icicle-dragon · 11 hours
Hsr xue sneaking Baliu snacks is hilarious to me
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icicle-dragon · 2 days
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His grin quickly faded. Dropping the facade that he had in any way been happy since he arrived here. Though it's had its ups. He was still as homesick as the day he came. That day- the day he was tasked to look into the leyline situation. He'd be ecstatic to finally do something by himself. But he did fail and this was the very painful reminder he had. Even if he tried to not let it haunt him.
"Stuck here." He gestures around the surroundings. Luckily had the time to spare today, giving he finished what he'd been asked to investigate and awaiting new orders. "I failed. The leylines got me and I somehow ended up here. Dropped my vision so you all knew something happened. I haven't figured out a way back... It doesn't look like it, but the guilt has been slowly eating away at me." He begins pacing about. He's only tried explaining his situation once before, but since it made him sound like he was crazy. He never bothered to try again.
"As for what I've been up to. Well, I work under a general as an investigator. I mostly lurk in the shadows and bring information back." He pauses for a moment. "I also use it as a way to look into ways getting back. Though, it hasn't revealed much. I tend to get called back pretty quickly."
Xue takes a moment to check his phone. Just to make sure one of the messages were for that reason. But it's only just being asked to sneak some sugary snacks for a certain little dragon gril.
"I know our conversation is far from over. But you're free to help me in finding a way back."
@icicle-dragon asked, "the young man grins as he takes a look at a passing traveler. Then gives a small laugh as he crosses his arms over his chest. "I daresay, you look an awful alike to my older brother." -from a teen xue, for hsr verse Bocasius Unprompted Ask || Status: Always Accepting
He didn't recall how he ended up here, so far from his native soil. He did know he had been here for sometime. Work was readily found, for plenty seemed inclined to hire a man willing to do any work given to him with the strength of an ox and twice the willingness.
It was work and those that could look past his four arms were a pleasant enough bunch but it was nothing like traveling back home to Liyue and hearing all the stories of what happened in his absence. He supposed no matter how much time would pass the call of Liyue's shores would be like a siren's song he couldn't follow.
He made due but the hole would always be there.
Sometimes he swore he heard the voices of his kin when he wasn't paying attention. This one almost sounded like Xue, and even in spite of expecting disappointment he turned. Then saw the boy.
For a moment his mind went blank, then quickly followed an elation as he turned on his heel. It lasted a brief moment longer before it sank in. This boy that had gone missing all these years ago was right in front of him. No explanation, no shame.
Teeth gritted he snarled, "boy where in the archons name having you fucking been?"
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icicle-dragon · 4 days
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I managed to revive a very old sketch I took a screenshot of… Xue and Zhongli 🥺 tbh I thought this one was lost forever and I’m happy I found it
I know it isn’t great, it’s very old… but I still love the idea of it
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icicle-dragon · 4 days
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Xue sighs as be follows along. He knew that grumpy tone all too well and knew better to not listen. But that didn't stop him from having any additional fun along the way to the shelter.
Did he really have to jump into a puddle? Absolutely. It was calling to him. As soon as he satisfied himself with hopping into it, he continued on as normal.
"How do you find rain to be calming?" Xue catches up and makes sure to try and keep up the pace. Though his little legs make it a tad hard and he falls behind a tiny bit. "I get SOOO bored sitting inside all day. Will father not like it because I got all wet? I really thought my idea would work..."
As soon as they approach the shelter, Xue goes under a part where the rain isn't falling and shakes out the fully part of his tail. He can't quite get his hands around it to wring it out. Even then, the tail was still wet.
He frowned, almost about to question just why this child would be out in the rain trying to create snow. He quickly decided whatever explanation he might get was simply just not worth even trying to understand so he just sighed.
"The rain is calming, now come. You have to go back in." There was no room for argument in his tone as he already began walking back towards shelter. It was a pleasant reprieve but duty would always supersede that. Regardless of what that duty might be.
"Zhongli won't appreciate you staying out in the rain."
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icicle-dragon · 5 days
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Xue’s new reference sheet!!! Look at my baby boy… The proud adoptive son of Zhongli 🥺
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icicle-dragon · 7 days
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The little boy had one simple answer for him to be outside in the rain. Something he's wanted to try for a while. He didn't wander far, he just sensed Xiao nearby and decided to say hello and hopefully show him a new trick. However, he can't seem to figure out how to make snowflakes fall around him so now he's soaked and his hair is all in his face and super annoying to deal with. His clothes and boots were full of water.
Nothing went the way he thought it would.
"I wanted to see if I could make snowflakes fall around me." His answer was so simple. But probably only in his mind was the idea simple to him. "Why are you standing in the rain?"
@icicle-dragon asked, "[ rainfall ] sender finds receiver out alone in the rain" -for Xiao non-verbal angst || Status: Accepting
It had been pouring for hours. The world around him soaked in a calming silence with only the faint sound of the downpour for company. It was almost calming, hardly enough to quell the darkness that was an intrinsic part of him but it was still pleasant enough.
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The chill of the wind didn't bother him. A minor inconvience at most, he had survived far worse than a simple storm and would live on to survive more horrors.
What broke that was when he saw the distinct shape of Xue in the corner of his eye. He knew any semblance of peace would have to be put off for a later date as he scowled at the boy, "what are you doing out here in this storm?"
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icicle-dragon · 8 days
I completely meant to say when he's older... totally didn't forget that part
Me thinks Xue should have a mask when he fights like his older brothers... but he makes it out of ice and replicates a dragon's face...
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icicle-dragon · 8 days
Me thinks Xue should have a mask when he fights like his older brothers... but he makes it out of ice and replicates a dragon's face...
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icicle-dragon · 8 days
Eats a brownie with a ton of candy and frosting on top. Incoming little dragon zoomies.
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icicle-dragon · 11 days
For when Xue is older.. I have two visions. Him being a hopeless romantic or being asexual lol
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icicle-dragon · 11 days
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"I recognized your butterflies." He bluntly blurts out. It was more shocking to see a familiar face. Not the one he expected- more like not one he wanted to see. He sighs and takes a seat in front of her.
How did she get here? He thought to himself for a moment. There was a faint belief that there was hope for him to return home. Even if it meant having to ask the one goddess who despised his father.
"Sure." The young man nods. However, he might be able to put his investigative skills to use and figure out if there was a way he could get home by the way she got here. "I need to know. How did you get here? Also... Are you the reason I ended up here? Do you know what it's like back home?" He has a lot of questions, but he has to stop himself from getting emotionally carried away. Even if it was clear he was pretending not to be homesick.
@icicle-dragon asked for a Starter
"Oh. Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?"
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Of all the faces to run into this far from her native world, who would have thought that she'd ever witness the face of this child ever again? Oh, he may have matured, but she could still make out the small child that he once was, could still recall how determined he was to protect the lands that were hers by right alone. Now, how had he ended up all the way here? There was a story there, she was sure, a smile gracing her features as she took a small sip from the tea she held, her other hand raising to motion to the seat across from her own. "Please - sit. It'd be nice to have a catch-up, don't you think?"
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icicle-dragon · 11 days
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"Sounds like it was very scary back then." Xue comments. He honestly had no idea how to ask about these days, especially when he's so sleepy. it didn't sound like a good time at all. The little boy shifts a bit to get extra comfortable, his eyes half closed.
"How long is a millenia? That sounds like a big number..." He sheepishly remarks. "I wish I could've met the others... Do you think they would've liked me like big brothers do?"
"Well, I had met Bosacius under rather unideal circumstances. He had been traveling with a group of mortals that were looking for shelter and they had been attacked and he had stayed behind to give the mortals time to escape." He remembered that rainy night when all those terrified souls looking for both a savior and shelter. He didn't even remember how he became both.
"They had ended up in my territory at the time and begged I save them. I did and Bosacius, being one to never let a kind act go unpaid, swore service to me from that day on. As for the others, they were brave warriors like Bosacius and Xiao. They would have been proud if they had lived to see what Liyue has become."
And the fact they would not he knew was like a heavy stone in both their surviving brothers' chests. To know those so looking forward to a life of peace that were swallowed alive by their own demons. He doubted he could properly express just how deeply it hurt both of them to anyone, let alone a child.
Thankfully he didn't have to because of the question that followed. He tried to pretend to stay somber as he admitted, "yes, in all the millennia I had known him he had always in fact had four arms. Though how much use he has gotten out of them you would have to ask him yourself."
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icicle-dragon · 12 days
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"I'm sorry. I haven't gotten the chance to introduce myself during everything that has happened." He does a polite bow. "My name is Xue. I'm one of the general's retainers. It's nice to finally meet you."
The young man gestures towards a place to sit. He was mentally exhausted after dealing with the borisin running around. Then the massive one. He considered him let off easy and only had gotten a massive hit on the head during the fighting. But after having the wound checked out and stitched up. He was cleared to go home and given strict instructions to rest and look out for. Again, got off lightly with his injuries.
"Would you like a seat? The general is running a bit late... He asked me to meet him here. I didn't expect to see anyone else waiting for him as well." Xue makes his way to take a seat himself. Taking a sigh of relief as he relaxes for the first time making his way back to the Divine Foresight.
"We can keep each other company while we wait. Are you doing alright after the fighting?"
@icicle-dragon liked for a starter for one of the Yaoqing trio! i picked Feixiao || Status: Accepting
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It had intended to be a quick visit to the seat of Divine Foresight. Just a short conversation before they departed for the Yaoqing. She hadn't expected to run into some kid when she was looking for the other General.
"No offense, but I didn't expect there to be two kids here. I knew about the Lieutenant but who might you be?" She hadn't really meant it as an insult. After all the General of the Luofu was hardly a man that needed his intentions and thoughts questioned at this point.
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icicle-dragon · 14 days
Xue's hsr verse is literally him becoming the older brother, huh... he's baffled by it. He's always been the baby
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icicle-dragon · 14 days
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The little boy slightly nodded along to show you was still paying attention. The sleepiness caused him to not be in the mood to ask questions about his brother's ailments. But that would be for another time...
"Yes! I wanna hear more..." His tail does a tiny little wiggle. "And more about the other Yakshas." He fully intends to asking his big brothers about them, but never knows if it'll make them too sad or not. So, for now, he'll need to ask his father about some stories.
"Did big brother Bocasius always have big four arms?"
It came naturally to rest his head on the boy's forehead. He almost felt nostalgic thinking back at his first meeting with Bosacius, he had changed so little over the thousands of years. Still head strong, loud and boisterous and bravery only matched by his battle prowess only now that he has found himself again
"Then I may need to tell you. It is actually quite the story."
Alas those early days where it was a simple contract were long gone and both of them bear scars of lost loved ones and Bosacius' may never be able to venture among the people like he had once done. It was tragic.
"No. That was a consequence of war. They fought beside me and when the time came they put their lives on the line to rid the world of the filth that our fallen enemies had left behind."
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icicle-dragon · 14 days
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Xue lifted his head slightly to tiredly look at his father. Giving him a small smile. "I don't think so..." the little boy leans over and rests his head on Zhongli's leg. He did have a very energetic day. Especially with the temperature cooling down, it makes him want to run around more. Hence, why he's snuggling in and ready for a story.
It was always so exciting to hear all the stories his father and the other adepti have. There never seems to be a repeat! Some of them make good bedtime stories like now...
"Did big brothers always have that karmic debt thingy that makes them not feel good?" Already with his questions, but he's so tired that he's just there to sit and listen.
@icicle-dragon asked, ❛ Tell me a story. ❜ - Zhongli ❝𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞❞ || Status: Accepting
A cool autumn evening had fallen upon them. Bosacius and Xiao only recently leaving to rest from the chaos that a day with Xue had entailed. He dared not ask what Xue had done to them to warrant even Bosacius' shoulder drooping from either physical or mental exhaustion.
But at least the boy seemed as tired as they had appeared.
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Looking up at the night sky he mused about all the stories that had come from his journey to godhood and the agonizing centuries holding such a hopeless title.
"Very well, did I ever tell you how Bosacius came to serve me during war times? It is actually quite a compelling story. Though I doubt Bosacius himself remembers after being such a loyal follower for so long, even before karmic debt took it's toll."
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icicle-dragon · 15 days
I dangle HSR Xue in front of you all. For real. Like this for a starter?? Let me five you this silly teenager
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