iamthetrickster · 11 years
Gabriel finds it hard to imagine that whatever Sam means by 'making it worse' would dissuade fights unless he maybe keeled over (which isn't exactly beyond the realm of possibility), but he's also fairly sure Sam's not being serious. That's probably a good sign, even if Sam still does look pretty exhausted to Gabriel. 
"Dunno if I've ever tried that one before, you'd have to let me know how it works out for you," he quips with a bright grin. "While we're here, though, s'there anything you need?"
"It’ll happen. Soon." He shrugged and rested his elbows on his legs. Rubbing his face against the hand on him, he was all but full on nuzzling the archangel. "Just not gonna over exert myself and end up making it worse." He laughed quietly, a small grin on his face as heavy eyes looked over at the honey ones next to him. "It’d do a good job on keeping fights from getting too crazy, though. Might be worth a try."
He was kidding, of course.
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
Gabriel leaves his hand there, still smiling slightly and absently rubbing his thumb over the edge of Sam's jaw. He's pretty sure that even if Dean did come to them, there'd still be an argument, but it's more up to Sam than it is to him at this point. "M'sure we could swing that, if you wanted. Dunno how much more restful it'd be, though."
Sam’s eyes close at the extra physical attention he’s given. With a small sigh, he hums in agreement to Gabriel’s words. “Yeah. Definitely. Still, I don’t exactly have the energy for what I’m sure is gonna turn into some kind of argument. So I’ll wait. Unless, y’know, he comes out here. Then… I don’t know.”
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
If Gabriel was unsure about touching before, Sam leaning forward banishes that; instead of pulling back, he  lets his hand rest against Sam's neck, shrugging a shoulder. "Probably not," he agrees, then grins a little, "but it'd make for an interesting trip."
"Yeah," he sighs, leaning forward a bit into the first real bit of contact he’s felt since the whole situation started, "I miss him, though. I should go see him. Once I’m a little more stable on my feet, I mean." He huffed and shook his head. "Can’t exactly go anywhere right now."
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
Gabriel snorts, more amused than anything; it's not like he's surprised. "Yeah, fair enough," he agrees, grinning slightly. "Definitely not what I was talkin' about."
The grin fades a little when Sam mentions talking to Dean, and Gabriel reaches out to briefly run his fingers through the ends of Sam's hair. "Stubborn's a good word for it. Can't say he's the most fun to deal with in a crisis, either." 
Sam grimaces slightly at Gabriel’s choice of words, though he looks ready to laugh at the same time. “Let’s not use ‘self-flagellating’ as a word. Dean used to use it as a euphemism for-” he shook his head and ran a hand down his face. “Let’s just not use it.”
 ”I’m glad they’re doing at least mostly okay.” He shifted in his seat a bit, trying to get comfortable. “Talked to Dean for a second when Lucifer had decided to take the back seat. Wasn’t a great talk. He’s always so damn… stubborn.”
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
Gabriel's still watching Sam pretty closely, and he has to admit he's pretty relieved when Sam sits; he finally makes his way further into the room and leans against the table, shrugging a shoulder at Sam's question.
"I'm fairly sure Dean's been self-flaggellating about the whole thing. He won't let me heal him, and Castiel isn't really at full speed right now. But I'm workin' on that, I think they're alright in the grand scheme of things. Been an interesting couple weeks."
Sam looks around for a place to sit, still not feeling completely confident in his legs and decides on a chair at the nearby table. Pulling it out, he sits down with a sigh of relief, realizing that he really could’ve slept a little bit longer without any problems. Still, he’s up now. He might as well take advantage of it and get caught up with everything.
He huffs a small laugh at what Gabriel tells him and lowers his head to think. “How’s Dean? And Cas?”
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
Gabriel watches Sam pretty closely -- all things considered, he's not actually sure that a couple days was enough rest, but he isn't going to push it too far. He can worry about how well-rested Sam is later, right now it's just nice to see him conscious and himself. He shrugs again. "Yeah, could be worse."
He's not sure he wants to have the conversation about how it could have been better, so the change of subject comes at a good time; and besides, he can't really help but smile at how typically Sam the question is in light of the circumstances. "I'm doin' okay," he replies honestly, then grins. "Way better now, though."
"Couple days." He repeated as he shakes his head. With a deep sigh, he leans against the nearest wall. He wasn’t exactly full of energy even now that he was conscious. "Small price to pay, I guess. Could be worse, too. I could be like the guy Raphael took as a vessel then dropped back off as a vegetable."
Running a hand through his hair again, he gave Gabriel another look over. His memories were all a mess of what happened but he did vaguely remember being in the same room as Gabriel while Lucifer was still behind the wheel. “How’re you?” 
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
"Yeah, I'm counting it as a nice bonus." It's an understatement if ever there was one, since it's considerably more than a nice bonus to have Sam back, let alone upright and functional in much less time than he had worried it would take.
"Couple days." There's a shrug to accompany that, even if it doesn't quite convey nonchalance. "I'm guessing you needed the rest."
"Hey." His brow furrows and he swallows then clears his throat, trying to sound a little less like he had something stuck in it. "I’m alive and not in Hell. That’s something- and better than last time that happened."
He huffs and pushes his hair out of his face, doing his best to make it look a little better by running his fingers through it. “How long was I out?”
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
Gabriel hasn't exactly been relaxed lately, and it isn't all that conducive to him being able to stay still -- instead of sitting and staring at Sam the whole time, he's been pacing around his place. It hasn't been much more productive than the alternative.
He's been checking on Sam almost compulsively in between trying to get any sort of basic strategy figured out for dealing with what's sure to be an exhausting time ahead; not much has changed any time he's looked in, so he hadn't been expecting Sam to be awake, much less upright. It's still a relief to see.
"Hey," he says, offering a small smile. "How're you feeling?"
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He wakes up in a haze which he guesses is better than waking up in a sweat and trying to catch his breath- which seems to be the case more often than not these days.
Of course, that’s not taking into account that his body hadn’t been at rest in a long time. Sitting up and eventually standing up, he takes in his surroundings, trying to make out where he is and how exactly he got there. Considering he isn’t strapped to a table or in pain, he assumes he’s at least somewhat safe.
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
Not until one of us deals with Naomi.
-brightly- Absolutely not. Good luck with Michael.
-it's easy enough to send Nick back to Heaven -- not nearly the ordeal that sneaking in to get him was -- and even easier to cross the room and get Sam before giving Lucifer a little wave and taking off to someplace safe-
You call the shots up there.
You’re still in my room. Are you two staying for dinner?
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
I just finished telling you that you're high on Heaven's priority list. Just not on mine. 
Uh huh, I'm sure.
We haven’t been high on Heaven’s priority list for awhile.  I’m counting on that, actually.
Sure.  I appreciate the assistance. 
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
-shoots him a half-smile- You too.
Good luck.
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
I'm sure she does, too. 
Demons haven't done anything to deserve it either, but this argument's real old so I don't see any point in keeping it going.
I'm actually not all that concerned about your side. I mean, if you really want to play whatever game you've got going on now, that's your prerogative, I'll deal with it, but you aren't all that high on my priority list now.
This has been fun. If you're done, I think we'll be going now.
I hope she tries before you take a shot at her.
Only because they’ve swarmed it, not because they’ve done anything to deserve it. Demons have had the run of the place for some time now.
Thank you. You’re going to have all kinds of fun soon, between my side and yours. Do Sam a favor and take care of him while you have a free day. It worries me that he’s so willing to make the sacrifice play so quickly all the time.
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
I'm not saying you're a pushover, I'm saying she's an opportunist. I wouldn't expect you to sit back and take it if she tried to take over.
Also, I'm pretty sure Earth's actually humanity's domain. Not either of ours. But I'm sure you consider that semantics.
-shrugs- Personally, once I make sure it won't take out all of Heaven, I'm planning on reliving the Old Testament on her. She's had enough second chances from what I hear. Thought I should let you know anyway, just in case.
Very kind of you to offer a tip. -snorts- I was at my strongest with Sam, but I’m no pushover like this. If she tries to make a move on Hell, we will retaliate.
…Depending on her intentions when it comes to ruling Earth, we might retaliate on an attempt there too. It’s more our domain than Heaven’s now anyway. 
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
-rolls his eyes again but ends up also watching Sam, despite the fact that he's definitely still talking to Lucifer- She wants Hell. As in, rulership of. Heaven and Earth, too, apparently. Which is why I was concerned about getting this done as quickly as possible, in case she's keeping tabs.
Obviously I'm not real keen on lettin' her get anywhere close to that far, but just...I dunno, keep an eye out.
-frowns at Gabriel then looks down, rather pointedly addressing Sam, who is currently unconscious anyway- You’re welcome.
-manages to pull off a jerky shrug despite the stiffness in his shoulders- She isn’t a threat to me. I don’t really care what she wants. 
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
-about as gently as he's able to be- I know, Michael.
I don't actually know if she's capable of contrition, but I'll definitely look into taking out her control.
Get rid of her source of control and you’ve gotten rid of her as a threat. Have her being contrite in front of the others and you won’t have any problems for a while.
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
-doesn't actually eavesdrop on the conversation, both because he's not particularly interested in hearing the details of it and because he's using the time to think, both about the situation in Heaven and the implications of Lucifer's environmental awareness; he still lets out a little breath of relief and visibly relaxes when it's all said and done-
-genuinely, even if it's not quite appropriate and even if Lucifer didn't do it for him- Thank you.
-pauses for a second, then glances over at Lucifer- Also, Naomi doesn't just want Heaven.
-looks back but over Gabriel’s shoulder, where Nick is watching all this transpire with an expression mostly annoyance, part contempt. He isn’t pleased and, as soon as Lucifer finally acknowledges him, wastes no time, giving Lucifer what for over bothering him again, leaving his body, so on and so forth. And he says no. Puts his foot down, hands on his hips, the whole nine yards, no.-
-It takes more coercing than Lucifer likes to get Nick to come around. The conversation barely resembles the first one, where Nick was mostly patient but stern and talked down to him as though he was addressing a child instead of one the oldest living things in existence. This time, he’s far less patient and plenty cold, not buying what Lucifer’s selling.-
-In the end, Lucifer has to explain to him that when he leaves Sam this time, he’ll be getting back in Nick’s body with a semi-permanent solution in mind. Better than the last, it should spare Sam the trouble of having an archangel constantly hounding him. Somewhat, at least, but Lucifer doesn’t say that out loud. When Nick finally agrees, it’s grudgingly and only for Sam’s sake.-
-Lucifer slips from Sam to Nick, Grace filling the room with a brief, brilliant light. The difference is instantaneous - Nick’s body leaves him feeling diminished and cramped, uncomfortable where Sam had been ideal, tailored to him and full of raw power. The old familiar, faint ache from wearing a vessel second-best will start up again eventually, but for the moment, it’s just irritating. Lucifer sits up on the bed and flexes the fingers of Nick’s right hand, giving a little sigh.-
Talk about throwing a wet blanket on the party. 
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iamthetrickster · 11 years
-frowns- Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I don't believe that.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think you all believed I led Heaven through power alone. There was some thought and strategy involved.
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