inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Episode 2: False Freedom
Episode 2: False Freedom
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Learn how to get out of the trap of False Freedom and learn how to follow your own unique path. https://anchor.fm/jeanette-zoltowski/episodes/Learn-how-to-get-out-of-the-trap-of-False-Freedom-and-learn-how-to-follow-your-own-unique-path-e391qc
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
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Own Your Engagement Catch yourself being an actively disengaged employee​ What does this look like?​ Talking negatively about the department to others ​
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
New instagram!
Hey guys – just wanted to share I did a branding session today and with my new pics I started a new Instagram – @theinspirationalnurse please come and follow and support the inspiration nation movement! Spread the love, spread the positivity and support a nurse on a journey to inspire anyone she can!
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Inspiration Nation Podcast
I just published the first episode of my new podcast! Listen to INSPIRATION NATION! on Anchor https://anchor.fm/jeanette-zoltowski/episodes/Inspiration-Nations-first-podcast-episode–Three-things-to-stop-doing-and-start-doing-now-e34j8l
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Grad Level Nursing Research: An Attempt at Understanding
Grad Level Nursing Research: An Attempt at Understanding
Concepts are abstract ideas that are not yet measurable within the research problem (Gray, Grove, & Sutherland, 2017).
A higher level of defining a concept, even more abstract than a construct and have general meanings (Gray, Grove, & Sutherland, 2017).
Conceptual definition
A conceptual definition is a way of defining a concept in an understandable way but not a measurable…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
On Monday Night, I Wrote and Published My First Book
On Monday Night, I Wrote and Published My First Book
I have known I was going to write inspirational books since I was 13 years old, because of how dramatically they helped me get through the most difficult of times. Well I finally decided to just go for it – I strung together a few blog posts, filled in here and there and actually spat out a 23 page book called “The Inspirational Life”. I’m sure it sucks in many ways, but done is better than…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Leadership Self-Development Plan
Leadership Self-development Plan
Throughout this course we have studied many different aspects of leadership and the skills necessary to thrive as a leader in a rapidly changing healthcare environment.  Many aspects of leadership have been studied over the past few months, ranging from the C-suite (chief executive suite) to the nurse as a leader.  The most important study of all is the…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Patients come and go - it’s who you work with that makes all the difference
Patients come and go – it’s who you work with that makes all the difference
I had the most incredible day today. I started out my day with the intention of smiling at everyone I passed, searching out opportunities to encourage and engage, and the mission to learn something new about someone I worked with.
And Did God deliver! What an amazing day with some of the funniest, most intelligent people I’ve come to know. When God gives you those blessings of having a “slower”…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
How to become a High-Performing and Effective Team
Team Effectiveness Paper
                                             Selected Model Alignment
Selected Team Effectiveness Model
The Hackman Model of Team Effectiveness presents five concomitant conditions within its framework, including; being a real team with clear boundaries and a stable membership, having a compelling direction with clearly defined goals that each member is motivated to…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
False Freedom
We are encouraged to “be yourself!” from early childhood whilst also being taught to conform to ‘normal’ societal standards. We are sold a false bill of freedom and I’m not buying it.
“Go for your dreams!” (As long as your dreams don’t make me feel like I’m not living up to my potential.)
“Go with your gut, follow your heart, be courageous and make things happen!” (But don’t make me too…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Emergency Nurses Week! Day 2
Emergency Nurses Week! Day 2
A huge issue in nursing at this time is nurse engagement and nurse burnout.  Day two of Emergency Nurses Week and the theme is “#EmpowerED.”  Giving nurses autonomy and empowering the nurse at the frontlines is a necessary piece of burnout prevention.  I came across this article and I am enthralled with the data and want to give it our enterprise leader in person!  Nurse engagement is so crucial…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Emergency Nurses Week! Day 1
Emergency Nurses Week! Day 1
It is so easy to point at “the leader,” the ones above us as responsible for bringing necessary changes.  As nurses we are stewards of our profession and although it is not something we are accustomed to or something many of us would feel comfortable doing, we are the ones that must advocate for ourselves, our patients and our work environments.  Today is day one of emergency nurses week and as…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Transformational Leadership
A transformational leader needs your buy-in in order for the enterprise to be successful, which he or she achieves by casting a realistic and exciting vision for followers (Healey, 2018).  Notonly do you need to trust the vision of your enterprise leader but you need to know that you are valued as an employee and that your personal development is important to your leader and by feeling personally…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
Employee Engagement
Own it. Don’t blame your workplace or boss or coworkers, take a long hard look at yourself and figure out ways to get your mind engaged someway, somehow. Or your soul with surely shrivel up and die in a cubicle somewhere. Don’t expect to be engaged, engage yourself somehow and transfer that energy onto everyone you come across in your workplace.
Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate and say it,…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
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Depression Does Not Discriminate Mental illness does not see color or race; it does not see the zeros in your bank account or the likes on your social media posts.  
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
The Blessing of Dementia
I stood across the room from my father in awe and wonder. I watched from the kitchen as he was being interviewed by his long term care insurance’s nurse to see if he qualified as ‘bad enough’ to get full time residential care paid for by their company.
As she interviewed him I couldn’t believe my ears as I listened to a man who never talked spit out story after story to this very gracious and…
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inspirationalnurse · 6 years
The Struggle is Real
While this may have started as a catchy tag line to complain, nothing rings more true to me right now.
What is supposed to be a joyful time, welcoming a new baby girl into our family – has been overshadowed by my father’s early onset Dementia and my mother’s inability to handle this alone.
I pictured them soon to be retired, finally enjoying all they’ve worked for but instead my mother works…
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