inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Señorita (Pt. 2)
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: A video music in the making and a very sexual atmosphere.
A/N: Look who’s back! I know I haven’t posted anything in a rather long time but this time will be left behind since I will be working on all the requests I have already received. However, for now I am uploading the 2nd part to Señorita since you all really enjoyed the 1st part which you can read here if you haven’t. I truly hope you enjoy the second part as well and I also hope you can give me some feedback. Requests are still open and till next time happy reading!
‘’Tell me, are you happy?’’ Shawn’s voice muffled your thoughts of the tremendous success the song you had recorded and published together was met with, still not being able to wrap your head around the number of people who were loving and appreciating the new piece.
‘’I- Um-‘’
No matter how hard you tried you just couldn’t find the appropriate words to use in order to form a coherent sentence. Your feelings were getting the best of you, trying hard to believe that everyone was streaming and listening to your new creation, embracing your own talent along with Shawn’s. It surely felt nice to know that people were appreciating your hard work and your innate predisposition to offer your absolute best to your audience and it was just now that it became clearer to you that this particular feedback was what was pushing Shawn to keep providing new content.
‘’I’ll take that as a yes’’ Shawn smiled down at you and kissed your forehead.
‘’I am more than happy actually. I feel like I’m flying. Now I know what keeps you going Shawn. It’s the recognition and the people’s love that really makes you wanna offer to them your one hundred percent. Wow’’ you truthfully said, interlocking your fingers with Shawn’s calloused ones.
‘’You couldn’t have put it more accurately. You see, nothing can really top my fans’ smiles so when I know that something might disturb or simply not be their cup of tea, I instantly try to think of where I went wrong and how my next work is going to make up for it. But yeah, deep down I always knew that it was going to be a blast baby’’
‘’And you can just imagine how hard people are going to lose it when they see the music video. I am so curious to see their response to that one’’ Shawn joked and you immediately shifted from your position.
 When are we going to start filiming?’’ you had completely forgotten about the music video, all the messages and the tabloids regarding the song consuming you altogether not really leaving you any space to think of anything else.
‘’You can relax love. Andrew is all over it and I am waiting for his call. Then we will know’’ Shawn stroked your arm in a soothing manner and you breathed under his calming touch.
‘’Thank God. I thought I had missed something or I was replaced for that matter’’
‘’That is something I wouldn’t accept’’ Shawn said, kissing you softly, making all your disturbing thoughts go away in an instant.
Shawn was really careful and tactic when it came to his job, wanting everything to be in order and arranged. What really helped him hold everything in place was his colleagues who were just like him; organized. So it really was no wonder that he was calm and most of the times restraint regarding his affairs, transferring the exact same feeling to everyone around him, in this case, you.
So, you truly took his words into major consideration when he said that everything was under control, trusting him with your life. Andrew could be a little bit challenging and forgetful when he was flooded with meetings and phone calls and that is why you thought that there was something you had missed or neglected. Thankfully, Shawn was with you in this one, wanting you to fully enjoy yourself with no worries clouding your spirit and reassuring you that you would be informed when something new concerning the shootings would surface.
This day however came sooner than expected and you felt like the floor was disappearing from underneath you. You were sure you had prepared yourself for the shooting sessions and you swore you were ready to handle that but everything felt different when the actual day was announced to you. Shawn was right next to you when Andrew called and he tried to assure you that everything was going to flow just fine but your breathing was impossible to control and your heartbeat was echoing through your eardrums.
‘’Okay okay. Yes I got that. Thanks Andrew’’ Shawn said playfully rolling his eyes before hanging up.
‘’Alright. Seems like we are shooting today! Are you free today baby?’’ Shawn turned his gaze to you and you felt your eyes growing the size of a plate.
‘’W-What do you mean today? As in, today today?’’ you shrieked, swallowing hard.
Shawn was a little amused from your reaction but he soon recollected himself and came to hug your from behind, something he knew gave you comfort and relaxation.
‘’Relax love. Everything is going to be fine. You won’t appear first thing in the video since Dave, the director, suggested the video opens up with a few shots of me and then the stage will be all yours. The team trusts you completely don’t worry’’.
A puff of air escaped your lips, your neck resting on top of Shawn’s arm but deep down you were still uncertain. You didn’t have the slightest bit of idea concerning the video and that left you feeling insecure and lost. You had tried really hard to guess what this video was going to be about and having the lyrics in mind, the only thing you could think of was some heated scenes.
And you couldn’t be more accurate. When you and Shawn arrived at the spot Dave had told you to go to, you were briefly informed about the context of the clip. Basically, you would be a waitress at a diner and Shawn would be a guy with a motorcycle and an ‘admirer’ of the waitress who will get to share some fun moments together.
‘’I know this won’t be very difficult for you guys to pull off that’s why I’m asking you to keep it civil and don’t take it too far. I don’t think that we need to actually see what’s going on in your bedroom’’ Dave commented to create a smoother atmosphere and you felt your face heating up at his remark.
‘’I can’t promise anything mate!’’ Shawn joked and winked at your red face.
‘’Shawn are you ready to start? We will dress you up and style your hair and then we will be ready to shoot. Are you okay with that?’’
‘’Yes of course. Let’s do it!’’ Shawn said enthusiastically and the whole team started clapping, you included.
Shawn was very energetic and buoyant when it came to his passion, so this energy and this happiness to always deliver his absolute best was transferred to everyone around him as well. You had even started to loosen up and to calm down, deciding that you had to give your absolute best too not only for Shawn but for all the other people who trusted you and showed their appreciation.
The shooting had already began by the time you shifted your attention towards the cameramen and Shawn was simply dressed in some light jeans accompanied by a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket adorning his strong arms. You silently cursed at yourself at the fact that Shawn as the only one who could make any outfit look good on him. It was a curse and a blessing all at the same time. What really had you going though, was the motorcycle that Shawn was on top of. You couldn’t help but think how badass he looked and how much you liked this side of him. Before any unholy thoughts jumped into your brain, Dave cut the shooting, announcing that the intro was done with.
‘’Y/N dear, are you ready to get you done and start filming?’’
‘’Yes of course. Just tell me what I need to do’’
‘’Well, nothing much. You are going to be introduced with your waitress identity and you will serve some food to people. And that’s when Shawn comes in. You will be pleasant and smiley whereas Shawn will be indifferent and looking at other directions as if looking for someone else. Do we get it?’’ the director instructed and both you and Shawn nodded in agreement.
‘’If there are no more queries, we can start. Y/N you will appear walking down that corridor’’ Dave motioned towards what seemed to be the inside of the little diner and you hummed.
‘’And go!’’
You tried to remain steady while walking and not wearing heels really helped your legs not break. Your stress was getting in the way but you tried to push it away, deciding that you were doing something very simple. While you were walking, you tied your hair up in a ponytail out of habit, and you remembered that Dave had never mentioned for you to do something like this. Since no one objected to your improvising, you guessed that they might have liked it. You proceeded to serve the food and that’s when you spotted Shawn sitting at one booth.
He was looking very calm and agitated at the same time, trying to impersonate his role the best he could. You placed the food in front of him and you walked away, taking a good glimpse of him and feeling yourself heating up.
‘’We got it! Y/N well done and nice job with your ponytail. It merged in the video beautifully’’
‘’I was worried I messed it up’’ you truthfully said and he laughed.
‘’Not one bit. Now, here’s what comes next. Y/N we are going to be fixed on you for some moments before we turn to Shawn. For starters, you will be in a room with dim lighting and we want you to get a bit sexual. You can slide up and down the wall or you can raise your arms and take them back down, all in a very seductive way. Do you think you got this?’’
You were a bit dumbfounded at Dave’s suggestions but you were far too deep to back down now so all you could do was agree and turn your face to Shawn, looking for confirmation and reassurance that you were doing fine.
‘’Yes okay. Yes’’ you finally replied and they started fixing your hair and changing your outfit.
Just when you saw your reflection in the mirror, you instantly felt yourself wanting to shoot and be hot. Your hair was slightly wet, your makeup all natural and the clothing was hugging your body and your curves beautifully.
When you stepped in the room to start filming, your eye caught Shawn looking at you and his gaze was persistent and darker than usual. This only meant one thing. He liked what he was seeing so you decided to give him something to edge him one even more.
Dave shouted for you to start and you were ready to give Shawn a show. You started lifting your neck up and turning to the side in a very specific way and you even looked at Shawn while doing it since he was lost in your movements. Taking it a step further, you looked in the camera and just then your fists engulfed the end of your dress, near your heat. Climbing up the wall again, your gaze shifted to Shawn who looked flustered. Being satisfied with the result, your shooting came to a stop and everyone clapped.
‘’That was fantastic. Well done Y/N’’ Dave said and you thanked him before walking past Shawn and brushing his arm on your way. Before moving too far away he caught your arm and whispered in your ear:
‘’I want this outfit home after this’’
Who knew that a simple sentence like this could send shivers down your spine and make your legs start trembling? Well, no one but it really did.
‘’Talk to the team then’’ you lowly whispered and you moved back, going to get ready for the next shots. You really didn’t know where this confidence was coming from but you secretly liked it and from what it seemed Shawn liked it too.
‘’Okay Shawn you are in this from now on with Y/N. You are going to have a guitar and just hang out with some friends playing, and your eyes will shift to Y/N from time to time who will be talking to some girls opposite of you. After that, you will ask her to dance and I think you get the rest. Any questions?’’
‘’No’’ both you and Shawn said in unison and Dave knew this was going to turn out good.
And it turned out better than good. Shawn delivered his part beautifully, with you being nothing but successful as well. It wasn’t really hard for the both of you to get the concept and pull it off since you were engrossed in the act altogether. The dancing part came right after Shawn finished his ‘guitar session’ and it felt like you were the only ones in the room, making everyone else simply vanish from the place.
However, the real fun started when the scenes from the hotel room came up and were ready to be performed. You were both lightly dressed for the parts but what really had you going was when Shawn had to take his shirt off. It was the most sexual and sensational video Shawn had ever shot and he wanted no one else by his side but his rightful girlfriend who was exceptionally hot for that role as well.
Having you there and being the one he had to get touchier with, was of tremendous help for him because he wouldn’t be faking it at all and he would be more relaxed and calm whilst filming. Having a total stranger perform these acts with was too risky and deep down he knew that it would make him nervous and the video clip would not be so successful and linear.
So when Shawn had to flip and land you onto the soft mattress, he was more than pleased and willing to do so, being fully aware that you would be totally comfortable with it. Truth is, you were more than comfortable. All those parts which were more intimate made you replay all those times you and Shawn had come closer, making you feel a certain type of way. And when Shawn landed on top of you, you really felt yourself getting wetter and Dave’s warnings to keep it together seemed to wear off rather quickly.
The director had suggested that no kisses needed to be included in the shootings and you had come to terms with it, thinking that it was already too much for the fans who were used to milder things from Shawn. No matter how hard you two tried though, it was impossible to resist each other’s lips especially when the atmosphere was already heated and both of you were really feeling it. Thanks to this chemistry, the hot scenes needed to be filmed only once, since you were perfectly engaged in them, far too much for Dave’s liking.
You couldn’t care less about him though. There was only one thing in your mind and that was Shawn’s hands wandering your body in the gentlest way possible. He was always like that in bed; gentle but passionate at the same time. If there wasn’t that tiny little voice in the very back of your head reminding you that this was one of Shawn’s music videos, you could have sworn that Shawn would have taken off more than just his T-shirt and this clip would be rated R.
‘’And cut! That was a wild ride guys!’’ Dave exclaimed behind the cameras and people hurriedly rushed in the setting to get you both dressed in your previous clothes and to clear everything up.
‘’You tell me’ you said, smirking while looking right at Shawn who was already staring at you.
‘’I think I told you guys to keep it to yourselves and be as restrained as possible’’ Dave remarked, snaking his arm around Shawn’s shoulders in a bro kinda style.
‘’Well-‘’ Shawn said but got interrupted almost immediately.
‘’I don’t mind though. It was about time Shawn got out of his comfort zone and did something more challenging. And it turned out perfect so I can’t really complain’’
‘’Glad to hear that’’ you commented and felt Shawn’s arms wrap around you in an embrace.
‘’When do we get to see the final result?’’
‘’I will email you the finished product when I put all the parts together and I edit some bits because some people couldn’t be less handsy’’.
‘’Oh c’mon. I think we rocked that shit’’ Shawn said kissing the top of your head and rubbing his hands up and down your sides in a soothing manner.
‘’Anyway, you are good to go people. I will be in touch with you and your manager. Thanks again for your amazing cooperation’’ Dave said and everyone, including you two, clapped, glad that everything fell into place and hoping that the video would not be a flop.
‘’So, I think you were very hot with the motorcycle. You should get one’’ you said meeting Shawn’s eyes and interlocking your fingers while walking outside of the place.
‘’I can’t get one now, but I can always use the one I had in the video to go for a ride. I don’t think the team will have a problem. What do you say?’’
‘’I think I wanna ride something else first’’.
265 notes · View notes
inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Señorita (Pt. 2)
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: A video music in the making and a very sexual atmosphere.
A/N: Look who’s back! I know I haven’t posted anything in a rather long time but this time will be left behind since I will be working on all the requests I have already received. However, for now I am uploading the 2nd part to Señorita since you all really enjoyed the 1st part which you can read here if you haven’t. I truly hope you enjoy the second part as well and I also hope you can give me some feedback. Requests are still open and till next time happy reading!
‘’Tell me, are you happy?’’ Shawn’s voice muffled your thoughts of the tremendous success the song you had recorded and published together was met with, still not being able to wrap your head around the number of people who were loving and appreciating the new piece.
‘’I- Um-‘’
No matter how hard you tried you just couldn’t find the appropriate words to use in order to form a coherent sentence. Your feelings were getting the best of you, trying hard to believe that everyone was streaming and listening to your new creation, embracing your own talent along with Shawn’s. It surely felt nice to know that people were appreciating your hard work and your innate predisposition to offer your absolute best to your audience and it was just now that it became clearer to you that this particular feedback was what was pushing Shawn to keep providing new content.
‘’I’ll take that as a yes’’ Shawn smiled down at you and kissed your forehead.
‘’I am more than happy actually. I feel like I’m flying. Now I know what keeps you going Shawn. It’s the recognition and the people’s love that really makes you wanna offer to them your one hundred percent. Wow’’ you truthfully said, interlocking your fingers with Shawn’s calloused ones.
‘’You couldn’t have put it more accurately. You see, nothing can really top my fans’ smiles so when I know that something might disturb or simply not be their cup of tea, I instantly try to think of where I went wrong and how my next work is going to make up for it. But yeah, deep down I always knew that it was going to be a blast baby’’
‘’And you can just imagine how hard people are going to lose it when they see the music video. I am so curious to see their response to that one’’ Shawn joked and you immediately shifted from your position.
 When are we going to start filiming?’’ you had completely forgotten about the music video, all the messages and the tabloids regarding the song consuming you altogether not really leaving you any space to think of anything else.
‘’You can relax love. Andrew is all over it and I am waiting for his call. Then we will know’’ Shawn stroked your arm in a soothing manner and you breathed under his calming touch.
‘’Thank God. I thought I had missed something or I was replaced for that matter’’
‘’That is something I wouldn’t accept’’ Shawn said, kissing you softly, making all your disturbing thoughts go away in an instant.
Shawn was really careful and tactic when it came to his job, wanting everything to be in order and arranged. What really helped him hold everything in place was his colleagues who were just like him; organized. So it really was no wonder that he was calm and most of the times restraint regarding his affairs, transferring the exact same feeling to everyone around him, in this case, you.
So, you truly took his words into major consideration when he said that everything was under control, trusting him with your life. Andrew could be a little bit challenging and forgetful when he was flooded with meetings and phone calls and that is why you thought that there was something you had missed or neglected. Thankfully, Shawn was with you in this one, wanting you to fully enjoy yourself with no worries clouding your spirit and reassuring you that you would be informed when something new concerning the shootings would surface.
This day however came sooner than expected and you felt like the floor was disappearing from underneath you. You were sure you had prepared yourself for the shooting sessions and you swore you were ready to handle that but everything felt different when the actual day was announced to you. Shawn was right next to you when Andrew called and he tried to assure you that everything was going to flow just fine but your breathing was impossible to control and your heartbeat was echoing through your eardrums.
‘’Okay okay. Yes I got that. Thanks Andrew’’ Shawn said playfully rolling his eyes before hanging up.
‘’Alright. Seems like we are shooting today! Are you free today baby?’’ Shawn turned his gaze to you and you felt your eyes growing the size of a plate.
‘’W-What do you mean today? As in, today today?’’ you shrieked, swallowing hard.
Shawn was a little amused from your reaction but he soon recollected himself and came to hug your from behind, something he knew gave you comfort and relaxation.
‘’Relax love. Everything is going to be fine. You won’t appear first thing in the video since Dave, the director, suggested the video opens up with a few shots of me and then the stage will be all yours. The team trusts you completely don’t worry’’.
A puff of air escaped your lips, your neck resting on top of Shawn’s arm but deep down you were still uncertain. You didn’t have the slightest bit of idea concerning the video and that left you feeling insecure and lost. You had tried really hard to guess what this video was going to be about and having the lyrics in mind, the only thing you could think of was some heated scenes.
And you couldn’t be more accurate. When you and Shawn arrived at the spot Dave had told you to go to, you were briefly informed about the context of the clip. Basically, you would be a waitress at a diner and Shawn would be a guy with a motorcycle and an ‘admirer’ of the waitress who will get to share some fun moments together.
‘’I know this won’t be very difficult for you guys to pull off that’s why I’m asking you to keep it civil and don’t take it too far. I don’t think that we need to actually see what’s going on in your bedroom’’ Dave commented to create a smoother atmosphere and you felt your face heating up at his remark.
‘’I can’t promise anything mate!’’ Shawn joked and winked at your red face.
‘’Shawn are you ready to start? We will dress you up and style your hair and then we will be ready to shoot. Are you okay with that?’’
‘’Yes of course. Let’s do it!’’ Shawn said enthusiastically and the whole team started clapping, you included.
Shawn was very energetic and buoyant when it came to his passion, so this energy and this happiness to always deliver his absolute best was transferred to everyone around him as well. You had even started to loosen up and to calm down, deciding that you had to give your absolute best too not only for Shawn but for all the other people who trusted you and showed their appreciation.
The shooting had already began by the time you shifted your attention towards the cameramen and Shawn was simply dressed in some light jeans accompanied by a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket adorning his strong arms. You silently cursed at yourself at the fact that Shawn as the only one who could make any outfit look good on him. It was a curse and a blessing all at the same time. What really had you going though, was the motorcycle that Shawn was on top of. You couldn’t help but think how badass he looked and how much you liked this side of him. Before any unholy thoughts jumped into your brain, Dave cut the shooting, announcing that the intro was done with.
‘’Y/N dear, are you ready to get you done and start filming?’’
‘’Yes of course. Just tell me what I need to do’’
‘’Well, nothing much. You are going to be introduced with your waitress identity and you will serve some food to people. And that’s when Shawn comes in. You will be pleasant and smiley whereas Shawn will be indifferent and looking at other directions as if looking for someone else. Do we get it?’’ the director instructed and both you and Shawn nodded in agreement.
‘’If there are no more queries, we can start. Y/N you will appear walking down that corridor’’ Dave motioned towards what seemed to be the inside of the little diner and you hummed.
‘’And go!’’
You tried to remain steady while walking and not wearing heels really helped your legs not break. Your stress was getting in the way but you tried to push it away, deciding that you were doing something very simple. While you were walking, you tied your hair up in a ponytail out of habit, and you remembered that Dave had never mentioned for you to do something like this. Since no one objected to your improvising, you guessed that they might have liked it. You proceeded to serve the food and that’s when you spotted Shawn sitting at one booth.
He was looking very calm and agitated at the same time, trying to impersonate his role the best he could. You placed the food in front of him and you walked away, taking a good glimpse of him and feeling yourself heating up.
‘’We got it! Y/N well done and nice job with your ponytail. It merged in the video beautifully’’
‘’I was worried I messed it up’’ you truthfully said and he laughed.
‘’Not one bit. Now, here’s what comes next. Y/N we are going to be fixed on you for some moments before we turn to Shawn. For starters, you will be in a room with dim lighting and we want you to get a bit sexual. You can slide up and down the wall or you can raise your arms and take them back down, all in a very seductive way. Do you think you got this?’’
You were a bit dumbfounded at Dave's suggestions but you were far too deep to back down now so all you could do was agree and turn your face to Shawn, looking for confirmation and reassurance that you were doing fine.
‘’Yes okay. Yes’’ you finally replied and they started fixing your hair and changing your outfit.
Just when you saw your reflection in the mirror, you instantly felt yourself wanting to shoot and be hot. Your hair was slightly wet, your makeup all natural and the clothing was hugging your body and your curves beautifully.
When you stepped in the room to start filming, your eye caught Shawn looking at you and his gaze was persistent and darker than usual. This only meant one thing. He liked what he was seeing so you decided to give him something to edge him one even more.
Dave shouted for you to start and you were ready to give Shawn a show. You started lifting your neck up and turning to the side in a very specific way and you even looked at Shawn while doing it since he was lost in your movements. Taking it a step further, you looked in the camera and just then your fists engulfed the end of your dress, near your heat. Climbing up the wall again, your gaze shifted to Shawn who looked flustered. Being satisfied with the result, your shooting came to a stop and everyone clapped.
‘’That was fantastic. Well done Y/N’’ Dave said and you thanked him before walking past Shawn and brushing his arm on your way. Before moving too far away he caught your arm and whispered in your ear:
‘’I want this outfit home after this’’
Who knew that a simple sentence like this could send shivers down your spine and make your legs start trembling? Well, no one but it really did.
‘’Talk to the team then’’ you lowly whispered and you moved back, going to get ready for the next shots. You really didn’t know where this confidence was coming from but you secretly liked it and from what it seemed Shawn liked it too.
‘’Okay Shawn you are in this from now on with Y/N. You are going to have a guitar and just hang out with some friends playing, and your eyes will shift to Y/N from time to time who will be talking to some girls opposite of you. After that, you will ask her to dance and I think you get the rest. Any questions?’’
‘’No’’ both you and Shawn said in unison and Dave knew this was going to turn out good.
And it turned out better than good. Shawn delivered his part beautifully, with you being nothing but successful as well. It wasn’t really hard for the both of you to get the concept and pull it off since you were engrossed in the act altogether. The dancing part came right after Shawn finished his ‘guitar session’ and it felt like you were the only ones in the room, making everyone else simply vanish from the place.
However, the real fun started when the scenes from the hotel room came up and were ready to be performed. You were both lightly dressed for the parts but what really had you going was when Shawn had to take his shirt off. It was the most sexual and sensational video Shawn had ever shot and he wanted no one else by his side but his rightful girlfriend who was exceptionally hot for that role as well.
Having you there and being the one he had to get touchier with, was of tremendous help for him because he wouldn’t be faking it at all and he would be more relaxed and calm whilst filming. Having a total stranger perform these acts with was too risky and deep down he knew that it would make him nervous and the video clip would not be so successful and linear.
So when Shawn had to flip and land you onto the soft mattress, he was more than pleased and willing to do so, being fully aware that you would be totally comfortable with it. Truth is, you were more than comfortable. All those parts which were more intimate made you replay all those times you and Shawn had come closer, making you feel a certain type of way. And when Shawn landed on top of you, you really felt yourself getting wetter and Dave's warnings to keep it together seemed to wear off rather quickly.
The director had suggested that no kisses needed to be included in the shootings and you had come to terms with it, thinking that it was already too much for the fans who were used to milder things from Shawn. No matter how hard you two tried though, it was impossible to resist each other’s lips especially when the atmosphere was already heated and both of you were really feeling it. Thanks to this chemistry, the hot scenes needed to be filmed only once, since you were perfectly engaged in them, far too much for Dave's liking.
You couldn’t care less about him though. There was only one thing in your mind and that was Shawn’s hands wandering your body in the gentlest way possible. He was always like that in bed; gentle but passionate at the same time. If there wasn’t that tiny little voice in the very back of your head reminding you that this was one of Shawn’s music videos, you could have sworn that Shawn would have taken off more than just his T-shirt and this clip would be rated R.
‘’And cut! That was a wild ride guys!’’ Dave exclaimed behind the cameras and people hurriedly rushed in the setting to get you both dressed in your previous clothes and to clear everything up.
‘’You tell me’ you said, smirking while looking right at Shawn who was already staring at you.
‘’I think I told you guys to keep it to yourselves and be as restrained as possible’’ Dave remarked, snaking his arm around Shawn’s shoulders in a bro kinda style.
‘’Well-‘’ Shawn said but got interrupted almost immediately.
‘’I don’t mind though. It was about time Shawn got out of his comfort zone and did something more challenging. And it turned out perfect so I can’t really complain’’
‘’Glad to hear that’’ you commented and felt Shawn’s arms wrap around you in an embrace.
‘’When do we get to see the final result?’’
‘’I will email you the finished product when I put all the parts together and I edit some bits because some people couldn’t be less handsy’’.
‘’Oh c’mon. I think we rocked that shit’’ Shawn said kissing the top of your head and rubbing his hands up and down your sides in a soothing manner.
‘’Anyway, you are good to go people. I will be in touch with you and your manager. Thanks again for your amazing cooperation’’ Dave said and everyone, including you two, clapped, glad that everything fell into place and hoping that the video would not be a flop.
‘’So, I think you were very hot with the motorcycle. You should get one’’ you said meeting Shawn’s eyes and interlocking your fingers while walking outside of the place.
‘’I can’t get one now, but I can always use the one I had in the video to go for a ride. I don’t think the team will have a problem. What do you say?’’
‘’I think I wanna ride something else first’’.
265 notes · View notes
inmytaste-blog · 5 years
To everyone seeing this: I hope you are well! I know I have been inactive for some time but this was due to some health problems and vacations. But there is some good news as well! Señorita part 2 is finished and it will be posted tomorrow! Thank you for your patience and the support! As always, you can still request things or just rant to me. Have a nice day/night!
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
When you post part two of Señorita, would you mind tagging me? I loved part one!
Of course I will! Thank you for reading! ♡
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Just dropping by to let all of you who have sent me requests know that I haven't forgotten about them nor have I decided not to write them. I am just so overwhelmed with the amount of support, (requests of course) and love you have been showing to my writing pieces that I want to take my time and try to write something that is deserved to be read by you all. So hang in there, send requests my way if you want and have any and be sure that you will see them posted!
Have a nice day/night! ♡
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Will you be doing Señorita part 2? Loved part 1!!!❀
Thank you so much lovely! ♡ Part 2 is surely happening! Stay tuned!
6 notes · View notes
inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Can you maybe make a part 2 to the senorita imagine where it takes place with them filming the music video please?
Actually that was the plan from the very beginning! Thank you for reading! ♡
7 notes · View notes
inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: A very encouraging Shawn and a self-confidence under construction
A/N: Another fullfilled request which made it into my askbox just today! I didn’t want to delay it and fall behind since Shawn released his new song just yesterday. This was very pleasing to write and I really liked the way it turned out. I hope I made that anon’s request justice and I truly hope it lived up to their expectations! Once again, feedback is very much appreciated and I would like to hear your thoughts on this piece! Till next time, happy reading!
‘’Are you serious? A new song along with a new music video? Shawny you are treating your fandom so well lately, I’m impressed’’ you said, placing your arms around his neck and giving him a slight peck on his cheek, pleased with the news.
‘’Aye, does my fandom include you as well?’’ he said lowering his much larger figure in order to capture your lips in a proper kiss.
‘’I don’t think I want to disappoint you now that you have a lot on your plate babe’’ you jokingly stated and freed yourself from his tight grip, heading towards the kitchen.
‘’I think this answer pained me more
 Nevertheless, I know you are the craziest fan there is no matter what you say’’.
Hearing Shawn’s words, you realized that he was more than right. You were indeed his number one fan and you always fangirled hard when something new was on its way concerning his career. So when Shawn announced to you that he would be working on a new song, you were on cloud nine. Someone would say that you were more thrilled when Shawn had a new project to deliver than himself and they wouldn’t be exaggerating. You knew something was coming up due to endless phone conversations and meetings between Shawn and Andrew so when the bomb exploded you exploded too.
‘’Whatever you say Mendes’’ you slyly replied and plopped down on your couch.
‘’So tell me more about this song. What is the concept behind it? Will you be singing alone or will it be a duet? When will you start shooting and rehearsing? Why are you so secretive?’’
‘’First of all, you are bombarding me with questions love. How can I answer all at once? Secondly, I can’t reveal anything else yet. Telling you was risky as it is so you will get no more information for today. Sorry.’’ Shawn explained and your face fell.
You weren’t really urging him to tell you everything because you knew that this industry works with a little bit of secrecy as well but you couldn’t deny the fact that you were disappointed that you wouldn’t be getting any more insights and details concerning his newest work. At this point, you wished he hadn’t shared anything related to this new song whatsoever because now you wanted to know everything there was to know.
‘’Fair enough. Guess who’s not getting any love from me today’’ you half-jokingly said and moved further away from Shawn to the other end of the couch.
‘’C’mon Y/N don’t be such a baby. Everything will be announced to you when it is the right time for it to be’’ Shawn argued and proceeded to hug you.
You slightly pushed him off but eventually gave in to his touch because deep down, you knew he was right. It wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t go into more depth about his work and it surely wasn’t fair for you to know everything beforehand while all his other fans around the world were kept in the dark. Besides, what’s the fun in knowing everything and having no suspense in your life?
That was something Shawn really adored and appreciated on you. It always made him feel safe and relaxed and it surely helped him more when he was ready to perform, shoot or record a new piece. His job was already pressuring enough and sometimes it got to the point that he would even call it suffocating. Having someone who was genuinely understanding and encouraging was a true bargain for him since he really wanted to leave his work back in the studio and be met with relaxation and relief when he got home.
And you offered him just that. You knew what you were signing up for when you agreed to date Shawn so you promised more to yourself to be the best version of you just for his own sake. You were more interested in his well-being than anything else especially when you found out all the story concerning his battles with anxiety in the past. You truly believed he was a person that deserved all the best in the world and you were more than honoured when Shawn chose you to be his companion; his rock who would give him all the best.
There were of course times when you would cross the line and you would be pleading for him to share something more when he was preparing something new but you knew when to stop. Shawn knew as well that you were firstly a fan and secondly a girlfriend when it came to his music and he was really thankful to have someone so supportive and so caring. But when he declared that he was in no position to share anything else, it was your signal to accept it and stop questioning further.
‘’Okay okay. I understand. But tell me at least this; will you be singing on your own or with other people as well?’’ you asked, aiming your puppy eyes at him, a feature you knew very well he couldn’t resist.
‘’Ugh, you are playing dirty Y/N, giving me this look which gets me everytime’’
‘’Please?’’ you pressed a little more.
‘’Okay, it will be a duet but this is all I have for you. Now, what movie does my number one fan want to watch with her superstar?’’
Truth was Shawn wanted nothing more than to stop playing games and just confess to you everything he knew so far about his new music video and song. It physically ached him to withdraw information from you, especially when you were being nothing but patient and enthusiastic with his hectic lifestyle. The only thing which was keeping him behind was the fact that he had arranged to sing and shoot with you. You were nothing close to famous or artistic, besides the very well-organised blog you were maintaining dedicated to your talented boyfriend, but other than that you had no contracts or business with the music industry.
However, Shawn wasn’t on the same page with you on this matter. He had heard you singing when you had first started dating and he was mesmerized by your voice. It combined a sweetness and a raspier metal which had driven him insane. He still remembered that moment up to this day and he never hesitated to ask you to join him when he was singing in his studio, even if it was for fun. The most outstanding thing of all was a file in your computer which consisted of some covers you had attempted when you first discovered Shawn’s music. Shawn really wanted to listen to them but you only agreed when you were official and you trusted him completely.
When his ears were met with the sound of your melodic voice, he felt like someone had casted a spell on him. The words of In My Blood acquired a completely new, a more profound meaning when they left your lips and they were interlaced with your unique sounds. He couldn’t help himself but transfer all the covers you had saved in that file to his phone without any second thoughts.
From that time on, he always made sure to raise the levels of confidence you had about your singing skills which to be frank, were the lowest they could be. It really puzzled and it even saddened him to know that his girl was so talented but she couldn’t appreciate her skills more. So the least he could do was ask you to sing or at least hum something when he was falling asleep or to accompany you in your private shower concerts. He was a sucker for your singing and you still laughed about it when he would praise you. But this never stopped him from getting the most he could of your beautiful voice.
Now Shawn tried to take things up a notch. He hated to know that your talent was not getting the recognition and the appreciation it deserved so when Andrew came up to him with a new suggestion for a song and a music video, Shawn realised this was the opportunity he was seeking.
‘’So, I was thinking that after the success of If I Can’t Have You, the fire’s still at your feet and another release will really keep the fans at the edge of their seats. What do you say?’’
‘’Y-Yes yes. Are you serious? Now that my tour is on, I have inexhaustible energy. Tell me all about it’’. Shawn wanted nothing more than to keep his portfolio full and this new song was the perfect chance for him to introduce you to the world of professional singing.
‘’Okay. My first thoughts have to do with the artists you will be singing with. I’m really rooting for a duet but if you want to include more artists, it’s up to you mate. What are your thoughts so far?’’ Andrew proceeded with the details and Shawn was more than ready to spill your name.
‘’Okay. I don’t know if you will see eye to eye with me about this and I can already tell you will be taken aback but my suggestion is Y/N’’. There was no turning back now. The only thing he could do was pray that Andrew would agree for you to do a duet with Shawn.
‘’Y/N? As in your girlfriend Y/N? Shawn are you sure? I mean I have no evidence that she can sing. Plus we don’t have much time to call her in and arrange a sound check with her’’
‘’I don’t think that will be necessary’’ said Shawn and he was quick enough to pull his phone out and let the room be filled with your version of Lost In Japan.
‘’You are a smooth motherfucker. I am waiting both of you next time for the rehearsal’’.
Shawn hadn’t really filled you in on what was going on so when he told you that you would be going with him to the studio you were a bit bewildered.
‘’And why do I have to come as well? Can’t you see that I am all comfortable watching Friends?’’ you matter-of-factly stated and Shawn dragged you from the couch.
‘’It is a surprise. Now get your bum up and go get ready. We are leaving in five’’.
‘’Okay okay sir’. But you’re buying me ice cream later’’ you pointed your finger at him and he chuckled.
‘’I sure am’’.
Shawn felt a little bit guilty that he hadn’t been completely honest to you about his duet but he knew that if he had spilled the beans and asked about your consent, you would be negative. Heck, he didn’t even have a clue what your reaction was going to be now but he decided to take his chances and risk it. He really needed to get you out of your cocoon and show you what you were really capable of, something you always kept your eyes closed to.
‘’Hello Andrew. It’s been a while. How are you?’’ you inquired when you reached the correct floor and Andrew hugged both you and Shawn.
‘’Shawn’s been a pain in the ass but I manage. How are you feeling sweetheart? Are you ready for your first?’’
‘’Um excuse me? What first?’’ you turned your glance at Shawn who was picking at his nails and was looking nervously at Andrew.
‘’Shawn dude, didn’t you tell her anything?’’
‘’I wanted it to be a surprise! Don’t blame me!’’ Shawn put his hands up and looked at you.
‘’Anyone care to explain?’’ you hated being excluded from what was happening so you were growing more aggravated by the minute.
‘’Y/N, dear, Shawn has brought you here to work on his new song called Señorita. You will be his duet for this song and for the video of course’’ Andrew explained and your jaws were on the floor. Shawn very well knew you were in no place to share your singing with the whole world and he still went and got you into this.
‘’Shawn what is he saying? What did you do?’’ you turned your attention to him and he cupped your face.
‘’I know you are going to pull the ‘’I can’t be exposed to basically the whole planet and my singing is not even that good’’ card but please hear me out. When I first listened to your voice I was amazed. You remember my first reaction. I instantly felt like an apprentice in singing in front of you. During those two years we’ve been together, I am more than pleased to see that I am the reason for the growth of your confidence when it comes to singing. Y/n please consider singing with me. Your talent deserves to be exposed and applauded’’ Shawn concluded and your vision had gotten blurry because of his speech.
‘’But-but how does Andrew know that I can sing? How does he know that this isn’t gonna be a flop?’’
‘’Um I know believe me’’ Andrew chimed in and just on cue, Shawn wiggled his phone between his fingers.
‘’You shady bastard’’ you smacked Shawn’s arm and he playfully acted as if he was hurt.
‘’So, what do you say baby? Will you be my Señorita in this song?’’
You still felt a little bit out of place and your guts were telling you that you would surely mess this up but the look Shawn was giving you and the feeling that he would be right beside you the whole time, boosted your courage and your confidence. Not really trusting your words at this point, you gave Shawn a shy nod and you swore that his eyes were like small stars radiating their glow.
‘’Is that a yes? Y/N baby you will not regret this I promise you’’ Shawn hugged you and lifted you up in the air before giving you a reassuring smile.
‘’Thank God. I don’t think I would be able to get someone else if she turned this down’’ Andrew remarked and you both fell in a fit of laughter.
‘’Okay. Get your sheets with the lyrics, get in there and blow me away’’.
Getting into the recording space, you felt your palms getting damp and your head slightly dizzy. Shawn must have felt your uneasiness and he placed the microphones opposite of one another, so that the only thing in front of you was Shawn and no one else. This little gesture put your nerves at bay and with a final confirmation, Shawn signaled for Andrew to start recording.
Throughout the song, your eyes were focused on the piece of paper which contained the words that came out of your mouths. You didn’t dare take a glimpse of Andrew, fearing that if you saw his disappointment you would collapse and this whole procedure would be wasted. Surely, this was the last thing you wanted, the first one being to please Shawn and not to embarrass him. He trusted you enough to get Andrew to agree and have you here singing so you just couldn’t betray his trust.
Reaching the main chorus, your eyes travelled to Shawn who was giving his all during the song and it dawned on you that it was the first time in a while that you were seeing him recording a song. Only this time, you were a part of it too. Shawn’s eyes fell on yours and the smile he gave you was enough to let you know that you were doing a pretty decent job for a first time. You knew that the song was going to be a bop nonetheless and being with Shawn in the act, really made you understand why all of his songs always made it at the top of the charts.
‘’ I love it when you call me Señorita
I wish I could pretend I didn’t need ya
But every touch is ooh la la la
It’s true la la la
Ooh I should be running
Ooh you know I love it
When you call me Señorita
I wish it wasn’t so damn hard to leave ya
Ooh I should be running
Ooh you keep me coming for ya’’
Shawn really adored the way the song was turning out. When he had first scanned the lyrics, the only person he could picture himself singing it with was you. The thing that he felt most freaked out about was that you both had first started seeing each other as friends before this fling between you two had developed. So, at least for Shawn, this song was once again speaking to him on another level. He felt really connected with it and now that he was singing with you, it made him feel even more connected to you as well. It would be a thing that would always remind you of what you are capable of when you are together and how the one makes the other discover something fresh for themselves.
Andrew was dumbfounded when you both started singing together and he was positive this was going to be another success for Shawn. He felt really relieved that you had decided to give this a go since the music industry was a department that was always in need of fresh blood and upcoming artists who had a flash of talent. Besides, the chemistry you had with Shawn was authentic and rare so the need to construct something similar with someone else was totally unnecessary.
‘’All along I’ve been coming for ya
And I hope it meant something to ya
Call my name I’ll be coming for ya
Coming for ya, coming for ya, coming for ya
For ya
(Ooh she loves it when I come)
For ya
Ooh I should be running
Ooh you keep me coming
For ya"
The song came to an end and if it wasn’t for the air conditioning unit in the small room, you would be a sweating mess. The look you exchanged with Shawn while the last words of the song were being spoken, really showed you how much Shawn loved you and that he truly believed you deserved to be loved by other people for your immense talented soul.
‘’And it’s a wrap. Guys
’’ Andrew started and you closed your eyes, not really wanting to be confronted or let down by his next words.
‘’You were fucking bomb. This is gonna be the song of the century. Well done. And Shawn, thanks for persuading our little star here to work with us’’ he said giving you a high-five.
Hearing Andrew’s words lifted all the weight off of your shoulders and you felt ten times lighter. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined working with Shawn in a professional and official manner but here you were, blowing both of the boys away with your singing.
‘’Wow. That was-‘’ you didn’t let Shawn finish his sentence and you connected his lips with your very own in a passionate kiss.
‘’Thank you. For this amazing experience and for believing in me when I just didn’t’’ you truthfully said to him and his arms tightened around your shorter frame.
‘’I thank you for bringing out the rest of the passion I have for this job. You see, singing with you makes me feel things. And now that it happened for a much larger audience, it made me the happiest man alive’’.
Just before you could say or do anything else Andrew’s voice echoed through the walls, making you both jump.
‘’Don’t rest on your laurels kiddos. We still have a music video to shoot!’’
594 notes · View notes
inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Can you write one of Shawn and the Reader singing “Señorita” instead of Camila
Your wish is my command! Also why am I so intrigued by this concept? O.o
Thanks for stopping by and requesting lovely anon! Have a nice day! ♡
16 notes · View notes
inmytaste-blog · 5 years
do you know abt the shawn/reader/alessia fic where like the a waiter compliments how cute shawn and alessia look together but the reader is his girlfriend and they get into an argument?
I reckon I have read something similar but considering the amount of stories I read per day it really slips my mind. Can anyone help??
10 notes · View notes
inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Hi! I just binged read all your work so far and I LOVED them every one of them! I guess it was a bad idea to do that while at work though causE I COULDN’T CONTAIN MY REACTIONS??? *ahem* Anyway, I don’t really know what to request yet and I’m just really dropping by to tell you how awesome you are and how I’m really looking forward to more of your work!! 💕
Thank you so much honey! This means so much to me! I am so happy to know that my work is liked and enjoyed by all of you! This is some serious motivation here and I deeply appreciate it! *a massive sorry for the reactions provoked but a fangirl has to do what she has to do 😏* Have an awesome day! ♡
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Flawed Connection
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: Heart swelling at first but rivers of tears next
A/N: It has been a while lovelies! Uni has been a pain in the back and I have been flooded with work but I couldn’t keep being inactive so I decided to work on this piece since it was requested. Thank you once again for your love on this account and on my writing and please stay tuned for what is to come! Requests are still open and feedback is very much appreciated! Enjoy!
‘’All I am saying is that you finally need to get out of your comfort zone Y/N. What is the worst thing that could happen?’’
Leyla, your best of friends, asked you and you found your words getting stuck in your throat. Truth was you weren’t really sure how you could answer this question even though someone would argue that it was a simple one. You on the other hand, had a different opinion. You were always the girl who was the happiest when minding her own business or staying in her lane, not really risking or taking initiatives. It was just the way you were.
So, every time the conversation was headed to the relationship domain, you preferred it if you remained distant and not so communicative since this was your least favourite topic to discuss. You weren’t very experienced when it came to guys and this was partly your fault no matter how hard you tried to deny it. You had a hard time voicing your feelings or letting the other people know what your opinion of them was. So this made things ten times harder.
‘’Leyla, we have been over this so many times it is giving me a headache. Just drop it please.’’
‘’No, I won’t and you know it. This guy is almost down on his knees, begging you for a chance and you always raise a wall between you. If you are not ready to commit to someone, okay. I accept this. But let him spend some time with you at least! For God’s sake he doesn’t chop heads off last time that I checked.’’
‘’You know what? I think I am going to head home. I think there is no use talking about it if you aren’t willing to take my thoughts into consideration. See you’’ you snapped back and made your way out of your best friend’s condo.
All the distance from her house to your own was spent with you replaying in your head Leyla’s words. Part of you understood her concerns and worries about your inefficiency of showing your emotions or your intentions right away. Her biggest fear had to do not with your relationships with other boys but your relationships with other people as well. She feared that this behavior of yours would tear you apart from your beloved ones, something that had happened in the past with another friend of yours. You still remembered how devastated you were when the fact that you wouldn’t be hanging out with that person again had sunk in and you had promised to yourself that you wouldn’t allow it to happen again. You had promised to become more communicative about your feelings; you felt like you owed it to people who spent time with you.
But no matter how many times that promised had escaped your lips, things barely changed. You felt like something was blocking your throat and fogging your mind thus making you unable to tell someone that you liked them or that they made you feel happy or different. And that was where the other part of you came and disagreed with your friend’s words. That was the way you were and you expected people to accept you in the same way you accepted them, without demanding they changed. However, this was not the case and you were disappointed that you needed to change in order to be accepted.
You had spent many nights thinking over and over again all the times when you should have said something, anything, to the people who made you feel special but every single time, you chickened out. So you had quit altogether, coming to terms with the fact that you might end up alone in a lonely island. You laughed at the whole situation but Leyla and even your parents were on different grounds. They had even suggested you visit a specialist or a psychiatrist to figure out what possible traumas or past experiences had locked up a more intimate version of you.
You had shrugged off that proposal thinking it was rather ridiculous and childish to believe that this could be solved in such a way. And that was the main reason no change was on its way. There were times you were content with this but there were other times when you feared that you would lose Leyla as well. She was a very special person to you and all her constant nagging may seemed like genuine interest and compassion but you couldn’t rule out the possibility that her patience and tolerance were running thin.
‘’Why can’t I be more open? Why? What are you so afraid of Y/N?’’ you sighed to yourself plopping onto your bed and closing your eyes, consumed by frustration and disappointment. You felt like this ‘problem’ needed to be dealt with and solved. But how could it when you were unwilling to go for a different approach on people? How could it when that guy’s messages were always left ignored and unanswered? The saddest part was that he seemed like a genuinely sweet and polite guy, not like all the other prying boys who the only thing in their minds was how to get in a girl’s pants.
This particular boy, Shawn, was firstly interested in your well-being and your day’s progression. He made sure to ask you about your day or how much your boss had irritated you today and it succeeded in creating a very positive image of him. It was the first time you found yourself enjoying talking with a guy since all your previous, few but still existent, encounters with guys hadn’t really gone as planned. They always ended up asking for nudes or being very raw about their intentions towards you or girls in general.
Things were going smoothly between you and Shawn, growing accustomed to each other’s company when going out with all of your friends, and you didn’t really think much into it. Leyla though, who was the one who introduced you to Shawn one night in your neghbourhood’s diner, saw much different things. He saw the way Shawn was engrossed into whatever story your lips were narrating and she saw the way his eyes would light up every time your name would be mentioned in a conversation. It didn’t take her too long to realize that Shawn was drawn into her best friend and she found that as the perfect opportunity for you to finally open up and create something beautiful with Shawn. The only thing she did was accelerate things a little bit.
‘’Are you sure you guys won’t be able to make it? I mean we can arrange another time, I have no problem’’ Shawn said through the speaker, quite disappointed that he wouldn’t be seeing you that night.
Leyla had called and informed Shawn that all their other friends couldn’t go out and meet up because they had arranged to go to an emergent surprise party which had come up in the last minute. What he didn’t know though was that no surprise party had come up and that it was all a made up story made by Leyla in order to get you to hang out with Shawn all alone. She knew that her plan would raise questions and eyebrows but she decided to help her best friend and that was what she was doing.
‘’Well, we will arrange again all together but if it is okay with you, Y/N is the only one being available since she doesn’t know that friend we are surprising. Would it be too much of a favour if I asked you to go out with her so she doesn’t stay in on a Saturday night?’’ Shawn felt his heart exploding a million times in his chest. Here Leyla was, asking him if it was too much to keep company to the girl he was smitten with when in reality it was a dream coming true to him.
‘’Um of- of course I can do that. Don’t even think about it. I am sure we will have a great time together.’’
Shawn was positive this would turn out good whereas you felt panic creeping up on you when you understood that no one else would be joining you and Shawn that night. While you were sipping your wine with Shawn you couldn’t help but feel thankful for the efforts he was so hard making in order to create small talk or make the whole situation more comfortable. On your part, you tried to loosen up and relax but your nerves were getting the best of you and without having any intention to, you had pretty much ruined that scheduled appointment with Shawn accompanying you to your house much earlier that he preferred.
Two weeks later, and Shawn had tried to contact you by messages and phone calls. He couldn’t shake the ugly feeling of blame that overpowered him. He put the blame on him that he had done or said something that you got wrong or offended by and he kept apologizing, assuring you that he didn’t mean to ruin the night. You felt your fingers getting heavier while they lingered on top of the screen, waiting for a reply to be typed and sent. You decided that it was unfair to him to be tortured with so many unanswered questions and doubts and pushing your own uncertainties aside you typed a much wanted response.
-Please don’t blame yourself. You tried your best and I am thankful. Could I make it up to you over coffee today?
Staring at your phone, you silently cursed at yourself. Rereading your message, you wanted to slap yourself across the face. Not only didn’t you put Shawn’s worries at rest but you even made them more valid. That was why you never tried in the first place to become more intimate with someone. Things always went down the drain and you were the only responsible for that. You shouldn’t drag other people down with you since they didn’t deserve it; not one bit.
-I am so glad you asked. Is 18:00 at Timothy’s convenient for you? Xo
To say Shawn’s response caught you off guard was an understatement. You thought that he would want nothing to do with you for taking so long to return his messages and for offering such a pitiful reply. But life has its own ways of surprising people and it worked perfectly on you too.
-Yes of course.
The hours were passing earlier than usual and you didn’t know whether you felt thankful or anxious. You wouldn’t need more than half an hour to get ready for your appointment with Shawn considering you would meet up for a simple coffee but felt like you needed the in-between hours in order to digest what you had put yourself into and to come to terms with the fact that Shawn was more than pleasant to hang out with you whatsoever. Thanks to Leyla who found the perfect time to call you, this process became easier.
‘’Okay now this is a first! Well done monkey-face. Now, don’t screw this up please. Shawn is very kind and he won’t say anything if you say or do something ‘unjustifiable’ but he will be thinking about it for over ten years.’’ You friend tried to make the atmosphere a bit funnier but this statement made you lose it even more.
‘’Are you saying this to make me feel better? Because if that was your plan, it failed miserably.’’ You felt your palms sweating and your head getting dizzier with every passing second.
‘’Relax and enjoy it. It is a simple coffee. And Shawn has an amazing sense of humour. This doesn’t mean that I won’t hesitate to chop his head off if he takes it too far though!’’
‘’Keep your hands clean rocky. I need to get ready. Talk to you later!’’ you said hanging up and proceeding to go into your bedroom and prepare for your little date with Shawn.
Throughout the night, you found out that Shawn had a terrible sense of humour which made you laugh nonetheless. You also found out that he had a lot of embarrassing childhood stories that would come in handy if he kept on narrating and sharing them with you. You were persuaded it was very good having him near and this close to you, getting your mind off the watch rested on your wrist and making you enjoy every passing minute.
‘’I was afraid you would keep ignoring me for at least one more month. I really thought I messed up or something’’ Shawn said abruptly, coming down from your laughter of his previous stories and directing the conversation to more serious matters.
‘’Well, that was my initial intention but I felt sorry for you’’ you joked and you looked as his orbs grew the size of a plate. You instantly burst into laughter and Shawn followed suit, not paying attention to your previous statement.
‘’Well, that would be very difficult since I am all that cute and shit’’
‘’Don’t be so full of yourself Mendes.’’ You raised your eyebrow and waited for his next response.
‘’Oh but you will realize that I am nothing like that’’ he said smirking, knowing exactly what he was doing in order to get you to like him just as much as he liked you however impossible that was to achieve.
Indeed, just as months were rapidly passing by, you were fully accustomed to Shawn’s presence and it was safe to say that you were both glued to each other’s hips. No one would exaggerate if they said that you needed his help in everything you did and no one would be lying if they claimed that Shawn’s songs were covering something big and important that was happening inside his brain and his heart.
There wasn’t a single day that found you disconnected. If you hadn’t made plans to slouch in either yours or Shawn’s sofa or go out and enjoy the soft breeze of the town while sipping your wines, you would surely exchange texts, phone calls, facetime sessions or just voice mails to let each other know how their day was and what a relief it was to finally being able to clear their minds off of their hectic schedules.
Shawn was visibly on cloud nine, not really caring whether his friends had just invited him to play FIFA or head to their old time classic bar down the road. He only had eyes for his phone screen, waiting for it to light up with your name flustered all over it to let him know that you were free to hang out together. He didn’t really fight the smile that crept up on his face when this exact text message reached his phone and Brian was quick to comment on that, not giving his friend any space to hid his rosy cheeks.
‘’Y/N’s game is a strong one. Are you sure you are qualified enough to make it out alive?’’ Brian joked and Shawn’s face clouded.
‘’I don’t know man. I hope I am because I really like this girl.’’
‘’The real question here is whether she likes you as well. You need to have confirmation when it comes to feelings, not just speculations. Maybe it is time you asked her out dude.’’
‘’What? No, no, no. I fear this will ruin everything we have built so far. I mean, I want to ask her out, fuck, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend already, but I have this little voice inside reminding me that she is not like any other girls. She needs time to feel comfortable enough to open up I guess.’’ Shawn said, not really trusting his own words while his mind was processing them.
‘’Sooooo, you don’t have any clue if she likes you. Not even half a clue. That’s what you’re telling me’’ Brian concluded, and Shawn swore it sounded more awful hearing it from him. He only confessed that he felt lost when it came to your feelings towards him when he was alone in his room thinking about your smile and how it brought salvation to his troubles. Now that he was asked to confess the same thing in front of his friend, he felt
 played. You never really made it clear to him whether you liked him in a more serious way and he didn’t want to believe that you didn’t fancy him at all.
‘’Well, actually-‘’
‘’I got it. Shawn mate, have you even considered that maybe, just maybe, she sees you just as her buddy? As her best friend?’’ Brian reasoned and this statement alone hit Shawn like a ton of bricks. He always believed you had a great time together not only because you had chemistry, something clear to everyone around you, but because you both felt something more about one another as well. The thought of you not liking him back made his heart shatter into small little pieces, patiently waiting for your words to put them back together.
‘’I say you talk to her tonight. You got nothing to lose. And it think it is only fair you finally get a glimpse of what is going on in her mind concerning your
‘’You know what? You are right. I will talk to her tonight. Thanks Bri.’’
Brian’s words had shaken Shawn up and made him see things a little bit more objectively. He always made sure you were comfortable and fully accustomed around him, that he neglected his own peace of mind and his own needs to be accepted and valued from the one person he needed it the most. He knew he had to take matters into his own hands and make a move for whatever was about to happen between you two. Bearing all this new enlightenment in his mind, he climbed the stairs to your front door, heart on his sleeve and his posture radiating determination and positivity.
‘’Since when do you knock?’’ you greeted him and disappeared in your living room.
‘’Thought a change would be good. What are we watching today?’’ Shawn said, kicking his boots off and making his way to where you were situated on your couch.
‘’Surprise me today’’ you said, not taking your eyes off of your phone and waiting for Shawn’s recommendation to echo through the walls.
‘’Well, you are in for a surprise tonight, that’s for sure. Y/N I need to talk to you about something’’ Shawn said, turning his face to yours adjusting his focus so he only had a view of your all so familiar beauty.
Just when those words left Shawn’s mouth however, you felt your whole body going numb. It was like a premonition for what you tried so hard to avoid all this time; losing him. He had become a part of your everyday life, from exploiting his very soft sofa to dragging him to the grocery store to buy tampons because you needed company. You couldn’t fathom how life would be if he decided to step out of it that easily. One thing you knew for sure; it would be empty and miserable, just like before. And you knew what the reason behind this change of events was; your own syncretism and withholding of feelings. You’d really like it if for once, you would be able to trick your mind into being normal and expressive but you always seemed to have the way to destroy whatever was ready to flourish.
Shawn tried to keep his composure and not let his feelings get the best of him, but he seemed like he was struggling very much to find the appropriate words. This struggle came off to you like disappointment and perhaps hate, that you never really made him feel appreciated. Heck, you even hated yourself for that because you really got to know what a special human Shawn was. All the while you were silently beating yourself up for a potential split up with Shawn, he had just confessed what he meant to all night long, making you freeze in your spot.
‘’E- excuse me?’’
‘’Jesus Y/N, it was hard getting it out of my chest the first time and now you want me to repeat myself?’’ Shawn chuckled but after seeing your bewildered face he came to a stop and just went for it again.
‘’I don’t really know what your opinion on me is, but considering you have put up with me for so long, I reckon it is a respectable one. My opinion on you however is something more than respectable. I cannot function if I don’t bring your sweet smile in front of my eyes or if I don’t spend a good ten minutes admiring your photos that live in my phone. I can’t keep a straight face during our conversations or our chatting and I look forward to going out with you or just spending a minute listening to your voice more than being dragged to play FIFA, and you know how much I love this game. The only thing that keeps me going and motivates me to be a better version of myself is you. What I am trying to say is that I like you Y/N. And very much so’’ Shawn confessed and your eyes were glued into his own ones.
Never in your wildest dreams would you expect for Shawn to fall for someone like you; someone who can’t wrap their heads around their emotions in order to make them known to others as well. That was the main reason why Shawn couldn’t get another reaction out of you apart from looking at him half smiling.
‘’So, what do you say? Could you put up with me as your boyfriend too? You seem pretty good at it so far’’ Shawn attempted to wake you up and it seemed to work since you were nodding your head up and down, still shocked at the revelation that took place a couple of seconds ago. Shawn found it a bit weird that no words came out of your mouth but the only thing that mattered to him was the fact that you were officially together and that everything he wanted was finally fullfilled.
No other words could describe your relationship with Shawn apart from safe, happy and peaceful. The amount of love Shawn was showering you with was unreal but it was enough to fly you up in the clouds. There wasn’t a single thing that he did that couldn’t amaze you. He was so calming and reasonable when it came to you that it turned you into a defenseless mass. He always tried to find solutions to your problems and he did a very good job at it.
There was no one else who would understand and read you like Shawn. It felt like he knew you for years when in reality it was only one. He was very careful when it came to your whole existence but that didn’t mean that he didn’t hesitate to show you off and tell everyone what a wonderful soul you had. Small things like these made your heart swell and your love for Shawn grow bigger with each passing day.
The reason why you were so content with your relationship with Shawn however, was the fact that you were both willing to sit down and solve whatever disagreement or obstacle came in the way instead of holding grudges or just acting ignorant towards one another. In other words, arguments, let alone huge tantrums and fights, were absent from the safe space you had both created for your love to nourish. Nothing could top the feeling of protection and the level of understanding both of you made efforts to show at any given moment.
And with Shawn’s upcoming tour, this level of understanding had to be maximized a little bit more from your own part. Your relationship had occurred when Shawn was having a small break from tour since he had finished the first leg of it but now that the second one was coming up you felt overwhelmed and desperate that the bond you had invested time and love into making would lose its power and its endurance.
‘’You are doing it again baby’’ Shawn brought you out of your trance and your attention was shifted to his warm eyes.
‘’You are thinking about the tour again. Please stop putting yourself through that. Time will fly by in the blink of your beautiful eye. Besides
’’ Shawn started but trailed off mid-sentence.
‘’Besides?’’ you insisted, stroking softly the soft flesh of his rosy cheek.
‘’Besides, I love you so damn much that nothing can make my love go away’’
Shawn was the first time that he was saying those three words that would make any other human cry out of happiness and adoration for their other half. But you felt like suffocating; like someone had plugged a pump in your lungs and was taking all the oxygen out. You wanted to scream to Shawn that you loved and adored him but instead the only thing that left your lips was a low grumping sound, not being able to express anything else.
Shawn’s arms tightened around your smaller frame but he felt let down that you didn’t say anything of the same value to him. Sometimes, he felt like he was the only one trying in this relationship and he fought really hard to drown those voices down because he knew if he let them wandering, they would inevitably poison your beautiful home. He also knew that keeping everything inside would create a bomb which sooner or later would explode causing much more trouble than both of you could handle. So he figured that having someone to talk to was much needed, especially before leaving you behind in order to complete his tour.
‘’I don’t know Brian. I feel like I am not enough for her. She makes me feel amazing, I will give her that and she is the most kind-hearted person I have come across in my life. But deep down, I feel like she is with me only because she can’t see me breaking or being torn apart if she ends things with me. I mean I have already told her I love her and she didn’t say anything of the sort. I want her to tell me whatever she feels she needs to tell me only when she is ready and she means it but I don’t know what’s taking her so long.’’
Shawn’s frustration was visible in his voice and you knew this was going to happen any time soon. It felt surreal that you had finally found someone who had no problem with your lack of verbal expression of feelings and you were proven correct. It was too good to be true. What pained you most was the fact that he chose to describe his disappointment to Brian over a simple phone call instead of addressing you directly. That was the one thing you always loved about your relationship, the courage to confront anything together. And now that you needed only this, he turned to his friend. You were already feeling bad for eavesdropping on his conversation so you decided to go back to your room. Luck wasn’t on your side though since your foot knocked over the small vase you had next to the staircase, exposing your presence to Shawn who had just hung up the phone.
‘’Y/N are you alright? What are you doing here?’’ Shawn asked, worry lacing his features.
‘’I am okay. I am okay.’’ You weren’t. You wanted Shawn to take you into his arms and tell you that the phone call never happened but it was a prank to get you to talk to him.
‘’How much did you hear?’’
‘’I heard nothing.’’ You coldly answered and Shawn felt his blood boil.
‘’Could you stop running away and acting so cold? I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong all this time and you aren’t helping. Not one bit!’’ Shawn half- shouted following you in your bedroom, ready to finally hear your part of the story.
‘’What do you want me to say Shawn? You knew what you were signing up for when you asked to be with me. We were pretty close before that so you knew what I am all about!’’ You hated where this was going. This was going to end up in tears or shouting and you distasted it.
‘’So you are putting this one on me too? Cut me some slack Y/N. When you are with someone you have to let them know that they are valued, appreciated, loved as well. I only give and I take bits in return. Is this what this is all about? You feeling powerful and shit? You know the impact you have on me and you use it for your advantage. This is sick. You are sick!’’
Never before had you seen Shawn so distressed and knowing that you had created this sight made it all sadder. You felt like everything was crumbling down and you had no power over putting them together again. In your mind, you felt like you were reliving everything. Leyla’s words, all the previous friendships you had left in the dust were coming crushing on you and your head was ready to explode. Shawn’s words were the cherry on the top. He was the last person you wanted to disappoint and you did just that. Why was it so hard to thank, apologise or generally express your inner world? All these thoughts brought you to your knees and before you knew it you were sobbing. And not alone in your own space but in front of Shawn. In front of another person.
‘’I am s- sorry. So- so sorry’’ your hands flied to your face and it hid inside them.
Shawn would have sworn he heard his heart break in two when he saw you collapsing onto the floor. Your sobs were piercing through his ears and he wanted nothing more than to stop your tears and plant a small smile onto your sweet lips. Rushing to your side, he took you into his embrace trying his best to calm you down.
‘’No, no, no, no, I am sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about baby. I shouldn’t have yelled nor should have I said all those venomous things to you. Please forgive me’’ Shawn pleaded while he rocked you in his strong arms, placing baby kisses on top of your head, trying to steady your breathing.
‘’You know, everyone always told me that this demeanour I have adopted would result in me ending up alone. I always had difficulty in expressing my feelings but I had come to terms with it. I believed that the people who truly knew and loved me would stay by my side no matter how cold I was. But when I met you I knew this would turn out bad if I didn’t try to change. I wanted to change. Because of you. But once again I failed. I don’t deserve any of this. I really don’t.’’
Shawn hated hearing those words being aimed at you from you and he hated himself even more for not resorting to you for all the thoughts and doubts that had started reaching the surface. Getting to hear your story he felt a complete asshole who instead of being next to his girlfriend and offering her all the help she deserved, he stood opposite of her and accused her without knowing.
You were convinced Shawn felt pity for you and nothing else but you were a bit proud for coming clean and finally giving voice to this difficulty of yours. He was the first person who had seen you cry or had heard the situation for that matter so you really hoped something good would come out of it.
‘’Y/N don’t. Don’t go there. You deserve everything in this world and it would be my pleasure to give it to you. But please acknowledge what you just did. You expressed yourself in the best way possible. You cried and you got what you were pushing inside off your chest. This is something major. And it is even major for me because you did it in front of me. You don’t know how special I feel Y/N even though I am a complete jerk for raising my voice. I could take it back in a heartbeat if I could baby believe me.’’
‘’I do. I do believe you. Maybe I needed it myself to come to my senses. Thank you Shawn. For everything you have done for me so far.’’ You finally said and it felt like heaven being able to show to your other half what they really meant to you and how they made you feel every day.
‘’I thank you Y/N. Please don’t ever shut yourself down again. I am here. I can provide one of my ears for you’’ Shawn tried to make you feel lighter and it partly worked.
‘’You’re such a dork, I love you’’ you said, capturing his lips between your own in a haste kiss.
‘’Whoa, did you just-‘’
‘’Yes and I can do it again if you want.’’
‘’Yes please.’’
‘’I love you, I love you, I love you.’’ You said in between kisses and the room filled with Shawn’s beautiful laughter accompanied by your own shy chuckles.
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Flawed Connection
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: Heart swelling at first but rivers of tears next
A/N: It has been a while lovelies! Uni has been a pain in the back and I have been flooded with work but I couldn’t keep being inactive so I decided to work on this piece since it was requested. Thank you once again for your love on this account and on my writing and please stay tuned for what is to come! Requests are still open and feedback is very much appreciated! Enjoy!
‘’All I am saying is that you finally need to get out of your comfort zone Y/N. What is the worst thing that could happen?’’
Leyla, your best of friends, asked you and you found your words getting stuck in your throat. Truth was you weren’t really sure how you could answer this question even though someone would argue that it was a simple one. You on the other hand, had a different opinion. You were always the girl who was the happiest when minding her own business or staying in her lane, not really risking or taking initiatives. It was just the way you were.
So, every time the conversation was headed to the relationship domain, you preferred it if you remained distant and not so communicative since this was your least favourite topic to discuss. You weren’t very experienced when it came to guys and this was partly your fault no matter how hard you tried to deny it. You had a hard time voicing your feelings or letting the other people know what your opinion of them was. So this made things ten times harder.
‘’Leyla, we have been over this so many times it is giving me a headache. Just drop it please.’’
‘’No, I won’t and you know it. This guy is almost down on his knees, begging you for a chance and you always raise a wall between you. If you are not ready to commit to someone, okay. I accept this. But let him spend some time with you at least! For God’s sake he doesn’t chop heads off last time that I checked.’’
‘’You know what? I think I am going to head home. I think there is no use talking about it if you aren’t willing to take my thoughts into consideration. See you’’ you snapped back and made your way out of your best friend’s condo.
All the distance from her house to your own was spent with you replaying in your head Leyla’s words. Part of you understood her concerns and worries about your inefficiency of showing your emotions or your intentions right away. Her biggest fear had to do not with your relationships with other boys but your relationships with other people as well. She feared that this behavior of yours would tear you apart from your beloved ones, something that had happened in the past with another friend of yours. You still remembered how devastated you were when the fact that you wouldn’t be hanging out with that person again had sunk in and you had promised to yourself that you wouldn’t allow it to happen again. You had promised to become more communicative about your feelings; you felt like you owed it to people who spent time with you.
But no matter how many times that promised had escaped your lips, things barely changed. You felt like something was blocking your throat and fogging your mind thus making you unable to tell someone that you liked them or that they made you feel happy or different. And that was where the other part of you came and disagreed with your friend’s words. That was the way you were and you expected people to accept you in the same way you accepted them, without demanding they changed. However, this was not the case and you were disappointed that you needed to change in order to be accepted.
You had spent many nights thinking over and over again all the times when you should have said something, anything, to the people who made you feel special but every single time, you chickened out. So you had quit altogether, coming to terms with the fact that you might end up alone in a lonely island. You laughed at the whole situation but Leyla and even your parents were on different grounds. They had even suggested you visit a specialist or a psychiatrist to figure out what possible traumas or past experiences had locked up a more intimate version of you.
You had shrugged off that proposal thinking it was rather ridiculous and childish to believe that this could be solved in such a way. And that was the main reason no change was on its way. There were times you were content with this but there were other times when you feared that you would lose Leyla as well. She was a very special person to you and all her constant nagging may seemed like genuine interest and compassion but you couldn’t rule out the possibility that her patience and tolerance were running thin.
‘’Why can’t I be more open? Why? What are you so afraid of Y/N?’’ you sighed to yourself plopping onto your bed and closing your eyes, consumed by frustration and disappointment. You felt like this ‘problem’ needed to be dealt with and solved. But how could it when you were unwilling to go for a different approach on people? How could it when that guy’s messages were always left ignored and unanswered? The saddest part was that he seemed like a genuinely sweet and polite guy, not like all the other prying boys who the only thing in their minds was how to get in a girl’s pants.
This particular boy, Shawn, was firstly interested in your well-being and your day’s progression. He made sure to ask you about your day or how much your boss had irritated you today and it succeeded in creating a very positive image of him. It was the first time you found yourself enjoying talking with a guy since all your previous, few but still existent, encounters with guys hadn’t really gone as planned. They always ended up asking for nudes or being very raw about their intentions towards you or girls in general.
Things were going smoothly between you and Shawn, growing accustomed to each other’s company when going out with all of your friends, and you didn’t really think much into it. Leyla though, who was the one who introduced you to Shawn one night in your neghbourhood’s diner, saw much different things. He saw the way Shawn was engrossed into whatever story your lips were narrating and she saw the way his eyes would light up every time your name would be mentioned in a conversation. It didn’t take her too long to realize that Shawn was drawn into her best friend and she found that as the perfect opportunity for you to finally open up and create something beautiful with Shawn. The only thing she did was accelerate things a little bit.
‘’Are you sure you guys won’t be able to make it? I mean we can arrange another time, I have no problem’’ Shawn said through the speaker, quite disappointed that he wouldn’t be seeing you that night.
Leyla had called and informed Shawn that all their other friends couldn’t go out and meet up because they had arranged to go to an emergent surprise party which had come up in the last minute. What he didn’t know though was that no surprise party had come up and that it was all a made up story made by Leyla in order to get you to hang out with Shawn all alone. She knew that her plan would raise questions and eyebrows but she decided to help her best friend and that was what she was doing.
‘’Well, we will arrange again all together but if it is okay with you, Y/N is the only one being available since she doesn’t know that friend we are surprising. Would it be too much of a favour if I asked you to go out with her so she doesn’t stay in on a Saturday night?’’ Shawn felt his heart exploding a million times in his chest. Here Leyla was, asking him if it was too much to keep company to the girl he was smitten with when in reality it was a dream coming true to him.
‘’Um of- of course I can do that. Don’t even think about it. I am sure we will have a great time together.’’
Shawn was positive this would turn out good whereas you felt panic creeping up on you when you understood that no one else would be joining you and Shawn that night. While you were sipping your wine with Shawn you couldn’t help but feel thankful for the efforts he was so hard making in order to create small talk or make the whole situation more comfortable. On your part, you tried to loosen up and relax but your nerves were getting the best of you and without having any intention to, you had pretty much ruined that scheduled appointment with Shawn accompanying you to your house much earlier that he preferred.
Two weeks later, and Shawn had tried to contact you by messages and phone calls. He couldn’t shake the ugly feeling of blame that overpowered him. He put the blame on him that he had done or said something that you got wrong or offended by and he kept apologizing, assuring you that he didn’t mean to ruin the night. You felt your fingers getting heavier while they lingered on top of the screen, waiting for a reply to be typed and sent. You decided that it was unfair to him to be tortured with so many unanswered questions and doubts and pushing your own uncertainties aside you typed a much wanted response.
-Please don’t blame yourself. You tried your best and I am thankful. Could I make it up to you over coffee today?
Staring at your phone, you silently cursed at yourself. Rereading your message, you wanted to slap yourself across the face. Not only didn’t you put Shawn’s worries at rest but you even made them more valid. That was why you never tried in the first place to become more intimate with someone. Things always went down the drain and you were the only responsible for that. You shouldn’t drag other people down with you since they didn’t deserve it; not one bit.
-I am so glad you asked. Is 18:00 at Timothy’s convenient for you? Xo
To say Shawn’s response caught you off guard was an understatement. You thought that he would want nothing to do with you for taking so long to return his messages and for offering such a pitiful reply. But life has its own ways of surprising people and it worked perfectly on you too.
-Yes of course.
The hours were passing earlier than usual and you didn’t know whether you felt thankful or anxious. You wouldn’t need more than half an hour to get ready for your appointment with Shawn considering you would meet up for a simple coffee but felt like you needed the in-between hours in order to digest what you had put yourself into and to come to terms with the fact that Shawn was more than pleasant to hang out with you whatsoever. Thanks to Leyla who found the perfect time to call you, this process became easier.
‘’Okay now this is a first! Well done monkey-face. Now, don’t screw this up please. Shawn is very kind and he won’t say anything if you say or do something ‘unjustifiable’ but he will be thinking about it for over ten years.’’ You friend tried to make the atmosphere a bit funnier but this statement made you lose it even more.
‘’Are you saying this to make me feel better? Because if that was your plan, it failed miserably.’’ You felt your palms sweating and your head getting dizzier with every passing second.
‘’Relax and enjoy it. It is a simple coffee. And Shawn has an amazing sense of humour. This doesn’t mean that I won’t hesitate to chop his head off if he takes it too far though!’’
‘’Keep your hands clean rocky. I need to get ready. Talk to you later!’’ you said hanging up and proceeding to go into your bedroom and prepare for your little date with Shawn.
Throughout the night, you found out that Shawn had a terrible sense of humour which made you laugh nonetheless. You also found out that he had a lot of embarrassing childhood stories that would come in handy if he kept on narrating and sharing them with you. You were persuaded it was very good having him near and this close to you, getting your mind off the watch rested on your wrist and making you enjoy every passing minute.
‘’I was afraid you would keep ignoring me for at least one more month. I really thought I messed up or something’’ Shawn said abruptly, coming down from your laughter of his previous stories and directing the conversation to more serious matters.
‘’Well, that was my initial intention but I felt sorry for you’’ you joked and you looked as his orbs grew the size of a plate. You instantly burst into laughter and Shawn followed suit, not paying attention to your previous statement.
‘’Well, that would be very difficult since I am all that cute and shit’’
‘’Don’t be so full of yourself Mendes.’’ You raised your eyebrow and waited for his next response.
‘’Oh but you will realize that I am nothing like that’’ he said smirking, knowing exactly what he was doing in order to get you to like him just as much as he liked you however impossible that was to achieve.
Indeed, just as months were rapidly passing by, you were fully accustomed to Shawn’s presence and it was safe to say that you were both glued to each other’s hips. No one would exaggerate if they said that you needed his help in everything you did and no one would be lying if they claimed that Shawn’s songs were covering something big and important that was happening inside his brain and his heart.
There wasn’t a single day that found you disconnected. If you hadn’t made plans to slouch in either yours or Shawn’s sofa or go out and enjoy the soft breeze of the town while sipping your wines, you would surely exchange texts, phone calls, facetime sessions or just voice mails to let each other know how their day was and what a relief it was to finally being able to clear their minds off of their hectic schedules.
Shawn was visibly on cloud nine, not really caring whether his friends had just invited him to play FIFA or head to their old time classic bar down the road. He only had eyes for his phone screen, waiting for it to light up with your name flustered all over it to let him know that you were free to hang out together. He didn’t really fight the smile that crept up on his face when this exact text message reached his phone and Brian was quick to comment on that, not giving his friend any space to hid his rosy cheeks.
‘’Y/N’s game is a strong one. Are you sure you are qualified enough to make it out alive?’’ Brian joked and Shawn’s face clouded.
‘’I don’t know man. I hope I am because I really like this girl.’’
‘’The real question here is whether she likes you as well. You need to have confirmation when it comes to feelings, not just speculations. Maybe it is time you asked her out dude.’’
‘’What? No, no, no. I fear this will ruin everything we have built so far. I mean, I want to ask her out, fuck, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend already, but I have this little voice inside reminding me that she is not like any other girls. She needs time to feel comfortable enough to open up I guess.’’ Shawn said, not really trusting his own words while his mind was processing them.
‘’Sooooo, you don’t have any clue if she likes you. Not even half a clue. That’s what you’re telling me’’ Brian concluded, and Shawn swore it sounded more awful hearing it from him. He only confessed that he felt lost when it came to your feelings towards him when he was alone in his room thinking about your smile and how it brought salvation to his troubles. Now that he was asked to confess the same thing in front of his friend, he felt
 played. You never really made it clear to him whether you liked him in a more serious way and he didn’t want to believe that you didn’t fancy him at all.
‘’Well, actually-‘’
‘’I got it. Shawn mate, have you even considered that maybe, just maybe, she sees you just as her buddy? As her best friend?’’ Brian reasoned and this statement alone hit Shawn like a ton of bricks. He always believed you had a great time together not only because you had chemistry, something clear to everyone around you, but because you both felt something more about one another as well. The thought of you not liking him back made his heart shatter into small little pieces, patiently waiting for your words to put them back together.
‘’I say you talk to her tonight. You got nothing to lose. And it think it is only fair you finally get a glimpse of what is going on in her mind concerning your
‘’You know what? You are right. I will talk to her tonight. Thanks Bri.’’
Brian’s words had shaken Shawn up and made him see things a little bit more objectively. He always made sure you were comfortable and fully accustomed around him, that he neglected his own peace of mind and his own needs to be accepted and valued from the one person he needed it the most. He knew he had to take matters into his own hands and make a move for whatever was about to happen between you two. Bearing all this new enlightenment in his mind, he climbed the stairs to your front door, heart on his sleeve and his posture radiating determination and positivity.
‘’Since when do you knock?’’ you greeted him and disappeared in your living room.
‘’Thought a change would be good. What are we watching today?’’ Shawn said, kicking his boots off and making his way to where you were situated on your couch.
‘’Surprise me today’’ you said, not taking your eyes off of your phone and waiting for Shawn’s recommendation to echo through the walls.
‘’Well, you are in for a surprise tonight, that’s for sure. Y/N I need to talk to you about something’’ Shawn said, turning his face to yours adjusting his focus so he only had a view of your all so familiar beauty.
Just when those words left Shawn’s mouth however, you felt your whole body going numb. It was like a premonition for what you tried so hard to avoid all this time; losing him. He had become a part of your everyday life, from exploiting his very soft sofa to dragging him to the grocery store to buy tampons because you needed company. You couldn’t fathom how life would be if he decided to step out of it that easily. One thing you knew for sure; it would be empty and miserable, just like before. And you knew what the reason behind this change of events was; your own syncretism and withholding of feelings. You’d really like it if for once, you would be able to trick your mind into being normal and expressive but you always seemed to have the way to destroy whatever was ready to flourish.
Shawn tried to keep his composure and not let his feelings get the best of him, but he seemed like he was struggling very much to find the appropriate words. This struggle came off to you like disappointment and perhaps hate, that you never really made him feel appreciated. Heck, you even hated yourself for that because you really got to know what a special human Shawn was. All the while you were silently beating yourself up for a potential split up with Shawn, he had just confessed what he meant to all night long, making you freeze in your spot.
‘’E- excuse me?’’
‘’Jesus Y/N, it was hard getting it out of my chest the first time and now you want me to repeat myself?’’ Shawn chuckled but after seeing your bewildered face he came to a stop and just went for it again.
‘’I don’t really know what your opinion on me is, but considering you have put up with me for so long, I reckon it is a respectable one. My opinion on you however is something more than respectable. I cannot function if I don’t bring your sweet smile in front of my eyes or if I don’t spend a good ten minutes admiring your photos that live in my phone. I can’t keep a straight face during our conversations or our chatting and I look forward to going out with you or just spending a minute listening to your voice more than being dragged to play FIFA, and you know how much I love this game. The only thing that keeps me going and motivates me to be a better version of myself is you. What I am trying to say is that I like you Y/N. And very much so’’ Shawn confessed and your eyes were glued into his own ones.
Never in your wildest dreams would you expect for Shawn to fall for someone like you; someone who can’t wrap their heads around their emotions in order to make them known to others as well. That was the main reason why Shawn couldn’t get another reaction out of you apart from looking at him half smiling.
‘’So, what do you say? Could you put up with me as your boyfriend too? You seem pretty good at it so far’’ Shawn attempted to wake you up and it seemed to work since you were nodding your head up and down, still shocked at the revelation that took place a couple of seconds ago. Shawn found it a bit weird that no words came out of your mouth but the only thing that mattered to him was the fact that you were officially together and that everything he wanted was finally fullfilled.
No other words could describe your relationship with Shawn apart from safe, happy and peaceful. The amount of love Shawn was showering you with was unreal but it was enough to fly you up in the clouds. There wasn’t a single thing that he did that couldn’t amaze you. He was so calming and reasonable when it came to you that it turned you into a defenseless mass. He always tried to find solutions to your problems and he did a very good job at it.
There was no one else who would understand and read you like Shawn. It felt like he knew you for years when in reality it was only one. He was very careful when it came to your whole existence but that didn’t mean that he didn’t hesitate to show you off and tell everyone what a wonderful soul you had. Small things like these made your heart swell and your love for Shawn grow bigger with each passing day.
The reason why you were so content with your relationship with Shawn however, was the fact that you were both willing to sit down and solve whatever disagreement or obstacle came in the way instead of holding grudges or just acting ignorant towards one another. In other words, arguments, let alone huge tantrums and fights, were absent from the safe space you had both created for your love to nourish. Nothing could top the feeling of protection and the level of understanding both of you made efforts to show at any given moment.
And with Shawn’s upcoming tour, this level of understanding had to be maximized a little bit more from your own part. Your relationship had occurred when Shawn was having a small break from tour since he had finished the first leg of it but now that the second one was coming up you felt overwhelmed and desperate that the bond you had invested time and love into making would lose its power and its endurance.
‘’You are doing it again baby’’ Shawn brought you out of your trance and your attention was shifted to his warm eyes.
‘’You are thinking about the tour again. Please stop putting yourself through that. Time will fly by in the blink of your beautiful eye. Besides
’’ Shawn started but trailed off mid-sentence.
‘’Besides?’’ you insisted, stroking softly the soft flesh of his rosy cheek.
‘’Besides, I love you so damn much that nothing can make my love go away’’
Shawn was the first time that he was saying those three words that would make any other human cry out of happiness and adoration for their other half. But you felt like suffocating; like someone had plugged a pump in your lungs and was taking all the oxygen out. You wanted to scream to Shawn that you loved and adored him but instead the only thing that left your lips was a low grumping sound, not being able to express anything else.
Shawn’s arms tightened around your smaller frame but he felt let down that you didn’t say anything of the same value to him. Sometimes, he felt like he was the only one trying in this relationship and he fought really hard to drown those voices down because he knew if he let them wandering, they would inevitably poison your beautiful home. He also knew that keeping everything inside would create a bomb which sooner or later would explode causing much more trouble than both of you could handle. So he figured that having someone to talk to was much needed, especially before leaving you behind in order to complete his tour.
‘’I don’t know Brian. I feel like I am not enough for her. She makes me feel amazing, I will give her that and she is the most kind-hearted person I have come across in my life. But deep down, I feel like she is with me only because she can’t see me breaking or being torn apart if she ends things with me. I mean I have already told her I love her and she didn’t say anything of the sort. I want her to tell me whatever she feels she needs to tell me only when she is ready and she means it but I don’t know what’s taking her so long.’’
Shawn’s frustration was visible in his voice and you knew this was going to happen any time soon. It felt surreal that you had finally found someone who had no problem with your lack of verbal expression of feelings and you were proven correct. It was too good to be true. What pained you most was the fact that he chose to describe his disappointment to Brian over a simple phone call instead of addressing you directly. That was the one thing you always loved about your relationship, the courage to confront anything together. And now that you needed only this, he turned to his friend. You were already feeling bad for eavesdropping on his conversation so you decided to go back to your room. Luck wasn’t on your side though since your foot knocked over the small vase you had next to the staircase, exposing your presence to Shawn who had just hung up the phone.
‘’Y/N are you alright? What are you doing here?’’ Shawn asked, worry lacing his features.
‘’I am okay. I am okay.’’ You weren’t. You wanted Shawn to take you into his arms and tell you that the phone call never happened but it was a prank to get you to talk to him.
‘’How much did you hear?’’
‘’I heard nothing.’’ You coldly answered and Shawn felt his blood boil.
‘’Could you stop running away and acting so cold? I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong all this time and you aren’t helping. Not one bit!’’ Shawn half- shouted following you in your bedroom, ready to finally hear your part of the story.
‘’What do you want me to say Shawn? You knew what you were signing up for when you asked to be with me. We were pretty close before that so you knew what I am all about!’’ You hated where this was going. This was going to end up in tears or shouting and you distasted it.
‘’So you are putting this one on me too? Cut me some slack Y/N. When you are with someone you have to let them know that they are valued, appreciated, loved as well. I only give and I take bits in return. Is this what this is all about? You feeling powerful and shit? You know the impact you have on me and you use it for your advantage. This is sick. You are sick!’’
Never before had you seen Shawn so distressed and knowing that you had created this sight made it all sadder. You felt like everything was crumbling down and you had no power over putting them together again. In your mind, you felt like you were reliving everything. Leyla’s words, all the previous friendships you had left in the dust were coming crushing on you and your head was ready to explode. Shawn’s words were the cherry on the top. He was the last person you wanted to disappoint and you did just that. Why was it so hard to thank, apologise or generally express your inner world? All these thoughts brought you to your knees and before you knew it you were sobbing. And not alone in your own space but in front of Shawn. In front of another person.
‘’I am s- sorry. So- so sorry’’ your hands flied to your face and it hid inside them.
Shawn would have sworn he heard his heart break in two when he saw you collapsing onto the floor. Your sobs were piercing through his ears and he wanted nothing more than to stop your tears and plant a small smile onto your sweet lips. Rushing to your side, he took you into his embrace trying his best to calm you down.
‘’No, no, no, no, I am sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about baby. I shouldn’t have yelled nor should have I said all those venomous things to you. Please forgive me’’ Shawn pleaded while he rocked you in his strong arms, placing baby kisses on top of your head, trying to steady your breathing.
‘’You know, everyone always told me that this demeanour I have adopted would result in me ending up alone. I always had difficulty in expressing my feelings but I had come to terms with it. I believed that the people who truly knew and loved me would stay by my side no matter how cold I was. But when I met you I knew this would turn out bad if I didn’t try to change. I wanted to change. Because of you. But once again I failed. I don’t deserve any of this. I really don’t.’’
Shawn hated hearing those words being aimed at you from you and he hated himself even more for not resorting to you for all the thoughts and doubts that had started reaching the surface. Getting to hear your story he felt a complete asshole who instead of being next to his girlfriend and offering her all the help she deserved, he stood opposite of her and accused her without knowing.
You were convinced Shawn felt pity for you and nothing else but you were a bit proud for coming clean and finally giving voice to this difficulty of yours. He was the first person who had seen you cry or had heard the situation for that matter so you really hoped something good would come out of it.
‘’Y/N don’t. Don’t go there. You deserve everything in this world and it would be my pleasure to give it to you. But please acknowledge what you just did. You expressed yourself in the best way possible. You cried and you got what you were pushing inside off your chest. This is something major. And it is even major for me because you did it in front of me. You don’t know how special I feel Y/N even though I am a complete jerk for raising my voice. I could take it back in a heartbeat if I could baby believe me.’’
‘’I do. I do believe you. Maybe I needed it myself to come to my senses. Thank you Shawn. For everything you have done for me so far.’’ You finally said and it felt like heaven being able to show to your other half what they really meant to you and how they made you feel every day.
‘’I thank you Y/N. Please don’t ever shut yourself down again. I am here. I can provide one of my ears for you’’ Shawn tried to make you feel lighter and it partly worked.
‘’You’re such a dork, I love you’’ you said, capturing his lips between your own in a haste kiss.
‘’Whoa, did you just-‘’
‘’Yes and I can do it again if you want.’’
‘’Yes please.’’
‘’I love you, I love you, I love you.’’ You said in between kisses and the room filled with Shawn’s beautiful laughter accompanied by your own shy chuckles.
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Ahhh I Iove your writing!! could you do one where y/n and Shawn don’t really fight and they get in a fight for the first time but Shawn stops and drops it’s all because y/n starts crying? ❀
Thank you for your kind words honey! Since another person requested something similar I will combine them in the next one shot. Stay tuned anon!
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Hi !! 😊 How about shawn fight with his girlfriend !!!!
I live for angst and this is the perfect opportunity to take a much needed break form the bullet point blurbs. Stay tuned love!
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
Hey, love your writing so much!! Bullet point idea: shawn's possible kinks would include...đŸ˜¶đŸ˜đŸ˜˜
This is going to be a wild ride so fasten your seatbelts everyone

Shawn’s possible kinks would include:
Dominance. He would be very straighforward to you about it by placing you on the bed and slyly, seductively, almost painfully slowly he would climb on top of you, trapping you under his strong arms and his face.
He would make sure to attack your neck, your chest, your belly and even your thighs with his lips, giving you a sneak peak of what was going to take place in your bedroom in a matter of seconds.
He would give you the hottest and the most possessive stares he could muster and just those alone would be enough to make you come undone and leave you begging for more.
One thing that he would surely do to show you that he was in charge was cup your vagina and whisper lowly in your ear: ‘’No one else gets to touch, feel and taste you unless this one is me and only me, are we clear honey?’’
Spanking. This punishment method would always come first in his mind when you would be disobedient or when you would just ignore his aching need to feel and touch you.
Before actually getting invested in this act, he would stroke your bum carefully and he would even place gentle kisses on the soft flesh before: ‘’I will try to make it as much tolerant as I can for you but you need to know who you have to listen to honey.’’
He would make sure to give you a good five spanks whenever you would just not listen to him and still insist on touching him even though he would have clarified that you couldn’t do that.
Dirty talk. He would be so into it whenever you would call him names during your erotic encounters and they would instantly make him harden in his briefs not being able to control your word’s effect on him.
Having you calling him big or hard or just: ‘’Oh my God Shawn you are so filling I can feel you in my stomach’’ would have him going even harder in you, confidence and proud radiating off of him knowing he was the one who was giving you pleasure.
But when you would just urge him on even further by simply stating: ‘’Do you love this cunt?’’ or ‘’Did you ever have anyone else take you in so good Shawny?’’ he would cum right at the spot, snarling at your comments while gripping your butt cheeks in an aggressive manner.
Role play. Shawn would be a bit sceptical at first at your reaction on wanting to try something different and something that had to do with turning into some characters but all of his doubts would be washed away when: ‘’But what are people going to say if they find out that my boss is very font of the way my pussy wraps him up?’’ 
He would really get all dressed up in the green suit he knew that drove you crazy and he would be sitted behind his office whereas you would wear a white button down shirt of his with no bra underneath and you would sit on his lap while explaining to him some meetings he had to carry out.
But Shawn would get lost in the way your hips were working against his throbbing shaft and he would get rid of everything placed on his office desk and instead, he would place you on top of it while: ‘’Thank God I don’t have you as an actual assistant and I don’t own a business or else we would both be fired.’’
Orgasm control. Nothing would turn him on more than seeing you begging for release, writhing under his delicate touch but getting even more agitated by the minute while he would stop his actions and he would kiss you instead just to tease you a little bit.
But deep down, he would like it too when you would take matters into your own hands and you would take your time fullfilling his need to come undone: ‘’Well, I have to tease you a little bit darling.’’
Sex toys. You would be completely bewildered at the fact that Shawn was keen on all those things but the thing that really got to you was the fact that he liked to experiment with all those pleasurable gadgets as well, the vibrators being his favourite ones.
Shawn would really like you to get all worked up while he was away on tour and he couldn’t be there to let his magical fingers and his powerful manhood do all the work he knew you adored, but he would make sure to leave his two favourite vibrators for you in his drawyer: ‘’I just want what’s best for you babygirl. Enjoy yourself before I come back and enjoy it too.’’
What Shawn would really enjoy though, was being a little bit risky and placing a vibrator in you before departing for his family dinner would give him just that. So when you would have difficulty in seating down on the table or getting up, he would lean in your ear and he would simply say: ‘’If you behave, we will have it taken out sooner than planned baby because seeing you like this messes with me too.’’
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inmytaste-blog · 5 years
How about Shawn teasing on different occasions? Like a smut, and bullet points. ...?
I was honestly waiting for this one so bad. Thank you for sending it my way. Please send any other requests or fantasies you have of Shawn! Oh also enjoy!
Shawn teasing you on different occasions would include:
Looking at you from a distance while seductively licking his lips because he can’t help but think all the things he can and will most probably do to you later on.
Walking close behind you and pinching your bum and sometimes even grabbing a handful of it and giving it a squeeze earning a squeal of excitement from you.
Hugging you from behind while you would be cooking pancakes or your famous crepes and letting his hands roam freely on your front.
Cupping your breasts and massaging them softly while: ‘’What do you need a bra for when you have your boyfriend’s awesome hands to hold these babies for you?’’ 
Sending you multiple winks when attending events and even brushing his hand on top of his crotch to let you know that you were giving him a hard times concentrating on whatever question was aimed at him.
Checking you out while wearing the smirk which sent shivers down yoour spine and tingles down your panties every freaking time.
When cuddling on the couch, he would run his hands along your thighs and he would casually go a little up higher, pinching the insides of your inner thighs and ghosting his fingers over your clothed heat.
‘‘Shawn I know what you are doing and I want you to keep going please.’‘
Shawn detaching his hands because he knew better than to fullfill your wishes right away and give you the pleasure you so desperately desired because when you were left waiting you always gave everything you had to him.
Licking every single inch of his spoon clean just with the help of his tongue while having dinner looking you straight in the eyes without even blinking.
Kissing you slowly and passionately before going to perform and inserting his tongue in your mouth after licking your bottom lip, something he knew that drove you crazy.
Always dancing provocatively on stage and sometimes he would even rub himself against the mic stand, sending you over drive.
Changing out of his clothes flexing even when it was completely unnecessary.
Pouring whole bottles of water on him and just stretching his neck backwards while moaning at the feeling of the cold water against his hot skin.
‘‘Ugh this feels so good Y/N. I never want it to stop’‘ using phrases he would also scream out whenever you rode him in his own bedroom.
Grabbing your thigh and squeezing it under the table whenever his family would organise a get-together or a simple dinner.
Always sending you the hottest pictures he could find when being away on tour because: ‘’Even though I hate it when you please yourself and I am not there to do it on my own, I figured I could still contribute with this gift’’.
Licking his lips and even biting his bottom lip while watching you get dressed for your date or any other event: ‘’You know I think I'd like it better if you only wore that red lipstick. And nothing else’’.
Whenever he was in the mood, he would whisper in your ear, blowing slightly and making his voice raspy, causing your breath to get caught in your throat and your panties dampen.
Whenever he would be going out with his friends, he would make sure to suck on parts of your neck and a bit of your chest instead of giving you a normal goodbye kiss.
‘‘Don’t do anything while I am out. I will know if you touch yourself and you will regret it doll’‘.
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