innerenthusiastpost · 4 years
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innerenthusiastpost · 4 years
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innerenthusiastpost · 4 years
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innerenthusiastpost · 4 years
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Calculation of the Potential to Cause Pipe Corrosion of Available Freshwater in the Shallow Aquifer Water Resource in San Narciso, Zambales, Region 2 of the Philippines 
Jayvee Villagracia1, Gerna Manatad2, Plormelinda Olet3, Ralph Lago4, Raymond Sucgang*5
1.Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
2.Department of Health (DOH)
3.National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA)
4. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)
5. Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), Diliman, Quezon City
The study aimed to determine the scaling potential of groundwater in San Narciso. Zambales using the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI).  Groundwater samples from deep wells, hand pumps and dug wells were collected within the study area (Barangays Grullo, La Paz, Dalipawen, Paite, Siminublan, and Manatakan). LSI of groundwater from La Paz ranged between -1.0 -0.3 suggesting that waters were seriously corrosive. LSI in Paite was 0.0 but pitting corrosion was possible. Grullo waters have LSI between 0.1 to 0.3 and is scale forming and corrosive. Dalipawen, Siminublan, and Manatakan have LSI from 0.4 -0.0 and waters were slightly corrosive but not scale forming. LSI is based on the carbonate equilibrium in water. LSI was calculated using the formula: LSI = pH- pHs; where pHs is the saturation pH. The elements that are important for the carbonate equilibrium are gaseous carbon dioxide CO2, aqueous carbon dioxide (CO2)aq, carbonic acid H2CO3, bicarbonate HCO3-, carbonate CO32- and solids containing carbonate like calcium carbonate CaCO3 or magnesium carbonate MgCO3. It was concluded that groundwater in San Narciso, Zambales was generally slightly corrosive and scale forming. The baseline data from the study will be useful to water resources managers.
 Keywords: Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), groundwater, corrosion, pH, carbonate
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innerenthusiastpost · 4 years
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Evaluation of Efficiency of Commercial Hand Sanitizers/Disinfectants in the Philippines to Reduce Skin Microbial Contamination
Raymond  Sucgang1,2,3, Esperanza Moya2, Maricar Ching2, Gerna Manatad3, Plormelinda Olet3, Jayvee Villagracia3, Ralph Lago3
1R.J. Sucgang Center for Research in the Natural Sciences, Napti, Batan, Aklan
2Centro Escolar University, Mendiola, Manila
3MMC-14 Anluwage, Development Academy of the Philippines
Hand sanitation is very crucial in the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases. Hand sanitizers may help reduce the bioburden of microbes on the skin.  Although hand sanitizers have been shown to be as effective as hand washing in reducing bacterial load, not all hand sanitizers have the same capability to kill / eradicate the growth of different microorganisms. This study evaluated the efficacy of commercially available disinfectant hand sanitizers in the reduction of the bioburden of bacterial hand contamination in twelve (12) volunteer participants. The products tested were:  (1.) ethyl alcohol-based hand gel sanitizers, (2.) isopropyl  alcohol-based hand gel sanitizers, (3.) water-benzalkonium chloride hand sanitizers, and (4.) 2-propanol-benzalkonium chloride disinfectants, that were all accessible in supermarkets. Samples were picked from various retail outlets. Forty-five healthy volunteers participated in the study: 12 for efficacy and 33 for organoleptic studies. The initial procedure required the evaluators to systematically wash their hands with soap and water and air drying. This was followed by contaminating the right and left palms with 5 mL each of  homogenized filthy river water  suspension . The left palm was rinsed with 10 mL sterile distilled water and air dried. The right palm was sanitized with 10 mL of the test disinfectant solution and air dried. Swabs were taken from the palms of the participants after the procedures. The swab obtained from the left palm served as control, while the swab taken from the right palm served as the test sample. The experiment was repeated four more times per participant, and each repetition used a different test sample until all the four types of hand sanitizers were tried out. The numbers of viable bacterial microbes present after application on each palm were used to calculate the efficacy of the hand rub. Efficiency was calculated by comparing the viable microbial load in the left palm (control) versus the microbial load in the right palm (test setup).  Disinfectants with the ability to reduce the microbial load by 50% (equivalent to Log reduction below 3) were considered effective. For the Total Plate Count (TPC) determination, the conventional pour plate technique as described by ISO Method 4833 was followed. The collected swab samples were inoculated into 5 ml of nutrient broth in test tubes followed by serial dilution until 10-3 dilution of each sample. A 0.1 ml of the last dilution was poured into sterile Petri dishes. To each of this broth culture dilution, sterile nutrient agar was dispensed. The agar was allowed to solidify, after thoroughly mixing the poured solution with the agar. Total Plate Counts expressed as colony forming units per mL(cfu/ml), were determined after incubation at 30°C for 72 h. Average TPC was reported per test setup. Results of the study showed that ethyl alcohol sanitizers reduced the microbial load by 43% while the isopropyl alcohol sanitizers reduced the microbial load by 35%. The benzalkonium chloride-based solutions reduced the bacterial load more significantly. Benzalkonium chloride in water sanitizers reduced microbial load to as much as 92% while the benzalkonium chloride in 2-propanol disinfectant solution completely eliminated the microbes ( TPC=0). The antimicrobial potency of commercially available hand sanitizers were revealed in this study. The organoleptic study involved 33 trained evaluators. The participants were asked to apply one of each kind of the test sanitizers daily on their hands for ten times per day for a period of 5 days. Rating scales which included rheology, greasiness, and skin irritability of the test sanitizers were collected at the end of each week. The hand sanitizer samples were tested one at a time per week using a randomized block design program. The preference for gel sanitizers instead of the water based solutions were demonstrated in the results. Alcogels with moisturizers and which were less greasy were the most preferred hand sanitizers by the respondents. 
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innerenthusiastpost · 5 years
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       Development and Applications of Isotope-based Methodologies for Authenticity Testing of Major Condiments (Vinegar, Soy Sauce, and Catsup).
The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST- PNRI) conducted a study employing nuclear analytical and isotope techniques to authenticate and detect adulteration in Vinegar, catsup, fish sauce and soy sauce.  Methods based on: (1.)  radiocarbon assay to detect synthetic acetic acid in vinegar, (2.) stable isotope techniques to authenticate botanical origin and method of production of vinegar, and (3.) stable isotope techniques to differentiate between fermented and acid hydrolysed soy sauce were developed and optimize. Development and optimization of methods for authenticity testing of fish sauce and catsup is underway.   
R & D Output:  
Policy brief-- submitted to the FDA to  create the Vinegar Standard of the Philippines. A copy of the proposed standard was also submitted. In the proposed standard, the isotope techniques are included as quality acceptance parameters (mandatory parameters).  The PNRI study showed that the presently accepted procedure for adulteration testing (A.O.A.C procedure for Permanganate Oxidation Number, P.O.N) was not able to detect as many adulterated samples as the nuclear-based techniques. Being a more reliable technique a policy recommendation was sent to the Food and Drug Administration to supplant the P.O.N. method with the nuclear-based method developed by PNRI.   
The lack of national standard prescribing accurate and reliable methods to verify authenticity, quality, and safety of vinegar, has caused it to become targets of fraudulent adulteration. Since these synthetic brands do not allow competition to the biogenic (real) vinegar brands in terms of the price, great losses would have been suffered by the real vinegar manufacturers if the testing relied only on the conventional P.O.N. method.
PNRI developed a credible methodology for authentication of vinegar using isotope-based techniques. The methods developed were based on the radioactivity of carbon (Radioacarbon assay) and stable isotope analysis. Radioacrbon assay of the vinegar available in the market revealed rampart adulteration (70% of the available brands in the major supermarkets) all over the Philippines. Stable carbon abundance analyses allowed the discrimination between cane vinegar, coconut vinegar, pineapple vinegar, etc.  PNRI, however has to request concerned regulatory agencies to approve and implement a proposed Vinegar Standard of the Philippines which shall include the developed procedure as a compliance parameter.
A consultative working group (CWG), was organized from a pool of resource persons drawn from all walks of life: vinegar manufacturers, retailers, scientists, teachers, Department of Science and Technology personnel, microfinance business operators, media, representatives from the church and Moslem communities, restaurateurs, students, youth, importer of acetic acid, fermenters, consumer groups, etc.
The output of the CWG was a draft of a Standard that included the PNRI-developed 14C radioassay among the mandatory parameters for vinegar testing. A Policy recommendation and a copy of the Standard were submitted to the regulatory agencies: Food and Drug Administration (FDA),  Notarized commitment letters were successfully solicited from major producers, pledging a halt to the use of glacial acetic acid in vinegar production. 
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innerenthusiastpost · 5 years
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Applying Nuclear Techniques in the Attenuation of Flood and Natural Disaster-Borne Contamination
The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology with support from the  International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). helped assess the changes in circulation, dynamics and quality of groundwater in Tacloban City and helped to evaluate and monitor the natural attenuation of the pollution brought about by Typhoon Haian/Yolanda. Thiry two (32) monitoring stations for groundwater were setup  and used for both conventional and nuclear techniques in the characterization of the water. It was found that in the city’s groundwater, sodium chloride, and nitrate were below the Philippine Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW 2017 version) – thus, seawater did not enter the aquifer and the biological/biomass contamination are being naturally decontaminated. These potential contaminants probably decayed before they could get to the groundwater. It was also found that the isotopic composition of the water in the aquifer is close to that of today’s rainwater – which meant that the city’s water supply was not in danger of disappearing. However, the wells in the relocation site of more than 2000 people were unfit for drinking, with spikes of arsenic and other pollutants. A database for these hydrological data is now available.
Mr Wilfren Clutario, a PNRI collaborator from Tacloban was also able to conduct  a study using  Asian Green Mussels (Perna viridis)  used as bioindicators of pollution using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in the coastal ecosystems of Tacloban City
During the fieldwork in 2018, 21 locations were visited, primarily new  settlements and Mactan Rock pumping stations. The sampling was conducted  following three major objectives:
1.         Water quality at Mactan  Rock pumping stations to evaluate potential changes in comparison to 2015  (P07 and P08C); additional sampling points at the recharge area (N9C), and  the Mactan Rock surface water intake (P12C)
2.         Drainage water intake  from shallow groundwater in creek beds: P15C, P27C, P3C (potential sites),  N62 (under construction), P1C, P2C (small drainage intake at St Helena)
3.         Baseline data for  shallow water at the new settlements: N2A, N3A (Sofia), N1, P4C, P16C, P16C,  P14C, P17C, N27, N4, N5, N6, P5C (sea water)
Groundwater in Tacloban is extracted for drinking in only one location.  Mactan Rock, a private company operates two pumping stations (P08 and P09) at  this location. This water is used to supply a number of new settlements by  trucks that deliver water to local cisterns in the villages. Therefore, these  two pumping stations are a valuable resource and are very important locally.  The parameters of the water collected from the pumping stations in 2015 are  not a subject of direct concern. However, the preliminary sampling from 2015  reveals potentially worrisome indicators. Water at P08 and P09 has a minor  addition of saline water , which potentially could be  associated with intrusion of saline water from the deeper aquifer. Further  study and monitoring of the pumping stations are suggested. If the values and  parameters observed in 2015 remain constant, these could be the usual  characteristics of water at this location. However, if the parameters show  changes over time that suggest an increase in salinity, this could  potentially be associated with an intrusion of saline water, that can be  potentially very serious problem for future exploration of this used aquifer.  A saline water intrusion could possibly be triggered by over-pumping, and if  this is the case, then limits on extracted water volumes would need to be  considered. If the use of groundwater is contemplated in the future, water  recharge zone protection needs to be considered, especially at the Mactan  Rock pumping stations (P07 and P08) and upstream sections of the drainage  water intakes at N62 (under construction) and P2C (a small drainage intake at  St Helena)
The direct influence of flooding associated with Typhoon Yolanda on  groundwater quality is rather a minor issue with a limited impact and extent.  The potentially impacted areas are located in the center of Tacloban, which  does not have a central sewage system. Therefore, groundwater quality at  these locations, even prior to the typhoon, was likely low. Groundwater in  Tacloban is not used for drinking, and the city is supplied by the water  supply network run by a water company (Leyte Metropolitan Water District,  LMWD) using a surface water reservoir located 20 km from Tacloban. This  reservoir was not impacted by the typhoon. More important are indirect  impacts of the typhoon on: (i) city cleanup required quick extension of a  dump site at Santo Niño without proper isolation; and (ii) destruction of  many houses in low income area required construction of the new settlements/villages  for people relocated from Tacloban. These villages are located in the areas  where the local water supply was not secured and water is delivered by  trucks.
Shallow groundwater from the first level (usually <3–10m) in the  Tacloban area and in the new settlements is primarily used for washing and  other sanitary purposes. The local users are fully aware that the local  shallow groundwater is not potable. The major concern is contamination by  wastewater from leaking septic tanks and from direct discharge from  households that do not have septic tanks. In some locations, elevated heavy  metal concentrations have been observed. Since groundwater is not used for  drinking, its low quality is a secondary issue. In the new settlements, the  major problem is a lack of a constant water supply, potential sanitation  problems of the water tanks used, and a need to rely on bottled water.
Not only fresh water resources were investigated; the marine  environment was also covered by the study. Increased levels of nutrients in these  aquatic environments cause eutrophication of coastal waters. For the purpose  of monitoring coastal waters, classical or traditional approaches were used  in conjunction with isotope techniques to obtain an idea about the current  status or condition of that particular area. Employing stable isotope  techniques as an additional monitoring method expounded environmental data by  giving possible pollution sources, which may be used for pollution source  management.
By using sessile, hardy invertebrates such as primary consumers  represented by mussels, it became possible to spatially assess the extent of  anthropological impact for selected coastal marine area. The study provided  initial baseline data for the reconstruction of food webs in the coastal  marine ecosystems of Tacloban City. Terrestrial inputs in the pollutant  source apportionment of selected areas were proven by the study. Asian Green  Mussels (Perna viridis)  were used as  bioindicators of pollution using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope  ratios  in the coastal ecosystems of  Tacloban City.  The investigation also  measured the nutrient loading of the different sites in terms of: NO3−, NO2−,  NH4+, Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN); drew correlations between the measured  isotope ratio values with the measured nutrient loading; and determined the  spatial variability of the bivalve isotope ratios, and mapped the extents of  terrestrial and typhoon borne contamination in the area with the infromation  obtained from the bivalves.
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innerenthusiastpost · 5 years
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Application of Isotope Techniques in the Assessment of Available Freshwater in the Shallow Aquifer Water Resource  in San Narciso, Zambales, Region 2 of the Philippines  
by Ralph Lago1, Gerna Manatad2, Plormelinda Olet3,  Raymond Sucgang4, Jayvee Villagracia5 The application of isotope techniques in assessment of available freshwater resources in the shallow aquifer of San Narciso, Zambales was found to be practical and useful in the formulation of policies and in providing the scientific data for incorporation in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the province. Five scholars from the Middle Managers Class Batch 14 of the Development Academy of the Philippines  conducted a hydrological study in the Zambales basin. The study aims to determine the rate and mechanism of recharge, determine the vulnerability of the aquifer to pollution and establish base line data on the water quality parameters set forth by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW). Groundwater samples from deep wells, hand pumps and dug wells, and river water were collected within the study area from July 5, 2017 to July 7, 2017. At least 72% of the shallow wells in San Narciso were found to have total coliform plate counts of more than 1.1 MPN/100 mL. Wells in Siminublan showed iron (Fe) concentrations ranging from 3.2 ±0.2 ppm to 5.4±0.2 ppm which exceeded the limits set forth by the PNSDW. Organic Chemical Constituents (pesticides) of 2.0 ± 0.1 was observed in a well in Grullo (51 masl) Samples were analyzed for stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) using Laser Water Isotope Analyzer. In addition, estimation of mean residence time or groundwater age were done on some wells in Paite, La Paz, Dalipawen, Grullo, Siminublan, and Manatakan, using tritium-helium dating technique. Stable isotope values of groundwater from shallow and deep wells in the La Paz, Paite, Dalipawen, Siminublan, Grullo, and Manatakan laid within the Global meteoric water line (GMWL) and the Philippine meteoric water line (PMWL) which indicate that majority of the aquifers were being recharged locally by rain water. Water samples from shallow wells in La Paz were relatively more isotopically enriched as compared to majority of the wells. Chemical analysis of groundwater in San Narciso indicate a Ca-Mg-HCO3 water type which is a typical characteristic of groundwater with short mean residence time. The major source of active recharge to the San Narciso basin is rainfall. Recharge or infiltration of modern water to the groundwater happens mostly during the months of July to August, during the months of high waterlogging. Keywords: Water Resources Region 2, water stable isotopes, groundwater, mean residence time, groundwater age, groundwater chemistry, recharge, aquifer 1. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). 2. Department of Health (DOH) 3. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) 4. Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) 5. Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
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innerenthusiastpost · 5 years
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Many cosmetics and skin care products contain waxes and esters  as raw materials. Waxes and esters  which are directly derived from nature are believed to have more attraction to the skin, and  are the more preferred cosmetic raw materials. In this study samples of jojoba ester, carnauba, beeswax, paraffin wax and silicone wax,  lanolin, ethylhexyl palmitate, behenyl dimethicone, were analysed for  Carbon -14 (14C) activities and Carbon-13 abundance (δ13C) to determine botanical or synthetic origin. The tandem use of Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry can be used to generate reliable data which can give the origin of the waxes and esters samples.
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innerenthusiastpost · 5 years
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A study conducted by the Philippine Nuclear  Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines, sought to determine the sources of nutrients responsible for the cyanobacteria blooms during Summer months in the neritic zone of Boracay Island. The study showed the critical areas in Boracay island which were contaminated by coliform and cyanobacteria/ blue green algae mats. Stable isotope of C, H, O, N in sea water, biota and sediments were used to determine the sources of nutrients that feed the algae and coliform. The distribution of tritium was used to detect the discharges of submarine ground water and septic system water to the intertidal zone. Elemental composition of the sediments and coral was used to determine the sources and raw materials for white sand production. Point sources of infiltrating plumes were exposed by tritium and 18O anomalies in the sea water. Corals and algae that have assimilated undeclared septic system discharges by hotels and households and inorganic fertilizer from land based runoffs were exposed in the study. Intervalic spikes of lead, chromium and zinc were detected in the white sand. The results provided valuable data in the clean up measures of the island during the 6-month closure period in 2017
Contributions to nutrient loading of submarine ground water discharges (SGD), surface runoffs and sewage system discharges, during pre and post monsoon seasons in Boracay were established using six lines of evidences:  tritium, Oxygen 18, Nitrogen 15, Carbon 13, elemental composition, and microbial load, in sea water, ground water, biota, flood water, and raw sewage/septic samples. The whimsical local belief on the alleged contribution of cyanobacteria/algae to white sand production has caused apathy to the eminent nutrient releases which were ascertained to fertilize the algae/cyanobacteria in the beach zone. Algae/cyanobacteria samples showed isotope compositions that were very close to those of raw sewage and sewer pipe water in terms of δ13C and δ15N. Stable isotope and geochemical data were also used to trace the fates of pollutants and monitor natural attenuation of nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, etc. Results of the study provide scientific bases for precision policy- making and management of the fragile ecosystem.
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innerenthusiastpost · 5 years
The application of isotope and geochemical techniques to reveal contributions of submarine groundwater and septic systems discharges to algal bloom in Boracay Island
A study conducted by the Philippine Nuclear  Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines, sought to determine the sources of nutrients responsible for the cyanobacteria blooms during Summer months in the neritic zone of Boracay Island. The study showed the critical areas in Boracay island which were contaminated by coliform and cyanobacteria/ blue green algae mats. Stable isotope of C, H, O, N in sea water, biota and sediments were used to determine the sources of nutrients that feed the algae and coliform. The distribution of tritium was used to detect the discharges of submarine ground water and septic system water to the intertidal zone. Elemental composition of the sediments and coral was used to determine the sources and raw materials for white sand production. Point sources of infiltrating plumes were exposed by tritium and 18O anomalies in the sea water. Corals and algae that have assimilated undeclared septic system discharges by hotels and households and inorganic fertilizer from land based runoffs were exposed in the study. Intervalic spikes of lead, chromium and zinc were detected in the white sand. The results provided valuable data in the clean up measures of the island during the 6-month closure period in 2017
Contributions to nutrient loading of submarine ground water discharges (SGD), surface runoffs and sewage system discharges, during pre and post monsoon seasons in Boracay were established using six lines of evidences:  tritium, Oxygen 18, Nitrogen 15, Carbon 13, elemental composition, and microbial load, in sea water, ground water, biota, flood water, and raw sewage/septic samples. The whimsical local belief on the alleged contribution of cyanobacteria/algae to white sand production has caused apathy to the eminent nutrient releases which were ascertained to fertilize the algae/cyanobacteria in the beach zone. Algae/cyanobacteria samples showed isotope compositions that were very close to those of raw sewage and sewer pipe water in terms of δ13C and δ15N. Stable isotope and geochemical data were also used to trace the fates of pollutants and monitor natural attenuation of nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, etc. Results of the study provide scientific bases for precision policy- making and management of the fragile ecosystem.
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