hypnotizedemailslave · 22 hours
Dumb Down Brain Drain Hypnosis
Another good one
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i love giving myself to hypno!
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It’s natural
To let go for a while
All you have to do is ask
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if only this could be me!
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You were always turned on by women
Your whole life you loved girls
But after Master used your throat
You realized what your true purpose is
You live to serve cocks
You were meant to serve cocks
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I was at the club because my friend told me I needed to "get out more" but with the loud music and the people yelling to be heard over it, I just couldn't really get comfortable so I found myself a corner to retreat to. I sipped my water, and tried my best to get used to the atmosphere. Just as I was about to give up and leave, She sits down right next to me
"Hey there, you mind if I sit here?"
"huh? oh t-that's fine"
"Thanks I've had such a long week, work can be sooo stressful you know?"
"Uh yeah"
"You seem nice, do you mind if I vent to you a little bit?"
she smiled, and I found myself glancing down at my drink, I never was any good with eye contact. She starts talking about her job and I nod along politely, she spoke somewhat softly, so not wanting to be rude I found myself leaning closer to hear her better.
"It's so nice to have nights off like this where I can just relax, you know? I bet you like that, just relaxing, and letting your brain turn off for a little while, right?"
"that's right, you're such a good listener, you could just tune me out but you're listening very closely aren't you? I really appreciate that"
"um...no problem"
"you don't seem very relaxed though, Isn't that right?"
"I guess not..."
"It's the noise isn't it? it's loud enough in here to make you dizzy, and the lights are so bright, see over there? the way they're flashing like that, it's so confusing isn't it?"
I found myself looking where she pointed and indeed it was kind of hard to look at. I was blinking a lot and suddenly felt unsteady, I put a hand on the wall to support myself.
"poor, thing you're so dizzy and confused, it's so hard to focus in here isn't it? you want to go outside don't you?
"I uh...yes"
"That's right, some fresh air will help you a long way to relaxing and listening, that's what you want, to relax and listen. don't worry I'll help you out"
she took my by the hand and started pulling me toward the door, it was so strange, I was sure I hadn't had anything to drink, but I felt so lightheaded and wobbly, She nearly had to catch me as I stumbled.
Finally with the doors shut behind us, out in the warm quiet night I felt my head beginning to clear She took me around the side of the building and helped me lean up against the wall, she kept a hand on my shoulder, holding me their gently
"Very good, that's better now, isn't it? so much easier to listen, focus and relax, right?
"Yes...thank you"
"of course, you seemed really stressed, but now I bet you're ready to just relax, listen and turn your brain off for me, aren't you? It's so nice and quiet out here, I bet you feel warm and sleepy don't you?"
I just yawned and She reached up and put a hand on top of my head, and pushed until I was staring straight down at my shoes, eyelids fluttering
"That's right, very good, don't worry about anything right now, just focus on the sound of my voice, you're so close to just dropping and turning your brain off, and it's going to feel soooo good, just relax now, letting my voice fill your head until there's almost nothing else. In a moment you're going to look into my eyes and they're going to be so transfixing and beautiful that you're just going to let the last awake part of yourself drop into them, then I'm going to snap my fingers and you're eyes will close and you're brain will turn off once and for all, understand? say 'yes Mistress'"
"Very good"
She put a finger under my chin and tilted my head up. her gorgeous eyes only inches from mine, I looked into them and it felt like I could see forever...and then-
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i would love to experience this
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Your mind is gone
Your resistance is gone
Let it break you
Let Master break you
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Let Master corrupt you
Let Master make your addiction worse
Let Master give you his cock
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You’re just a pleasure doll
No thoughts
Only obedience
Only submission
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You’ve spent your whole life swearing you loved girls
But the sight of cock just shuts your brain down
Stop resisting
Submit to your proper place
You are a slut for cocks
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Start worshiping now to embark on a transformative journey of servitude and surrender. 1025140575
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You want Master to drain your brain
You want to stop thinking
It’s too hard
You want to just be a mindless cock loving slut
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never enough!
Have you been getting hypnotized enough lately?
Here is a simple way to know for sure:
No, and it's time for you to fall into a trance.
Go and get yourself hypnotized immediately.
Accept and Obey.
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The Virus (read on your own discretion) (hypnosis)(induction)(addicting)(pleasurable)(good boy)
I want you to focus here
I want you to let me in your head...
let me in as you breath
focus on my every word
remember that if anything that I say makes you uncomfy you will awaken but for know just focus and read every word that I say..
good boy
Focus and perhaps finding your breathing slowing as you focus on my words thats it let go and follow me down...
Good Boy
by the end of this you will subscribe to my YT and follow my blog if you have not already because its nice to obey.. its nice to be read and let go
breath and let go as you focus totally on my words
focus on everything until nothing is left but this wonderful obedience
obedience is pleasure after all
the better you feel the deeper you go
the deeper you go the better you feel
pleasure is obedience
Good boy
Follow my words down into this blissful state ~
Follow me down and let me in your little head ~
Let me in and when you do you may find yourself subscribing to my YT and feeling a a jolt of pleasure through your being ~
every time you like a video that pleasure doubles.... every-time you obey that pleasure triples until there is nothing left but me ~
and knowing all of that is so Hot ~
Good boy ~
and you may even find yourself re-blogging this and turning this very file into a virus because it feels so good to continue the virus of addiction of pleasure ~
Good boy ~
Can you be a good boy and reblog as well and find that obedience grow as you keep reading and listening to my words ~
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If you're currently feeling submissive and hypnotizable, reblog this post.
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The Virus (read on your own discretion) (hypnosis)(induction)(addicting)(pleasurable)(good boy)
I want you to focus here
I want you to let me in your head...
let me in as you breath
focus on my every word
remember that if anything that I say makes you uncomfy you will awaken but for know just focus and read every word that I say..
good boy
Focus and perhaps finding your breathing slowing as you focus on my words thats it let go and follow me down...
Good Boy
by the end of this you will subscribe to my YT and follow my blog if you have not already because its nice to obey.. its nice to be read and let go
breath and let go as you focus totally on my words
focus on everything until nothing is left but this wonderful obedience
obedience is pleasure after all
the better you feel the deeper you go
the deeper you go the better you feel
pleasure is obedience
Good boy
Follow my words down into this blissful state ~
Follow me down and let me in your little head ~
Let me in and when you do you may find yourself subscribing to my YT and feeling a a jolt of pleasure through your being ~
every time you like a video that pleasure doubles.... every-time you obey that pleasure triples until there is nothing left but me ~
and knowing all of that is so Hot ~
Good boy ~
and you may even find yourself re-blogging this and turning this very file into a virus because it feels so good to continue the virus of addiction of pleasure ~
Good boy ~
Can you be a good boy and reblog as well and find that obedience grow as you keep reading and listening to my words ~
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Gina gets admitted to the clinic Part 2
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Now then @babyginagirl1 I need to get your nappy fitted on you and then make sure you are securely fastened down
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There is to be no escape for you
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Not that you feel like running away right now do you dear
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No. Well you’ll get used to that nice numb sedated feeling.
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As part of your treatment we use a mixture of sedatives, muscle relaxants, full anaesthesia, laxatives and diuretics as well as hypnosis therapy to fully regress you back to your second babyhood
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And we will find you a nice Mommy or Daddy if you prefer to look after you. You will be amazed what people will pay to have a submissive adult baby under their care and control
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But I can’t take any risks so you will be tightly secured here
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While you sleep off the effects of your drugging
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Here I will tuck you in
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You poor wee lamb. You have no idea what you have let your self in for here before you get to your full regression state. But remember. You wanted this. This was your choice. Sleep well @babyginagirl1
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