ioi-burnbook 3 months
https://prnt.sc/28U4ReCIL3v5 well then.
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Syrenamoon openly abuses her animals she say she see them as her children but if they were children she be in prison for child abuse
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Syrenamoon threatened to beat an anonymous blogger for pointing out that Syrenamoon is an animal abuser
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Burn book entry : Oh yes take down one blog and five more will pops up don鈥檛 you worry
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
https://prnt.sc/y1qqAbsk6iRf thanks for exposing yourself kai.
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
is it considered theft or ripping off other creators if one creator makes mostly all their products derivable(and costly $$$$) but none of them are original meshes? https://www.imvu.com/shop/web_search.php?manufacturers_id=363886421
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
https://prnt.sc/qeQtG395Pd9Z i wouldn't put "able to" anywhere online bc the government that sends me money would stop sending it if they found out im able! https://prnt.sc/JXmWgMdqKpUe
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
"Kaitlyn" is an insult word. If somebody called you that, they're basically saying you're a crazy overweight bitch like Tiffani Rose McDowell is.
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
@kaitheidiot @realskyrimsimmer He'll never delete the blog he made to post hate on himself with pity attempts at gaining people on his side. He'll say someone else owns it but that's a lie with the words on that blog. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar do not tell lies. They have similarities that only the two could share. They are one and the same. Pity he has to be so petty.
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Fae says Dareka wasn鈥檛 R worded
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Fae cheated on her guy all the time on imvu
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
when a name is unsettling but you choose to use it for 3 out of your 9 in-use accounts:
7bellarose7 faewynwintersol 7his.elysia7 faethyukimura princessroseuchiyama saphiraamaranthus matthewsgurl4ever08 o7.faye.7o o7lexibunneh7o
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Tiffani Rose McDowell said "Impersonation is actually a federal crime" https://prnt.sc/H7W5YHDG-o7v https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter43&edition=prelim https://monolith.law/en/internet/twitter-impersonation-what-sin https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1470-false-personation-elements-offenses https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-impersonation-rule-goes-effect-today Now you know it is a federal crime to impersonate a U.S citizen and it is a federal crime to impersonate law enforcement. In general, Tiffani made a statement, a rather general statement. Tiffani, your situation has more to do with defamation laws than impersonation laws. Nobody wants to be you or impersonate you, and you're absolutely deluded for thinking otherwise. However, it can't always be defamation when it's TRUE.
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Ciel can stop causing drama on yamomsfag already.
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
https://www.tumblr.com/official-burnbook/707431930510098432/usage-notes-in-modern-standard-spelling-dispell?source=share it's the wrong link but tiffani or whatever she's going by these days, if she hadn't tried to force one of the mods to prove existence, blog probably would be active with all kinds of drama. she has a boyfriend, right? but it's still sexual harassment to try to force a man into showing himself to prove that 1 he's a biological man and 2 that he is a real person. She'll deny it until she dies but the blog mentions only 3 people have seen it for 'evidence/proof' Sus behavior from Tiffani and I miss that blog, it was the Charlotte Dobre of Tumblr.
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
I don't feel bad for Kai, Kai defended Tiffani, and Kai gets what Kai deserves. You lay down with rats, and you'll end up with rabies.
Kai defended Tiffani's behavior this whole time. They were friends in the beginning a long time ago and have been on/off friends ever since. Do you honestly trust those fools with your taco or hotdog?
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ioi-burnbook 3 months
Not Kai and Tiffani stalking the #imvu tag and going out of their way to accuse all new and old/or dead blogs.
Not Kai blocking all those blogs, but not before giving them to Tiffani. Not Tiffani and Kai who had been friends first in the very beginning for years. Not Kai and Tiffani who look out for each other despite claiming they don't care for each other much.
Forget everyone else, that's the most toxic duo in IMVU.
Kai and Tiffani. Oh, the VILE things they have done together.
@l3tterstojuliet @roselaven @realskyrimsimmer
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