itsdentalhospgn · 2 years
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As rains bless the Earth, likewise, may Lord Ganesha bless you with never-ending happiness. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi . #ganeshji #ganeshchaturthi #ganesha #ganesh #festival #itsdentalhospital #dentalhospital #dentist #dental
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itsdentalhospgn · 4 years
Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. The constant search for obtaining that perfect smile has made cosmetic dentistry popular, Cosmetic dentistry is a method of professional oral care that focuses on improving the appearance of your mouth and  teeth and ensures that you get that billion dollar  smile. Most cosmetic dentistry procedures are usually elective, rather than essential. However a few of these treatments may provide benefits of restoration to the teeth as well.
Cosmetic dentistry can restore teeth that are missing, decayed or damaged and can also address concerns of stains and misshapen or mal-aligned teeth.
The major cosmetic dentistry treatments that you can choose from, are:
1.Tooth Whitening
Whitening (or bleaching) is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment. It is relatively inexpensive and uninvasive, thus making it a very attractive procedure. The best results are typically achieved through in-office professional whitening treatment.
The procedure starts with cleaning the teeth and removing any plaque or accumulated debris. A whitening agent is then brushed onto the teeth. In some cases a light for activation of the agent or a whitening tray may be used. The agent is allowed to act on the teeth for 30 minutes before being rinsed. The whitening agent will continue to brighten the shade of the teeth for 24 hours after application. Various preparations of home whiteners are also available that allow self administration, albeit after proper consultaion with your dentist.
Depending on the particular variety of teeth whitening treatment you opt for, you may be able to lighten teeth color by two to nine shades. Results are temporary and may last several months (depending on how well you care for your teeth).
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2. Veneers
Dental veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored porcelain or resin that cover the front surface of the teeth. This shell is fabricated to fit over a prepared tooth to correct worn enamel, uneven alignment/spacing, chips/cracks, and/or discoloration. Around half-millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface is removed, impressions may be taken and sent to the lab for veneer fabrication. These thin shells are then cemented onto the front of the teeth thus changing their color, shape, size, or length.
Veneers are especially useful for those for whom teeth whitening is not an option, either due to stubborn intrinsic tooth staining or other functional concerns. However, unlike whitening, veneer application is an invasive procedure that requires the permanent alteration of your natural teeth.
Traditional porcelain veneers last on average between 10 to 15 years and are often called “Hollywood teeth." 
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3.Invisible braces
To achieve that perfect smile, it is not only children and adolescents who turn to braces but also adults. Braces are not only for aesthetics. This dental procedure can correct misalignment causing pain like chronic headaches as well. For those looking for an orthodontic solution without a mouth full of wire and bracket braces, invisible braces may be a consideration. There are a number of invisible braces variants, including ceramic tooth-colored brackets, inside braces (placed on the back of teeth) or clear aligners such as invisalign. Invisalign braces are a great option for adults because no one can tell you’re wearing them! Though these invisible braces cost a significant amount more than the traditional ones, the benefits truly warrant the investment.
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4.Gingival Contouring
A common smile concern many people share is a  gummy smile, in which an excessive amount of gum tissue is exposed when smiling. Also called excessive gingival display, gummy smile is treatable in a variety of ways, including laser treatment, surgical lip repositioning, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery and gingival sculpting. Gingival contouring treatments often are performed by specialists such as periodontists, orthodontists or in some cases an oral surgeon.
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5. Dental Bonding
In dental bonding, a tooth-colored resin material is placed on the tooth and hardened with an ultraviolet or laser light, bonding the material to the tooth. The dentist then trims, shapes, and polishes it. Bonding can repair decayed, chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth; it is also a good cosmetic alternative to, or replacement for unaesthetic silver fillings. Bonding takes about 30 to 60 minutes. Though  not the most glamorous of the cosmetic dentistry treatments, bonding is nonetheless popular, much more so than some of the more elaborate procedures.
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Crowns are also known commonly as caps and are custom made to fit your entire tooth. It is an invasive procedure and requires the dentist to cut your tooth from all sides and reduce its size. They are usually made of acrylic, ceramic or porcelain that is fused over metal and are capable of withstanding biting pressure. Crowns can be used to treat teeth that are poorly shaped, badly decayed, broken, chipped, have had large fillings or to cover spaces between the teeth. The crown fits above the gum line and restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance.
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itsdentalhospgn · 4 years
Wisdom teeth are the teeth that grow at the very back of the mouth. These are also known as the third molars and come into the mouth between the ages of 17 and 25. There are a total of four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant of the mouth.
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Sometimes, there is not enough room in the mouth for these wisdom teeth to erupt into the right position. They might come out through the gums at an angle or only come through partially. This occurrence is called as impaction of wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth may lead to problems such as pain or infections. Some people may not have any wisdom teeth at all.
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 Problems due to impactions:
·         Pain- that could be localized to the area of the tooth or radiating to other areas of the head and neck.
·         Swelling
·         The impacted wisdom  may apply pressure on the adjacent tooth and cause cavities or resorption of the root.
·         Reduced mouth opening.
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·         Ensure that you take a suitable appointment and keep to it.
·         Eat a decent meal prior to the surgery, nothing too heavy. Don’t be on an empty stomach.
·         Discuss any medication you may be on with the surgeon so that they can plan / modify the treatment accordingly.
·         Ensure that the medications prescribed by the surgeon are taken prior to surgery.
·         Wisdom teeth extraction is an outpatient surgery, which means you arrive and leave the surgery center on the same day. 
·         The Dentist will take an X ray to determine the location of the wisdom tooth, whether it is angulated and its proximity to various vital structures in the jaw.
·         The Dental Surgeon will then administer local anaesthesia around the impacted wisdom tooth  to numb the area.
·         If the tooth hasn't erupted into the mouth or is partly covered by the gums, a small cut will be made through the gums to reach the tooth. In certain cases, a part of the bone covering the tooth may also have to be cut and removed.
·         As the dentist performs the procedure, a certain amount of pressure may be felt by you.
·         Stitches may be placed as required and if these are non resorbable, you will need to visit the surgeon after 7 days to get them removed.
·         The length of time it takes to remove a wisdom tooth depends on the tooth and the difficulty of the surgery.
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 Post surgery:
·         Sometimes, the surgery causes bruising, swelling, and pain, which will also require time to heal
·         Wisdom teeth recovery usually takes three to four days.
·         If your teeth were impacted, it could take as long as a week or two to heal.
·         Pain usually lasts from three days to one week
·         You may find difficulty in opening the mouth
·         Slight bruising of the cheeks and lips
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 Post surgical instructions:
·         The dentist will place a piece of cotton or gauze and ask you to bite on it. This can be removed 30-45 minutes after extraction.
·         Eat or drink cold foods and beverages throughout the day
·         Avoid any activity that applies pressure on the mouth, such as sucking, spitting, whistling, blowing a balloon, etc
·         Avoid  foods that can easily get into the sockets and in teeth and cause pain and damage to the healing wounds, like: Sticky candy Chewing gum Hard, crunchy food like chips, pretzels, nuts, and seeds and extremely hot food
·         Rinse your mouth with luke warm water in which salt has been added, 3-4 times a day after 24 hours of removal to speed up healing.
·         Eat the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
·         Gently open and close your mouth to exercise your jaw.
·         Avoid smoking and drinking for a few days after removal.
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 Follow up
·         Ensure that you visit the dentist for a follow up as and when scheduled so that the stitches (if any) can be removed and the healing process can be evaluated.
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itsdentalhospgn · 4 years
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ITS Dental Hospital Greater Noida
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
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Dental implants as we know them today were invented in 1952 by a Swedish orthopedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar Brånemark. Today, they are considered the standard of care for prosthetic replacement of missing teeth.
In dentistry, a dental implant is a surgical fixture that is placed into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the bone over the span of a few months. It acts as a replacement for the root of a missing tooth. In turn, this "artificial tooth root" serves to hold a replacement tooth.
Having a dental implant fused to the jawbone is the closest thing to mimicking a natural tooth because it stands on its own without affecting the nearby teeth and has great stability. Most dental implants are made of titanium, which allows them to integrate with bone.
Implants are a safe, well-established treatment. Much like natural teeth, implants will last for as long as you care for them.
How well you look after your implants, and whether you go for your regular maintenance appointments will have the biggest impact on how long they will last. If you don't look after your implants they will develop a coating similar to what you get on neglected natural teeth. Left untreated, this can lead to
Gum infection,
General discomfort, similar to what would occur with natural teeth.
The ideal candidate for a dental implant is in good general and oral health. Adequate bone in your jaw is needed to support the implant, and the best candidates have healthy gum tissues that are free of periodontal disease.
There are many advantages to dental implants, including:
Improved appearance. Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth. And because they are designed to fuse with bone, they become permanent.
Improved speech. With poor-fitting dentures, the teeth can slip within the mouth causing you to mumble or slur your words. Dental implants allow you to speak without the worry that teeth might slip.
Improved comfort. Because they become part of you, implants eliminate the discomfort of removable dentures.
Easier eating. Sliding dentures can make chewing difficult. Dental implants function like your own teeth, allowing you to eat your favorite foods with confidence and without pain.
Improved self-esteem. Dental implants can give you back your smile and help you feel better about yourself.
Improved oral health. Dental implants don't require reducing other teeth, as a tooth-supported bridge does. Because nearby teeth are not altered to support the implant Individual implants also allow easier access between teeth, improving oral hygiene.
Durability. Implants are very durable and will last many years. With good care, many implants last a lifetime.
Convenience. Removable dentures are just that; removable. Dental implants eliminate the embarrassing inconvenience of removing dentures, as well as the need for messy adhesives to keep them in place.
Replacing a Single Tooth
Replacing SeveralTeeth
Replacing All of Your Teeth                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HOW LONG DOES THE TREATMENT TAKE?
Some false teeth can now even be fitted at the same time as the implants (these are called ‘immediate implants').
Usually the false teeth are fitted 3 to 4 months after the implants are put in. Sometimes treatment takes longer and your dental team will be able to talk to you about your treatment time.
Your own teeth require conscientious at-home oral care and regular dental visits. Dental implants are like your own teeth and will require the same care. In order to keep your implant clean and plaque-free, brushing and flossing still apply!
Periodic follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your implant, teeth and gums to make sure they are healthy.
ITS Dental Hopital, Greater Noida has a dedicated implantology centre and highly trained doctors, skilled at placing implants. Visit us to know more!!
Sources: https://www.perio.org/consumer/dental-implants
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
Root Canal Treatment
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Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental treatment for removing infection from inside a tooth. It can also protect the tooth from future infections.
A "root canal" is not a treatment, but part of a tooth. It is the hollow section of a tooth that contains the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells, also known as the pulp.
A tooth consists of a crown and roots. The crown is mainly above the gum, while the roots are below it. The roots attach the tooth to the jawbone.
Inside the crown and the root, or the root canal, is the pulp. The pulp nourishes the tooth and provides moisture to the surrounding material. The nerves in the pulp sense hot and cold temperatures as pain.
The name of the dental procedure commonly referred to as a "root canal" is actually endodontic therapy, which means "inside the tooth."
However, the term "root canal" has come to be commonly used to talk about the procedure.
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What are the steps?
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
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Heartiest greetings to all on the auspicious of Lohri! May your lives be filled with the sweetness and warmth of this ebullient festival! #lohri #lohriparty #lohricelebration #dentist #bestdentalhospital #dental #dentalhospital #bestdentist #dentistry https://www.instagram.com/p/B7QFMIEBZep/?igshid=bmmh2kzmclv1
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
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A Ceremony is organized as a tradition every year at ITS Dental Hospital Greater Noida, to celebrate the occasion of felicitating staff for completing a valuable milestone in years of service and outstanding association with I.T.S Parivar. This time it was celebrated on 9th January 2020. The occasion was graced by the presence of our honorable Vice Chairman- Mr @sohilchadha who felicitated the awardees and acknowledged the work done by them during their association with the I.T.S Parivaar. Mr B.K. Arora (Secretary, I.T.S-The Education Group) congratulated the awardees and wished them luck for future endeavors. #happynewyear #newyear #celebration #2020 #fun #congratulations #ceremony #dentistry #dental #dentalhospital #dentist https://www.instagram.com/p/B7GyuaHBZ_c/?igshid=mcosscgkixw7
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
Root Canal Treatment for Cavity!
Do you have cavity problems? Are you wondering about the best treatment for the same? Our Chief Consultant Dr. Rohit Kocchar (ITS Dental Hospital Greater Noida) share the causes, symptoms and treatment for cavities including modern efficient treatments such as Single Sitting Root Canal Treatments.
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
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Laughing gas is actually nitrous oxide gas and is commonly denoted as N2O. It is a colourless, virtually odourless gas and has a very faint sweet smell.
In dentistry, it can be administered along with oxygen to reduce pain and anxiety. Nitrous oxide is effective as a sedative because it relaxes the patients with the pleasurable feelings it emits. Nitrous oxide's usefulness also stems from how quickly it works and that its effects are reversible
No. Nitrous oxide does not cause loss of consciousness. It is a popular method of conscious sedation.
Your dentist will place a mask covering your nose and ask you to breathe normally. You will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions the dentist may have. Within a few short minutes you should start to feel the effects of the nitrous oxide. You may feel light-headed or a tingling in your arms and legs. Some people say their arms and legs feel heavy. Ultimately, you should feel calm and comfortable. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off soon after the mask is removed.
Nitrous oxide is not only safe , it is in fact the preferred method used especially for anxious children. It allows the child to undergo the treatment in a better manner, ensures more co-operation and may also be associated with procedural amnesia, all allowing for a positive dental attitude to be inculcated in the child.
Only a minority of patients experience any negative side effects. They can occur if the nitrous level is too high or if the amount being inhaled quickly changes. Potential side effects are as follows:
Excessive sweating
Nausea and/or vomiting
Once the nitrous oxide has been turned off, a patient needs to receive oxygen for at least five minutes to avoid a headache or vomiting. The oxygen purges any remaining gas from the lungs while aiding the patient in becoming alert and awake.
Meals are another focus point when receiving nitrous oxide. It's a good idea to eat lightly prior to your procedure and avoid a big meal afterwards
Yes, please inform your dentist in the following scenarios:
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease),
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency
Cobalamin deficiency
If you are receiving treatment using bleomycin sulfate
Have a history of emotional issues or drug addiction
The Department of Pedodontics at ITS Dental Hospital, Greater Noida has a well setup conscious sedation facility and doctors trained specifically in the technique to treat your tiny tots in the best possible, anxiety free manner.
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
Ortho-Brace Yourself!
Only a few people are lucky to be born with perfect teeth, however that perfect, functional smile can be all yours, with a good orthodontist. Braces are devices used in Orthodontics that align and straighten teeth and help position them with regard to a person’s bite, while also aiming to improve dental health.
Here is a quick look at the different types of braces that are available for different cases and age groups.
Metal Braces
These are also called ‘traditional’ braces. They have two basic components, the metal bracket that is applied to the teeth and the bendable steel wire that is put through the brackets in order to apply pressure to the teeth and ultimately move them in the bone.  Today’s metal braces are far smaller and less noticeable than they were in the past. New technology has also created wires that move teeth faster and with less pain than in years past.
They are the least expensive version and are often the fastest way of moving teeth into their ideal locations. Many teenagers also like the ability to choose the color of the rubber bands around each bracket, as this gives each person an opportunity to personalize their braces.
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Ceramic Braces
These are a  popular alternative to metal braces. The brackets are made out of a ceramic material and thus has the same color as teeth. Tooth coloured wires may also be used to make it less conspicuous. This virtually invisible system is a popular choice amongst adults. Ceramic braces work in the same way as traditional braces.
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Lingual Braces
Lingual braces  are similar to traditional braces in that they are made out of metal, but they are attached to the inside of the teeth so that they cannot be easily seen from the outside. This type has the obvious advantage of not being visible to other people because they are hidden behind the teeth. However, they are less effective than traditional braces and often take longer to achieve desired tooth alignment. They may also be uncomfortable for the patient as they come into direct contact with the tongue. They also tend to be more difficult to clean.
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Self-Ligating Braces
Self-ligating braces are very similar in appearance to traditional metal braces, but utilize clips rather than elastic bands to hold the wire of the brace in place. As a result, there is less friction on the braces and it is usually easier for the individual to keep the braces and teeth clean.
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Invisalign is the most distinct type of braces because they do not involve brackets and wires but instead utilize a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners that are worn over the teeth and r. These aligners are easy to remove and replace with the next one in the series every two weeks throughout the treatment period.
This type of braces is preferable for many patients because they are almost invisible and allow greater freedom in eating and drinking. However, they are considerably more expensive and can only be used to correct minor to moderate dental problems in teenagers and adults.
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Sources: https://oralb.com/en-us/oral-health/life-stages/braces/types-of-braces
https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/cosmetic-dentistry/adult-orthodontics/what-are-  the-different-types-of-braces-and-which-is-right-for-me-0414
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
CBCT: Imaging Beyond Dental X-Rays
Radiographic examination is essential in diagnosis and treatment planning in dentistry. The interpretation of an image can be altered by the anatomy of both the teeth and surrounding
structures. The amount of information gained from conventional x rays is limited.
Thus came into play, the dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), which is  a special type of x-ray machine used in situations where regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient.  With cone beam CT, an x-ray beam in the shape of a cone is moved around the patient to produce a large number of images. CBCT produces high-quality images.
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Patient Preparation
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A cone beam CT examination requires no special preparation. Prior to the examination, the patient may be asked to remove metal objects, such as jewelry, eyeglasses, hairpins and hearing aids. Although removable dental work may need to be removed, it is advisable to bring these along, as the dentist may need to examine them.
Women should always inform their dentist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.
Uses of CBCT:
​1. Implantology
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CBCT can give a clear picture about the quality of bone in which the implant is to be placed, the placement in relation to the surrounding structures and in cases where bone reconstruction may be required.
2. Surgery
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This imaging modality allows for better diagnosis of tumors or cysts, the relationship of teeth to structures such as nerves, the presence and extent of impaction of teeth, extra teeth, foreign bodies, etc. With the correct knowledge about the presence, extent and relation of these structures, the oral surgeons are better equipped to deal with these anomalies.
3. Trauma
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CBCT is able to show a larger number of fracture lines and fractures when compared with conventional images, depicting precisely the position and orientation of displaced fragments in a reasonably short time interval.
These could be tooth and socket fractures, fractures of the orbit, fractures of the jaws or any other structure of the face and oral cavity.
4. Orthodontics
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While planning orthognathic surgeries, to evaluate the amount of airspace, to evaluate clefts in the palate, for analysis of facial structures, teeth and jaws, to place braces, to assess facial growth, age or disturbances in the eruption of teeth.
5. Endodontics
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To evaluate the presence of superimposed or extra root canals, the presence of infection or pathologies around the tooth root.
6. Periodontology
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CBCT allows for highly accurate analysis of bone loss as well as bone healing after periodontal treatment or regenerative therapy.
7. Forensic Dentistry
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CBCT was established as a non-invasive method to estimate the age of a person based on the pulp–tooth ratio.
The team at ITS Dental College Greater Noida is highly trained and equipped in the techniques of CBCT imaging, analyzing these images and providing the best possible treatment for our patients accordingly!
Alamri HM, Sadrameli M, Alshalhoob MA, Sadrameli M, Alshehri MA. Applications of CBCT in dental practice: a review of the literature . 2012;60(5):390-400.
Shanmugasundaram Karpagavalli. Application Of CBCT In Dentistry 2011. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 23. 163-167
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
Patient Testimonial- Saroj ji
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
Dental Specialties - The 9 Realms
Everyone has to visit a dentist at some point in time. But do you know that dentistry has nine different specialties?
Each specialty deals with a wide array of dental problems.
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis & Radiology
This branch deals with diseases of oral and surrounding structures, oral manifestation of systemic diseases and oral and dental treatment of medically compromised patients. Emphasis is laid patient’s history, clinical examination, diagnosis, investigations, radiographic examination and medical management of lesions related to oral cavity. This specialty also deals with various basic and advanced imaging techniques such as Intra-oral periapical radiographs, OPGs, CBCT, Cephalograms etc.
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is that branch of dentistry that deals with diagnosis, surgical and adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries and defects of human jaws, oral cavity and associated structures. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons deal with a variety of cases such as complex extractions, impactions, space infections, management of facial trauma, surgical corrections of clefts, correction of pathologies such as cysts and tumors and reconstructive surgeries.
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It is a branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement and restoration of lost or damaged teeth and the associated soft tissues by fixed or removable prosthesis.. Prosthodontists also deal with full mouth rehabilitation and smile designing and are popularly called ‘Architects of the smile’. This specialty deals with the fabrication and placement of complete dentures, removable partial dentures, implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, etc.
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
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This branch has two aspects. Conservative dentistry deals with the treatment of caries (cavities), malformed, discoloured, nonesthetic, or minimally fractured teeth and endodontics deals with treatment of pulpal (tooth nerve) and periapical diseases and dental pain management. This specialty pertains to saving infected teeth and maintaining their strength and integrity inside the mouth. Endodontists are specialized in performing complex restorations (fillings), root canal treatments, bleaching (tooth whitening), managing trauma to teeth, various aesthetic procedures, tooth surgeries, etc.
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It is a specialty that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of malpositioned or mal-aligned teeth and jaws. It is concerned with facial growth and the development of the teeth and how they should correctly occlude for proper function. It deals with diagnosing, intercepting and correcting malocclusion. Orthodontists use conventional braces or advances such as ceramic braces, invisalign or lingual braces as well as certain appliances to make crooked teeth and jaws straight for a perfect smile.
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It is the specialty that studies supporting structures of teeth,  that is the gums and bone as well as diseases and conditions that affect them. They look into various diseases of the mouth such as gum inflammation and bleeding, recession and bone defects of the tooth socket. Periodontists deal with treatments such as scaling, root planning, placement of implants, gum surgeries, treatment of bony defects, LASER treatments, etc.
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Pedodontics or pediatric dentistry is a dental specialty that focuses on treatment of infants, children, and young adults. Their aim is to manage anxious children through behavior management and instill a positive dental attitude in them. Pedodontists deal with most of the dental issues in children including extractions, root canals, maintaining space in the mouth for the permanent teeth, tooth surgeries, minor orthodontic correction, management of early childhood caries and full mouth rehabilitation. They are also adept at treating children under conscious sedation.
Public Health Dentistry
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It deals with the prevention of oral disease and promotion of oral health. This specialization deals with studying the cause and distribution of a disease in the population and how to control it. Outreach programmes, community camps are school camps are frequently held to screen for dental problems and intercept them early. Health talks are organized and the harmful effects of tobacco are emphasized on and tobacco cessation is prioritized.  
Oral Pathology
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Oral pathology is the specialty of dentistry and discipline of pathology that deals with the nature, identification, and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions (the mouth and jaw areas). It is a science that investigates the causes, processes, and effects of these diseases. The practice of oral pathology includes research and diagnosis of diseases using clinical, radiographic, microscopic, biochemical, or other examinations. It is the backbone that allows for better diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases by the other specialties.
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itsdentalhospgn · 5 years
Advancements in Dentistry
Advancements in Dentistry Promising Faster & Affordable Treatments
1. Clear Aligners
Clear Aligners: The invention of clear aligners eliminates any embarrassment that adult patients may feel if they need braces to straighten their smile. Clear aligners can move crooked teeth and close gaps without using metal brackets or wires. Consult with your dentist to see if clear aligners can align your smile.
2. Implant Improvements
Implant Improvements: Dental implant technology has greatly improved so that it is possible for patients to replace missing teeth with implants faster than ever before. Modern day dental implants capped by a crown, bridge, or denture look exactly like real teeth and are incredibly durable. They also have the highest success rate of any type of surgical implants.
3. Conscious SedationConscious Sedation: Conscious sedation is a combination of medicines to help you relax (a sedative) and to block pain (an anesthetic) during a medical or dental procedure. You will probably stay awake, but may not be able to speak. Conscious sedation lets you recover quickly and return to your everyday activities soon after your procedure. It is commonly used for children and helps them undergo treatment with no or minimal discomfort
4. Endo Motors in Root Canal Treatment
Advantages of using Endo Motors over manual RCTs -
Faster treatment (often in one appointment), Patients feel much more comfortable during the treatment, More reliable, No unpleasant noises, More precision (the flexibility of instruments allows a better negotiation of curved canals), Higher quality treatments (more consistent). ITS performs more than 700 RCTs per month and endo motors are used for most cases.
5. Advanced Diagnostics - CBCT, OPG
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
: is a medical imaging technique consisting of X-ray computed tomography and gives a comprehensive view of the human facial bone structure. During dental/orthodontic imaging, the CBCT scanner rotates around the patient's head, obtaining up to nearly 600 distinct images.
CBCT has become increasingly important in treatment planning and diagnosis in implant dentistry, ENT, orthopedics, and interventional radiology (IR), among other things. Perhaps because of the increased access to such technology, CBCT scanners are now finding many uses in dentistry, such as in the fields of oral surgery, endodontics and orthodontics. Integrated CBCT is also an important tool for patient positioning and verification in image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT).
6. Ultra-Sonic Scaling
Ultrasonic Scaling: Tooth cleaning isn't just about appearances. It's the primary means of preventing and treating periodontal (gum) disease. Over time, dental plaque (a naturally occurring bacterial biofilm) and stains build up on tooth surfaces. Dental calculus (also called tartar), a harder deposit, can then form both above and below the gum line. A thorough dental cleaning removes these substances from the teeth, and helps keep disease-causing bacteria from proliferating. At one time, scaling was performed entirely with manual tools. But in the last several decades, the ultrasonic scaler has changed all that with one-third time, minimal discomfort, deeper & better cleaning
7. Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening: Improvements to whitening chemicals and methods make whitening your teeth safe, easy, and convenient. Although prescription strength treatments with whitening trays are available, the most effective whitening treatments are performed by a dentist in person.
8. Cavities? Composite Restorations are here
Composite Restorations: Worried about cavities? Well, you should! The cavities start as minor pits in teeth which, if not filled in within time, may lead to deeper pits and ultimately touch the nerves leading to serious pain. Food lodging happens in these pits which can lead to many other oral diseases.
Good news - Synthetic resins evolved as restorative materials since they were insoluble, of good tooth-like appearance, insensitive to dehydration, easy to manipulate and reasonably inexpensive.                                
9. Practice Management Software
Practice Management Software: Computerized programs that keep track of patients allow dentists to be more organized. Practice management software streamlines the administrative processes in a practice, which enables dentists to spend more time focusing on their patients’ needs.
Courtesy - Wikipedia & coastdental.com
Dental Advancements
Root Canal Treatment
Oral Health
Dental Health
Dental Hospital
Greater Noida
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