infinity-multi-muse ยท 6 days
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"Frakking Hell," The Space Marine grumbles to himself, "You'd think the Gods Damned Ultramarines, who have more victories and skulls of their enemies than any other Legion, could spare one smile."
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 6 days
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* โ™ฅ @infinity-multi-muse | liked( blazar )
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โ› ๐๐ฅ๐š๐ณ๐š๐ซ , ๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐š๐ฑ โ”€ ๐ข๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ฐ๐›๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ฃ๐š๐ฆ .. ๐š๐ง๐ ๐๐ข๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ข ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐›๐ฅ๐ž๐ž๐ ? โœ
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"Unguuuwuah??" He asked as if he understood her, but, of course, the Primitive Ultra did not even know what she was saying. That being said, he can pick up on Body Language and emotion, noting that she was relatively calm.
There was the sound of sniffing despite his lack of nostrils, as he got in close to the stain of jam. Almost examining it- His mouth opened, light pouring out of it, as this lashing tendril of what could only be his tongue extruded out and lashed the jam.
There was a pause. He tasted it, of course.
In an instant, he dove in on the stain, surrounding his mouth on it as he attempted to eat all of it-
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* โ™ฅ @infinity-multi-muse | liked ( blazar )
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โ› ๐๐ฅ๐š๐ณ๐š๐ซ , ๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐š๐ฑ โ”€ ๐ข๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ฐ๐›๐ž๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ฃ๐š๐ฆ .. ๐š๐ง๐ ๐๐ข๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ข ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐›๐ฅ๐ž๐ž๐ ? โœ
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 12 days
There wasn't really any reason to take offense to him calling her stupid. Ignorant she would call it, but it was true to an extent all the same. She thought that Cheetu here was just some uniquely anthropomorphic cheeta. But it seems like there's more to it than that.
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"I'm sorry, you say you were 'made' to be fast like a cheeta? Does that mean someone created you to be as you are now?" She asks, curious.
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Oh. Oh, okay, so she actually didn't know, which is crazy, considering that she fits all the pre-requisites for the appearance of a Chimera Ant. Then again, Cheetu did hear something or other about 'Magical Beasts,' so maybe she was one of those? But, he supposed it was time for another lesson.
"Soooooooo, uhhhh, basically- I am a Chimera Ant." He pats the exoskeletal plates that make up his body. There were strange little appendages at the tips of his fingers, almost like the tips of insect legs. "I dunno how t' put this, but, like, okay. . . We got a Queen Ant. 'Cuz we're insects. And when she eats something, she produces an egg, and when that egg hatches, the Chimera Ant that comes out has the properties of the thing she ate."
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"Our Queen was about the size of a human, so she ate some humans, then ate some animals, and, well. . . Y'know, she ate a person and then ate a cheetah, so here I am." He explains rather casually.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 12 days
She decides to let him think that for now. His pride likely couldn't withstand anymore bruising. Perhaps she needs to think about how to guide him to an idea, without directly stating it in the future. Something to consider for later.
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"Hmm, I do have a question still. You say that you use Conjuration, but your speed is still incredibly high. Does that mean you don't have any form of Enhancer Nen?" She asks. She was curious as to what exactly allowed him such speed. Was it truly something just innate to him?
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. . . Did she not know? It was unclear to Cheetu if she ever established herself as a Chimera Ant or not- Probably she did, but that info was quickly pushed out of his brain. He blinked, trying to think of how to broach this topic.
". . . You stupid or something?" Cheetu questions, ever the shining example of politeness. With that blank, judgmental cat stare towards the Lizard, he tried to read her. She was smart- Not as smart as Cheetu, but who is?- So, he'd let this little thing slip.
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"Well, whatever, there's always room to learn. I'm just naturally that fast, 'cuz I get it from the animal I was made from- The Cheetah. And those guys are fast. I'm just faster 'cuz I'm better." He explained as scientifically as possible, which is not at all because he's a moron.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 12 days
Oh Reyna could see by his reaction he was lying through his teeth. He really doesn't like being proven wrong, or being given ideas that aren't his own, huh? It's actually kind of cute, but she should reel it in a bit. She doesn't wanna upset him again with another 'round of humiliation' as he called it.
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"I suppose that makes sense. But I doubt any weapon could match your speed anyway. That's part of what made your guns before so impressive. That level of speed is incredibly difficult to react to, and one wrong move could spell a messy end for your opponent. Your natural speed mixed with your Nen makes for a strong combination." She says, deciding to agree with him.
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"Y-Yeah, I know that. Obviously." He didn't. "But, um. . . N. . . Nuh-uh." That was about the best rebuttal he could offer at this point in time- Clearly, the spitting image of witticism.
"AAAAAAANYWAYS, um. Yeah, uh. . . Oh, what else didja wanna know? I think I covered mostly everything, but, uh. . . Well, I am such a great sensei, but, y'know, there's always some bigger nerd out there that probably knows way more than me- And probably doesn't have a life for have any sort of fun. Unlike me." Cheetu rambled a bit, clearly trying very hard to paint himself as the coolest dude around. . . Though, that's just normal, from what has been seen of him.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 12 days
Technically he was in his true form already, the other form was the alternate. All of them were just different forms he took, but that was what he'd considered his main alternate form. It was the only one that was distinctly a variant of himself, or at least a self he used to have. Guise of mortality and humanity? Both things he'd given up millennia ago. Humanity sucked and being mortal was too mundane. He drifted back a little on silent talons to get a good view of whatever display he was about to witness. Beak curled into a smirk at the brief moment he saw the Apostle without clothing. Eyes glowing bright as the transformation started. It was always a delight seeing proper transformations, actually getting to see the changes take place. And what he saw was definitely superior in every way to what Zodd was before. More bestial, more powerful, almost like a gargoyle in some ways.
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"Now that is what I'd call beautiful. I guess since you've shown me yours, I'll show you mine. Sorry that there's no real display to it...and it's not what you'll be expecting. That form is tied to an old face I used to have. Primordial reversion...it's a funny little thing." His body became entombed in thick shadows. A bubble of pure darkness. The bubble expanded into large sphere in a matter of moments before sinking back into the ground. Revealing the monstrous form of a muscular beast. A prehistoric looking creature, with thick muscles and even thicker scent. Sharp teeth, a long dripping tongue, and wild eyes.
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He was taller than he was before, though at the moment not as big as the Nosfertu. But that could easily change in the right circumstances. "A face of ages past, a primordial powerhouse. Call me Primal when you see this face." His voice had changed too, a growling, dominant tone. "A true berserker too. Built for combat, built to rampage. What do ya think, big guy?"
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Zodd stared on in intrigue as the transformation took place- It was certainly. . . Cleaner than some other Apostle's transformations. The form that emerged would've earned a whistle of respect, had the Nosferatu the ability to whistle while in this form. Unfortunately, his released form lips don't give good enough movement to do so. So, the Apostle settled for a chuckle.
"Well, that is certainly quite the impressive form, I cannot deny that. On a battlefield, I might need to bare my all against you just to take you down- However, I would win. For, after all, I only reserve my death to the one who could best me in combat." He explains, eyeing the strange, muscular demonic beast up and down. Zodd had always been an appreciator for the body types of warriors- From both a respect perspective, and. . . Well, no need to go into it now.
"A bit on the small side, though." Zodd comments, standing at 11'6" in his released Apostle form. "Well, at least, compared to ones I've seen." He adds, though he certainly did not mean for the comment to sound like an insult. Zodd knows from experience more than anything that you should never underestimate smaller opponents. He's had some nasty wounds to attest to that.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 15 days
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Indie rp and ask blog for a fandomless oc that uses E.mberlynn P.inkle from H.elluva B.oss as a face claim. Please read pages before interacting!
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 19 days
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SWEET-CHIMERA . || 21+ mun, over a decade of writing experience || a fandomless monster oc. || Mun draws, animates, and works in the industry || Multi ship, okay with all fandoms, okay most topics, and okay with oc's || Muns shy say hi first please|| .
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Home || ask || rules || bio || Honey || Rika ||
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 19 days
Call my muse a "Failure" see how they react
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 19 days
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"I haven't eaten a proper meal in years." Tiger Vanguard comments- Before a gust of wind blows over him. Almost as if it had pinched him or something, he flinches.
"Th-That is not to say I am adverse to what I am given." He reaches into his sacrifices pool, pulls out a limp, blood-soaked Rat Yaoguai corpse, and eats it. Making forced 'mmmmmmm' sounds.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 22 days
โ€œGarden of Eden,โ€ the Lamb politely corrected. Smile bright and warm. Their head tilted to the side and his brows furrowed in smiling confusion. โ€œYellow Wind Ridge? Iโ€™m afraid Iโ€™m not familiar with such a location. Around here, we have Darkwood, Anura, Anchor Deep, and Silk Cradle beyond this little sanctuary. Buuut, I donโ€™t recommend going in any of those locations. The gods who once ruled them have been quite dead.โ€
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Last he checked, Tiger Vanguard didn't remember asking for a correction, but he didn't want to enrage the Yaoguai. After the Yellow Wind Sage, he's learned to not underestimate his fellow Yaoguai based on their size.
He knew better. . .
'Brother, the Sage! The Sage! He's returned, he's returned!'
'If you love your brother, you'll lay your arms down and join me-'
'You kowtow to father's slaver!? Have you lost your mind?!'
What was the Lamb talking about. . . ? Wait, did they mention they didn't hear of the Ridge? No, that couldn't be, that's not right. . . Tiger Vanguard, after a moment of being lost in thought, shook his head. "I didn't have much predilection to wander in a place I wasn't much familiar with- Only reason I did was because I figured it was better than being stuck in some glade." The Tiger huffed.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 25 days
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"Guardian of. . . What?" The Tiger snorted. It didn't help his confusion that he went to sleep and appeared in a forest, and after what felt like an eternity of wandering, happened upon what he figured was some strange Sheep Yaoguai.
"I don't care about your little gathering, sheep," He spat with disdain, "Where the hell is Yellow Wind Ridge?"
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โ€œWelcome to Garden of Eden, traveler! Please, stay as long as you want. Where all are safe from the cults beyond these borders. And where food and harvest are now plentiful forever more.โ€
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 25 days
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A rare day for Tiger Vanguard, who is just staring at the gigantic pool of blood he usually seats himself in front of. Staring at his reflection. Pensively.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 27 days
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 28 days
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 29 days
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Lazing about on his temple. Belly in the air. Relaxed. Moisturized. In his lane.
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infinity-multi-muse ยท 29 days
((*Shakes Tiger Vanguard towards all of you*))
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