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Alright, this is it. I'll be gone now. See y'all in 2 weeks 👋
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Getting ready for girl's night out ~
(@simmeons's OC Finly and my OC Miss Farie 💕)
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Can you draw these guys
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Last request before my digital detox starts fulfilled 💪😊
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Part 177
The simulator had been awful and even Jaylah trying to cheer McCoy up wasn’t having an effect like it normally did. All the prince wanted to do was push it from his mind, see Scotty at lunch and maybe get a few minutes to themselves. Later they could just relax and McCoy could begin to feel normal and not like eyes were on him everywhere he went again.
Scotty and Aporal joined the group last. McCoy sighed quietly as Jim began asking who wanted to party.
“A party Jim?” Uhura asked.
“Well, you know,” Jim said. “Out. That place we all went last time maybe. Who’s in?”
Quiet settled over the table as they all began to think.
“We go tonight, everyone has the rest of the weekend to finish their homework,” Jim said, his tone edging towards begging.
McCoy noticed a couple subtle glances his way; the others seeming to rely on how he felt. Well, it would be a release from all the tension of the past week… He bumped his knee against Scotty’s and mumbled something in Gaelic at his husband.
“Ah! That’s not fair,” Jim cried at him. “Robbie isn’t here to tell us what you said.”
“Oh,” McCoy shot back with a smirk, “and you two talking up here is?” McCoy tapped the side of his head and looked exaggeratedly at Spock. He was rewarded with color creeping up Jim’s face.
“That’s different!” Jim said as Sulu laughed.
“Oh yeah?” McCoy countered. “How so?”
“Cause you don’t know when we’re saying anything when we do,” Jim said in a ‘so there’ voice.
The others groaned as the tips of Spock’s ears flushed.
“So? Are we going out or not?” Jim asked again.
“Kid, I’d—”
“Who you calling kid?” Jim demanded. “I’m not that much younger than you.”
“You act like one,” Christine grinned.
“Hey!” Jim cried and threw a hand to his chest as if he had been wounded.
“You know what?” McCoy said. “Fine. Let’s do it. Let’s go out.”
“Len…,” Scotty said softly.
McCoy shook his head at his husband. “It’ll be nice to take our minds off everything that’s happened this last week.”
“Alright!” Jim said. “Who else?”
Slowly everyone else agreed to come out for at least a little while that evening. All except Aporal. He would not agree or disagree.
“C’mon Scotty! You convince him,” Jim pleaded.
“The lad is his own person Jim,” Scotty said. “If he doesn’t want to, he doesn't have to.”
“Tell Cora and Eugene if you see them,” Jim said as McCoy stood up.
“Fine kid.” McCoy rolled his eyes.
Scotty got up as well and he and McCoy made their way outside.
“So,” Scotty began hesitantly, “what about our guards? They won’t like us going out.”
“I know,” McCoy said, trying to keep frustration from his voice. “But we’re supposed to be going around like normal, like nothing is different, like we aren’t being followed.” He glanced over his shoulder as they walked.
“There was one in my self defense class,” Scotty said just above a whisper. “Aporal knows.”
“What? You told him?” McCoy looked at Scotty in surprise.
“No,” Scotty said quickly. “He figured it out on his own! He figured out Averie the other day too. He’s very aware around himself,” Scotty added, only sounding slightly sad. “And around his friends.”
“Oh,” McCoy said. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright love.”
“I had one in flight class,” McCoy said miserably. “She sat in our sim because we had an empty seat.” He lowered his voice. “I- I did terrible today.”
“Oh mo ghràdh,” Scotty said, grabbing McCoy’s hand and squeezing. They walked along silently for a bit.
“So what do we do about going out?” Scotty finally asked. “Do we let them know?”
McCoy shrugged. “I have that number Andre gave us. I guess we send a message there and then do what we’re going to do. I don’t want to suddenly change how we live here and what we do. That’d be suspicious.”
“We’ll make sure to have a good time then,” Scotty said, trying his best reassuring smile.
Part 178
The night was still young when the small group met in front of the nightclub. Scotty looked around but couldn't see Cadet Wilson anywhere. Other members of the team had probably been sent out to follow them. He gave Leonard a questioning look and he shook his head almost imperceptibly. The woman from the simulator training was apparently not there either.
"Where's Aporal?" Jim asked, letting his eyes wander around searchingly. Scotty just shrugged his shoulders.
"I told ye it's his decision whether he comes along," he replied and Jim gave him a grumpy look.
"You were supposed to talk him into it! The guy needs to be around people for once!"
Scotty was about to say something back, but someone else beat him to it.
"Not everyone likes to party as much as you do, James T." Surprised, Scotty looked at Jaylah. The alien girl actually seemed to be defending Aporal.
"That's right. And now let's go inside. The cool breeze is getting a bit too chilly," said Leonard and Jim sighed.
"All right. At least our lovebirds are still coming." Jim nodded his head in a direction behind Scotty and when he turned around, he saw Cora and Eugene.
"Well then... Let's go."
Scotty kept close to Leonard. At first they just sat in a small bunk and drank a little with Sulu, Chekov and Keenser, but eventually they decided to hit the dance floor.
The music was deafeningly loud and Scotty had to lean close to Leonard to say something to him.
"Have ye noticed anyone?" he asked and Leonard shook his head.
"No! No one I know!" he shouted back and Scotty nodded understandingly. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe they shouldn't know who was responsible for their protection. That way they could behave more inconspicuously.
"So, how do you like going out again?" Leonard clearly tried to change the subject quickly and his husband gave him an understanding smile.
"It's nice! Just enjoying the music and dancing!" He spun around once and saw Leonard laughing.
They danced for a while with some of their friends, who gradually joined them. Scotty hadn't been lying when he said it was nice. For the first time, he was having fun again and was relaxed.
"Hey, you two! Ny and I are heading back now!" Christine pulled Scotty to her to tell him the words and he gave her a thumbs up.
Slowly but surely it was time to go, but he wanted to have at least one more drink. So he turned to Leonard, who was dancing with Cora. They were probably talking about Eugene and her.
"I'm going to get another drink! Do the two of ye want something too?"
Leonard looked at Cora and gestured her a glass to drink from and she shook her head.
"Nothing for me either!"
Scotty nodded, gave Leonard a quick kiss and then headed over to one of the bars that was near the entrance.
He ordered himself a glass of scotch and just as he was about to turn around with it to go to one of the tables, he bumped into someone. The alcohol was spilled on the unknown girl's dress and Scotty blushed.
"Oh my- I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" he apologized, but his counterpart gave him an angry look. And she was obviously not alone.
"Hey, what do you want from my girlfriend?"
Scotty was startled when someone grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around. A guy as big as a wardrobe.
"N-nothing at all! We accidentally bumped into each other and-"
Out of the corner of his eye, he recognized people who had their eyes on him. The undercover team! If they intervened now, everything would come out. That wasn't allowed to happen!
But a familiar voice suddenly made Scotty's head spin.
"Is there a problem here?"
Aporal! He must have just walked in!
"This guy here was trying to hit on my girlfriend!"
Scotty's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head.
"That's not true! I-"
He faltered as Aporal leaned closer to the girl's boyfriend and said something in his ear that Scotty couldn't understand through the music.
The big guy stared at the Andorian in shock and then grabbed his girlfriend by the hand. Without another word, they disappeared into the crowd again.
Aporal just grinned and then looked at Scotty.
"Guess I just showed up at the right time, huh, Scottish boy?"
Scotty just nodded slowly. Whatever Aporal had told the guy, he'd rather not know.
"Th-thank ye," he just stammered.
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Art request by @jessica199616 ~ Hope you like it 💕
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Tranquillity and his wife Clever
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Clever belongs to @that-aggresive-shape
Hey there ~ Here we have your request 💕
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Art request by @we-dont-talk-about-potato-nonono ~ Hope you like it 💕
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Art request by @choijesoo ~ Hope you like it 💕
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Hey there~
So, tomorrow my annual digital detox starts and I won't be online for two weeks. So there won't be any updates during that time.
CLOSING art requests until I'm back!
Looking forward to seeing y'all again 🫶
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In Our Favor
Part 175
McCoy couldn’t help his head swiveling around as they walked to breakfast the next morning.
“Are ye alright?” Scotty finally asked him outside the dining hall.
“Hmm? Sorry,” McCoy said, his face warming slightly. “Just trying to see if I could spot anyone, uh, familiar.”
Scotty frowned for a moment before understanding showed on his face.
“Any luck?” he asked.
“Not so far,” McCoy admitted.
“That’s good then. They’re blending in and maybe no one will notice.”
“I hope so.”
McCoy came face to face with one of the new undercover team as he sat with Uhura and Jaylah in their usual flight simulator.
“In here cadet,” said Lt. Flores behind the trio. They all turned to see him standing with an unknown cadet. Flores had a bit of an exasperated look to his face.
“Cadets,” Flores said. “This is Cadet Greene.” Flores let out a huff of air. “Your sim has an empty seat.”
“Of course sir,” Uhura answered. “Not a problem.”
Greene moved to take the seat behind Uhura. Flores patted McCoy’s shoulder before he exited the simulator.
“I’m Nyota Uhura, this is Jaylah,” Uhura said, introducing them. “And that’s Leonard.”
“Stacey Greene. Nice to meet you.”
McCoy nodded his head politely in greeting, but he held back a sigh. He recognized Greene by sight, but wasn’t sure if Stacey was her real name or not. He should have asked Andre before he had left the night before.
“Why are you joining the class so late?” Jaylah asked bluntly.
“Jaylah!” Uhura scolded gently.
“Oh,” Greene said. “That’s ok,” she said looking at Uhura. “I had some family things happen.” She looked down and gave a sad smile. “I’m just glad they held my place for me.”
“Oh,” Jaylah said with an embarrassed look. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok, you didn’t know. Umm, could you guys help me get up to speed on what we’re doing in here? I’ve studied my texts but that isn’t quite the same is it?”
“Sure,” Uhura said with a friendly smile.
McCoy silently took a deep breath. He knew all of the palace’s security members could fly any type of shuttle. He wondered how well Greene could pretend to not know. He sighed again. He had hoped the undercover team would try to keep their distance. He glanced over at the woman behind Uhura. Had he just not noticed in his earlier classes that morning?
McCoy looked up in surprise at Uhura. He had been deep down in his thoughts and frustrations about being under guard again.
“Sorry. What did you say?”
Uhura gave him a light frown. “It’s your turn.” She had unstrapped from the pilot’s seat and turned to face him.
“Ok.” He stood up from his seat and traded places with Uhura.
McCoy strapped himself in and let his hands slowly cross the controls. Suddenly he was more nervous than he had been since their first classes in the simulator. Another set of eyes were on him; eyes that had known him, had protected his family.
The prince closed his own eyes for a moment, then drew a deep breath as he opened them. This was a simple exercise again, just like the day before. He could do this.
“Just Leonard?” Jaylah asked softly. He saw her concern from the corner of his own eyes. He gave a brief nod and focused on the controls in front of him.
Part 176
"Well then... we're practicing a few new moves today. Who wants to start?" Lt. Samuels looked from one cadet to another. Most of them shrugged their shoulders and their instructor sighed. "All right. How about Scott and Tallister, our flagship team?"
Scotty exchanged a look with Aporal, who was already taking a step forward onto the mat and rolling his shoulders back and forth alternately.
"Sure. Why not?"
They had become a good team over the last few weeks. Scotty knew that Aporal would never seriously hurt him and that reassured him.
"Aye, sir," the Scotsman replied to the lieutenant and then followed his Andorian friend onto the mat that lay in the middle of the circle of cadets.
"I want you to take a good look, Mr. Wilson, got it? I know you've taken a course in self-defense at some point, but things are different here at Starfleet Academy. So keep your eyes fixed on them."
Scotty's gaze slid to the blond man standing among the other students. Lieutenant Samuels had said that he was a new cadet who, due to organizational reasons, hadn't been able to start his studies until now.
"Of course, Lieutenant." The newcomer nodded.
"So... for our newcomer, please run through the exercises from the last few classes." Samuels clapped his hands encouragingly and Aporal looked at Scotty with a raised eyebrow. The question if he was ready. Scotty nodded.
They started with the first movements and out of the corner of his eye Scotty noticed that Wilson was obviously tensing up a little. The realization hit the Scotsman like a bolt of lightning. The blond had to be one of the undercover people!
Of course. Scotty shouldn't be particularly surprised. He would certainly be monitored in a course like this. He imagined what it would be like when Leonard started his self-defense lessons. His husband would not be particularly enthusiastic, that was for sure.
"Focus, Mr. Scott!" Their instructor's voice brought him out of his thoughts and he quickly refocused on the exercises. He had to show how good he was at fighting by now.
"I thought security had left," Aporal whispered to him as Scotty and he eventually made their way to lunch.
The Scotsman looked at him in surprise and Aporal gave him a meaningful look.
"Come on, I've noticed the looks as much as you have," he said and Scotty sighed. Aporal had long since seen through the whole thing.
"Ye cannae tell anyone, okay?" The Scotsman looked pleadingly at the Andorian.
Aporal shrugged his shoulders.
"My lips are sealed."
And Scotty believed him. He knew that Aporal wouldn't do anything to harm him or Leonard. They would both keep each other's secrets.
"He certainly doesn't fight badly," Aporal said after a brief moment of silence, a grin forming on his lips. "But not as good as me."
During training, the Andorian and Wilson had fought each other. It had looked like a fair and even affair.
"Of course. No one is better than Aporal Tallister." Scotty also had to grin. He was slowly getting used to the arrogance.
When they entered the dining room, most of their friends were already sitting at the table. They quickly joined them and Scotty could tell from Leonard's look that he too must have recognized a member of security already. He didn't look happy.
But before Scotty could say anything to him, Jim spoke.
"So? What do ya say? Who's up for a party tonight?"
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Whenever I see Gordon on TV, I can't help but think of this 🤣
This is for you 😁
Hubs are I were talking yesterday; I was telling him how you beat me to it in Part 442, and how we joked you did the hurt and I did the comfort.
Then he comes out with “So you guys are like Gordon Ramsay. You’re him when he’s with kids and she’s with adults.”
I had a good laugh. He kind of isn’t wrong 🤣
Behold! Us:
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Hello and good day! Are requests allowed to be told in dm’s or only asks? Are OCs allowed or just fandom related? thank you for the answers 😊
Hey there~
Wow! I really didn't expect any requests to come in that are not from my mutuals xD
You can also send me a DM 🤗 If I have a reference picture I can draw OCs too.
A few rules:
- I don't draw NSFW
- I don't draw political related stuff
- I don't draw any hard violence/gore
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Based on yugioh and Disney's aladdin, can you draw Joey and Serenity in an Aladdin au please? I imagine them as royal siblings and you can design the outfits they'd wear. What do you think?
Hey there~ Thanks for your request. It took a while, but here we have it:
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Hope you like it 🫶
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art requests;
perchance Aporal getting a hug? or some type of break he deserves?
all ur female ocs going shopping
Leah, Robbie, McCoy and Scotty all destroying their relationships over a (not) healthy game of Monopoly (that game destroys lives)
Okay, here we go ~ Thank you for the requests :3
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Aporal getting a hug
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The female OCs going shopping
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The gang playing Monopoly (Yeah... I was too lazy to color it 🙈)
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How about some art requests? 🎨
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In Our Favor
Part 173
A sigh left McCoy. He’d thought it over quickly when Jaylah had spoken, and there was no point in not telling their friends.
“It’s Andre,” he said reluctantly.
“Andre?” Jaylah asked, looking over at McCoy.
“You saw him when we started here.”
Jaylah’s brow furrowed in thought.
“He was your security guard,” she said slowly, the memory coming to her. “Why is he here now?” she demanded.
“The king wanted to make sure our return was safe,” Scotty said quickly before McCoy could answer. “Just for a day or so. To ease his mind after the attack on Leah.”
The friends around the table murmured understanding and nodded agreement. McCoy gave Scotty a bump with his knee in thanks.
“They’re giving me space so I can try to keep being a normal cadet,” McCoy muttered.
“What if we went out this weekend?” Jim suddenly said. “All of us. Relax from everything that’s happened.” He looked around the table eagerly.
“Maybe,” Sulu said. “I do have a big paper I need to finish writing.”
“And I have a star charting project to start,” Chekov said with a nod at Sulu.
“Aww, c’mon guys,” said Jim with a pout. “We need some fun after all this,” he nodded towards McCoy and Scotty.
“We’ll see Jim,” McCoy said.
McCoy had been keeping an eye out for when Cora and Eugene got up to leave. Though he hated to interrupt them, he did still have a few questions for Eugene about their classes. He leaned close to Scotty and explained where he was going, then gave his husband a quick kiss and left the table.
He caught up with the pair outside the dining hall.
“Hey!” he called.
Cora and Eugene turned.
“Leonard!” Eugene said with a big smile. “Cora said you guys were back. It’s good to see you!” He clapped a hand on McCoy’s shoulder.
“You too,” McCoy said. “I’m not interrupting?”
“No,” Cora told him. “We were just getting a little sun before class.” She looked up at the clear sky and smiled.
“Your sister is really alright?” Eugene asked.
“Yes,” McCoy said. “Back to work and all.” A movement nearby caught his eye and he looked over to see one of Andre’s team passing.
“That must have been so frightening. I can’t imagine…”
“I wouldn’t wish it on anyone,” McCoy agreed.
“You didn’t try to do homework through all that did you?” Eugene asked. “I don’t know how you’d even concentrate.”
“I didn’t,” McCoy chuckled. “But after she was ok I did some. And it is a six hour flight between here and home.”
“If you need any help…” Eugene began.
“That’s actually why I came after you guys,” McCoy explained.
“Yeah, of course,” said Eugene. He glanced at his watch. “We’ve got a bit of time before class. Come on.” He turned to Cora. “I’ll see you after classes?”
“Sure thing sweetie,” she replied with a smile.
“I’m sorry Co—”
“Don’t worry about it, Leonard,” Cora waved his apology away.
“Maybe he can make it up to us with dinner sometime,” Eugene said with a laugh and a knowing look at McCoy.
“Any time,” McCoy said. “Just name a day.”
“Have fun,” Cora said. She gave Eugene a kiss, waved a hand at McCoy and headed off towards her class.
“Come on, we can get to class early and go over some stuff,” Eugene said.
Part 174
"The king wants to know his son safe, huh?" Aporal asked quietly as Scotty and him walked to their next class. Scotty gave him a nod.
"Aye. It was a real shock to him what happened to Leah," he retorted, keeping his voice low.
"I see," Aporal nodded understandingly, before he glanced over his shoulder, "and she's here to protect you?"
Scotty followed his gaze and saw that Averie was following them, keeping a safe distance. He looked over at Aporal, a frown on his face.
"Oh, Scottish boy, I know when someone is watching me. Or someone close to me. It's something I learned quite well during —" Aporal clarified his words, but didn't finish. Scotty knew what he didn't want to say. During his kidnapping.
"How was yer weekend? Ye wrote something about yer parents visiting?" The Scotsman chose to change the subject and his Andorian friend sighed.
"Don't remind me of it," he groaned.
"Judging by the way ye say it, it didn't go too well?" Scotty asked, concern filling his voice.
"Keep a low profile. Don't cause any troubles. You're just a cadet so act like one," Aporal imitated a high-pitched voice, probably the one of his mother. He sighed. "They act as if I was the one who attacked someone."
"But... that's not fair on ye." Scotty blinked in surprise.
Aporal laughed humorlessly. "You tell me, Scottish boy. They only want me to behave. They want me to sit still and look pretty. They know about everything I've been through and still they don't want me to speak my mind."
Scotty thought about Aporal's words for a moment. The Andorian's parents sounded like horrible people, but Scotty wasn't sure if they actually were that bad. He always wanted to believe that people had good reasons for their actions.
"Maybe... maybe they are just scared of even more bad stuff happening to ye. Maybe they want ye to keep a low profile so that ye won't get into problems," the Scotsman carefully suggested.
Aporal huffed.
"Of course they are scared! You don't think I know that? I'm not stupid, Scottish boy. My mum is a real mother hen and my dad just listens to everything she says. But they don't understand that I'm different. The things that happened to me changed the person I am. I'm not the quiet, shy boy that left them. I say and do what I want. And I defend myself."
Scotty watched his friend for a long moment. He could see that Aporal didn't actually hate his parents. He just felt misunderstood by them.
"Did... ye ever talk to them about the way ye think and feel?"
Aporal nodded. "Believe me, I tried. But they won't listen."
"Are... are ye their only child?"
Another nod from the Andorian.
"So they want to protect ye with everything they got. But they have trouble understanding how much ye've grown," Scotty mused.
Aporal raised an eyebrow at him.
"Acting like a real therapist, huh?"
Scotty felt a blush touching his cheeks and he smiled weakly.
"I just want to help," he muttered and Aporal eyed him closely, then patted his shoulder.
"Try it. Just remember that you can't help everyone. Or else you'll get hurt yourself." He glanced at a close by clock. "Come on, we better hurry or else we'll be late for class."
With that Aporal increased his speed and Scotty stared after him for a moment before he followed quickly.
Somehow he would help his Andorian friend.
After dinner Scotty and Leonard quickly made their way to their room. Leonard had recieved a message from Andre earlier on, telling him to meet the guard there.
They entered the code and were surprised to find the security guard already waiting there. He nodded his head at them apologetically.
"Your highness, Sir. I'm sorry for entering your room, but I assumed it would be better if I hid in here so that no other cadet could see me."
Leonard nodded quickly.
"It's okay, Andre. We understand. Thanks for you and your team keeping a safe distance. I don't think anyone noticed the reason you were here. Except for our friends of course."
Andre nodded.
"I just wanted to inform you that the undercover team is all set up. My team and I will head back to Georgiares now."
Leonard's shoulders slumped in relief and Scotty grabbed his hand to hold it.
"Those are great news! I mean... it's not like we aren't grateful to you for protecting us, but —"
Andre just smiled at the prince's explanation.
"I know, your highness. You want to get back to your regular lives."
"You know me so well, Andre." Leonard gave the young man a smile.
"I wish the two of you all the best. Just call us if you need anything."
Both Scotty and Leonard nodded. They knew that Andre and his Team Alpha would always protect them. But now it was time for the undercover team to do that job.
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Heard "Love is an open door" way too often in the last few days 🙈🤣
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