Can u make yugbam like butt fuck
Yeah I can!
Do you have a preference over who tops?
- Prussia
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Finding BamBam’s inner gay
Main Character: BamBam and Yuygyeom Side characters: Mark and Jimin Pairing: BamBam x Yugyeom
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Yugyeom basically sucks BamBam’s brain and hetrosexuality out of through his dick.
BamBam and Yugyeom got on well from the first moment the two of the met. Actually BamBam got along with all of them and that included all the people from Bootes as well, but Yugyeom was a special case.
He remembered what Namjoon had told him about homosexuality, he had seen shared kisses between… Everybody. Which he didn’t really get was everybody together? Was nobody together? Was somebody cheating?
BamBam really wanted to know the truth, but he was also way to shy to ask anybody. He thought that Mark was in the same boat as him, that the older was just as confused. That turned out not to be true as BamBam innocent sweet boy he was had banged up the door to his and Mark’s shared room yelling about how he finally managed to turn his gloves invisible only to find Mark pushing Jimin down into bed doing his best Dracula impression as he was sucking strong hickies into the younger boys neck.
BamBam had just kinda froze in the doorway before letting out a weird sound that was clearly not supposed to be produced by a human let alone by a male, and then he closed the door with a slam not looking back.
It wasn’t that BamBam didn’t like Jimin. Jimin was from the other dorm as Namjoon called them their sister dorm and it seemed that everybody was friends with everybody, and BamBam really did like Jimin. He was a little bit shorter than BamBam with beautiful flowers in his hair and even more amazing ability to make greenlife grow. Yeah… he liked Jimin, maybe also because Jimin gave him freshly grown kiwis, and kiwis are amazing.
BamBam had kinda expected Mark to run out after him, yelling how it wasn’t like it seemed or anything like that, but as he stood outside resting his forehead on the wall trying to calm his breathing and accept what he had just seen nothing like that happened. Instead BamBam just heard Jimin moan loudly Mark’s name and that was when BamBam realized that his roommate wasn’t coming out to talk with him. It seemed Mark had joined the fuckery.
The problem was… BamBam was having a slight problem in his pants, okay he just had to ignore it right? That was how he was suppose to deal with it? So yes maybe his roommate was really hot and Jimin was one of the most adorable and at times hottest person to walk these halls. Apparently everybody other than BamBam seemed to be getting laid all the time, but he shouldn’t be having thoughts like that! It wasn’t right!
So BamBam did what he had started to do every time he was in doubt or just needed somebody to tell him that he was always right. He went and hid in Yugyeom’s room. For once Yugyeom was alone. Jungkook being elsewhere probably with Taehyung preparing his move to the Andromeda dorm since Taehyung’s current dorm didn’t like him and treated him like shit. And everybody from Andromeda and Bootes already really liked Taehyung (By liked he meant everybody seemed to be tapping that.)
“Bammie what's wrong?” Yugyeom was burried in what seemed to be an old school gameboy and what sounded to be extremely old school pokemon.
BamBam threw himself on Yugyeom’s bed cuddling up to the younger like a giant child he felt like. “Mark is doing the hanky panky with Jimin in my room.”
A big hand was placed in BamBam’s bleached locks petting him. “Awww did little BamBam get embarrassed over big boy activities?”
“Shut up!” BamBam’s voice was muffled by Yugyeom’s shirt. “I am older than you.”
The mood was changed suddenly at Yugyeom’s next comment. “While I do like just spending time with you, do you want me to take care of that?” He let his hand trail up BamBam’s thigh stopping just a before it rested on his crotch.
BamBam stiffened his entire body going awkwardly still wrapped around Yugyeom. “What?” his voice didn’t sound anything like his own and he almost didn’t recognize it as his own.
Yugyeom just looked curious. “Do you want me to help you with the problem in your pants? It can’t be comfortable.”
“No I’m not… We are not… I’m...” BamBam’s brain felt like it was having a meltdown and he wasn’t even sure what he was saying no to. He couldn’t deny that Yugyeom was  a good looking guy nor that BamBam was attracted to him.
Yugyeom’s smile was wicked, but not in a mean way. “You don’t have to think so much about it Bammie, it isn’t so deep. You aren’t a normie anymore, it’s okay I promise.” Yugyeom was massaging his skinny thigh at that point, but not pushing it any farther. He wasn’t going to pressure Bambam, he wanted it to be BamBam’s choice.
“You are with other people! I am not a homewrecker!” BamBam couldn’t keep it in more at that point, he wasn’t a person like that. Yeah he found his dormmates very attractive, all of them… And he didn’t understand how their relationships works, but he didn’t want to be a homewrecker it simply wasn’t the kind of person he was.
That… made Yugyeom laugh. “Aww BamBam is that really what you thought was going on? It really isn’t that deep. Nobody is really ‘together’ we are all just fooling around trying things out. We are all young and school is like a limbo before we go into the real world. We are all just trying things out. The only rules there really are is that consent is everything and don’t call Namjoon yours even as a joke Youngjae will get mad… and you won’t like him when he is mad!”
While yes what Yugyeom was saying was really mind opening and all that but Yugyeom said one thing that had to be a lie. “Youngjae mad? Or scary? I don’t believe you!” Youngjae was actually the biggest sweetheart in the world and he needed hugs and to be protected from the world. There was not an evil or scary part of him.
“He is slightly possessive over Namjoon since their past together. He is fine with being with other people and Namjoon being with others and they aren’t in a relationship. It’s just that Youngjae… you will see it and it makes sense.”
Nothing made any sense anymore. “Next you are going to tell me that Namjoon is actually the bottom.”
“Not with Youngjae... with most other people though, and if he is ‘the top’ he is most of the time still the submissive one.”
“This is weird.” BamBam felt so confused at that point, and he had almost forgotten why they started the conversation until Yugyeom run has hand to the back of his thigh pushing BamBam closer to him with a cheeky smile.
Oh yeah… he was still hard. How was he still hard after all that talking? He couldn’t stop a moan from leaving his mouth as Yugyeom’s solid dancer thigh made contact with the front of BamBam’s figure hugging jeans.
“You never answered if you wanted me to take care of it. I promise I can make you feel really good.” Yeah… yeah there was no chance for BamBam to say no to that. After all that talking he no longer had any good reason to say no to Yugyeom, he wanted what he wanted and he couldn’t get himself to feel bad for it.
He couldn’t get himself to say anything as he just nodded to give his consent. He felt like a virgin at that moment… which was very fitting since he was a virgin. But it wasn’t good enough for the younger warlock even if he did run a hand higher up so he could grab at BamBam’s ass. “I need consent, verbal since it’s the first time.”
BamBam… the person who normally always had something to say, the guy who people wish would just sometime shut up… was out of words. He didn’t know how to say yes to this without sounding like the virgin he was. It felt weird that he was younger than Yugyeom, but Yugyeom had some much more experience than him.
“Come on Bammie, just a yes is enough. Don’t over think it. Relax and let me think for you.” Yugyeom knew that he was bordering on being to pushy and he knew that Seokjin would give him a spanking when Yugyeom told him, but that was for future Yugyeom to deal with. Current Yugyeom really just wanted to blow BamBam’s mind and be that first that BamBam would always remember and compare everything else to!
“Yes.” BamBam’s voice was a lot more meeker than he would ever admit to after, and he would months after deny everything that went down making himself look a lot more in control than he actually was.
Yugyeom didn’t hesitate the second when he got his verbal content. He was quick at popping open BamBam’s jeans, working the button like he had spent most his life undressing people for a living.
The job to push down BamBam’s jeans was a lot harder. Which Yugyeom got easily annoyed by how the material was hugging BamBam’s smooth thighs. “Dude wtf do you glue these on? I know they make your ass look amazing, but is it really worth it.”
BamBam blushed as he tried to push his jeans down as well his boxers still hugging his erection tenting lightly as he finally managed to push them down and then kick them off. He took a deep breath to stabilize himself, or he tried to. He never really got a chance as Yugyeom pushed him onto his back instead and hovered over him. “I am going to kiss you now and I am going to blow your mind.”
That he did indeed. BamBam had kissed people before… Girls… which he hadn’t enjoyed, but kissing somebody… that somebody being Yugyeom, somebody he was actually attracted to. Somebody that actually turned him on.
It wasn’t soft or anything like that Yugyeom was clearly not interested in giving BamBam even a chance as the younger pushed him into the bed parting his lips with his tongue before deciding that he needed to map out BamBam’s entire mouth.
Two things happened at once Yugyeom curled his tongue around BamBam’s in a move he would later learn was Yugyeom signature. Forcing BamBam to take a grab at Yugyeom’s hair trying to do… something, while at the same time Yugyeom managed to get his much bigger body in between the olders legs grinding their hips together and then suddenly… Yugyeom was kissing the thin air.
It took Yugyeom the few seconds to even realize he had closed his eyes that BamBam had decided to pull a Houdini and go invisible. (Yes Houdini was actually a wizard, but that was a whole other story that included the normies actually learning about magic and accepting it. It was a long history lesson that it was probably Namjoon who should take.)
“Holy shit I can see my tongue floating in the air, but I could feel you at the same time. Oh my god this is amazing.” BamBam felt so embarrassed, since he had used his powers for the first time he struggled staying visible. Where most people struggled using their powers, BamBam struggled not using them, and when he got overwhelmed he tended to just go invisible.
“I’m sorry.” A very embarrassed BamBam came back into the visible spear. “I can’t control it.”
“Bro it’s fucking cool. Oh my god can I suck your dick while you are invisible? That would be so cool.”
BamBam just stared at him, before he just couldn’t keep it in anymore. “Dude you are so weird.”
“I’m a weird dude that is going to suck your dick, maybe be a little les judging.” Yugyeom’s smile was slightly predatory as he nipped at BamBam’s throat. “If you still let me.”
“Yeah… just… shut up.” God why did Yugyeom talk so much during sex? Was this sex? Was it only sex when somebody put something up somebody ass? God BamBam had never googled what qualified as sex. He just watched a lot of porn and there was a lot less talking in that!
Yugyeom didn’t answer he just sneaked his fingers under the hem of BamBam’s boxers raising his eyebrows as if to give the older a last chance to back out, to go back to pretending that he totally didn’t want to have his dick sucked by Yugyeom.
He couldn’t deny it anymore. He just fucking wanted Yugyeom to do ANYTHING at that point. So he gave Yugyeom his consent by a nod,  which seemed to stop Yugyeom from holding himself back as he pushed down BamBam’s boxers none to gentle abandoning his neck in favor of soft thighs that he could set his teeth gentle into.
It earned him a hiss from BamBam, but the way that the older warlock relaxed under him showed that it wasn’t a bad sound. God BamBam was so hard already. The tip angry with a little bead of precum escaping it.
Yugyeom couldn’t stop himself from placing a soft kitten lick on the tip tasting the salty precum. Well he could appreciate BamBam’s more fruity diet. While it wasn’t some amazing taste, it was without a doubt one of the better once he had… and he had had a lot, so yeah maybe Yugyeom liked to suck cock and got around a lot! He was just being a normal boy. With around 12 pseudo boyfriends. Wasn’t that normal?
BamBam could no longer hold back whines as he buried his hands in Yugyeom’s soft black hair as the younger started to easily kitten lick all over his erection. God he wanted Yugyeom to just fucking get on with it and take him in, and he was way beyond having any pride any more. “Gyeomie please.” He never knew that he was so whiny until Yugyeom.
Yugyeom the prick removed his mouth from BamBam resting his head on his thigh looking up at BamBam, eyes sparkling with mischief. “Please what?” He jerked off BamBam with a grip that was to loose for any satisfaction.
“Gyeomie!” He knew what it was that Yugyeom wanted him to say, but he couldn't get himself to actually say it. To actually give Yugyeom what he wanted, god he had never felt this shy before.
“Look how red you are. It’s gonna have to start hurting soon, all you have to do is those little words and you can get what you want. Come on baby.” Yugyeom kissed BamBam’s inner thigh, taking a second to focus on BamBam instead of the power in his blood that he could feel right under the smooth surface.
This was one of the reasons he loved blowing people so much. He liked showing himself that he had the strength of will to draw from the power in those strong thick blood veins in people’s thigh. That he could take somebody's cock in his mouth while it was filled with blood and he could control himself to not hurt anybody, but instead drive them insane with pleasure. Yeah he got off on it as weird as it sounded, control over somebody else and himself even if he was the youngest.
“I… I can’t.” BamBam babbled as he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting into Yugyeom’s loose grab.
“Yes you can baby. You know you can. Don’t you want it? Tell me what you want. Nobody will judge you, you can have all you want if you just tell me.”
Fuck Yugyeom. Just fuck him. Fuck him and his own dick. Fuck his dick for making him do it. “Please suck me off, please put it in your mouth.”
Yugyeom wriggled his eyebrows in a way that really wasn’t attractive. “We have to work at your dirty talk at some point, but I guess that it is time for your reward. Remember you don’t have to try to stay visible, you can just enjoy yourself.”
He didn’t give BamBam a chance to answer as he swallowed down all of BamBam in one move, as if he practice sword swallowing in his free time (well he did when he spend time with Hoseok, if you know what he means). Yugyeom's nose made contact with BamBam’s pubic hair, as a high pitched noise left BamBam's throat.
Yugyeom's throat was hot, warm and wet around him, and much better than he ever imagined before. Oh god how had he gone so long without this? Was it always this good, or was Yugyeom just a secret master at sucking cock? (The latter... without a doubt the latter. Yugyeom could attend the world champion in cock sucking.)
Normally Yugyeom would have held down his partner's hips and taken all the control, but he knew that it was BamBam's first time so he took pity on the older as he relaxed his throat and let BamBam small thrusts and grip on his hair control the movements.
He was sure that BamBam wasn't even sure that he was shallowly fucking Yugyeom's throat instead just letting his body control him. It was actually kind of cute and very different compared to Hoseok. He seemed to always search for Yugyeom's non existent gag reflex, or Taehyung's desperate out of control thrusts.
The noises leaving BamBam's mouth was slowly getting to Yugyeom as well as he grinded his hips down into the bedspread he was still lying on. Then BamBam couldn't control it anymore as the warm body under Yugyeom's hands disappeared. It was the most weird and amazing feeling Yugyeom had ever felt.
He could feel BamBam under him, soft smooth thighs under his hands, his dick in Yugyeom's throat and he could hear the olders pants and moans at every thrust. He could hear how close he was, he could feel everything, but he couldn't see him. It was amazing.
BamBam was so close. He wanted to warn Yugyeom, or try to hold it back something, but everything was just too much as he felt Yugyeom swallow around him paired with a soft pet to his thigh was enough to push him over the edge as he came into Yugyeom's throat.
As he tried to regain his breath Yugyeom spit out into his hand. While he was normally happy swallowing he had a theory to test. “Omg BamBam! Your cum is invisible!”
Authors note:
I hope you guys like this smut!
As always our requests are open for anything in this au with anyone of the guys from Got7 or BTS!
- Prussia
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I really love this idea! I'm always a sucker for magic au's, and this one is amazing! I love the different types of magic and the different alignments they can have. I also really love the stories so far. I never thought of shipping Namjoon and Youngjae, and it's so adorable! I'm also really curios to see Youngjae and Yoongi. I really can't wait to see more characters to be introduced, because I really love this!
Thank you so much for liking our idea! My other admin is going to be writing the Youngjae x Yoongi story, since she is the one who writes from Yoongi’s point of view! I am working on some BamBam x Yugyeom smut! Time for BamBam to accept the gay! We already have another story from Mark’s point of view I don’t know if you read that!
- Prussia
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How we meet
Main Character: Youngjae and Namjoon Side characters: none Pairing: Youngjae x Namjoon
How Namjoon and Youngjae meet as children, grew up together and shared their first kiss.
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While Namjoon liked to pretend other wise, he couldn’t actually remember anything from when just arrived at the school. Then again he was 5 years old and it wasn’t like it was normal to remember anything at that age.
But he knew what he was told. He was told of how he was a weird child. He would never cry, and when he was just picked up from his parents who were crying their eyes out he just stared at the teacher who came to pick him up looking at him with serious eyes. “Are you going to make sure I don’t hurt people.”
It had stood for reason that Namjoon hadn’t actually hurt anybody, he had created a tornado inside his playroom and made a giant mess, but since his powers couldn’t hurt himself and he was the only person in the room everybody had been fine.
The teacher had taken away many kids from their parents, he had trained how to make them feel comfortable and how to do it human, but he didn’t need anything like that from Namjoon. It was like Namjoon a tiny scrawny 5 year old understood that he needed to go away, because he wasn’t safe.
His parents hadn’t wanted to give him up, they weren’t actually the one that called the magic police… The people in charge of taking kids with abilities away from their parents, they wanted to keep Namjoon. They didn’t care that he could accidentally hurt them, they just wanted their baby.
It had been hard for Namjoon parents to conceive they had tried for years and failed, so just having Namjoon was a blessing to them. Sadly it wasn’t an option, and the farewell was teary. Well Namjoon had been told it was teary, he just remember the fear he felt as the wind around him picked up and multiples of his favourite rubber duckies as they had hit him in the face.
He had just wanted to see the biggest one fly over to him since he couldn't reach it and it had the the Ryan sticker on it! Instead every single one came flying straight into his face, after that they got caught in the wind and started circling around him as a tornado.
It was scary, Namjoon was terrified. He might still be young, but he like all other kids knew that people with powers had to be taken away so they wouldn't hurt other people.
There was one other thing he could remember his mum saying to him as he hugged her goodbye. It was something that would have an important impact on who he ended up being as a person. “Joonie-bug you are going to meet some people that have powers which some would call evil. Those aren't evil, remember even if they are part of chaos it doesn't make them monsters or evil. Yes some people will be mean, but that isn't because of their powers, but because they are bad people.”
That is why Namjoon ended up requested to take in all the new students with dark powers, but of course Namjoon didn't get to run it from the start. The first many years he spent in a child dorm where teachers with magic specialised in child care looked after them. A lot of the kids with powerful chaos gifts had them blocked and suppressed until it was in a right answer for them to be thought control.
Namjoon was one of the kids who were suppressed as soon as he had been evaluated, his magic was strong and heavy with chaos alignment. It was decided they they would wait until he was already 14 and moving out of the kids dorm to try and teach him control.
It was also there he meet Youngjae the first of the guys. Youngjae was a baby two soon three months, and like Namjoon he was a silent child. The teachers and caregivers were worried about him, he was sadly one of the kids who had been abandoned by their parents.
He has been in his room alone, all the caregivers busy. Namjoon couldn't remember doing it, but he had been told that they had found Namjoon with Youngjae in his arms the tiny baby giggling at Namjoon who had an almost serene smile on his face. Hehad informed them that he thought Youngjae was hungry.
From that day on the two were inseparable from each other, Namjoon would do his best to teach Youngjae everything he knew, which in hindsight wasn't a lot since Namjoon was a child as well. But he helped Youngjae overcoming his underdevelopment, at first Namjoon didn’t understand why most of the other kids didn’t seem to like or even stand Youngjae.
The caregivers had been worried what would happen when they told Namjoon what Youngjae’s gift actually was, but instead Namjoon just shrugged. “He would never hurt me.”
Which that was correct, not that Youngjae could ever hurt him because he wore a suppression cuff just like Namjoon so even accessing his gift was hard.
First time Namjoon and Youngjae had a fight was right after Youngjae reached 6 years old. Namjoon had been allowed to visit his parents who were in town. It would be the first time he got to see them since he got to the school. He didn’t have his own phone so he didn’t really have the chance to talk to them that often.
Which was probably also what had lead Youngjae to the misconception that Namjoon, just like him had been left behind and abandoned. Left behind like Youngjae himself had, so when happy 8 year old Namjoon told Youngjae that his parents were in the town to meet him and they had asked to meet Namjoon’s only friend as well.
Youngjae had for the first time in Namjoon’s memory thrown a tantrum and had refused to go with Namjoon into the town. That had left Namjoon who no matter how mature he acted at times was still a child, to be prissy and just leave without asking.
It was first when Namjoon met up with his parents, and his mother asked where Youngjae was that Namjoon started crying about how Youngjae was mad at him and he didn’t understand why. He wanted his bestest friend to meet his family, wasn’t that normal?
In the end his mother had sat him down and explained since Youngjae didn’t have a family himself he probably felt left out since Namjoon did, and maybe he thought Namjoon was like him. A sniffing Namjoon had just nodded sadly, he was too young to understand the complicated emotions behind how Youngjae was acting, only really understanding that Youngjae was mad at him.
While they stayed at the inn with Namjoon on her lap, Mr. Kim wrote a letter then she gave to the handler that had brought Namjoon, told the young lady that the letter was for Youngjae and Namjoon was to not be in the room when it was read out loud.
She and her husband had plans to move as close to the magical town as they could, so they would be able to see their beloved son as much as they wanted and as he wanted. They had gotten Namjoon very late in their life, not because they wanted to but because they hadn’t been able to.
It had taken them to search out a less than legal form of magic to conceive. That was why they had known that there would be a high chance that Namjoon would have a chaos magic, and when he was born tiny little lightning bolts were gathered in his chubby baby hand.
They had promised themselves that they would protect him for as long as they could, teach their tiny baby to be calm and collected. To teach him to be open minded, they didn’t want to give him up before they had to.
So they hid his powers, homeschooled him while still taking him out to see other people, but just see them while they could protect him.  With that Namjoon grew up as a smart child, a little introverted but not unable to hold a conversation.
They had hoped that they could keep him longer, keep him out of the child dorms. But fate hadn’t been with them as their neighbor had called in about Namjoon’s storm. They had been so happy when they saw which school they ended up taking him to was A.N.T.S.S known as high class school with good founding, and accepted all assignments, she felt as she could react when she heard that.
Even if he hadn’t cried when he had to leave them years ago, Namjoon almosted cried when he had to leave them the second time. No longer having his magic loom over him but due to Youngjae being mad at him when he got home. After one of the handlers took him to the side to read the letter out loud for him everything went back into place. That night Youngjae did like he had done every day since he could walk, sneak into Namjoon’s room with the older kids and share his bed with him.
No words needed to be exchanged between the two. None were needed to said as tiny Youngjae buried his head in Namjoon’s shoulder in their normal cuddle, just before Namjoon’s eyes closed he heard Youngjae whisper. “Sorry.”
All was forgotten after that, the two moved on without any issue and the next time that Namjoon’s parents came into town a year later Youngjae was happy to go with Namjoon, but as they came to the tavern he couldn’t stop himself from being shy and hiding behind Namjoon as they went up to his parents.
Luckily Namjoon’s mother was actually a blessing to humanity as she crouched down on Youngjae’s level and smiled at him. “You must be Youngjae. I have heard so many thing about you, you make my son very happy.”
And from that point on Youngjae was sold it seemed like. As they had to leave he was calling Namjoon’s parents mum and dad as of their request, it was nice and Namjoon was happy that his family had accepted Youngjae and he had accepted them. It meant the world to them.
The caregivers at school had always expected Youngjae and Namjoon to grow apart from each other as many childhood friends did, but it never happened. If anything they became closer than ever as time went past, after that first fight they never had a fight again.
But there was one fight that cemented their friendship and later their pseudo relationship. It wasn’t a fight between the two of them or anything like that, it was a fight between Youngjae and the adults running the kids dorm.
At 13 when Namjoon was old enough to be moved to the teenagers and later adult dorms it was to be the first time that Youngjae and Namjoon were separated, and Youngjae did not take well to it at all.
The thing to make it worse was that Namjoon wasn’t to be put into one of the exciting dorms or anything like that, no no he was being put in charge of dorm Andromeda that had yet to have more people living there other than Namjoon himself. As they got older it made sense why they would put Namjoon in charge of dorm even at 13 as he shown clear leadership skills and being raised open to all alignments especially the dark ones like Youngjae’s made him a perfect candidate to look over whatever new students they would get with strong chaos alignments.
The thing was that Youngjae wasn’t old enough to move with Namjoon, and he refused to be left behind. The outbreak of crying screaming and other out of character moments for Youngjae left everybody other than Namjoon scared of the 11 year old child.
Panic rose between them as Youngjae started to rip at the suppression cuff he was wearing to keep his powers down, none of the handlers had dared stepping closer to the young kid. Namjoon on the other hand had no problem with taking Youngjae in his arms hugging him close while giving all the handlers the stinky eye.
From that moment it was decided that even if Youngjae wasn’t old enough to move dorms, he would be moved with Namjoon to the Andromeda dorm. It wasn’t something they really wanted to do, but they felt like they didn’t have a choice.
And for the next four years Namjoon and Youngjae would be alone in the Andromeda dorm, while they would both make other friends from other dorms, especially the Bootes dorm they still stayed as close as ever. When Yugyeom joined both were happy to finally have a new member and none of them cared about it being a blood mage. Yugyeom was adorable after all.
And just before they get their third member to the dorm Youngjae stakes his claim in Namjoon as he gives the older leader his first kiss, it might not Youngjae’s first kiss, but that is another story for another day. Yoongi and Youngjae’s story.
For more information about this AU you can go to the first story in this series! which can be read HERE And we are taking requests as well for anything in this AU, so if you wanna see something you are welcome to request it!
Also is there a shipname for Youngjae and Namjoon?
- Prussia
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Marks first day at magic school, and how he meet the people who were going to mean the most to him
Main Character: Mark Side characters: Jackson, Namjoon, Youngjae, Yugyeom, Jungkook, BamBam Pairing: Mark / Jackson
Mark arrives at his new school, the knowledge that he is not actually insane in hand and gets ready to meet his new dorm mates.
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The sun was standing high in the sky as Mark looked up on it. Most people were staying inside to avoid the harsh rays, the problem with that meant that everybody was gathered in one place forcing their emotions onto Mark. Normally he could ignore it by being in his own dorm, but even just the emotions of his dorm mates were too much for Mark.
Namjoon’s worry was seeping into him mixed with Youngjae’s sadness over his parents yet again not having contacted him for his birthday and it was just becoming too much for Mark. He had to get out of there, which ended with him more or less running from the dorm and aggressively closing all doors behind him.
Ignoring the warmth hitting his skin and ignoring the voice in his head, that very much sounding like Seokjin, telling him that the UV light from the sun was hurting his skin and he was going to get skin cancer.
Who even cared if he got skin cancer? It would leave Seokjin with something new to heal so really Mark was being a good friend here, even if cancer didn’t seem like a fun time.
He did manage to find a spot with shade under the Jimin tree. The Jimin tree was really just an overgrown tree that looked like it had been there for hundreds of year, when in reality it had just been a tiny red oak newly planted. But after Jimin’s powers had decided that it wasn’t acceptable they now had the giant beast instead.
As Mark laid under the tree he sighed contently as the rest on his mind, his feelings were finally his own nobody else to influence them, even if he did feel a little bit lonely.
He didn’t get to feel lonely for long until the soft features of bobcat’s face was shoved into his. Normal people would probably have been disturbed by the sudden appearance, but even if Mark had only been at the school for a year, he had gotten used to weird things. Plus this was Jackson, he knew it was.
He kept his voice soft and still as he spoke, he struggled to remember which animals that Jackson turned into that had a sensitive hearing. “Hey Jackson”
Mark was answered by a rough tongue licking his cheek as to show concern. It might seem weird for some people why Jackson wouldn’t just change into his human form to show his concern, but both of them understood why he didn’t do it.
Mark couldn’t sense the feelings of people when they were shapeshifted, or invisible for BamBam’s case, which was why when everything became to much for Mark it was either Jackson or Jaebum that he would seek out. Both good at calming his mind while at the sametime not making him feel so lonely.
“I’m okay I promise.” Mark mumbled to one of his kind of pseudo boyfriends as Jackson’s heavy bobcat body placed itself next to Mark letting the older cuddle up to him.  “I just needed a break, but thank you for looking after me.” He buried his head in the thick fur coat of the bobcat while petting Jackson’s ear.
As both of them settled down, Jackson softly purring, Mark thought back on how he had met both Jackson and the rest of everyone elsw.
Mark had arrived at the school with 3 other students. A young female named Tzuyu who looked excited about everything around her and Mark could feel how she wasn’t the least bit worried just happy and excited, her powers had to either big weak or something cool that couldn’t accidentally murder everybody.
An older male with tanned skin who was shifting his weight from one foot the other awkwardly while they were waiting for their guide. His emotions were much more damped than Tzuyu’s, some people like her were almost like a lighthouse with their emotions and Mark was sure that he would be able to sense her for at least 100 meters.
And then BamBam, of course at that time he hadn’t known that it was BamBam at that point. BamBam was well dressed, well dressed enough that Mark felt really weird next to him in his shorts and loose tank top. On that note Mark was also fucking freezing because it was winter and nobody had told him where the school was placed. He had kinda just assumed that it was around the corner.
NOT IN ANOTHER COUNTRY! God he was going to have to learn korean wasn’t he? The answer to that turned out to be yes. Luckily he wasn’t the only one. He later found out that BamBam had been a fashion student, and dressing like he was about to walk a runway was normal for him. Didn’t stop Mark from thinking that sunglasses during winter was a little douchey.
3 guides had finally found them, each taking some of the student’s. BamBam and Mark ended up with the same guy, a stupidly tall smiley male with dimples called Namjoon. Mark liked Namjoon from first meeting, mainly because he started with actually understandable english and didn’t try to make Mark speak Korean… thank fuck for that.
It turned out that Mark and BamBam were both placed in the same dorm, Andromeda. Namjoon had spoken happily to them. “I’m glad you guys have arrived, we haven’t had a new dorm member since Jungkook arrived and it’s always nice with new members! Especially since Mark is older than me, which mean I am no longer the old one.”
Namjoon spoke a lot and confidently, which Mark was actually impressed by since it was his second language. He was less happy about being called old, but he couldn’t really dislike Namjoon, he was warm and nice and Mark liked his glasses.
BamBam instead stopped in his tracks looking a little bit worried. “Uhm… how many guys are in our dorm?” Mark could feel the emotions coming from BamBam he was no longer calm, instead he was… scared?
Namjoon turned to BamBam looking confused. Even if he clearly wasn’t an empath he seemed to understand what was wrong with BamBam “6 with you guys, is that an issue? You don’t like other people?”
Mark could follow how BamBam’s emotions swapped from one extreme to the next multiple times almost not giving him a chance to keep up with them, until it settled on a feeling Mark wasn’t that familiar with… Resignation… “I’m gay.”
It was mumbled staring down onto the frozen grass, with his shoulders hanging and he was just sad and that made Mark sad. Mark never thought about it like that. His parents had been very open same with his university, and while he wouldn’t call himself gay he liked to call his sexuality ‘well whatever my dick get’s hard for, can’t control it’ sometimes it was girls in yoga pants, sometimes it was guy’s in yoga pants… Mark just liked yoga pant’s in general.
Namjoon for his turn seemed just as confused as Mark had. “Okay?”
That didn’t make BamBam less sad it seemed. “I asked for a single room for that reason.”
“Yeah getting single rooms is hard. Like both me, Youngjae, Jungkook and Yugyeom could all be seen as being a danger to everybody around us. But we still didn’t get a single room, and I don’t understand what that has to do with your sexuality.”
“I don’t want you guys to feel uncomfortable around me.” BamBam’s words were even quieter now, which Mark found impressive.
And then Namjoon seemed to get it. “You grew up with normies… now it makes sense. I’m sorry I forgot that you guys are still in backwater times. Nobody cares about sexuality, you fuck whatever you want to fuck! Really it’s fine, there is nothing wrong with that.”
And that was it. Mark couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “Normies?” Even BamBam giggled at that, and Namjoon blushed a dark red color tinting his natural tan.
“Normal people.” he mumbled, it was kinda cute. Mark had grown up in a non magic community, for him it was always magic users and then there were the others, but Mark kinda liked the word… Normies, yeah he was totally going to call his old friends that.
Mark for a second felt almost overwhelmed by the happiness coming from BamBam. “Really? None of you care?”
Namjoon gave him a slightly awkward pat on the shoulder. “Just don’t fuck people while they are in animal form or unable to consent and we are all good.”
Both Mark and Namjoon laughed at BamBam’s facial expression, and with that the mood was lifted. BamBam both looked and felt like he had just been told that he got to have a second christmas, and those stupid sunglasses were finally off his face which thank fuck for that.
Namjoon showed them around the school, or more specific he showed them around a part of the school since apparently the school housed over 2000 students which meant it was big. Mark was more or less already lost hoping that Namjoon would show him to his classes or else he would be lost.
It seemed like Namjoon had also understood that none of his new ducklings remembered anything any longer. He turned them around towards the dorms. “Your luggage should have arrived now. Let’s go and see if we still have a dorm or if everybody has blown it into pieces.”
Mark wanted to ask about it, but he felt like he would found out what the other was talking about when he got to the dorm. He couldn’t wait to meet the rest of his soon to be roommates, from what Namjoon had told them always in a fond voice they were… special…
“You two are going to share the last room, don’t worry it is big so there is no problem with that. Yugyeom and Jungkook share, they are basically co dependant at this point so don’t question it, it is normal. I share with Youngjae since we have both been here for the longest so we have gotten used to sharing.” Namjoon swiped what seemed to be an id card on the outside of the dorm to get in, hm were they going to get one of those as well?
“If you had a free room, why did nobody take it to at least get some freedom, wouldn’t it make more sense?” Namjoon just shrugged at that as he showed the two new ducklings in.
“Not really, we are all really close and Youngjae doesn’t like to sleep alone and I have gotten used to it by now. We have known each other for over 20 years now and have shared a room for the same amount of time so...” he just shrugged, “There are two bathrooms both are big, and we normally have no issue sharing so hopefully it will keep going like that. If you dye your hair you use the smaller bathroom since it is already a mess after… that… incident.”
Well that was a lot to unpack and both had just kind stopped and stared at Namjoon, until they both squealed out. “20 years!?”
Namjoon blushed again. “Neither me nor Youngjae has an ability we feel comfortable using so other than just suppressing the ability we don’t have that good control. We are amazing at not using it. Sadly that doesn’t count as ‘control’ which means we can’t leave. It is okay though, we still get to leave the grounds when we have people with us. Youngjae is modeling major in normie studies and he does work around the city. And I do research for the high council in the physiological effect of alignment, so we are all good.“
With that Namjoon opened the door to the living room which was… a mess. On the coach cupping a bleeding hand, a tall male with bunny teeth was scowling and looking like he was planning to murder everybody. On the other couch was another even taller male hugging a third crying male to him.
Namjoon, BamBam and Mark all kinda just started at what was going on, until Namjoon pulled himself together rushing into the room. He half lifted the crying male into his own arms. “What happened?”
The short male had at that point wrapped his arms around Namjoon crying into his neck, leaving Namjoon to putting an arm under him to keep him up. The psychopath who looked like he wanted to go on a killing spree was the one who spoke up. “Hanbin called Jae a murderer.”
“And then Jungkook punched him in the face… multiple times,” the tallest one spoke up, as he inspected Jungkook’s hand, “and he seemed to forget that Hanbin can turn his hand into metal. I think it is broken multiple places. I have to take him to Seokjin, you okay with Jae?”
Namjoon just nodded as he sat down on the couch petting and whispering words to Youngjae that Mark couldn’t hear. As the male who later turned out to be Yugyeom dragged Jungkook out of the room he stopped before Mark and BamBam. “I promise it normally isn’t that melodramatic in this house. Some people at this school are just mean.”
“Assholes,” mumbled Jungkook pouting. “mean assholes that deserved to be skinned alive and revived. Only then killed slowly while being sexually assaulted by a horse.”
“Don’t listen to him, he is protective of his friends. He is normally a lot more chill. He is emotionally constipated.”
“No I’m not.” A raised eyebrow from Yugyeom. “Okay.” At that point Jungkook just looked like a sad bunny whose carrots had been taking away from.
Both BamBam and Mark just awkwardly nodded, not sure what to do or say as Jungkook got pulled out of the dorm by a slightly aggressive Yugyeom. This left their attention to be turned to the two on the couch.
Youngjae had stopped crying leaving Mark to hesitantly ask. “Is he okay?”
Namjoon nodded while petting Youngjae’s hair. “He is going to be. Name calling based on abilities is some of the most bigoted things you can say to anybody here in the school. Sadly Youngjae, Yugyeom and Jungkook are all targeted by it. Which has lead to the defensiveness you saw, but the know that those words aren’t true. Right baby?”
Youngjae looked up now, giving Mark a view of his tear stained face. “It still hurts.”
And that was the moment that Mark decided that Youngjae was a tiny blob that needed to be protected from the world for all cost.
More happened that day, but Mark didn’t get the chance to think about it as he suddenly had a Jackson in his lap. “Pay attention to me! Don’t zone out on me!” As he pressed a kiss to Mark’s mouth.
Only for Mark to panic push Jackson of his lap. “You are naked!” Yeah Jackson didn’t keep his clothes when he went into animal form and was naked when he came out.
For more information about this AU you can go to the first story in this series! which can be read HERE And we are taking requests as well for anything in this AU, so if you wanna see something you are welcome to request it!
- Prussia
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Kim Seokjin
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Age:  24  Birthday:  December 4, 1992 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 23
Powers: Healing Alignment: Order Control level: Excellent Side study: Magical healer and cooking
Dorm mates: Jinyoung, Jaebum, Jackson, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin Dorm name: Bootes Team name: Corralling Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up
Seokjin did not learn of his magic until he was older because he had always had such excellent control over it naturally. He knew he was always drawn to the sick so he was in school to become a doctor and it wasn’t until when he was volunteering in the children's ward that he learned he had healing magic because the terminally ill children were miraculously getting better. He was evaluated and it was determined he had the strongest power in healing that has ever existed. Hence why he on instinct tried to heal the bird Yoongi just raised, it didn’t kill Seokjin. Seokjin was the last to enter A.M.T.S.S because he really wanted to become a doctor but he soon realized that if he honed his magic he could do more as magical healer than he could as human doctor no matter how good of control he has on his magic. Seokjin is close friends with the Andromeda dorm because he has always been in the right place at the wrong time when they managed to do SOMETHING and Seokjin would smooth it over.  
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Min Yoongi
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Age: 24 Birthday:  March 9, 1993 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 13
Powers: Necromancer   Alignment: Order Control level: Medium. There are still random times he brings back dead frogs when he is visiting Taehyung in the science lab Side study: Psychology (specifically with grief counseling) 
Dorm mates: Jinyoung, Jaebum,  Jackson, Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin, Dorm name: Bootes Team name: Corralling Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up
The day Yoongi hit puberty he raised his neighbors dead dog to life. It was an accident of course and everyone else in his family is actually varying degrees of herbology so it came as a surprise when Yoongi turned out to be a necromancer. He was fortunate however. Since it was his neighbor's dead dog and his neighbor was there to keep him calm and thank him for letting her say goodbye to her Pookie Yoongi learned that he was not a bad person just because he could bring things to life. His family though did not understand so he was dropped off on the doorstep of A.M.T.S.S with a backpack of clothes and that is it. He learned to find his solace in the arms of already deceased, people looked down on his kind, but he didn’t care. Everybody thought it was about just raising the death and be unnatural. That wasn’t all, every smile he got from the family of the deceased as he gave them one last chance to say goodbye would be worth it. He was actually the first and only person in Bootes for two years until Jaebum and Jinyoung arrived. It was shortly after that Hoseok arrived and he learned how to befriend the living as well as the dead. The only part that could possibly be the downside is that Seokjin who is also his dorm mate is a healer. Now most people wouldn’t understand why that is a bad thing but you have to understand that when you bring something back to life it is not automatically healed. It is just animated and when a healer tries to heal that thing it could seriously hurt the healer. It took Yoongi raising a dead bird and Seokjin to heal it for them to learn that lesson. Seokjin was in the hospital wing for two months regaining his strength and was very close to death himself. They now have learned to use a post it note system. When Yoongi is practicing his control or he accidentally raises something he will put a post it note on it stating “SEOKJIN DO NOT TOUCH. I RAISED THIS FROM THE DEAD.” It was a good system until a certain someone decided to steal Yoongi’s stack of ready made post it notes and put it on an actual person that was never dead and Seokjin saw it. A person Seokjin happened to care very much about.  But that is a story another time.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Mark Tuan
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Age: 23 Birthday: September 4, 1993 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 22|
Powers: Empath Alignment: Order Control level: No control at all, he can’t turn of his abilities at all or shield himself Side study: Human study in Zoology
Dorm mates: Yugyeom, Jungkook, Youngjae, Namjoon, BamBam and Taehyung Dorm name: Andromeda Team name: Let’s fuck shit up
It is not easy being able to feel the feelings that everyone around you is feeling. It is also not easy not being able to do cool things like changing into a giant panther or flying or even showering someone with glitter when they do something stupid. But it is worth it when someone is hurting and doesn’t know how to say it. He can feel their pain and he can help. There is a difference between empathy and telepathy. No he can not read minds but sometimes the emotions he picks up is just as good as picking up thoughts. At school he has been known to quietly take someone aside and speak with them softly. But if he is around to much pain it can make him physically sick so he normally seeks out Jackson and BamBam to hang out and recharge his “positive batteries”. Another issue he has that if his feelings get very bad or very good he starts projecting his feelings into other people, which means if he is sad… his entire dorm easily ends up sad without knowing. Mark’s finding his powers was by accident, since he just thought he was insane until he got noticed to have powers.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Im Jaebum
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Age: 23 Birthday: January 6, 1994  Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 15
Powers: Animal Transformation/Witch Familiar Alignment: Neutral Control level: Excellent Side study: Astrology
Dorm mates: Jinyoung, Jackson, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin, Dorm name: Bootes Team name: Corralling Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up
So yeah when most people think of witch familiars they naturally think black cat. And they would be correct… to an extent. Jaebum didn’t expect to be Jinyoung’s familiar. If fact he, nor anyone else for that matter, expected Jinyoung to be any kind of supernatural. He was just the childhood friend that he befriended over a game of kickball. As a descendant of a long and powerful line of familiars Jaebum always looked forward to meeting his witch so that he can change for the first time and bond. He just didn’t necessarily want to do it in the middle of charity event. Because when Jinyoung walked in after being sick for a week and met Jaebum’s eyes, Jaebum immediately shifted into a giant black panther. So yea the black cat part of the superstition was right. But he was no house cat. So here they are witch and familiar for seven years now. They started attending school together and watched for each other eventually however they gathered a group of friends and allies so most people leave them alone except for a snide remark here and there. It is still fun to shift and scare the shit out of assholes who snicker about a witch and black cat missing their broom. He and Jinyoung entered into A.M.T.S.S together because of their bond and entering into the same dorm was a no brainer but they were surprised at how well they got along with the other magic users in the dorm. Most bonded familiars and witches do not socialize and or interact unless they are creating their own family. It was even more surprising when they started developing relationships with people outside the dorm. He has on more than one occasion been seen carrying a sleeping Namjoon on his back when he fell asleep in the library again.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Jung Hoseok
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Age: 23 Birthday:  February 18, 1994 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 16
Powers: Light Manipulator Alignment: Order Control level: Medium. He can’t seem to control it when he is startled and suddenly the entire dorm goes pitch black because he absorbed the light. Side study: Human Dance
Dorm mates: Jinyoung, Jaebum, Jackson, Yoongi, Jimin, Seokjin, Dorm name: Bootes Team name: Corralling Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up
Hoseok would be the master of light, his parents had always teased him with how he would end up having control of the sun… They were almost right, with the ability to control all light sources and bend them to his will he had a lot of fun. Other than the times where he accidentally took all the light from a room… That was awkward. Hoseok arrived at A.M.T.S.S on his birthday which kind of sucked but his family was happy for him to discover his magic so it was kind of the best birthday present ever. He has a very close relationship with Jaebum, Jinyoung, and Yoongi because they were all roughly around the same age when the entered the dorm together. But he is also good friends with Yugyeom and Jungkook as they were also studying dance. His family expressed concerns over his choice in friends. Not only was he a dorm mate with a Necromancer but also a Wild Mage AND a Blood Mage?! But Hoseok firmly told his family that this is his life and he will make the friends he wants to make because he doesn’t listen to stupid people and their discrimination.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Jackson Wang
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Age: 23 Birthday:  March 28, 1994 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 21
Powers: Animal Shapeshifter and Animal Speaker Alignment: Order Control level: Beginner Side study:  Undecided he is just focusing on his control right now
Dorm mates: Jinyoung, Jaebum, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin, Dorm name: Bootes Team name: Corralling Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up
Jackson is the only one in his family that has magic in him and it came quite as a shock when he woke up one day in bed as a… donkey. His parents were frantic with trying to find their son and where did the donkey come from? He was frantic with trying to tell them he was the donkey but unfortunately his parents don’t speak donkey. After he calmed down he shifted back and his family immediately called A.M.T.S.S for an evaluation. It turned out he could change into any animal he wanted to as well as talk to them. They enrolled him in A.M.T.S.S and he left his home in Hong Kong for the school. Because of his curious nature he will look into other areas of magic and focus on learning a bit about them which is why his control is still at beginning level. He at first was tutored by Namjoon but Namjoon tends to go off onto tangents and then Jackson would become interested in that tangent which then turned into something else and well… he was better off getting tutoring from Jaebum who as a familiar could help Jackson with his focus. Jackson however has been known to get caught up in the pranks that Taehyung and BamBam would pull at it has been joked that he is actually an honorary member of Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up. Jackson is also known as being the one who seeks out people to make friends with and make them feel good so it is no surprise he is the most popular in the entire school.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Ah this is so cute so far. I'm very excited! ❤
Thank you so much! We honestly did not expect much of a following for this blog since it is it a reader insert but it's so amazing to know that there are those who are interested! We will also be cross posting to AO3 after we get a couple of stories. Thanks again for your support! PrussianStarfish
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Kim Namjoon
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Age: 22 Birthday:  September 12, 1994 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 5
Powers: Storm warlock Allignment: Chaos Control level: ha… which control? Side study: Warlock study in history of alignment and its effect on the mind
Dorm mates: Yugyeom, Jungkook, Mark, BamBam and Taehyung Dorm name: Andromeda Team name: Let’s fuck shit up
Summary: Namjoon is be a storm warlock, with strong ties to chaos side. He often struggles keeping his powers in control which does lead to his… slightly destructive tendencies. Hence the reason he sticks to books over being a fancy warlock. No honor is worth accidentally destroying everything around him. He is tutor for both Jungkook and Yugyeom’s personal studies.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Park Jinyoung
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Age: 22 Birthday:  September 22, 1994 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 14
Powers: Fire Witch Alignment: Neutral Control level: Excellent but likes to pretend he doesn’t so he can take the easy lessons Side study:  Pottery
Dorm mates: Jaebum, Jackson, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin, Dorm name: Bootes Team name: Corralling Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up
Whoever knows Jinyoung would not be able to describe him without mentioning his rapid fire wit and wicked sense of humor. They could also not forget to mention his hair bursting in fire when he gets mad. Or when he is bored. He was adopted when his parent’s died in a car crash so he was raised not knowing one day he would walk into a church and his best friend would immediately change into a giant panther. It did not help that Jaebum was unable to shift back human until he bonded with Jinyoung. Of course neither of them knew how to bond and they were still standing in the middle of room full of humans who were freaking out because surely the giant animal was dangerous and was going to eat them all! Thankfully Jaebum’s mother arrived as soon as she sensed her son’s shift. She was able to calm down the room with Jaebum’s father who was her witch.  Together they walked Jinyoung and Jaebum through the bonding process and Jaebum’s father taught Jinyoung the basics of his power. However to this day he still uses the excuse of not knowing how to control his fire sometimes when Jackson’s favorite hoodie yet again goes up in flames, even though it HAS been seven years…. When he arrived with Jaebum at A.M.T.S.S they both received a lot of attention because no other witch there had a familiar. But they also received a lot of whispers because of their neutral alignment. Most Fire Witches are Chaos and Jinyoung most likely of been no different except Jaebum would of most certainly been in the Order alignment so when they bonded they met in the middle. Jinyoung likes to pretend to be the uncaring witch who only watches out for his familiar but it he really can’t hide his affection for his dorm mates whom he looks over when no one is looking. He can’t fool Jaebum of course but then again Jaebum also watches over them too. Because of Jaebum’s affection for some of the others from the Andromeda dorm (he will adamantly refuse to refer to them as the “Let's Fuck Shit Up”) Jinyoung will also keep an eye them and has a secret soft spot for Jungkook and Yugyeom that he will deny to his last day on earth.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Park Jimin
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Age: 21 Birthday:  October 13, 1995 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 20
Powers: Herbology Alignment: Order Control level: Just a little off from Perfect because he can decide when to grow things… he just chooses not to. Side study: Human Medicine specifically in making them 
Dorm mates: Jinyoung, Jaebum, Jackson, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Dorm name: Bootes Team name: Corralling Team Let’s Fuck Shit Up
Summary Jimin the little smol bean would actually have powers close to beans… Herbology. Even as young he could be found spending hours outside, and as a baby it was almost like he was talking to the houseplants. The more he grew up and the more power he got over his powers flowers and plants would lean towards him like he was light for them, flowers and vines would hug his body close and seeds would grow under his capable hands… and maybe sometimes Jimin would cover Yoongi’s entire room in sunflowers while he slept… just maybe. He is most likely the most excited person to be in A.M.T.S.S because they offer human courses. He lost a close childhood friend when he was teenager to cancer and he is determined to find a cure for it. His parents will often wonder if that is why Jimin’s magic emerged as herbology. Unlike most people he did not enter A.M.T.S.S until after he finished his human schooling because he felt it was important to retain that human knowledge, especially in biology. One thing that Jimin will admit to not having control over is the flowers that will grow in his hair randomly. They are apart of him and it hurts him when some stupid idiot decides to pluck it and tease him. That teasing didn’t last long because soon the bullies learned the wrath of a shape shift, fire witch, a panther familiar and a necromancer. Little did they know that after the bullies were sufficiently scared away from Jimin, BamBam and Taehyung made sure they stayed away. Never mess with the Trouble T’s. Especially if they like someone that was bullied.
Starfish here: I had to alter Jimin’s age when he was admitted into the school for plot reasons. lol
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Kim Taehyung
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Age: 21 Birthday:  December 30, 1995 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: 18
Powers: Teleportation Alignment: Neutral Control level: Depends on his mood Side study: Chemistry 
Dorm mates: Yugyeom, Namjoon, Mark, BamBam and Jungkook Dorm name: Andromeda Team name: Let’s fuck shit up
Taehyung’s abilities turned up very late in his life, he actually thought he didn’t have any powers like the majority of humans, but during a hard question of his entrance exam, he let his mind wander and wished that he was at his favorite sushi place, 2 seconds after he was. Yeah, he didn’t get into his choice of university. Instead, he got into AMTASS so that means something right, a place he got to do a study on the internet for chemistry so that is always good. Taehyung, in general, has good control if he just focuses on the control, but the second he lets his mind wander he ends up where he accidentally thinks about it, which is often at the other dorms kitchen, or Jackson’s bed cause he is lonely and Jackson gives the best cuddles.
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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Choi Youngjae
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Age: 20 Birthday: Semptember 17, 1996 Age admitted to A.M.T.S.S: New born
Powers: Siphon life force Alignment: Chaos Control level: Really good at not using it, but no control if he does use it Side study: Human major in modeling.
Dorm mates: Yugyeom, Namjoon, Mark,Taehyung  and Jungkook Dorm name: Andromeda Team name: Let’s fuck shit up
Youngjae’s power is terrible there is no way to say it, he can drain and siphon people’s lifeforce, which if done without control kills the person. Youngjae was only 10 days old when his power manifested and his powers took it’s first victim, the families old dog who had been curious to see the baby, it only took for Youngjae’s tiny babyhand to touch it’s wet nose once for it to fall onto the ground… dead.
Youngjae was placed in the care of AMTSS the next day, none of his family members even wanting to touch him, to this day he hasn’t heard from them.
As a child his powers were locked away inside him, and he was forced to wear gloves, but his powers are no longer locked and while he refuses to even use his powers on test rats he is really good at locking them away, and there is no way they activate without him wanting to
This belongs to a story / Writing / FanFiction AU, not a RP. You can read about the AU here.
The boys profiles:
Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Mark Tuan Im Jaebum Jung Hoseok Kim Namjoon Park Jinyoung Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Choi Youngjae BamBam Jeon Jungkook Kim Yugyeom
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