hunky-dunky · 2 years
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hello im back from the dead with a bkdk :’D
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hunky-dunky · 2 years
I just know nobody got my back like Endhawks got my back. 🥲
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
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they’re from an article on bruises
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
Yes, but consider, zombie apocalypse AU. Sweaty big fire man covered in ash and dirt and blood and slightly ripped up clothes, holding some spiky bat or some other handheld weapon type shit, hnnng.
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Ooohh I do love this concept!! 🎃🎃
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
I need to help my cat
No, this is not michonne. I talked to everyone who helped me that she passed away, right when she did. I still am recovering from that, it’s why i am writing this.
My other cat, Negan, who is Mich’s son, had a weird fever going on and we were able to get him to a vet, and we found out hes got FIV which is HIV for cats. We have to vaccinate him twice. He has to take medicine injections for 4 days. I paid for two, but i don’t think i cant afford any other one.
I am asking for help because i need to get him healed and then vaccinate him, and then castrate him, so he won’t be going out as much and he’ll be less keen to getting diseases and hurt. I cannot lose another one, I just cant. I barely healed from michonne, i’ve been having s*idal thoughts and i even attempted once, and my depression is at it’s highest right now, i dont eat, i dont sleep, and i dont know what am i going to do if i lose him. I just can’t.
If you want prescriptions or tickets or pictures of him just lemme know. Send me a DM and i’m all up for sending anything.
We are also struggling with food,anything i get extra will be towards food.
If you can, please donate to [email protected], via paypal. Even a dollar helps, for real.
if you cant help though, please just reblog this to spread this post around so more people see it.
Please help me not lose another one. I can’t handle it.
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
His little scowls get me every time 🤣
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The bby and the sandwich
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
No wait this is so funny because I just recently added some freckles onto him
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Random drabble/fic idea I had at 12 in the morning. Literally if someone writes a Drabble/fic about this I will scream
Ok so the todoroki’s are getting ready to somewhere or go out to do something, so Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto are waiting in the living room, talking chatting, etc.
Some time has passed and they start getting annoyed/worried like “What’s taking dad so long?”
So they head back to Enji’s room (they don’t even bother knocking 🙄 children) he’s not in the main part of the bedroom so they head towards the bathroom, they don’t hear any water so they guess he’s either on the toilet or in the closet.
Natsuo opens the door as Fuyumi says “Wait-!” And they all stare in complete shock at their father putting on concealer, eyeliner, etc.
Their father turns to look at them with wide cerulean eyes and mumbled out a “shit..” he had only managed to cover one half of his face, his right side still showed the thousands of brownish red freckles.
That’s all I got for y’all tonight, anyways Endeavor fans, enjoy this shitty draft 😌 and yes I would love to see this turned into a x reader or and x oc fic/Drabble 👀👀👀
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
Oh this is so beautiful! ❤💛🤍💙
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So I did this...
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
The COVID-19 vaccine has EXTREME side effects, like making the people that get both doses UNBELIEVABLY sexy. You literally become IRRESISTIBLE to people. ANOTHER EXTREME side effect is that fish WILL fear you. PLEASE do not take the vaccine without being AWARE of the consequences!! SPREAD THE WORD, lest the people you love also become unbelievably sexy!
I can CONFIRM this statement because I got both doses of the Pfizer vaccine at Walmart and now I am OVERWHELMED by the amount of people in my DMs. The COVID-19 vaccine made me sexy and it will make you sexy too!!
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
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She is home, just to update you guys on her situation. 
She got her surgery, she is wearing that gag so she won’t move her jaw, so it will calcify. She is being fed by that blue thingie, i apply food and medicines there, with a seringe.
In the end, i could pay for everything on her second hospitalization, but i still need to pay for the credit card i borrowed for her first one. In total, it is 1390 reais, and i absolutely cannot afford all that. All the donations i got i actually spent on her second vet, and i got like 30 reais in my account right now. LOL
If you can help me pay for that and continue her treatment (as i still have to buy her a special canned food which is pure vitamines because she cant eat solids yet, and still some medicine that arent gonna last for the time she has to take them), i would appreciate that a whooooole much. for real, thats really amazing how you guys helped me help her, and if it wasnt for everyone that helped even with a reblog, with a kind word, she’d be dead by now. I am so very happy that i could get her better, but i still need your help.
If you can, please donate to [email protected] @paypal, choosing payment for products. 
It would mean a lot, anything, even $1 helps a lot.
Me, my grandmother, Michonne and her son, Negan, the whole family, thank you so much for all the help you guys have been giving us the past week. We are completely grateful. <3
update (04-28): She went through another proceidure on monday because she is still very sick. I made a video of me feeding her and here it is, if you wanna watch:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV5yiixubdg
Taking care of her has been putting a real heavy toll on me. I have to wake up every 3 hours so i can feed her and give her medicine, i have bags under my eyes which i never had, one of my toe nails has fallen off and i am having hallucinations, all due to lack of sleep. I caught myself like 4 or 5 times looking at her for hours just to make sure shes breathing. My grandmother is worried that if she doesn’t wake up at some point, i might have a breakdown, that’s whats been happening to me. :)
I still need help. Her food is very expensive and on her monday appointment the doctor increased the food, so shes talking 1 and a half can of food every 2 days, which cost 35 reais each.
I am writing this because donations have been very scarse and i dont know for how much longer i can keep feeding her. Please help. Spread the word to your family and friends, reblog this post as much as you can, and please, dont give up on her. I’m having so much work keeping her alive, i am certainly living up to everyone’s expectations regarding taking care of her. so much so that i am forgetting to take care of myself…
Please share this, please help us.
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
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YOU hates terfs
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
I can’t believe the classic “MOM HOLY FUCK” comic was actually made by the PnF crew this entire time
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
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She is home, just to update you guys on her situation. 
She got her surgery, she is wearing that gag so she won’t move her jaw, so it will calcify. She is being fed by that blue thingie, i apply food and medicines there, with a seringe.
In the end, i could pay for everything on her second hospitalization, but i still need to pay for the credit card i borrowed for her first one. In total, it is 1390 reais, and i absolutely cannot afford all that. All the donations i got i actually spent on her second vet, and i got like 30 reais in my account right now. LOL
If you can help me pay for that and continue her treatment (as i still have to buy her a special canned food which is pure vitamines because she cant eat solids yet, and still some medicine that arent gonna last for the time she has to take them), i would appreciate that a whooooole much. for real, thats really amazing how you guys helped me help her, and if it wasnt for everyone that helped even with a reblog, with a kind word, she’d be dead by now. I am so very happy that i could get her better, but i still need your help.
If you can, please donate to [email protected] @paypal, choosing payment for products. 
It would mean a lot, anything, even $1 helps a lot.
Me, my grandmother, Michonne and her son, Negan, the whole family, thank you so much for all the help you guys have been giving us the past week. We are completely grateful. <3
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
I guess only some black lives matter.
Yall don’t care about black women or black girls.
I work in a public school system in the inner city. I’ve worked with kids from k4-12th grade. I’ve seen fights that look just like the video of Ma’Khia. People throw chairs, they bang other kids heads into lockers, they punch kids, they kick kids, they grab whatever they can and try to use it as a weapon. I’ve deescalated fights, school security, school staff, teachers, and admin have all broken up fights and deescalated them. Funnily enough, we’ve never had to murder a kid; even when they were hurting other students, we calmed them down and everyone lived. The fact that police can’t calmly break up this situation - what with all their training and their gear that they have- and their first instinct is to fire a gun no questions asked is ABSURD. Especially because it’s not for reasons you all keep making up. It’s not because “she was about to kill the other girl” if that was the case why is Kyle Rittenhouse still alive after walking around with a weapon after ACTUALLY killing folks. Why did police treat him like he was one of the good guys? Why did Dylan Roof not get dropped on the spot after slaying 9 black people who were praying in church!? I thought yall said that police have no choice when they see a weapon and lives are in danger, THEY HAVE TO SHOOT!!! Oh… I guess that’s only when they see black people. And I guess that yall’s empathy is only reserved for black males. 
Ma’Khai was a little too black for yall, and a little too big, and a little too loud, violent, aggressive, and hostile for yall. You saw her as an animal so it was ok that she got put down like one. “Hey, the cops are just doing their job! They didn’t have a choice here!” But wait a minute, I thought ACAB!? My, my how quickly you all change your tune. I thought that it doesn’t matter if someone is breaking the law or not, they don’t have a right to be murdered even IF they aren’t cooperating. Damn, what happened to that song yall were singing when it came to black males?
I’ve not felt this much pain and hurt since Trayvon Martin. I’ve not felt so discarded and so hopeless and let down in a long time. The most disrespected, unprotected, and neglected person in America is the black woman. I knew yall hated black women but I’m always surprised by how much. Yall hate us so much that you think it’s ok for police to unload 4 bullets into the chest of a 16 year old who was defending herself in a fight. And the thing is, even if she wasn’t defending herself, even if she had started the whole thing, she still doesn’t need to be shot 4 times. Not when police are able to take violent white criminals into custody and make stops at burger king while they’re at it. 
We gotta have our own backs as black women and it fukin sucks. But the kicker is that black women themselves are throwing their humanity under the bus to shuck and jive. Why are black women themselves saying that this baby deserved to die and that she needed to be held accountable, killing her isn’t accountability. Basically yall sayin she deserves the death penalty for something she might have done. Black women have to have their own backs because not even other black women will have our backs. And don’t even get me started on the black men who watch us drown as we toss them our life jackets. We are out on the front lines for black men and they just simply cannot show up for black women. Black men, Shannon Sharpe and Don Lemon publicly tell America that it’s ok because Ma’khia was unruly and uncivilized. Nows ya knows ya gots ta ack rite fos massa come round… I feel like now that yall got the verdict for George, now yall don’t wanna step outta line too much and Ma’khia is who yall are willing to sacrifice in order to show white America your utmost gratitude. 
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
Alright I'm testing a theory lemme see something rq.
So fans and/or stans of
- Bruce Banner
- Vision
- Denki Kaminari
- Mezo Shoji
- Fumikage Tokoyami
- Enji Todoroki
- Toshinori Yagi
- Hange Zoë
- Castiel
- Nick Valentine
are either neurodivergent or lgbtq+ or both.
Interact with this post, let me know if I'm right or wrong.
If you think of any other characters you think the same about then also let me know.
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hunky-dunky · 3 years
PLEASE hype Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings as much as you hyped The Falcon and The Winter Soldier or Wandavision, it deserves all the love and REPRESENTATION MATTERS.
With all the Asian hate going around, THIS is our moment as a fandom to show love and support, and hype this the fuck up because it's gonna be BRILLIANT!
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