itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Chris: Clarisse always talks in her sleep. She’s adorable
Clarisse, mumbling aggressively: fight me… motherfucker…die… square up bitch… I think the fuck not…
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Chiron: Percy and Annabeth's wedding will be the wedding of the century!
Grover: Took about that long to happen.
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
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↳I thought Hazel might fly at him and rip his skull off with her bare hands. Her rage was so palpable I could smell it like an approaching storm. Wait…I did smell an approaching storm, along with other forest scents: pine needles, morning dew on wildflowers, the breath of hunting dogs.
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Leo: Do you guys wanna see a butterfly? The Seven: Annabeth: Please don’t thr- Leo: *yeets the butter across the room*
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Calypso: Sarcasm doesn’t become you
Leo: Maybe not, but it does sustain me
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
magnus: i've learned some very valuable lessons along the way
alex: i'm guessing they're all horrible distortions of what you should have learned
magnus: death isn't real and i'm basically god
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Annabeth: We need to move
Percy: Why? Did a monster attack??
Annabeth: No. I saw a really big spider
Annabeth: I think it had a gun
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Will: So where are you from? Heaven??
Nico: That’s right, I’m a ghost. I died years ago, kinda like that pick-up line
Will: So... pick you up at 8???
Nico, sighing: yeah...
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Annabeth: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are
Annabeth: Actually, it’s gonna bug me if I don’t
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Percy: i have a plan
Grover: does it involve us not getting into trouble?
Percy: i said i have a plan, not a miracle
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Thalia: no, all of you misunderstood me.
Thalia: I’m not calling Reyna ‘babe’ as in short for ‘baby.’ I’m calling her ‘beyb’ as in short for ‘beyblade, let it rip.’
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Meg: the best part of the oreo is the black cookie parts, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Lester: darkness without light is an abyss, light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Meg: yo Socrates, it’s a fucking cookie
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Annabeth, after she said she won’t join the Hunters of Artemis partly because of her loyalty to Percy: Thalia sent me a get better soon card
Percy: aw, that’s sweet!
Annabeth: it’s not to do with me holding up the sky or anything. She just thinks I could do better.
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Is it bad that I thought he was right...
Annabeth: If you say anything stupid I will shut your mouth with my mouth.
Percy: crocodiles are amphibians
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
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believe what-ever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life. being a half-blood is dangerous. it’s scary. most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.
happy birthday, roxy! ♡ [@roxyhorrcr]
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
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A team that gets scared together wins together
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itsyaseaweedbrain · 4 years
Percy: yes or no, I’m the subject of a huge prophecy that could determine the fate of the world
Chiron and Annabeth:
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