is-this-dog-video-cute 4 months
Thank you to everyone who gave tips here btw !! I appreciate it a lot.
Does anyone have any tips for getting family members to stop feeding the foxes around our home. It's gotten to a point where a young fox keeps turning up at our garden door window and waits to be fed. No fear of people.
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is-this-dog-video-cute 6 months
how bad is it for dogs to go to Concerts? I really like a small musician named rafffaella but she takes her small dog to her concerts and other concerts a lot ive noticed :/ i feel like it's probably bad for the dog (it doesnt wear headphones or anything) but i don't know a lot. and i don't want to support someone if they're abusing their animal in any way
I wouldn't recommended bring a dog to a concert ( especially not without ear protection) it's not going to be an enjoyable experience for them . It is too loud, too busy and all together not an environment for pets.
additional note: I am not speaking about service animals , I would love to hear someone with more knowledge about is it's okay for service animals to enter these experiences/what precautions are taken to protect them as they work.
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is-this-dog-video-cute 6 months
Hey are you still doing video reviews? Is so could you look at this one? https://x.com/amazlngnature/status/1723630461597982875?s=46
It鈥檚 a dog dressed up as and pretending to be a windup elephant and some people in the comments were saying the dog is not comfortable but idk
Im leaning towards cute but I don't have enough info. The dog has it's head covered and I can't make out any clear indicators of stress. If it's a well made dog costume that the dog can breathe and see through and they have been trained to wear it and not panic than it could definitely be a cute video but I dont have all the information I would need to make a call
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is-this-dog-video-cute 6 months
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Is this image of me and my oupyy cute?
Very cute
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is-this-dog-video-cute 6 months
Learning anything about marine mammal training will make you re-evaluate so much of your relationship with your own pets. There is so much force involved in the way we handle domestic animals. Most of it isn鈥檛 even intentional, it just stems from impatience. I鈥檓 guilty of it myself!
But with the exception of certain veterinary settings where the animal鈥檚 health is the immediate priority, why is it so important to us that animals do exactly what we want exactly when we want it? Why do we have to invent all these tools and contraptions to force them to behave?
When a whale swam away from a session, that was that. The trainer just waited for them to decide to come back. If they flat out refused to participate in behaviors, they still got their allotment of fish. Nothing bad happened. Not even when 20-30 people were assembled for a procedure, and the whale chose not to enter the medical pool. No big deal. Their choice and comfort were prioritized over human convenience.
It鈥檚 almost shocking to return to domestic animal medicine afterwards and watch owners use shock collars and chokers and whips to control their animals. It鈥檚 no wonder that positive reinforcement was pioneered by marine mammal trainers. When you literally can鈥檛 force an animal to do what you want, it changes your entire perspective.
I want to see that mindset extended to our domestic animals.
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is-this-dog-video-cute 7 months
In the most recent post rating, isn't that an Aussie?
yep! I didn't look close enough and totally got it wrong. The video is still cute!
thanks for letting me know!
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is-this-dog-video-cute 7 months
this is fantastic enrichment for an Aussie!
EDIT: I got the breed wrong by mistake!
Speedy boi
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is-this-dog-video-cute 9 months
Does anyone have any tips for getting family members to stop feeding the foxes around our home. It's gotten to a point where a young fox keeps turning up at our garden door window and waits to be fed. No fear of people.
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is-this-dog-video-cute 11 months
Happy Halloween,!
I wish you all the best this holiday!
Keep in mind that fireworks , flashing lights/loud noises and other Halloween activities can cause stress AND distress for you pets so keep them indoors where possible (in a quiet room)
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is-this-dog-video-cute 11 months
outdoor cats should be illegal. I don't care that it's gonna make it impossible for some people to have cats, I don't care that it would make more cats have to be put down because they can't be kept indoors. No, barn cats aren't a valid excuse. Barn cats are useless, get a damn ratting dog it won't give your livestock diseases or shit in their feed like barn cats do. I don't give a shit that your cat tears the house up if you keep it inside, maybe you should actually care for your cat and not expect all it's enrichment to come from being tossed outdoors. Stop making up excuses for neglecting cats.
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is-this-dog-video-cute 11 months
Hello everyone!
With the rise in discussion surrounding pitbulls and bullies in general, please be cautious of who you are listening to.
A lot of the issues being discussed are huge problems that need to be dealt with however misinformation and fear mongering will always be present in discussions surrounding these dogs .
Always check your sources ( even me !)
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Hello! I was going through your blog and I read a post where you list licking and having the ears back as dog body language that means they aren't happy could you elaborate more? I have a yorkshire that lick everything and puts her ear back when she seems happy
When looking at dog behaviour you have to look for clusters of behaviours and use alot of situational information. So while yes in some contexts licking and ears back is negative it isn't always! The same way people can laugh when uncomfortable but also when they're happy , dogs can use the same signals for several different things. If your dog is displaying 'negative' body language but overall seems to be happy or content then in most cases it's just a misinterpretation of something on the human side.
However! That doesn't mean to dismiss your dogs behaviour, if your pet seems uncomfortable, anxious or ill it's best to look at environmental stressors and always ask a vet or trained animal behaviourist if your pet seems distressed.
Thanks for the ask!
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I just saw a video of a dog eating a pup cup and now I鈥檓 wondering if pup cups are actually good for dogs. I can鈥檛 imagine they give any nutritional value, but they also can鈥檛 be too dangerous because multiple fast-food restaurants do it and that would probably be called out if it were. So, what鈥檚 your opinion on pup cups? Acceptable as a treat or something to be avoided?
Pup cups ( going off what I can find so please forgive me if it isn't correct - not American) are just spray cream. So while no they are not healthy for a dog they aren't harmful and as long as it's fed in moderation all should be good. Lactose ( the enzyme found in milk) isn't digestible for dogs but the cream is nearly half air so it doesn't really cause any problems.
Thanks for the ask!
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Hello everyone!
I hope your days/nights are going well.
I'm hoping to get this blog back up and running, maybe even set a queue / get a second person in to help me tackle asks and submissions etc.
So here's to hoping 馃憤
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Not a request, just sending you a happy Basil boy at the park :)
This has made my day!!
Look how happy he is!!!
Thank you for the submission!
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The dog is fine. The 'dancing' is just it jumping on the glass and waking on its back paws.
However, due to the fact that this looks like a pet store of some kind I cannot say cute. While I am aware that many reputable breeders work alongside petstores to supply healthy animals I cannot in good faith rate what could be a puppy mill operation cute.
Thanks for the tag!
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