hurielsanchez · 2 years
I remember life means nothing. And all of a sudden my mood elevates.
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hurielsanchez · 2 years
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hurielsanchez · 2 years
Who ever said “ good people don’t hurt people” obviously never took into consideration that lots of good doctors, police men, and soldiers have hurt plenty of people. Sometimes on accident and sometimes because they had to, to protect others. I Still remember the first time I saw a dead body. I was 13 years old , in middle school. I was on a football team with these kids my age maybe a little older, one night a couple of us decided to sneak out and walk over too the park right next to our school, (I’m pretty sure this was my first time ever sneaking out as well ) this park got really dark and cold at night and of course there is a chance of getting caught by the security guards but we were willing to take that risk. We knew the security guard wouldn’t walk all the way up the bleachers to check them , so we camped out on the top with a little bit of music playing, some bottles of cheap and disgusting vodka. My buddy tommy had to piss so he took off behind the bleachers for a lil while, then got on the phone with his girlfriend.
I asked a couple of my friends who were standing at the top of the bleachers, if they had any weed to smoke and of course they did ( I knew they would). We sat at the very top in the center, smoking weed , taking shots of vodka. After a few drinks and a few laughs one of the girls decided to start getting real flirty and playful with one of my friends, which was unexpected considering I had been talking to this girl for a couple days (romantically). My buddies and I decided to start dancing and horsing around, punching eachother in the arm until we bruised. I could sense some real anger towards me, maybe it was jealousy? Or maybe it was ego. Maybe he was trying to make the girl think he was the alpha. Till this day i don’t know.
After we got done horsing around and being jackasses, already with way too much alcohol in our system. We decided to challenger eachother to an arm wrestling competition! Who ever wins, gets the girl! We warm up and stretch our muscles, the girls putting on chapstick to kiss the winner of the arm wrestling dual, like a princess waiting for the right knight to win her over in hand to hand combat! We run down the bleachers to grab this big, heavy and flat piece of shell stone about 20 inches long 30 inches wide. Perfect for an arm wrestling battle! After we looked at each other with acceptance of the arena grounds, we took off our jackets and prepared for glory. I grab his hand with toughness and strength and he gripped my hand with respect and preparedness, the girl says THREE, TWO, ONE , GO! We battle it out for a solid 20 seconds! And I lost, I lost the arm wrestling battle and I lost the girl of my dreams. The girl grabs my friend by the face and kisses him right in front of me. Now I was not only angry, I was furious! In a drunken rage I grabbed the big piece of shell stone, (almost too heavy for me to lift ) I struggle to get it over my head and I let it fall behind me right over the bleacher fense so I can hear it hit the concrete 20 feet below us! As I let it go my freind and my ex crush grabbed me by the shoulders and told me “ relax! We can still be friends and we don’t have to make this a bigger deal then it has to be!”. After a few minutes of 13 year olds drunk venting to each other, we decide to go home and call it a night, we’re walking down the bleachers, make a hard right to walk down the second flight of stares towards the back of the bleachers. Then we see it. A dead body, with a big 30 by 20 inch piece of shell stone completely crushing its skull into the concrete. “ oh shit is that tommy!?”.
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hurielsanchez · 2 years
Who ever said “ good people don’t hurt people” obviously never took into consideration that lots of good doctors, police men, and soldiers have hurt plenty of people. Sometimes on accident and sometimes because they had to, to protect others. I Still remember the first time I saw a dead body. I was 13 years old , in middle school. I was on a football team with these kids my age maybe a little older, one night a couple of us decided to sneak out and walk over too the park right next to our school, (I’m pretty sure this was my first time ever sneaking out as well ) this park got really dark and cold at night and of course there is a chance of getting caught by the security guards but we were willing to take that risk. We knew the security guard wouldn’t walk all the way up the bleachers to check them , so we camped out on the top with a little bit of music playing, some bottles of cheap and disgusting vodka. My buddy tommy had to piss so he took off behind the bleachers for a lil while, then got on the phone with his girlfriend.
I asked a couple of my friends who were standing at the top of the bleachers, if they had any weed to smoke and of course they did ( I knew they would). We sat at the very top in the center, smoking weed , taking shots of vodka. After a few drinks and a few laughs one of the girls decided to start getting real flirty and playful with one of my friends, which was unexpected considering I had been talking to this girl for a couple days (romantically). My buddies and I decided to start dancing and horsing around, punching eachother in the arm until we bruised. I could sense some real anger towards me, maybe it was jealousy? Or maybe it was ego. Maybe he was trying to make the girl think he was the alpha. Till this day i don’t know.
After we got done horsing around and being jackasses, already with way too much alcohol in our system. We decided to challenger eachother to an arm wrestling competition! Who ever wins, gets the girl! We warm up and stretch our muscles, the girls putting on chapstick to kiss the winner of the arm wrestling dual, like a princess waiting for the right knight to win her over in hand to hand combat! We run down the bleachers to grab this big, heavy and flat piece of shell stone about 20 inches long 30 inches wide. Perfect for an arm wrestling battle! After we looked at each other with acceptance of the arena grounds, we took off our jackets and prepared for glory. I grab his hand with toughness and strength and he gripped my hand with respect and preparedness, the girl says THREE, TWO, ONE , GO! We battle it out for a solid 20 seconds! And I lost, I lost the arm wrestling battle and I lost the girl of my dreams. The girl grabs my friend by the face and kisses him right in front of me. Now I was not only angry, I was furious! In a drunken rage I grabbed the big piece of shell stone, (almost too heavy for me to lift ) I struggle to get it over my head and I let it fall behind me right over the bleacher fense so I can hear it hit the concrete 20 feet below us! As I let it go my freind and my ex crush grabbed me by the shoulders and told me “ relax! We can still be friends and we don’t have to make this a bigger deal then it has to be!”. After a few minutes of 13 year olds drunk venting to each other, we decide to go home and call it a night, we’re walking down the bleachers, make a hard right to walk down the second flight of stares towards the back of the bleachers. Then we see it. A dead body, with a big 30 by 20 inch piece of shell stone completely crushing its skull into the concrete. “ oh shit is that tommy!?”.
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
From The Outside
      From The Outside As an outsider you think of Vegas as some amazing place where you can win life changing amounts of money- have the time of your life with friends and family , even the movies make it seem all fun and fantasy. But nobody ever tells you about the bad that goes on there- like the constant fighting of couples who only came here to have fun with there friends and family but ended up divorcing or breaking up because they get drunk and gambled there life’s savings away, or maybe they got too friendly with the street girls who are trying to seduce you into paying money for a picture. not to mention the place is filled with drunks, drug addicts and whores. from an outsiders perspective this place seems perfect. From the brightest lights to the craziest people, las Vegas was the most fun experience a person from a small town could experience. The largest screens I’ve ever seen the brightest lights I’ve ever seen in a town. The first day in Vegas I had to walk so much my feet were throbbing by the end of the day and we still only managed to explore about 15% of Vegas, and that’s not much coming from an over weight lazy guy who likes playing video games and eating as a hobby. after a week in Vegas i truly believe the people who come here are here for a few different things. one being the experience, the whole experience is basically drinking, smoking, pretty girls, gambling and lots and lots of entertainment! obviously Vegas is known for its entertainment and intense gamboling addicts. the second night of Vegas i actually gambled , i had lots of liquid courage and i was throwing around dollars like a drunk divorcee at a strip club. throwing dollar after dollar obviously now a days the dollars come in a form of a voucher which you pay for at the little kiosk thing in the middle of every gamboling area there is. Im not a card game guy to be completely honest I’ve always been insecure of my lack of card game knowledge and the fact that I’m not exactly the best at math. So i played the slots all night and if you don’t know if you’re playing at the machine, no matter what you’re spending at the machines you basically drink for free. i kept slamming back crown and cokes, and Coors light bottles  until i could barely taste any of the alcohol anymore, finally towards the end of the night we were heading back to our rooms when i had to take a pit stop to the men’s bathroom. As i was washing my hands a drunk older guy, had to be in his mid 50s walked up next to me to wash his hands and the i hear him stutter out some words, he said he just lost all the money in his bank account and with the saddest voice ever he says “I messed up man” i couldn’t even think of anything to say to the poor guy. i felt bad but also couldn’t help but think “ he did this to him self”. That’s not to say this place doesn’t have amazing people and amazing talent also, there is 2 sides to every story it just so happened that my first time here i saw a lot of bad but also had so much fun i wanted more!
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
I think im lonely cuz i been dreaming about girls alot but also there not really romantic dreams but like im living in a movie with crazy shit happening and I’m just tryna survive but with a girl lmao?
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
From The Outside
      From The Outside As an outsider you think of Vegas as some amazing place where you can win life changing amounts of money- have the time of your life with friends and family , even the movies make it seem all fun and fantasy. But nobody ever tells you about the bad that goes on there- like the constant fighting of couples who only came here to have fun with there friends and family but ended up divorcing or breaking up because they get drunk and gambled there life's savings away, or maybe they got too friendly with the street girls who are trying to seduce you into paying money for a picture. not to mention the place is filled with drunks, drug addicts and whores. from an outsiders perspective this place seems perfect. From the brightest lights to the craziest people, las Vegas was the most fun experience a person from a small town could experience. The largest screens I've ever seen the brightest lights I've ever seen in a town. The first day in Vegas I had to walk so much my feet were throbbing by the end of the day and we still only managed to explore about 15% of Vegas, and that's not much coming from an over weight lazy guy who likes playing video games and eating as a hobby. after a week in Vegas i truly believe the people who come here are here for a few different things. one being the experience, the whole experience is basically drinking, smoking, pretty girls, gambling and lots and lots of entertainment! obviously Vegas is known for its entertainment and intense gamboling addicts. the second night of Vegas i actually gambled , i had lots of liquid courage and i was throwing around dollars like a drunk divorcee at a strip club. throwing dollar after dollar obviously now a days the dollars come in a form of a voucher which you pay for at the little kiosk thing in the middle of every gamboling area there is. Im not a card game guy to be completely honest I've always been insecure of my lack of card game knowledge and the fact that I'm not exactly the best at math. So i played the slots all night and if you don't know if you're playing at the machine, no matter what you're spending at the machines you basically drink for free. i kept slamming back crown and cokes, and Coors light bottles  until i could barely taste any of the alcohol anymore, finally towards the end of the night we were heading back to our rooms when i had to take a pit stop to the men's bathroom. As i was washing my hands a drunk older guy, had to be in his mid 50s walked up next to me to wash his hands and the i hear him stutter out some words, he said he just lost all the money in his bank account and with the saddest voice ever he says ''I messed up man'' i couldn't even think of anything to say to the poor guy. i felt bad but also couldn't help but think '' he did this to him self''. That's not to say this place doesn't have amazing people and amazing talent also, there is 2 sides to every story it just so happened that my first time here i saw a lot of bad but also had so much fun i wanted more!
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
there was a weird demonic horse figure with a long face and no eyes .
It shot spikes out of its long fury tenticle like arms.
It was chasing me for hours. i was terrified, running, trying to get away in an old house that looked like half of it was burnt down. I was walking down a hall way when it creeped up on me and knocked me down with a blow to the face and shot a spike through my shoulder. I yelled in pain trying to take the spike out but it went through the shoulder and when i fell it went into the floor and got stuck.
It grabbed my arm and moved it so it could shoot another spike at my face, i turned my head to the right and the 2 inch thick spike goes through my left cheek and completely shatters all my teeth. Im laying there in pain, choking in my own blood.
And as the creature is getting closer to finish me off i hear multiple hand guns go off from behind the creature.
The creature dies and its mouth lands inside my bloody mouth. I turn to get its head off of me and thats all i could do because of the pure pain i was feeling in my shoulder. I pass out and wake up the next days in a hospital bed with my cheek sown together and loopy as hell off of whatever drugs they had me on. An unknown girl is sitting next to me. she’s unknown to me right now but was known to me at the time i spoke to her and she asked me what it did to me and kept asking me questions not knowing I couldn’t speak with all my teeth gone and my tongue cut in pieces
Me being on some kind of drugs mot really feeling the pain in my face i open my mouth and spread my lips open with my fingers to show her what my mouth looks like, she screams in disgust.
I woke up from one of the most realistic, and painful dreams I’ve ever had.
I laid there running my tongue along my teeth making sure they were still there and grabbing my shoulder feeling no pain. i feel relief. And i go back to sleep.
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
I remember one time i was really depressed and my parents made me go to church with them without them knowing what i was going through, i i was sitting there listening to the pastor talk and all of it just sounded like bullshit I couldn’t even listen to him anymore all i could think about was how sad and depressed and full of anxiety i was, i was thinking about death and how fast death could be I wasn’t listening to anybody but my own thoughts staring down at my feet with my arms In front of me and then out of nowhere a random light turned on and reflected onto my arm where i have scars from cutting my self as a kid, it shined a light on a dark time but somehow reminded me how to be happy, i think because it reminded me what true sadness felt like and I didn’t want to be there anymore , I didn’t wanna feel that anymore it instantly altered my mimd set. Do i think that was god? No , the universe? Maybe or could it have some random ass thing that my brain perceived as something els? Most likely
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
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What a day
So clear, i shot in black and white this day because i was feeling really sick and this represented how i felt .
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
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What a day
So clear, i shot in black and white this day because i was feeling really sick and this represented how i felt .
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
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Ive been sick for 3 days feeling like complete dog shit, im drinking some mango tea too help ease the pain in my chest from caughing so much
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
Big colors small world
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
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Fear no pain
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
Since the pandemic started I’ve been so lonely
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
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The weekend of stress free
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hurielsanchez · 3 years
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You’re looking at this building and realize the windows are showing you another world
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