indesperateminds · 4 years
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Workout For Daily Life
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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My 2020 Old Guard Gift for  @aw-hawkeye-no :)
You said that you weren’t picky… ;) So I drew some various ideas.. It’s like a Joenicky mood board  
I hope you’ll like it! Merry christmas to you!
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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Fine vs. perfect
Inspired by that awesome This Is Fine Dog - Plant Edition.
You know which one I’m talking about..
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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a moment in time  from AD 120 to 2020 
here’s my andromaquynh secret santa gift for @aahaanaa, i hope you like it! :) 
i had a lot of fun researching a little bit of roman history for this 
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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d i s t r a c t i o n s set in one long winter they spend as visiting scholars at the local art history faculty, featuring a stray campus cat called boot my @theoldguardevents gift exchange gift for @sunshineandchemistry who said that she liked soft things, so i brought some literal fluff - i hope you enjoy it!
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indesperateminds · 4 years
Thinking abt immortality and how meticulously you’d have to keep track of all of your shit so some nosy historian didnt spot your old journal or coat or copy of a book and call an infuriating time-based finders keepers
“It’s two hundred years old” they say. “It’s essentially public property” they say. It’s a letter you sent to your friend and it’s in a museum now and you’re screaming
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indesperateminds · 4 years
When I watched Firefly for the first time in college, I had dreams of becoming like Inara or Zoe, maybe even kicking ass like River... ten years later, I can confidently state than I am 100% Simon
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Firefly Character Quotes → Simon Tam
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indesperateminds · 4 years
i’m so done with the way girls in twenties are treated. i’m so done with people who literally create timetable for us. 20- 24  find a guy, 24-26 make him propose to you, 27-29 get married. i’m so done. i’m do not want to get 2 a.m texts from my best friend who is freaking out that she is gonna die alone. i do not want see my 20 years old friend wasting her time on some guys who are not even interested in her. i do not want see us falling for every nice guy who does not look creepy. i do not want to see girls get sad or paranoid just bcos they do not fill in the schedule. you are ok. you should enjoy your life at its fullest and one day you will find 10/10 so do not pursue 6 just because you do not want to be single. it is ok and one day you will find someone. do not split your love with people who does not deserve it. keep it for yourself and when time will come you will know. i know it hurts. i know you wish u could just open part of yourself and release the buzzing love. but not every kind of love is romantic. show it to your family, friends, plants, yourself.
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indesperateminds · 4 years
As an American who’s lived in Alabama, Kentucky, AND Louisiana, I affirm that this is southern ingenuity at its finest.
Life goals
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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I immediately thought of this meme after Luca confirmed that they’re married. (insp)
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indesperateminds · 4 years
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who had this thought!
For whoever wants it: Andy is 6000 years old. In Good Omens, the earth is 6000 years old. Ergo she was one of the first humans. Give me the crossover fics.
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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“Nicky was in the kitchen making something for us to eat, because you know Nicky…”
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indesperateminds · 4 years
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I thought it might be a fun idea to give Joe a tattoo pen for kids. 
In case it wasn’t clear, the sun is drawn by Nicky.
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indesperateminds · 4 years
ok ok ok ok ok ok can I just have a quick lil moment of your time?
This shit.
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So Hunchback is far and away my favorite movie from Disney’s Renaissance, and it always makes me so happy that yes, people seem to appreciate it, people seem to love it, but I’mma go into exactly WHY it’s my favorite, and WHY I think it’s so crucial, and WHY I think it should be required viewing for young boys specifically.
We all know that a huge bulk of the media we’ve grown up with consistently has that one frustrating message:  Being the hero means you’ll get the girl.  Many boys let this mentality bleed into reality.  We have “nice guys,” who feel that their niceness entitles them to romance, when obviously that discredits a female’s personal choice.  We all get this, we all know this, and a lot of us get that it’s a toxic message.
So check out our hero.
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He’s an incredibly good person who isn’t conventionally attractive.
Check out our lady.
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Super good person, conventionally attractive.
The movie so deliberately builds up Quasi’s hopes.  There’s a whole fucking song about it.
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But Esmeralda, who is her own person with her own motivations and preferences, chooses another man, who is also good and also attractive.
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A lot of people criticize this aspect of the movie, the fact that Quasi doesn’t get the girl BECAUSE of his appearance.  But my argument?  This is the best damn message a movie could ever send.
Because when things get dicey, when Esmeralda’s life in in danger, when Quasi would be putting his own life on the line, he knows that romance is no longer within the realm of possibility.  He knows he won’t be “getting the girl.”  He knows this, and he allows himself a moment of bitterness, he risks falling prey to the “nice guy” trope, and he almost succumbs.
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“She already has her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me.”
He has NO ulterior motive for saving her life.  NO ulterior motive for opposing the man who raised him.  And he doesn’t know that he’ll get any reward, he knows he could straight up get killed for his actions, and yet he still acts.
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And there’s no bitterness. There’s still so, so much love between him and Esmeralda, pure awesome platonic love, and love between him and Phoebus, and just fucking love all around, it’s amazing.
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I’ve heard so many people express distaste at Quasi not ending up with Esmerelda.  Like he was cheated out of some kind of reward.  But have they watched the ending?
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Does that look like a man cheated of his reward?  Does he look like he “lost” to Phoebus?  No dude, that’s a man who has everything he ever wanted, and that’s also a man who didn’t “get the girl.”
If that’s not an essential message for young boys to hear, I don’t know what is.
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indesperateminds · 4 years
Nile walks into the kitchen at Joe and Nicky’s house and sees this shit on the daily, and no one can convince me otherwise:
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indesperateminds · 4 years
@norcumii, who is lovely but also knows how easily I’m tricked into writing things, decided to share a post about the old guard and leverage knowing how much I love a good leverage au.  Anyway this happened because, as I said, I am so easily tricked into writing fic.
Joe flipped to a new page as Nile took a seat next to him. She opted for braids for the job, and he had helped her tie them back that morning.
“So this is you working, is it?” she said.
“There are many ways to prepare,” he answered, and began to sketch a rough outline of the gallery, making sure to note the security measures. Booker should have already broken into the system, but Joe was more old fashioned. He liked to do his scouting on his own. “Booker and Andy drink, and I do this.”
In his artfully frayed hoodie and beanie, he was just another art student appreciating said art, in more ways than one.
“Sure.” Nile’s gaze was flitting to the exits, making her own notes of the security guards discreetly making their rounds around the edges. “And your preparation requires you to check out Nicky?”
“Do I make fun of you for hyping yourself up with music?” He didn’t need a reference to get the correct shape of Nicky’s brow and the set of his eyes and the quirk of his mouth, but he looked his fill anyway. He had yet to find anything as captivating as Nicky working.
“Constantly,” she said. She glanced at his sketchbook and snorted. “Seriously?”
“He has nice hands.” He nudged her. “Pay attention. We’re working on your skills. Watch how he moves.”
Statistically speaking, there was probably a more accomplished theif than Nicky, but Joe had yet to meet them, and he had been in this business for quite a long time. He worked with the best and the not so best, but he hadn’t met anyone who moved like Nicky when he was making a lift, fingers so light and sweet that he would be long gone by the time any of the marks noticed anything missing.
“Okay,” Nile said, something like respect in her voice. “How does he get away with it?”
“It’s his eyes,” Joe answered absently. Ah, the curator’s friend had arrived. He flipped to a new page, working fast to get “They’re so gentle and mysterious.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Nile said without any real heat. She was watching intently as Nicky made the lift. “Seriously, how does he do that?”
“I’m sure he’ll give you a demonstration later.” He slipped his sketchbook back into his pocket as Nicky made his way over. “You got it?”
“Of course,” Nicky answered, the badge held between two fingers before he stowed it somewhere on his person. “And you?”
“Just waiting on you,” Joe said. Nicky adjusted his beanie with a fond smile.
Nile rolled her eyes. “Can we go before we’re made?”
“If you insist,” Nicky said, and held out his hand for Joe to take. “Are we still on time?”
“I’ll make contact tomorrow at the gala,” Joe said, ducking his head against the wind as they stepped outside.
“What’s your approach?” Nile asked, curious. Joe appreciated her eagerness to learn all their roles.
“I was thinking a minor European aristocrat with too much money,” he answered, adopting the appropriate accent. “I just want to be taken seriously, after all.”
“I like that one,” Nicky agreed. “Very disarming.”
Joe tucked their linked hands into his pockets. “Thank you. You know how I like playing dumb.”
Nile made another noise and said, “Are you like this on every job?”
“No,” Nicky said, guileless. “We’re usually much worse.”
Joe laughed at Nile’s face and said, “You’ll get used to it.”
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