incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Trip: Wait, so are you gay or is Skye just a bad influence?
Jemma: Yes.
219 notes · View notes
incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Daisy: I’ve got an idea.
Jemma: We’re not going to murder anyone.
Daisy: I don’t have any ideas.
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Jemma: You'd do that for me?
Skye: I'd do a lot of things to you.
Jemma: For, for me?
Skye: Yeah, that to.
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Daisy: "What happens if you put a werewolf on the moon" is a great question. Probably the best question ever.
Jemma: He'll explode and die because there's no oxygen on the moon.
Daisy: We never said we'd send him up without a suit, you absolute monster.
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Fitz: Simmons call your dad to come pick us up.
Jemma: Siri, call daddy please.
Siri: Calling daddy...
Daisy: Hi babe, what's up?
Jemma: ...
Fitz: ...
185 notes · View notes
incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Jemma: You read my diary?
Daisy: At first I did not know it was your diary, I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Trip: She cried?
Jemma: Yup.
Trip: And you're sure it was because she saw your boobs for the first time? She didn't have something in her eyes?
Jemma: Correct.
Trip: I have seen her kick a man off a balcony, turn around and ask "who's next?" And you're telling me this is the same woman?
Jemma: That's what I'm telling you Trip.
Trip: ...
Skye: Hey guys, what's up?
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Skye: Everyone has a gay cousin.
Jemma: I don't have a gay cousin.
Skye: Maybe you're the gay cousin.
Jemma: ... Oh my God, I'm the gay cousin.
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Jemma: So, how's the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Daisy: *not even looking up from her laptop* I don't know, how are you, Jemma?
Jemma: ...
Jemma: *voice cracking* I'm fine.
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Jemma [to Daisy] : Would you like to stay for dinner?
Jemma's Mum: Would you like to stay forever?
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Jemma: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Daisy: “Which one? I can’t do both”
131 notes · View notes
incorrectskimmons · 7 years
via text
Daisy: A theif
Jemma: Thief?
Daisy: Theif
Jemma: I before E
Jemma: Except after C
Daisy: Thceif
Jemma: No
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incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Daisy: How long are you going to be mad at me?
Jemma: Ten Minutes.
83 notes · View notes
incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Daisy: [Walking around still disappointed six hours after leaving the aquarium]
Jemma: What did you think a tigershark was, Daisy?
165 notes · View notes
incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Daisy: Hey cutie!
Jemma: Don't cutie me ... Hi sweetie pie.
87 notes · View notes
incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Jemma: Am I weird?
Daisy: Yeah, but you're hot so it's easier to put up with.
80 notes · View notes
incorrectskimmons · 7 years
Daisy: Do I look straight?
Jemma: Not in the slightest.
Daisy: No, I mean my parking job.
Jemma: Oh, in that case, yes it's fine.
225 notes · View notes