incorrectwolf359 ¡ 3 years
Eiffel: “the reason is my mental state right now” 
Lovelace: “what state is that?” 
Eiffel: “nonexistent”
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 3 years
Hilbert:  “i’m gonna commit a WAR CRIME” Renee: you aren’t allowed to joke about that, you did that. 
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 3 years
Lovelace: we’re on the same wavelength of bitch”
Lovelace goes for a high five, Jacobi gives her one
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 3 years
Eiffel:  the simp hand acts of its own accord 
Renee: thaT is mY HuSBAnD, its NOT SIMPING if we are MARRIED
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 3 years
Eiffel: rub the smooth brains together and we might get a spark :)!
Renee: no?? we're just gonna get squeak noises?!!?!?!
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 5 years
Maxwell: Every girl is PERFECT and beautiful in their own way and anyone who disagrees can fight me.
Jacobi: I’m not disagreeing but I do kinda wanna fight if you’re down.
Maxwell: A fight for the sake of fighting is the purest form of fight lets go.
Hera: Join in if you’re girl positive but also ready to throw down.
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 5 years
whoever submitted all the leverage quotes here is my hero
that... would be me (Mod Foxlass) ive never seen it, but there r some hilarious quotes from online so.... but PLEASE send me more if u wanna see more!!
on that note, Submissions are allways open and WELCOME! come share your funniest, saddest and most heartbreaking quotes and we will see what we can do :)
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 5 years
Alana, watching Daniel sobbing in the bathtub at 9 am: it was easy..... low hanging fruit and all... Are you okay?
Alana, looking down at a hospitalized Daniel: I just took the cheapest shot in your honor
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 5 years
Eiffel: At my funeral, there is going to be a closed casket, and then it will be opened to reveal I am not inside. Instead, they will turn on the ceiling fan and my lifeless body will swing around the room while the Space Jam theme song is playing in the background.
Eiffel: Nevermind, Minkowski says I can’t do that.
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
Renee Minkowski “You don’t know when to stop.”
Doug Eiffel “That’s not true. I know exactly when I should stop, and then I don’t.”
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
COMMANDER: a reward? ill think of something 
U DA BOMB: if its not drugs or food I swear to god ill throw a fit
LE TOUR: I'm about to go get lunchables and alcohol. Take that adulthood
DAD: how did all u survive in space for scooby’s sake. 
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
U DA BOMB: Are we at that level of friendship where we can share slutty stories and not hold it against the other person at a later date ?
[HACKER VOICE] IM IN: as long as u k u rn’t getting any from me
U DA BOMB: I’m okay w that.
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
Young! Wolf 359
Renee: Trouble in the neighborhood - turns out my brother's summer lawn care gig also entailed banging three different MILFs and they just all found out about each other
Doug: Gotta pay for college somehow...
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
Eiffel: I gotta go back to the airlock, I just remembered something. Hera: What? Eiffel: I just remembered gravity. And the squishiness of all my manly bits.
Source: Leverage
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
Minkowski: You actually expect this to work? Eiffel: No, you’re supposed to say “Wow, that’s just crazy enough to work!” Lovelace: Incredibly, chance does seem to bend itself to his bizarre machinations. Hera: [whispering to Minkowski] That’s his superpower.
Source: Leverage
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
Minkowski: This thing safe? Eiffel: Yeah, it’s completely safe… it’s just you know, if you experience nausea, weakness in your right side, stroke, strokiness… Minkowski: You’re precisely why I work alone.
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incorrectwolf359 ¡ 6 years
Jacobi: [after losing to Kepler twice in Rock, Paper, Scissors] How do you do that? Kepler: You have a tell. Jacobi: I—I have a tell… Kepler: Yeah. Jacobi: In Rock, Paper, Scissors… Kepler: Yeah. Go!
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