itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Of course Aiden had run into Aylin again. Unintentional as it seems he might be popping up where she is. He avoided the Sugar Clove since, and Thadd's place doesn't count when it required an invitation. Aiden also did well to do no more than acknowledge her with a greeting and move on to bullshitting with Colin.
Really he'd only been stopping by to see if Tyson had been working. It'd have been fun to hassle him for some heavy pours, and the veil of surprise meant he wanted to just show up without warning, just to find Tyson hadn't been behind the bar and it had been her voice calling out against the belligerent drunk.
"S'fine, really. That guy was a fucking asshole. I almost punched his teeth in." Being cut off should have been his hint, and the threat of a ban did nothing to settle it. "You'd better put a ban on him. This isn't a dive bar." Though had it been, patrons would have been up and ready to give Aylin a hand. Not the scene for it, however. She's buzzing with a nervous energy Aiden knows all too well from when they were kids.
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"You're alright, though?"
for: open starter ( @fairfordstarters ) where: poshed and sloshed
bravery is a newer addition to her list of wants and things to be, something that certainly shows and while it isn't as if dealing with overly drunk customers is a new experience for her, dealing with them alone is a little more... fresh.
of course, applying what she'd seen the likes of tyson and the other men that worked at 'poshed and sloshed' doesn't hit quite the same when her voice shakes and she isn't quite as tall, but hell, aylin tried. she'd even raised her voice, threatened to ban them and even grabbed her phone to call her brother to come to the rescue and definitely do a better job that she had. but in the end, she'd needn't call for back up, because back up had already been there.
coming back into the bar wringing her shaking hands, aylin plasters on a smile and takes a breath, happy to hear the familiar and settled buzz of her family's business again and not the shouts of a bitter drunk.
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"um... thanks for backing me up," she chuckles awkwardly. "i thought i was gonna have to chase him out with a bar stool or something. could you imagine?" a pause, long enough to giggle to herself. "i'd never be able to live that down."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
"My nanny thought I was a delight, actually." For all his fussing and destruction and attempts to earn any sort of attention from his workaholic parents, Aiden had been an… alright kid. "But, you know, kids aren't clean in general. When my parents were together we had this really big house. Kinda empty… but it looked nice. My mom didn't like dirt, things had to be spotless."
He's slumped forward, cross-legged and looking up to the thought with his face scrunched in thought. At least the weed had done well to shirt his head space and lulls him into a sense of calm. Fiona also did that, which was nice. "No, I don't mind it. I didn't want to come, but you're here like my emotional support dog." Frowning, Aiden looks back to where Fiona is leaned back.
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"It's meant as a compliment."
Fiona smiles widely, endeared somehow by Aiden's utter lack of interest, his curiosity to see the girl for curiosity's sake alone.
"You weren't an easy kid, I bet," she says, putting the joint out in the grass and leaning back on her hands. "My parents couldn't keep me clean, I don't know if I've always liked getting filthy or if I just don't mind because I'm usually having fun. I mean, don't tell me you're not into the vibes right now, it's literally gorgeous out and there's live music."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Aiden's eyebrows arch in a silent amusement while the pieces click together in Thadd's head. No further explanation is offered, he just gives him time to figure it out on his own, his eyes following him on his journey to look behind Aiden. And yep, there it is.
He giggles, close-mouthed and stifling it as best he can. "Okay, then Backwards Dave has been promoted to your sleep paralysis demon. Entry granted?" Of course it is, it isn't like he's barred.
"I want to find Mack-" Should be easy in an apartment to locate a six-foot-five man as he is a whole head taller than Aiden. "-and fuck with him. Because he's fun to fuck with." Easy, for that matter, and he can pester him for any 'goodie bags' he may or may not have available.
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All amusement falls into his signature deadpan followed by the roll of his eyes, and Aiden turns around. "Only because it's your birthday…" he murmurs, tiptoeing in reverse through the front door. "Illusion cast, now where should I drop the nachos? And where's the beer cooler?"
"Backwards Dave." Thadd echoed, lowering his shot from its ascent towards his mouth in order to properly assess just what Aiden was trying to sell him on. Doing a slow circle around his friend, he couldn't contain his gasp when he got to his back...or was it his front?
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"Dude, I literally think this is what my sleep paralysis demon looks like." Had he meant for it to be scary? Something about his shoes being on the right way somehow made it that much worse...
But at the promise of both nacho dip and homemade nachos being ripped away from him if he were to attempt turning him away at the door (as if he would ever), Thadd swallowed down both his fear and his shot before waving a hand back towards the rest of the party.
"Okay, but you gotta turn around before you walk in. Really add to the illusion."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Had this sort of stubbornness been what Aiden put JJ through during the Summer Block Fest thing? There is a scowl at the realization, but not an ounce of guilt for it. If he can just get Milo to that same level of compliance, everything will be golden. He lets the comments roll off his shoulders with little annoyance. It's Milo being Milo with his mouth running faster than anyone can keep up with, even Milo himself.
"Yeah, go ahead," Aiden challenges, stepping back to allow the space for Milo to step ahead. He waits expectantly for him to stumble and fall, unbalanced with his equilibrium thrown off. Jeez - Aiden lives in a near-consistent buzz, but he can say at least he allows himself the ability to walk home. Aiden's arms cross over his chest. "It's not too tilted, you're too drunk, jackass."
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"Will you cooperate enough for me to get you into bed now? Or are you going to keep being best friends with the sidewalk."
"weirdo," milo scoffs, pushing himself to stand tall which, when standing next to aiden, didn't amount to much. "listenin' to me take a piss. what's wrong with you? is that your thing?" he pokes aiden's chest once, twice, then thrice more with a bubbling amount of giggles humming in his own. "freak."
but the challenge is undoubtfully accepted, complete with milo's jutting chin and arrogant confidence that he could, in fact, walk at least five feet without aiden's help. it's the same path he walked every day, after all. what could possibly change now?
his lack of balance, naturally. a thing milo doesn't account for and he perhaps makes it three or four steps before tilting and dropping to a knee again.
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"the hell made the path so uneven?" he snaps, looking over his shoulder towards his neighbour. "we gotta get a new one. it's too tilted."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
With the battle long since lost, his voice is a useless tool to argue his case. Aiden just shrugs his shoulders. He can't say he will be fine if JJ is so insistent, and now it seems he can't even ward him off to just go and enjoy his own party. A man on a mission - had he been sober he'd be more resistant, but Aiden's definitely more compliant than he would like to be.
"No, I'm good. Food, sure-" he yawns, still staring down into the empty wastebasket. "I'm know when I'll get sick, so you don't have to worry about me making a mess of your bed sheets. But thanks? I guess."
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"Swear it'll be alright if you go."
Even if Aiden could not see the severity of his current situation, JJ does not pay any heed to the way he is trying to downplay it. Given that this is not the first time the surgeon has found the younger man in this state, and he is certain that it would not be the last, he figures that the least he could do was get some food, and water in him.
Having known Aiden for as long as he has, and having heard from both of their mothers of what Aiden had been through, JJ is also aware that he probably needed someone to watch out for him. Thankfully, the surgeon was more than happy to take on that role in the other's life if need be. No wonder that he insists on making sure Aiden's okay.
"Yeah, whatever you say, big guy." JJ snickers upon hearing Aiden's words, and shakes his head. "You just hang in there, okay? I'll go, and grab you some food. Don't worry about the party. My cousins are all here, and they can keep everyone entertained."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
rumoe has it you're an asshole
"I gotta be honest, I'm more focused on the fact you can't spell 'rumor'. You also can't hurt my feelings by stating facts... just saying."
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0 notes
itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Rumor has it you are a certified dumb of ass.
"I want to be mad at this. I really do. But it is a badge of honor."
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"Who said this - Fiona? Because then I know it's an affectionate insult. Can't be Tyson because I get up to dumb shit with him. Ergo, another certified dumb of ass."
@fionaosman & @tysonchapmans
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
rumour has it you don't want to be friends with aylin again
"That's... not true."
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"Forgive me for wallowing in my own pity party of guilt and self-destruction. I'd be a lucky sonuva bitch, but I think she is just trying to warm me up so she can confront me about being a complete dickhead to her."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Rumor has it you got into a fight with a kangaroo and lost
"If I ever did fight a kangaroo, I'm surprised I haven't been decimated into a pile of broken bones and ruptured organs. They're nasty mother fu- effers. I heard they'll level you without blinking."
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0 notes
itsjust-aiden · 1 year
rumor has it you're in love
"That's... a take."
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"Rumor has it, you don't know your ass from your elbow."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
@its-blakecarter too
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Everyone loves to keep up to date on all the latest gossip and drama that goes on around this town...whether you want to admit it or not. Now is your chance to anonymously (or not) send everyone the juiciest rumors you've heard about their muses.
Rumor has it...
REBLOG THIS POST to participate. Like anything else, common courtesy applies — make sure you're sending asks out to others that are taking part! We all want to have notifications next to our inboxes. Have fun 🤍
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Aiden isn't thrilled about the situation.
When he stepped out for a smoke, always choosing to stand on the front stoop over possibly smoking J.D. out, he expected silence this time of night. It is a Wednesday, after all. He was still in his work pants and the t-shirt, stained in various ingredients including a nice flour handprint near his back pocket where he wiped his hand, when he spotted Milo on the ground.
There had been enough attempts to get the man to his feet, and Aiden is just about fed up with his stubbornness. Cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, he is reaching for him again just to keep him standing. "I don't know what the fuck a parlance is," Aiden grits his teeth in frustration. "But yeah? So what? So am I. It's why I live in a shit-box dog house where I can hear you taking a leak at three a.m." It isn't all that bad, but it is the cheapest floor plan available - with a scenic view of the building next door, thin walls and all.
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"If you can make it up the steps in front of the door, I'll leave you alone. Go on, prove that you can make it without falling."
for: @itsjust-aiden where: outside their apartment complex
leaning on his truck that's still in need of a new tire, milo shakes aiden's grip from his arm for the second time, an attempt at catching his breath and standing on his own, thank you very much. whatever this fussing was, he didn't want it, or need it, even if he'd fallen about three more times since aiden found him laying on the park bench mumbling something about needing a pillow and, god be willing, a hot dog.
"i can walk, see?" he slurs, patting his own legs with his hands. "don't need a baby sitter walkin' me like a dog. what's with you, anyway? you, don't give a shit about lil old me."
milo reaches out then, patting aiden on the shoulder with a solemn nod.
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"don't feel bad about it though. i am, in old fashioned parlance, fuckin' trash."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Aiden frowns. "I wouldn't say they're the right ones, but if you dive long enough, well…" His eyes widen, mimicking the look of those in horror movies that have 'seen too much'. He knows more about things than he'd ever want, but he at least can say he has basic knowledge of most things. What is the saying - curiousity killed the cat?
"You say it like it's not a surprise." He drawls that out, staring down into the swirl of Jack-with-a-splash-of-coke mix for a beat before tossing the rest back. "Guess I don't have the creative brain for it - or the desire to be anyone else." An excuse, really. The expended energy just doesn't seem worth it, so at most he'd find himself some animal onesie if not for the fear of Max finding him to pinch his cheeks over how adorable he looks.
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Aiden looks Colin over again, piecing together the all black fit and the number eight he is wearing. Simple, but better than his. He nods and shrugs one shoulder up to his ear and grabs Colin by his upper arm to jostle him around some - a tad bit roughly at that just for the sake of pushing him around. "Oh, magic eight ball. Tell me my future. Will I be rich? Or will I live forever in my box with my guinea pig?"
"Cleary I'm not in the right subreddits," Colin muses, taking the joint back and grinning. "No shit, you don't like costumes? Huge shocker." Not that he himself is necessarily the first person in the world to get hyped up about a costume party, but he's also been known to get creative with actual Halloween costumes when he's got somewhere good enough to wear it, so.
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"I'm a magic eight ball, dumbass," Colin rolls his eyes. "Shake me and I'll tell you your future."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
Aiden isn't sure why his reaction is to turn half away from Mack when he approaches, like that overused Ryan Gosling gif, his name coming out in some quick repetitive chant which leaves him looking like a deer in the headlights. "The fuck-"
His nose scrunches, his eyes widened, until he realizes then that he isn't by any means in any trouble. The clutch he has on the red solo cup loosens with a subtle crinkling sound, he looks across the room to… whoever is under that mask.
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His gaze narrows, darting back to Mack in complete scrutiny. "Cannibalism emergency?" Parroted with a pitch to his tone, Aiden doubts his expertise is tailored to this specific topic. "In what emergency does cannibalism become necessary? Aside from the Donner Party…"
closed for: @itsjust-aiden
when: thadd + tallulah's birthday party
"No, no. Stay right there. I know a guy who can weigh in on this shit."
It doesn't take Mack long to find Aiden among the revellers, all he had to do was locate buttons up the back and jeans facing the wrong way to the shoes that were being worn on the feet in a way that he had almost sent him to another dimension in terror at the peak of his high when he first saw him.
That was another irrational fear he would have to share with Tallulah -- that one day he might wake up backwards.
"Aiden, Aiden. Aiden." He says his name as he approaches him until he's sure he's heard him, indicating across the room to where a Ghostface with a Mike's Hard Lemonade in hand was looking over in their direction.
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"I need you over here a minute. It's a cannibalism emergency."
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
[ read ]
aylin: okay, that's fine [ ten minutes later ] aylin: see you around :)
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
That Aiden can agree with. What people put up with in their day to day blows his mind sometimes. Anything borderline soap opera and Aiden checks out because he just thinks it is simply stupid to tolerate it. But some people are drawn to it, which… whatever floats their boat. Aiden just wants no part in that sort of mental exhaustion.
"Guess you're right about that, but-" he blows out a puff of air to move a stray strand of blonde from his eyes. He isn't certain about where his train of thought had been headed, so the sentence ends there.
In terms of entertainment, Aiden figures he falls into the category of mundane along with the others Max has labeled. The simplicity of chasing a high or fiending for a buzz - no desire beyond that as everything else feels dull and tedious. He does wonder why Max would choose him above anyone else. Plenty of his friends are more exciting, more adventurous, and Max has been around long enough to have met most of the town.
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"Don't get moody about it." Aiden doesn't even signal when he pulls to the parking lot, off the highway and in front of the pizzeria. "Is there something scary for you about being stagnant and in one place too long? Or is it really only boredom?"
he's a simple boy, really. aiden either liked something, or he didn't. wanted something, or had no interest. particular about how he spent his time but always willing to be lenient with it for the people he valued in some way. or, in max's case, if they annoyed him enough to give in for the sake of some peace. it's what she liked about him the most. how it was always honest in some aspect, that people got what they were given and nothing more. did it mean that max wouldn't seek to peel back some of those layers, though?
not a chance.
"'cause i don't need it. an' half the people we know are so whiny an' messy for the sake of bein' so. drama just 'cause they got nothin' else goin' on to keep them entertained." she sighs then, not at all interested in turning the topic of her own approach to relationships on herself and grasps the change in subject with a grateful hand.
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"we're gettin' pizza, mais, non. i knew you wouldn't agree to it," she grumbles, sinking back into the passenger seat. "an' i might be. what makes you think i'd want to be alone though, hm?"
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itsjust-aiden · 1 year
AIDEN: thats cool [ five minutes ] AIDEN: ill let you know
aylin: oh, thanks :) aylin: that means a lot coming from you aylin: i did mean it when i said you can stop by whenever you want to though. we just did the summer menu and it's really nice and fun aylin: if you still have a tooth for dark chocolate, i make truffles with strawberries aylin: no pressure though!
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