Seith had found out the hard way, currently wrapped in a giant cocoon of rope, hung from the ceiling. Not only that, but he also had his head covered by a blindfold.  Just when all hope may have been lost, the Blindfold was swiped off of the crossbreed pokemon, and was quickly face to face with a rather angry looking Desperrodo, flanked by a Psycobra, a Tegan Gallade, and a Thievul.  “So there, pardner,” Billy starts off, his voice clearly annoyed he even has to do all of this, “Y’mind tellin’ me an’ th’ boys here why ya decided t’ take a li’l walk near one ‘a our territories?” The Desperrodo asks, slapping the side of the Alolan Ninetails’ face slightly to get him to wake up or think quicker. The Gallade, though shining and polishing his rifle, kept an eye on the Ninetails- A silent threat was established that if Seith tried anything, he’d have to deal with him.  “An’ make it quick. We’re in th’ middle ‘a somethin’.” Billy tacks on, before sitting down on an old, rickety wooden chair. 
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hound-bandit · 2 years
Starter Call
Like or Reblog this post to get a starter! If muses are not specified, then what muses interact will be up to the Mun.
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hound-bandit · 2 years
You're a Steel/Dark, because you love your robots and your (literal and figurative) cosmic horror!
((this is true! i am indeed a robot lover and also an eldritch horror!!))
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hound-bandit · 2 years
((Bonus Points will be awarded to those who put reasonings as to why they gave me said typings- Of course it should be noted that it’s not necessary, and just optional. you also dont need to put an entire paragraph explaining why-))
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hound-bandit · 2 years
Maybe Dark/Water type?
((interesting! I can perhaps see it... lets see what types are dark/water, if any... oh. oh there are none... huh, weird))
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hound-bandit · 2 years
Give the mun a pokemon type!
What pokemon type fits the mun best? 
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hound-bandit · 2 years
The reputation of the Zoroark species wasn’t just about their illusions. They were also known for being fierce and relentless, especially when protecting themselves, their homes or those dear to them… and as far as Sylvia was concerned, that reputation had been well-earned. She really was tempted to show Billy just why humans thought of her kind that way.
Moving in a wide orbit around him with barely a sound, the only sign of her presence being a ripple in the air, she listened to his every word… but it failed to even change the look on her face.
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“Not interested.” She huffed. “I’m no angel, but I’m not going to be a gangster either. I’ll leave that to you.”
The moral aspect of his offer was just part of the reason she refused; she also just plain didn’t like the Desperrodo enough to even consider working alongside him. His cocky attitude was already starting to piss her off. Usually, it wasn’t the Pokémon that acted this way, but the trainers – and even when it was, the ‘mon in question tended to get that from the humans they followed.
When she saw the gun being put into its holster, she stopped in her tracks, but didn’t reveal herself. Billy’s ultimatum was just a trick, as far as she cared – even though she’d turned down his offer, that didn’t necessarily mean they had to fight instead. The holstered gun could just as well be a sign of things de-escalating.
With a scoff from the Desperrodo, the bandit tapped the side of his popgun impatiently. Well, he didn’t want this to end in violence, believe it or not-  Mostly because he’s not really all too thrilled to fight against something like a Zoroark. Damn illusionist bastards... With a pause, and a hand on his chin, Billy had to ponder- Was a headache of a fight worth it for a bounty, or was it better to cut his losses? He was never one for honor, but running away because  he didn’t feel like it would hurt his pride. Thinking through all the possible solutions, the Desperrodo chuckled, looking around the place to keep a mental note. He didn’t know if this was necessarily the place where Sylvia lived- Most likely not, if she was as cautious as he believed her to be, but he clocked that this might be one of her favorite spots. “Well now, li’l lady, I’m hurt. Callin’ me a ganster... Y’ really comparin’ me t’ one ‘a those Team Rocket Dopes?” Billy scoffs, tipping his hat forward, taking it off and placing it over his chest, revealing a scruff of wild, untamed fur underneath his hat, with two pointed ears sticking out  on either side. “Please. At least acknowledge ah gotta bit’a class.” He chuckles silently, placing his giant ten gallon hat over his chest.  “But, if y’ really wanna stay outta m’ business, then ah guess ah can’t blame ya. Not many ‘mons’re ready fer th’ rough n’ tumble life.” Clearly a jab, because even the Desperrodo can acknowledge the fact that Sylvia’s seen her fair share of dangerous scenarios. With a bit, he silently puts his hat back on before leaving.
@syllusion continued from this ask
“Well, well, well... ‘Zoroark,’ eh...? Ya one ‘a them big city Unova Folk, then? No wonder y’ so scrawny, y’ ain’t lived like I have. Ain’t got th’ Tegas toughness that we Pokemon got.” The Desperrodo teased, showing off his copious amount of fangs... Though, strangely enough, he seemed to be missing one. “Heh heh heh heh heh heh! If y’ wonderin’ why I’m so curious ‘bout y’, then lemme enlighten ya.”  Reaching behind him, the Desperrodo produced what appeared to be a newspaper. ‘Zoroark Spotted Stealing Around Bluebonnet Town! Residents Baffled-’ Though, it was probably quick enough for Sylvia to realize that he may have, or may not have, mistaken her for this Zoroark. Flipping inside the newspaper, there seemed to be a small corner box talking about ‘Rogue Desperrodo ‘Billy The Kid’ Leaves With Large Berry Haul!’ Pointing to it, his expression soured. “Y’ li’l antics costed me th’ front page coverage, li’l missus. I gotta ‘dmit, for a scrawny little thin’ like ya t’ upstage me like that takes courage. But I ain’t gonna let m’ heist on on’a th’ biggest berry stores in th’ Region go unnoticed, ya hear? So, le’s not make this too troublesome.” Unholstering his popgun, he aimed it at Sylvia with a maniacal grin upon his face.
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hound-bandit · 2 years
Billy vs that Bellum guy. He seemed to give Billy a hard time.
"Bellum...? Well, if 'e really gave Billy an 'ard time, then I didn't 'ear nuffin' 'bout it. Billy must've either eaten shit so 'ard or 'e didn't think much of it." Laying on his side, the Thievul sighs. "I dunno 'ow that guy works." He adds on, stretching out his limbs.
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hound-bandit · 2 years
Hey Musketeer, did you see that fight between Billy and the other guy?
"Eh? Whas...?" There was a pause, before Musketeer sighs. "Gonna 'aff t' be a bit more specific than that." He finally responds- He's seen a lot of fights between Billy and 'The Other Guy' that just referencing it is not gonna really ring any bells.
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hound-bandit · 3 years
Well then Bill, how'd it feel to get your ass handed to you? At least, somewhat.
"Tch- 'Ass handed t' me.' I ain't got nothin' handed t' me, I jus' got th' wind knocked outta me a little. Little bastard, what's-his-name... Bell? Bella? Whatever, he jus' got me a lil' surprise." There's a pause. "Then again... Tha's better than most people. Maybe he's got a li'l potential."
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hound-bandit · 3 years
Bellum saw the hit coming as he was halfway to lunging forward. He wouldn’t be able to dodge it. But he could hopefully tank it.
So, he gave a grunt and moved his thick scull in the way, and he took the move right in the face, and he swore he felt the world tilt and shake from the blow, and something in his jaw gave a nasty crack of dislocation, and a searing hot pain.
He was conscious though, if barely. He couldn’t use his jaws. Dislocated, or broken. Either way. He wasn’t using that. So in his hail mary of a desperate act. He did the one thing he could think of. Embrace. Tight squeeze. Tight enough to squeeze the ribs and the air out of lungs. And he went for what he hoped was a mother of all suplexes before he damn well passed out!
Weather he made it or not. He would pass out from the pure pain soon enough though!
Clever little rat bastard. Using the closeness of the situation to place him in a hold? Admirable! Billy definitely let out a surprised gasp as he felt the arms of Bellum start to crush his ribcage into dust, forcing the air out of his chest all together.  Arms compromised and his broken arm having been put into a brutal hold, Billy himself couldn’t do much for what was about to undoubtedly come up.  With a resounding crack, the bandit’s head slammed against the uneven ground that he had only created a few moments ago. And now, would undoubtedly be his downfall- Many of the various edges only helped to give him a nasty concussion upon impact, jostling his brain around in it’s cavity.  Only out of sheer muscle memory did the Desperrodo finally get a good hold on Bellum’s neck with his legs, before he used the last bits of his might to return the favor- Dragging Bellum’s head towards the ground. It may not be as powerful as his suplex, but it certainly wouldn’t be a gentle breeze. His legs may not be as trained as his upper body, but discrediting the work put in would be the last mistake anyone makes.
@dimensionhoppinghybrids continued from here
“Th’ hell is a Texas?” The Bandit asks out the gate, talking over whatever crap Bellum was rambling on about. Squinting his eyes, the Desperrodo spat out his Baccu Berry chew before walking around, examining the Umbreon thoroughly before letting out a humorless snort.  “’Course not everyone from Tegas ‘s like me, kid. What’re ya, soft in th’ head? Perhaps I should ask if everyone from wherever ya are- I dunno, Johto?- Are ‘xactly like ya, eh? Oh, wait, I wouldn’t. ‘Cause that’s an idiot thin’ t’ say, kid.” He derisively scoffs, before stopping. The Desperrodo can certainly say he hasn’t seen someone like... This before. An Umbreon like Bellum, certainly. Though, his attitude is right at home with his little group. He’d never say it aloud, but Billy does see a bit of himself within Bellum. “If y’ wanna ask m’ crew, they can certainly show ya that th’ lands ain’t jus’ me specifically. Unless y’ too scared.” Billy chuckles, baring his teeth. 
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hound-bandit · 3 years
The move he had used was one that was special to him, well special in the fact he had made it. Comet strike though had one big downside, it left him stunned for a few seconds, and had a bit of a backlash. It hurt like a bitch to use it at times, but it was well worth it like in this case. He had sent the bastard flying, and he didn’t mind that at all.
When he recovered though and saw the gun, his first instincts was to take cover, and he did. Behind a stack of barrels he went and he took cover there. He had been trained by his father to be aware of what weapons could do, especially guns, since they could be so damn dangerous.
“So, you want to be a proper fucking cowboy huh?!” He asked in a throaty growl as he felt his anger only rise.
He was going to pull a gun on him? Fine. He’d show this fucker what he was messing with. So behind the barrels, he transformed, his horns grew out and his fur turned to smooth scales, that were only showing a bit of roughening up from recent sheds. His eyes burned like dark coals, though Billy wouldn’t be able to see that from his cover. Instead, he focused. All of that training would be pulling off soon, and with a bit of will and a quick blind throw, a fireball the size of a baseball went right into Billy’s direction, and it looked like it had heft to it. It already looked like it was scorching hot. Wherever it landed, Bellum used the minor distraction as a hopeful advantage as it went, Kaboom! and he rushed towards the side to flank the bandit and get him at his side. When he thought he had the advantage, he used what he could, which was a unhitched carriage or something like that, that was used to carry heavy loads, and launched himself, teeth bared and ready to mangle the bastard with a hard glowing magma bite. Even his mouth was already dripping the lava in readiness.
Billy scoffed at the anger of Bellum.  What, did this pup really think he could- Why did he start to have more horns? Why was his fur gone? What’s with the- Ah. That’s a fireball. So, maybe the Bandit underestimated what exactly Bellum was capable of. But, that’s not a problem. Without second thought, Billy counters the Fireball with Dark Pulse, the giant surge of Dark Type Energy combining with the fireball, causing it to explode prematurely. Now, where is that little rat bastard- Hearing the sounds of Bellum trying to flank him through the chaos, the Desperrodo uses Frustration. Entire body enveloped in a dark red aura, Billy channels the anger, annoyance, and what have you into a singular stomp towards the ground. Upon impact, the ground below him exploded up from the force, scattering dust, debris, and the like. As soon as he did, though, he quickly entered a second stance- Sucker Punch.  If Bellum managed to find his way through the debris he set up, then he’s gonna get a quick sock to the throat before he even gets the chance to bite him. Now, whether or not he’d be able to bite him despite that is up in the air, but Billy is never one to not get the first hit in.
@dimensionhoppinghybrids continued from here
“Th’ hell is a Texas?” The Bandit asks out the gate, talking over whatever crap Bellum was rambling on about. Squinting his eyes, the Desperrodo spat out his Baccu Berry chew before walking around, examining the Umbreon thoroughly before letting out a humorless snort.  “’Course not everyone from Tegas ‘s like me, kid. What’re ya, soft in th’ head? Perhaps I should ask if everyone from wherever ya are- I dunno, Johto?- Are ‘xactly like ya, eh? Oh, wait, I wouldn’t. ‘Cause that’s an idiot thin’ t’ say, kid.” He derisively scoffs, before stopping. The Desperrodo can certainly say he hasn’t seen someone like... This before. An Umbreon like Bellum, certainly. Though, his attitude is right at home with his little group. He’d never say it aloud, but Billy does see a bit of himself within Bellum. “If y’ wanna ask m’ crew, they can certainly show ya that th’ lands ain’t jus’ me specifically. Unless y’ too scared.” Billy chuckles, baring his teeth. 
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hound-bandit · 3 years
Starter Call!
Capping at 3! Like or Reblog to have a starter with one of my muses! Reply to the post to specify which muse you’d like to have the starter with! If not, then I’ll simply choose one myself.
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hound-bandit · 3 years
Giggling softly, a certain Mismagius ties on a gaudy pink and white ribbon on Musketeer's tail, then drifts away into the wind.
With a snort, Musketeer quickly awoke from his nap. He thought he felt some sort of tickling on his tail- Oh. Sniffing the Ribbon, he couldn't... Quite pick up anything on it. With a blink, there was a series of thought processes. Tapping his claws against the rock he slept on, he gave a shrug. "Eh. Ain't 'alf bad. Might keep it... Jus' not on m' tail." He murmurs, before letting out a yawn and going back to sleep.
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hound-bandit · 3 years
“Ha... Haaaaaahh... Y... Yeah...!” Musketeer’s face flushes, growing warm with the out-of-nowhere kiss to his face. Was... Was he truly a ladies man and he just didn’t know it...? Where does he keep attract them from!? “See... Ah... See y’ later, luv...” He murmurs, sweating but also a little bit embarrassed.
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hound-bandit · 3 years
A translucent ghostly figure sneaks up behind Musketeer, and yanks him by the tail, though not too violently, just enough to spoon him. Then, with a playful giggle, the figure solidifies into view, a Mismagius with a big smirk on her face, who starts playfully nuzzling his tail and petting it. "Hello there! Your tail is so soft and dusty..."
A visible shiver travels up the Pokemon's spine as his tail is yanked once again. Shuddering, he looks behind him... Only to see that he was being messed with a ghost type. Shaking and sputtering, he eventually stammers out a 'th...th...thanks....', his joints locked in place from fear.
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