i don’t think that.
let me simplify it for you:
i said “i’ve almost died before”
you said “so you lost?”
i said “why would not dying be equivalent to losing?” and that meant, quite simply, “why would i have to die to win?”
because that’s what you’re implying by saying that i lost a fight because i almost died.
I bet you have never even been in a fight.
oh, trust me, i’ve almost died before.
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how does not dying entail a loss?
I bet you have never even been in a fight.
oh, trust me, i’ve almost died before.
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look man, i’m tired and trying to get through life and i just care about the kids okay?
i deleted it because i decided that maybe i shouldn’t have said anything. better not to get torn apart over my views. where’s the problem in that? i decided i shouldn’t have initiated it; i took it down. end of.
to all you assbags who think me deleting all that shit was a victory in your book:
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to all you assbags who think me deleting all that shit was a victory in your book:
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to all you assbags who think me deleting all that shit was a victory in your book:
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I bet you have never even been in a fight.
oh, trust me, i’ve almost died before.
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Whatever you have to tell yourself to have to validate yourself sweetheart :)
of course.
it’s not like i’m a physical abuse survivor or anything. or like i’ve been beaten within an inch of my life. or attacked in denver. or attacked in louisville. or attacked in philadelphia.
i’m definitely just saying this shit to validate myself :)
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I bet you have never even been in a fight.
oh, trust me, i’ve almost died before.
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i didn’t say i don’t know what i’m talking about. i said i don’t know everything about the world. there’s a difference.
i’ve been in real-life self-defense situations, too. and guess what i didn’t need to use to get out of it? a gun. because i can kick people’s asses with my bare hands. i don’t NEED a gun.
you know what the post was about? the safety of children in school. this post was about how kids can go to school, and get shot. because that’s sick to think about.
What makes you qualified to give advice on self defense in life or death situations?
absolutely nothing. how about you?
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What makes you qualified to give advice on self defense in life or death situations?
absolutely nothing. how about you?
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some people are really out here thinking that humans haven’t fucked up the planet at all.
meanwhile, in the real world: rainforests are burning. deforestation is occurring. massive corporations are dumping pollution onto the planet left, right, and center. species are going extinct as i type this. CO2 emissions are literally sky-high. electronic waste is being produced in massive amounts every day. there’s an island of trash in the pacific ocean. we’re killing the planet.
and people who think it isn’t real are the reason why the only planet in this solar system to harbor intelligent life is dying. what we’re doing now is good, but reversing what we’ve done so far is going to require a massive group effort.
and for that, we need everyone.
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“I used to build dreams about you.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Benediction
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the r in tumblr stands for gay
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the t in tumblr stands for trans
the r in tumblr stands for gay
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“Bad things find you. They seek you out. No matter how you might try to ignore them or hide away, or walk in the opposite direction. They will discover you eventually. It’s only ever a question of time.” - Joanna Cannon, The Trouble With Goats And Sheep
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the “i was abused by an ace/aro, their community is bad!” argument is so mindblowing like…. i was abused by a bi girl, does that condemn the entire bi community? no. it does not. jfc.
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shoutout to all the nonbinary kids
who don’t have short messy and brightly colored hair
who can’t afford a binder
whose parents won’t let them get a binder
who aren’t lean or “the perfect weight”
whose pronouns aren’t respected by anyone except people online
whose pronouns aren’t respected
who can’t take selfies and post them because people will assume pronouns
who are female/male passing and don’t want to be
shoutout to every single nb kid out there who struggles with self image
hit me up i’m ur new parent i will take care of u and make u feel good
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