imsrryoisin · 25 days
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imsrryoisin · 2 months
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in light of recent events, here’s fyodor bsd at the attempted assassination of ronald reagan that i drew in march.
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imsrryoisin · 4 months
The Quality of Being a Komaeda: An in-Depth Look at the Nagito Phenomenon
Komaeda Nagito is a character from the video game Super Dangan Ronpa 2, originally released for the Playstation Portable. The Danganronpa series first gained traction circa 2013 on Tumblr due to the translated let’s play of the first game, created by SomethingAwful user Orenronen. At that time, the let’s play of the first game had been completed and the let’s play of the second game was in progress. Both the first and second games were officially localized in 2014, renamed Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, respectively. Danganronpa is a murder-mystery visual novel series which is notable for its satirical themes,  gaudy displays of violence, and emphasis on humor.
It is incredibly difficult to truly describe the impact this series, and specifically Komaeda Nagito, has had on both Tumblr and fandom spaces in general. It is truly a “had to be there” experience. Things such as the rise of fictionkin, faking severe mental illnesses, racefaking, lying about childhood trauma, abuse, and sexual assault, and many other incredibly unhealthy phenomena are directly related to the popularization of the series. However, only one thing matters: the creation of the “Komaeda” character type.
Komaeda Nagito is the deuteragonist of the game and acts in increasingly erratic and violent ways which contrast with his typical carefree and friendly demeanor. He is incredibly intelligent, manipulating and hurting others for an arguably noble end goal, yet is adamantly self-deprecating. Complex and morally grey, it is no surprise that many have taken a strong liking to him. The ways in which he is treated by the Danganronpa fandom is representative of the ways similar characters are treated. It is due to the extreme absurdities found within 2013-2014 Komaeda fans and the parallels found in other fandoms that he has transcended the Danganronpa fandom.
What is a “Komaeda”?
A “Komaeda” is a character which shares traits with Komaeda Nagito and evokes intense reactions within the fandom. It is important to note that he is not the first character of his kind. The oldest character agreed upon to be a “Komaeda” is Ryo Asuka from the 1972 manga series Devilman. Although no fandom has ever rose to the same extremes as that of Super Dangan Ronpa 2, the characters Goro Akechi from the video game Persona 5 and Kokichi Oma from the video game Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony share all the traits which make Komaeda notable, and also are the topic of intense fandom discourse.
What makes a character a “Komaeda” is split into two categories: the Komaeda archetype, and possessing Komaeda energy. Kokichi Oma and Goro Akechi are peak examples of the “Komaeda” because they embody both the Komaeda archetype and Komaeda energy. Most “Komaedas” are not both Komaeda archetypes and have Komaeda energy. It is unrealistic to expect the “Komaeda” of other series to be like those examples. A character is a “Komaeda” if they are a Komaeda archetype and/or have immense Komaeda energy.
What Defines a Komaeda Archetype? 
A Komaeda archetype is based mostly on a character’s role in the plot, and how said role is received by the fandom. Even without interacting with a fandom, it is possible to infer if a character is a Komaeda archetype based on the fandom’s forecasted response. For a character to truly be a Komaeda archetype, they must possess ALL these characteristics. Due to this, these traits are based on the following criteria:
Widely applicable: Traits are not exclusive to one medium nor superficial characteristics. These traits can be found in video games, books, and movies, and apply to characters regardless of gender, species, race, etc. If a plot exists, a Komaeda archetype can exist within it.
Cohesive, but not restrictive: Critical thinking may be required but the traits are, for the most part, clear-cut. They should not be so specific that it becomes difficult to find characters which actually have said trait.
Play a large role in the story
They are not a side character and are integral to the plot. They may not be the most popular character, but are very high up there.
Play an antagonistic role, but are not originally presented as such
The character is not originally presented or treated as a “bad guy”, but they need not be a “good guy” either; they may be suspicious or disliked, but the other characters do not acknowledge them as the antagonist nor have solid reason to believe they are. Later in the story they are explicitly treated as the antagonist.
Are morally grey; have a justification for their actions and/or reason for redemption
Legitimate arguments can be made which put the character in the right or in the wrong, but it is not possible to make an undeniable conclusion. The character can be relieved of blame, commit justifiable actions, or provide reason to believe they regret what they’ve done and will change for the better. Typical examples include a character suffering from mental illness or emotional trauma, “the end justifies the means”, or are forced by things beyond their control.
The character must also be held accountable for their actions even if they are at someone or something else’s mercy. They may still agree with their own actions, go above and beyond what is asked of them, or ignore chances to defy authority and/or act righteously. Whatever the reason, the character is not a helpless puppet.
Split fandom which woobifies or demonizes them (ig their intentionally grey morals are only seen in black or white)
Despite being morally grey, members of the fandom lean heavily towards defending them indiscriminately or demonizing them. Those who love and defend them will woobify them and act as if they are incapable of doing wrong, while those who hate them will demonize them and act as if there is no possible way to rationalize their actions. While this is limited by one’s exposure to different kinds of fans, it is guaranteed that if a character is morally grey, the fandom will treat them like this.
What is Komaeda Energy? 
Having Komaeda energy is based mostly on the character and how the fandom treats said character. These characteristics are more subjective and also more superficial. Make no mistake: being a Komaeda archetype and having Komaeda energy is NOT mutually exclusive, but they are also not part and parcel. Perhaps they are a side character, or are undeniably being free of blame, yet still garnar the kind of popularity and arguments a Komaeda archetype generates. It can also be that even without knowing anything about the plot, a character gives off vibes which makes someone think “Yeah, they’re a Komaeda”. That is Komaeda energy. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list. These are a select few characteristics which are common among characters with Komaeda energy:
White or similarly colored hair
White, silver, grey, pale blond… it all counts. It should be noted that blond hair that is not particularly pale doesn’t. Additional points for being on the longer side.
The character is disheveled. has a dark color scheme, baggy eyes, or emo hair. They hide their neck or face (such as by wearing a scarf or a high collar), like knives, are violent, sadistic, sarcastic, or an asshole… the list goes on. However, they are still generally considered attractive.
Is male
“Komaedas” are most commonly male This is both a result of complex and morally grey female characters being much less common, and that a lot of their hate is from straight male fans (this is related to the next point).
Young/not traditionally masculine
They may be thin, short, have feminine hobbies (such as enjoying art or fashion), and are generally difficult for straight males to project onto. In turn, their devotees are often women and/or LGBT and the criticism these characters get may be redirected misogyny and homophobia. However, these characters are usually still deserving of genuine criticism.
The following characteristics also contribute to having Komaeda energy, but are much less superficial and require a person to actually consume the relevant media. These are more important than the former characteristics due to the fact they relate to the character’s role in the plot, but I believe including them into the primary category would make this checklist too restrictive.
Has gay subtext, or are blatantly gay
Typically associated with male characters but not exclusively. May also include a disinterest in, if not dislike of characters of another gender. Includes any character that expresses attraction to the same gender, not just homosexual ones. Usually their feelings are used to show that the character is not heartless or incapable of connecting with others, or to exemplify that the character feels remorse when they hurt the one they love. Although rarely treated as a negative thing, don’t expect a happy ending.
Protagonist has a “soft spot” for them despite their objectionable action
Related to the previous characteristic as the protagonist is often the love interest, although it does not have to be romantic; it can stem from platonic, familial, etc feelings as well. The protagonist may refuse to believe the character is truly the antagonist, gives them the benefit of the doubt, or forgives them after the fact. The protagonist may genuinely hate them at one point or another, but typically believe “the Komaeda” is not fully to blame.
Actually hiding the true antagonist
The character may be doing this intentionally or not. Regardless, this is usually where they are given a justification or reason for redemption: maybe they were just a pawn, or were trying to protect everyone from the true antagonist, or whatever.
Physically weak/chronically ill
This evokes a sense of sympathy for the character. Although it typically involves being physically weak or suffering from a physiological disease it can include mental illnesses if they also make the viewer pity the character; for example, having panic attacks, anxiety, or trauma-induced nightmares. If mental illness is used to demonize a character or primarily justify/excuse their actions without evoking sympathy, it does not count as this.
Unhappy childhood
Maybe they’re an orphan, were abused as a child, picked last for dodgeball, or grew up poor. Whatever it is, no kid should have to suffer through that!
Being in the Dangan Ronpa fandom on Tumblr when I was 15 caused me permanent psychoemotional trauma I am still recovering from.
Also, this is Jokes™ don’t take it so seriously or think I’m drawing lines in the sand here. I just think it’s neat :3
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imsrryoisin · 6 months
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you guys ever think about komaedalovemail quotes
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imsrryoisin · 7 months
i haven’t been active on tumblr and haven’t made wilbur fanart in years but i wanna say that i fucking hate him and do not support him and i do not want his supporters following me
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imsrryoisin · 9 months
pt. 1
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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autism be damned, my girl can work a grill
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
I’m going to the grocery store does anyone want to sublet my apartment for 45 minutes
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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How I feel posting
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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I love how one of Tamaki's first thoughts after realizing that he's traumatized is "this is so hot and mysterious of me"
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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hannibal letter if he was in a water level in super mario brothers
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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ok ok I’ll STOP now (me when I lie)
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imsrryoisin · 11 months
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bonus for this comic I guess lol. thanks @rimeah I felt legally obligated<3
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imsrryoisin · 1 year
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last one i promise(<—lie)
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imsrryoisin · 1 year
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HAPPY MIKU ! Fishim’ Time 🎣
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