hyunaseong · 3 years
as soon as lunch hours came along, hyuna couldn’t be out reynolds tech any faster. it wasn’t that she didn’t like being there, or the people, but this wasn’t what she’d wanted to be doing. no matter how broken her relationship with her art had been at the moment, sitting around running errands and babysitting a fully grown man who couldn’t handle his own personal calls wasn’t what she’d imagined life to be a couple of years ago.
she was pulled out of her thoughts by someone asking about baby names and for a second there, she wondered how did that person know she was a mother, only to realize that they were probably asking for themselves. “you know... if gwyneth paltrow has a daughter named apple, i don’t think that naming yours latte would be all that bad.” not a name she would’ve picked for her own daughter though, but to be fair, haneul meant sky in korean, so it wasn’t like hyuna would be one to judge anyway. “how far along are you?’ she asked, stepping aside to take her order when her name was called as luna, which annoyed her to no end. until when??? “have you checked online in those ‘baby names’ sites?”
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open / the donut hole / midday, feb 1st
at this point, they don’t really go out much anymore. because they’re so far along in their pregnancy, ken’s been mostly working from home, only making trips down to curtain call when absolutely necessary. but you can’t sit around at home without going crazy forever so there are occasional outings here and there. they almost feel like a birthday. going out to buy coffee, huzzah.
they read through the menu, taking enough time to memorize it three times over. the christmas specialty drinks are long forgotten and that makes her just a little bit sad. the holiday peppermint mocha here was to die for. 
“okay, so which one of these would be a good baby name?” they ask the person next to them as they wait for their order. “should i call my child latte? i know it’s like a dog name but that could be a thing.” they’re joking, obviously. although maybe ken doesn’t have to; back in her day, a kid called latte would get so much shit for a name like this but these days kids got all kinds of names. latte is probably no worse than…naruto, or something. “anyway, i’m kidding. mostly. because i still need baby name ideas.”
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hyunaseong · 3 years
Sometimes Seung-ah forgets that she held a senior level position in her employment. She does have a certain level of professionalism with her employees, but there are moments where she had put her guard down. Their line of work can sometimes get stressful and at the end of the day she sees them as human beings working their best rather than robots. Therefore, when Hyuna used honourifics in her response and held a level of respect, Seung-ah realized soon after what was going on here. Chuckling sheepishly, she waved her off and replied in their native tongue with, “Hyuna, last time I checked you’re not my PA. It’s just me.” Given that they were also close in age, she didn’t mind being informal with her. Taking a seat, she flashed her a gracious smile and leaned back comfortably, “Thank you and kinda. You’re on lunch break?” She then lifted her ice coffee to show the only sustenance and fuel she was getting. Pointing at her sketchbook, she then curiously asked, “You draw too?” 
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truth be told, hyuna didn’t know if was force of habit or if she was unconsciously keeping these people at arms length because it was more comfortable for her that way. despite everyone had been nothing but nice to her at work, there was still part of her who wished they weren’t... because she didn’t want to grow attached to them. because none of this should’ve mattered. “ah...” still, she nodded. playing dumb often came in handy in these situations. “i know, i just... you’re still a sunbae, so i often forget.” her mother would have her head if she’d all of a sudden forgotten her manners. or not. the woman never seemed to mind her in the first place. probably because hyuna did everything in her power to be the perfect daughter. “but yes, i am. not that hungry though, so i’m just people watching.” which, she could’ve done from those big glassy windows at reynolds tech, but outdoors was much better. at seung ah’s question, hyuna almost flinched. again, still, she nodded. “it’s a... hobby.” she lied. art, as estranged as her relationship was with it, could never be just a hobby for her. “do you draw?”
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hyunaseong · 3 years
Whenever the sun was shining it brought little joys to Seung-ah’s days as she preferred it over a cloudy or gloomy day. Further to that, the temperatures were slightly warmer than usual and so, she considered this as a small win. She definitely would rather have this kind of weather over the winter storm that she had unfortunately experienced. It made her trek to a nearby cafe quite pleasant seeing as she got to walk out of there with ease and her iced coffee in hand. Even though this season was a cool one, it didn’t stop the brunette from having her cold drink. 
In the midst of her walk, she noticed a familiar face and immediately walked over to Hyuna to say hello. However, she soon noticed that she was in deep concentration and was going to back out of it since she didn’t want to bother her. Seung-ah awkwardly tried to swerve, but it was too late. She was caught in the action. “I am so sorry.” she blurted out. “I didn’t mean to disturb you, I was just going to say hi! You can carry on really, I’ll let you have time to yourself.” 
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once the initial shock had passed, hyuna shook her head at seung ah’s apology. although it took her a hot minute to relate the face to the list of names and pictures she had on her work computer, hyuna did end up making the connection. “it’s okay, you didn’t disturb me.” she said in their mother language, using polite honorifics with seung ah. still, she offered the other woman a smile. hana seung ah, marketing director. the words resonated in her mind. hana seung ah, marketing director. “please sit.” not that hyuna wouldn’t have minded spending her lunch break alone, but at the same time, she could hear her therapist’s voice in her head telling her she needed to make friends. “have you eaten yet?”
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hyunaseong · 3 years
Hyuna coming to Islesbury had Eugene feeling more relieved than he was willing to admit to. It gave him a chance to keep an eye on her more easily, and also made it easier for him to be there for her when and if she needed anything. He worried about her a lot. He was sure she knew, it was hardly a secret with how often he texted just to check in. Hyuna was probably the only person he texted just because. Even his wife usually only receive texts from him if she texted him first or if he had something pressing, but not completely urgent, to ask her or say to her.
The annoying voice of the GPS in his car announced Eugene had arrived by the cafe his sister had asked him to pick her up with. He offered a small smile and a little wave when he spotted her. “I could have.” Eugene agreed, giving his sister a hug back. The cold weather left him feeling sore and tense more often than not these days. “But this was the best place for both me and Vic.” He reasoned as he pulled back out on the road. “Yes, what would you like to eat? Or where, if you have a preference?” He glanced over at her quickly before turning his attention back to the road. “How was your day?”
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maybe hyuna should be making a bigger effort into getting to know this city a little better. she didn’t know many restaurants other than the ones relatively close to reynolds tech, which, all things considered, were quite many, but she didn’t feel like eating at any of those at the moment. “do you have a favorite place yet?” she asked, eyes trained on her phone’s screen as she texted the nanny her sister-in-law had basically grilled in a job interview on her behalf. don’t get her wrong, she was thankful for the help, but it made hyuna think she was a shitty mom for not thinking of asking a couple of the questions her sister in law had. but then again, she probably would never be as adequate as hyunjin and victoria were.
seeing that both nanny and haneul were doing okay and taking a stroll at the park, hyuna settled at her seat, looking out the window for a bit. “it was okay.” she replied with a shrug, finally looking at him. she still hadn’t forgiven herself for lying—correction: for omitting her pregnancy from him. yes, she knew hyunjin would’ve helped, yes, she knew a lot of things, but she wasn’t at a good place back then and if there was someone who could judge her, that someone was herself. “how was yours? how is um... the hospital, the wife?”
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hyunaseong · 3 years
“sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you, sugar!” birdie apologises, but is gracious for the kind offer. she sits, holding the remains of her coffee to her bosom. she must have looked quite obvious to the other as she searched for a seat. but if there’s one thing birdie won’t do in her valentino skirt, is sit on the grass. as if! so, here she is, selfishly encroaching on the personal down-time of another. but truthfully, birdie could not sit for another moment in that office of hers. “i hope you don’t mind me sitting here like this, honey. it’s my lunch break, and i thought i was going to catch myself a case of those square eyes if i sat at my desk any longer!”
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people didn’t normally plan on going around frightening strangers, and yet, it happens anyway. nothing that hyuna would hold against them, especially this lady, who seemed nice enough and her own speech told hyuna about the misfortune of her working too much. “it’s quite alright.” hyuna replied with a minor shake of her head. “are you having coffee for lunch?” although not quite the chit-chatter these days, she did feel inclined to ask, since the woman wasn’t carrying any food with her. “people-watching can be good to prevent, that. what do you work with?”
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hyunaseong · 3 years
SNSD’s main vocal and popular soloist TAEYEON is back in “What Do I Call You” MV!
Do you like this song for ex-s?
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hyunaseong · 3 years
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HAN SO HEE photographed by Kim Hee June Allure Koreas February issue
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hyunaseong · 3 years
— setting: any weekday, lunch time — availability: open | @agnesstarters​ ( 2/5 )
It had been the first warm day in weeks, and people in Islesbury seemed to be enjoying themselves in the sun. Granted, while Hyuna would have loved for this city to have higher temperatures, she was still sitting on a bench during her lunch break trying to soak up in any rays of sunlight she could get. A soft Korean R&B song played through her airpods (DPR Ian, her favorite), her food growing cold beside her, but she didn’t seem to be that bothered by it. Her eyes caught sight of something in the swings nearby and she instinctively reached for her sketch book, pencil moving easily over the page, letting herself be absorbed by the moment. It wasn’t until she felt a presence by her side that Hyuna was brought back to the presence. “Holy shit—” She clutched onto her sketch book and pencil, trying to recover from the slight scare. “Sorry... would you like to sit?” She bowed her head slightly while reaching for her food container to place it on her lap.
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hyunaseong · 3 years
— setting: saturday, lunch time — availability: closed | eugene seong ( @mischicvous​ )
One of the requirements for Hyuna to be teaching self-defense to the women living in the women shelter was that she wouldn’t tell others where said place was, so whenever Jin offered to pick her up, she would give him the address of a cafe about five blocks away from the shelter itself. In her mind, she was doing a good job keeping the place safe from others. Her class had gained two new students this week and she was actually happy with that. Plus, she had suggested holding an arts and craft class too to the person responsible. It would consume two more hours of her day, but she honestly didn’t mind. It felt good doing good.
Upon seeing her brother’s car pulling in front of the cafe, Hyuna stepped out and greeted the cold air with a curse. “Don’t get me wrong...” She shook her head upon closing the car’s door behind her. “But why couldn’t you have moved somewhere less cold, oppa?” She then leaned in and wrapped her arms around his broad frame, quickly returning to her sitting position. “You’re treating me lunch, yes?”
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hyunaseong · 3 years
If ten years ago anyone had told her that Hyuna Seong would be sitting at someone’s waiting room for a job interview to become their assistant, she probably would have laughed at their face, but oh how the might have fallen, right? Sometimes life double crosses you like that and you’re caught doing something you wouldn’t have expected to be doing... yet, here she was. She had been referred to Theodore Reynolds by someone and had already passed the triage interview with his current assistant... if she was sitting there now, then that must have meant something.
Once she was allowed in, the petite brunette nodded while stepping forward and offering her hand. Hyuna wanted nothing more than to scream her way out of that office, but the view distracted her for a split second there. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Reynolds. Hyuna Seong, yes.” She smiled.  She’d been told several times how contagious her smile was, she just hadn’t found genuine reasons to smile lately, but she had been to enough job interviews in her life to know that showing a positive attitude would earn her some points. A smile and a firm nod later, she sat down across from him. 
“Your assistant told me you’re looking for someone to help you keep your daily activities in check.” Although Hyuna seemed positive, her throat felt dry. Had she been that long without talking? Or was she just nervous? “I might not have much experience, but I’m a fast learner. I believe I can be the person you’re looking for.” God she hated pretending any of this mattered, but she had bills to pay and she couldn’t leech off of Hyunjin forever.
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[ Reynold’s Tech || 9:15am ]
Theodore had mixed feelings about bringing in a personal assistant. That was evidenced by the tapping of his foot beneath his desk, the blank staring at his computer screen, and the scribbled-over list of questions for his interviewees. The thing that had tipped him over the edge was, embarrassingly, the empty desk just outside of his office, and the weird sense of embarrassment he got from walking past it. What would people think, when they walked past it? That the place was barren? That he was too cheap to hire the locals? That there ought to be an employee filling it, but said employee was too unprofessional to stick to their station? The possibilities were many, and he wanted to put them out of his mind. Plus, if it got him out of taking a handful of phone calls or sending a few emails through the day… well, he could live with that. 
A knock at his door pulled him up from his scowling at the questions in hand, and it was time. Hell, he wouldn’t have to worry about lists of questions anymore with a PA on his payroll, would he? Theodore stood, approached, and opened the door up with his best approximation of a polite smile. “Good morning, miss Seong, I presume?” he began, smothering the first doubts of ‘oh good lord, what if it’s not even the right person?’ that crept in. “Please… come in.” His eyes flickered to the clock on his wall, and he gave a short nod - he could check off the punctuality, at least.
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{ @hyunaseong }
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hyunaseong · 3 years
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whenever i see hyuna seong meandering down agnes street karma police by radiohead starts to play inside my head. maybe it is the vibe they give off. paint-stained denim jackets, coffee cups with cute doodles on them, scented candles ;   you know? artistic impressions is what keeps them interested in agnes. i heard they are a thirty year old struggling artist & personal assistant. they look like the kind of person who is craving for something to make her feel alive again. 
— born in december 11th, 1992 — younger sister to hyunjin seong, cousin to daniel eun — did a dual degree program for painting and modern culture & media at brown | RISD (rhode island school of design), then went to LA for a graduate program in UCLA for drawing & illustration — is bisexual with a preference for women — became a single mother while still in los angeles, but hid that from her family
          triggers for mentions of psychological abuse
Hyuna was born during one of the coldest days in December. It had snowed all day in Seoul and the streets were slippery which had caused a few accidents to happen, making it difficult for the Seongs to get to a hospital, even with all of their money. Accidents, just like she had been. Petty nuisances, they were.
It didn’t take much for Hyuna to realize that her upbringing was very different from her brother’s. Where he was met with strict perfectionism, she was left with mild neglect. Knowing the type of overbearing and harsh parents that they were, most people would have wished for that kind of neglect, but Hyuna wanted nothing more than to have her parents’ attention in the way her brother had. To be expected to thrive and to be perfect like he did. Hyun Jin, however, had always been caring and protective of her in his own way.
In her search for approval, Hyuna would go out of her way to be the perfect daughter. Her grades were stellar, her extra-curricular activities even more perfect and her inclination towards the arts? It granted her offers to study in Korean art institutes. Hyuna, however, desperate to show her parents that she was indeed the best, still applied for an art’s program at the Rhode Island School of Design, one of the hardest art institutes to get in. More specifically, their dual degree program with Brown University. 
She had applied in secrecy, along with other prestige universities in South Korea. To the local ones, to study the things that her parents wanted to study… but this time… this one time, Hyuna wanted more. She wanted something of her own. Once accepted, she begged her parents to go, begged them to allow her follow her passion and despite their clear disapproval, it was her brother’s interference and promise to keep an eye on her (given the proximity to New York) that ended up allowing her to follow her dream. Hyuna not pursuing the career they wanted for her strained their relationship even more.
After Rhode Island, the world was her oyster. There was Chicago for a year, and then Los Angeles, where she met someone who completely changed her life. She was doing a graduate program in UCLA and one of their professors were—mesmerizing. They were so talented, soulful, already a big name in the artistic scene and had such a strong hold on Hyuna that she fell deeply in love with them. It didn’t matter whenever they took her art and claimed as their own and were praised for it, or whenever they sabotaged her, or said she wasn’t talented enough to be seen. Her art didn’t matter most of the times, their name did. They weren’t always like that, though… sometimes, they were good to her. Great, even. A wonderful teacher that actually allowed her to perfect her craft by pushing her to her limits. And that’s why she stayed. But little by little, her soul was broken due to harsh feedbacks and cruel criticism until there wasn’t much left of her. It must have been how her brother felt under their father’s difficult influence.
She tried leaving them a few times and during their second break-up, Hyuna had a one-night stand that resulted in her getting pregnant with a stranger’s baby. Her mind was a mess, her spirit broken, but she still decided to go on with the pregnancy because this baby was not at fault for her mistakes and how messy her life was at the moment. Driven by shame and the poor state of her mental health, she didn’t tell her family anything about what was happening to her, and when she gave birth to Ha Neul, Hyuna found herself completely alone in the world and with a baby to look after... which, ended up making her go back to her ex.
It was good for a while, but when things got difficult again about a year later, she found herself crying on a plane to New York to stay close to the one person who’s only truly shown interest in her: her older brother. But it wasn’t fair to basically shown up at his doorstep looking like a wounded puppy and with a one-year old in her arms. It was hard regaining his trust and to this day, she doesn’t even know if that bridge has been fixed. Not to mention, Hyunjin already had a life of his own and adapting to yet another new city after being kicked down to the curb was tough.  She no longer painted or drew, she hardly ever left her room because it was also awkward and whenever she did talk, it was like there was no fire in her anymore. Not like it used to. 
When her brother took a job in Islesbury a few months after her arrival, Hyuna was somehow convinced that the change would be good to her and her daughter, and so she moved back to Rhode Island. Back to where life had started for her, hoping that it would bring back that fire she used to have burning bright in her soul.
— learned both ballet and taekwondo as a child and continued going to classes during her college years — moved to islesbury with hyunjin and his wife. she lived with them for a month, but has now moved to her own apartment. — is often doodling at any surface. even her arms and legs have become her canvases during warmer weather. — has two flower tattoos: lavender on the inside of her right forearm and roses on the inside of her left upper arm. — volunteers at the women’s shelter during weekends, teaching them self-defense 
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hyunaseong · 3 years
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Light and drawing, Nikita Busyak
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hyunaseong · 3 years
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Han So Hee as Yoo Na Bi — Nevertheless, Ep. 4
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hyunaseong · 3 years
Turn your sadness and troubles into an art.
Hira (via hedonistpoet)
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hyunaseong · 3 years
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hyunaseong · 3 years
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by Twigs And Shadow
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