iba-hime · 5 years
Fictober Day 3: Loss
Edo era! Iba x Etsu again of course! This was fun to writeeee~
Hearing the sound of a door opening made Etsu run to it. It had been days since she heard anything about her beloved. “Motoyama-kun!” She immediately helped him into the guest room and brought medical supplies, though he insisted he was fine.
They remained in silence, and though Etsu was dying to ask about her beloved, she had an idea of what Motoyama was going to say with the crestfallen look on his face. When she finished bandaging his wounds, he took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m…sorry, Miura-san…”
Words got caught in her throat and she bit her lip. She took a shaky breath, “Wh-what do you mean?”
“...The…creatures were becoming too much for us…Iba…Iba told us all to retreat…When things calmed down, I went back to look for him and I wasn’t able to find him.” Motoyama looked down at his feet, his eyes were glassy.
“I d-don’t want to assume! Iba is very strong!”
Etsu’s heart squeezed. She knew why Motoyama was unable to find Iba himself…what if he had succumbed to the curse completely? She’d seen it happen before, the gray ashes of the ones that had expended their lives. “Please get some rest, Motoyama-kun.” She swallowed a lump in her throat and excused herself.
She buried her face in her hands as grief overcame her.
“I will be back soon. You’ll wait for me, won’t you?” He kissed her tenderly.
Her heart fluttered and her hands grasped his uniform. “Of course, forever, Hacchi-san.”
He cupped her cheeks, his soft green eyes stared into hers, and he brushed their noses together. “But..I must confess…There is the possibility that I may not be strong enough.”
“Please don’t say such things, Hacchi-san…” She buried her face in his chest.
“My love,” His fingers threaded into her hair and he undid the tie in her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders. “I am afraid I cannot rule out that possibility, as much as the thought frightens you.” He trailed kisses from her cheek to her jaw. “If it does, I have already seen to it that you will be looked after, my love. I can promise that I will do everything possible to come back to you.” He kissed her again.
Motoyama had to head out on business the next day and he promised to search for Iba while he was out. Etsu was tempted to go out and search for him herself, but Motoyama had urged her to stay home in the case that Iba came back home.
She couldn’t help but hope that her suspicions were all wrong.
Two days later, Etsu was hanging the laundry. Her heart was still heavy and she continued to hope that by some miracle, Iba would come back. She sighed and looked up at the sky.
Turning her head, she gasped and dropped the laundry basket she was holding and ran towards the sound of the voice as fast as she could. “Hacchi!” She gasped and tightly wrapped her arms around him.
He let out a little chuckle and he kissed her. “I’m sorry.”
She could smell gunpowder, dry blood and pine on him. “I thought-”
“I know…” Iba cupped her cheeks. “I apologize…I wanted to…clear out the forest. It took me a while…but I’m home now.”
She gave him a little smile. “Allow me to draw you a bath and dress your wounds, Anata.”
As Etsu was laying down their futon side by side, she squealed when she was lifted off her feet. “Ha-Hacchi!”
“Dearest,” He breathed on the back of her neck and kissed it. “I will make up for lost time.”
She flushed and stilled his hands. “I-I was afraid that you’d met your end like the others of our kind…”
Iba softly sighed and turned her around. “I feel this is all coming to an end soon…I have managed to locate Kodo and Takeda, and once I fulfill my promise, my focus will be solely on your happiness.”
Etsu’s cheeks warmed under his hands, and she wrapped her arms around him “And I will be devoted to your happiness, Hacchi…”
Iba brushed his lips against her knuckles. “We won’t lose anymore. Only happiness awaits us.”
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iba-hime · 5 years
Pairings: Iba Hachiro/OC Rating: G
Ever since I saw the new CGs, I couldn’t get this scene out of my head. Miura Etsu belongs to @iba-hime
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.*The Kiss*.
White blossoms drifted along the whisper of a warm spring breeze, flitted through rays of high noon sunshine raining down and sparkling gold on this day of days. It was all perfect, so perfect: every beautiful childhood daydream, every expectation, combined—and somehow more yet. She’d imagined this moment more times than memory could have possibly served…before there was talk of bonding or a lace ivory dress or even a groom himself. Still, nothing could ever have braced Etsu for the reality of Iba’s gentle hands now reaching for her veil and ever so carefully pushing it back.
His eyes were soft and glassy from the pricking of tears, so rife with bliss that she felt the elation they held coursing through her body—felt her heart beat faster, felt her breath drawn just a bit quicker.
“My lady…” The tenderness in Iba’s voice was insurmountable, while deft fingertips released the dainty shroud now framing the beauty of Etsu’s face. He cupped her cheeks with his palms and leaned in. “I hold the entire world between my hands.”
“Hachiro…” His name was barely audible as Etsu bit the inner edge of her lip to stop it from trembling, and a choppy exhale left her chest. The will of emotion won over at last, however, when diamond droplets suddenly broke free from between her lashes and began a slow trail down her features.
A thumb on each cheek caught her stray tears and wiped them away. “I promise to always be at your side, to love and protect you, to always…” Iba smiled a little further. “…dry your tears. I give myself to you, Etsu, as your devoted husband, now and forever.”
Etsu’s lashes fell as she cried, as Iba leaned in and sealed the promise of marriage with a kiss, their fingers entwining tightly and holding, holding, holding—like life itself depended on the embracing of these two hands.
And maybe, in some way, it did. Because after all the hardships and all the suffering this merciless world had thrust upon them both, all Etsu could see now when she opened her eyes again was a future of happiness.
“Now and forever,” she whispered, her lips still against his.
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iba-hime · 5 years
Fictober Day 2: Nightmare
Edo era, around Edo Blossoms. I really love writing these two so much >< I am self-indulging...
"Hacchi, how could you!?"
He could hear how scared, how horrified and disgusted she was with him. He stared at the blood on his hands, splattered on his sword, his face, his uniform. The stench of it was overwhelming, but sickeningly sweet. His white hair danced with the wind. His ruby red eyes flickered to her. "There was no other choice."
She shook her head, her wide light brown eyes staring at him with fear as tears streaked down her cheeks. "This isn't like you!"
He let the tip of the sword drag as he walked towards her. "Sometimes one has to change in order to gain. The power given to me by this arm," He lifted his bandaged arm. "I've unlocked its full potential."
Etsu slowly backed away from him. "You're beginning to sound like Takeda! Hacchi, please!"
“I am superior to that joke of a creature.” He licked the blood off his fingers and he loomed over her as she tripped and fell down. "Come," He held his hand out to her.
"N-no!" She scrambled to her feet and let out a shriek when he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip. Her body was trembling as she tried to pry her hand away from his strong grip. "Stop it, Hacchi!"
Iba's soft green eyes flew open as he sat up in a panic. His heart rammed in his chest as he realized he was still in the inn room he and Etsu were staying at.
His eyes darted to her and his breathing slowed as he watched her blink sleepily and sit up. So, it had been a nightmare then. He fell back on the futon and covered his eyes. He felt Etsu come closer and he opened his arms. As she drew closer to him, he wrapped an arm around her and buried his face in her hair. She smelled sweet, like red bean buns.
"Did you have a nightmare again?"
He merely nodded and he continued on focusing on her breathing. It was a dream. It was a dream, he continued to chant internally. If he had done something unforgivable, Etsu would not be by his side.  
Her fingers found his chestnut brown hair and she started running them through it. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh as he felt and focused on every movement of her fingers. They remained like this for a while until Etsu felt Iba's body relax against hers. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Just let me apologize." Iba's lips met hers in a slow kiss. "Please, if I ever show signs of changing, stop me."
She tilted her head in confusion and blinked. "Ah…Is it talking to you again?"
"Through my dreams, I believe…" He sighed and started to pepper kisses on her face. "I will not succumb to it. Not while I have you by my side."
Etsu gave him a soft smile and she brushed their noses together. "I know you won't because I love you."
"And I, you, my love."  
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iba-hime · 5 years
Fictober Day 1-Fear
I know I’m late on the fictober, but I’m going to attempt to catch up! 
This one is about Edo era Iba x Etsu, an au where Etsu was turned into a rasetsu, and she’s living with Iba due to certain circumstances. 
He lightly knocked on her door for the tenth time that day, noticing that her breakfast had remained untouched…it was now lunchtime. “Miura-chan, please come out to have lunch with me.” His tone was soft, begging. He wanted to at least distract her, but she was having a difficult time coping with who she was now.
No answer.
“Miura-chan, I am a gentleman, but I’m starting to get worried about you. Please come out.”
Again, he received no answer.
“I apologize for this,” Iba looked at his bandaged hand and gave a little sigh as he forced the door to slide open. He would have someone come by to fix it later. “Miura-chan?” He spotted her curled up in the futon. “Miura-chan.”
She hid herself deeper in the blankets, remaining silent.
“Please talk to me. I am here to listen.” He sat next to her and placed a hand on her back.
Etsu sighed and removed the blankets from herself. "I-Iba-sama…"
He pursed his lips and he cupped her cheeks. "What troubles you? I was informed that it has been several days since you have come out of your room. I came back to the estate last night and you haven't been out all morning."
She looked away and covered her face. "I…When you were gone, I took a walk. I…was hit with a bout of bloodlust and…"
Iba grasped her hand and squeezed it.
"I saw someone…I had a hard time walking away from them…I...I don’t know if I will be able to stop myself next time..." She squeezed her eyes shut. "Wh-what if I become a monster like the rest of them?"
"You won't." His voice was firm. He believed that Etsu was incapable of harming another person. That's why he was trying to find a cure on the side for their ailment, at the very least something that would quench their bloodlust. "You have oni blood in your veins, you will not succumb so easily to this curse."
Her light brown eyes were glassy and cast them down at their hands. "You think too highly of me, Iba-sama…"
Iba shook his head. "I know it is true. I have promised to protect you, and I will, even from yourself. My main priority right now is to keep you safe."
Her cheeks turned a rosy red and she quickly took her hand out of his grasp. His bold words made her heart flutter and encouraged her to trust him. She did, she had nothing but trust and admiration for this selfless man that supported her endlessly. "…Thank you, Iba-sama…" Her light brown eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her closely. She closed her eyes and knew there was no where else she'd rather be.
There were so many words that he wanted to say, but he swallowed them. He did not deem himself worthy of her affections at this time. There was one thing he knew for sure: what I fear more than anything, more than what you fear, is losing you.
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iba-hime · 5 years
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Aaaaaaaaaa new cg’s
//yay!!! they going to release a new game!!! //you guys should really watch the op of this it’s so beatiful😍
[Hakuouki Shinkai: Tsukikage no Shou releases for Nintendo Switch in Japan on September 26, 2019. ]
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iba-hime · 5 years
Updated Chapter 8!!! This one was quite the ride....
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iba-hime · 5 years
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薄桜鬼真改四周年おめでとうございます! しんちづ
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iba-hime · 5 years
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いばちづ 【好物】
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iba-hime · 5 years
Two Trashcans Fucking
because my oc is garbage and so am i.
Somewhere in Edo, 1864…
The mixture of tobacco and herbs washed over Ken’s palate as he drew deep on the pipe, and when he released that breath, his shoulders fell with leisure. “So, sensei,” he spoke from the place he perched informally on the floor. “What is it you wanted to discuss?”
Ito’s lips parted with a fast inhale but instead of whatever spoken word he’d intended to say, he simply exhaled as the corners of his lips twitched. Deft fingers reached to the clasp of his silk haori, unfastened it, and let it slip from him.
Ken’s brows merely raised as he brought the kiseru back to his mouth, watching while layer after layer of luxury slid away from Ito’s body, until nothing was left to imagination. Except…
With his long lashes falling, Ito reached up and undid the tie that bound his hair, allowing long black locks to spill lazy tendrils over his torso. Shamelessly he stepped out of the puddled attire at his feet and approached Ken, step by graceful step.
“Akagi-dono.” His voice was soft as he drifted in one complete circle, a slender digit trailing lightly over Ken before Ito fell to seiza before him and the same prodding fingertip came to press directly between the pectorals. “I have a…potential proposition for you.”
Ken’s chest pushed out with another indulgent hit from the pipe and he let his lips part soon after, allowed the smoke to drift slowly from between them. Without breaking eye contact with Ito, he waited for the haze to dissipate and then extended an invitation. “I’m listening, sensei…”
Ito introduced his middle finger alongside the pointer and began walking them both up while he leaned in close enough to share the same breath. “On this occasion,” he began in a whisper, covering Ken’s hand holding the kiseru and gently moving it away. “It’s pleasure before business.” And the space between their mouths became none.
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iba-hime · 5 years
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Hakuouki Chibis Fall 2019 ~ Transparent (2 of 2) [1] impracticaldemon
Yamazaki Susumu, Sannan Keisuke Iba Hachirou, Souma Kazue Nagakura Shinpachi, Sakamoto Ryouma
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iba-hime · 5 years
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Sengoku version)
Ikesen fanfiction by impracticaldemon
Author’s Note: a sequel to Impurely Political (both take place after Masamune’s Romantic Route); slice of life, fluff, banter, and sexy times ^^
Also:  Happy Birthday Masamune! ♥ September 5
Words: ~ 2000  |   Rating:  M   |  Read Also on  AO3
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What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Sengoku Version) (Impurely Political, Part II)
“About this trip to Azuchi we had planned…”
Masamune’s tone was light—nonchalant, even—but he couldn’t fool me.  I’d been wondering how and when he was going to broach the subject.  I looked up from the letter I was writing, and turned so that I was facing him.  He’d just finished changing for bed, and his sleeping yukata draped nicely over his lean, athletic form.  I paused to enjoy the view, taking in broad shoulders, a glimpse of muscular chest, and narrow hips defined by a neatly-tied obi.
“Oi!”  There was a hint of laughter in my lover’s voice.  “My face is up here, lass.”
Keep reading
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iba-hime · 5 years
this looks fun
1.) Give me a pairing. 2.) Give me an AU setting. 3.) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
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36K notes · View notes
iba-hime · 5 years
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152 notes · View notes
iba-hime · 5 years
me: I’m so excited to write this fic, it’s going to be good, I love it, I’m so pumped
*writes it in head before sleeping, gets emotional over songs that could fit the story, elaborates background and characterisations, writes lines on phone*
also me, in front of laptop: yeah, but no, I’ve got nothing
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iba-hime · 5 years
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iba-hime · 5 years
Hey all! This is my Hakuouki OC Akiko meeting Harada for the first time. I’ve written a couple of drabbles before but this is my first time posting anything so please be kind! Thank you to @eheartangel and @hakuyamazakisensei for encouraging me with this! 💙
Akiko turned as she heard more customers enter the shop. “Welcome!” She called. “Oh! Heisuke-kun! It’s good to see you again.”
“Hey Akiko-chan, I brought some friends with me today” She smiled at the man’s usual cheerful tone and turned to look at the two behind him.
“Pleased to meet you ....”
“Nagakura Shinpachi” offered the man with the bandana.
She smiled at him but quickly found her gaze drawn to the redhead beside him.
“Harada Sanosuke” he offered with a grin. “Heisuke tells us this is the best sweets shop in the city.”
Why was he so attractive?! And tall! Calm down, Akiko! You’re working! And those amber eyes were so striking she thought she might drown in them. Honestly, get a grip Akiko!
She blinked, realizing she had been staring and offered the men a smile. “We do our best. Please, take a seat. What can I get for you?”
Heisuke quickly ordered his usual with Nagakura asking for the same and Akiko turned to the third man “and for you Harada-san?”
“What do you recommend, Akiko-chan?”
Akiko rather liked the way he said her name and it took her a moment to process his question, her cheeks flushing. “The manju” she answered “I made them fresh this morning!”
“Then I have to try them” Harada winked at her and she felt her cheeks grow even hotter.
“I’ll have your orders out in a moment!” Akiko quickly retreated into the back of the shop hoping her blush wasn’t too obvious.
An hour later the shop had mostly cleared out and Akiko was cleaning up as the men prepared to leave. As they stepped toward the door she called out “Come back again soon!”
“I sure will!” Heisuke waved as he stepped outside Nagakura right behind him, offering her a grin and a wave.
“The food was great! I’ll be back for sure”
Harada turned to her before stepping outside “Your manju was delicious. I look forward to eating it again.” The smile he gave her as he turned to follow his friends brought the blush back to her cheeks.
I’d make him manju every day if he’d just keep smiling at me like that. She shook herself, turning back to her work. Harada-san couldn’t come back soon enough, she decided.
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iba-hime · 5 years
Canon: They don’t get along.
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