jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt: What's their favourite Christmas song?
Day Twelve: Turn The Christmas Music On <-AO3!
The band was driving to get a tree for the studio when Alex groaned, reaching forward between the seats to twist the radio dial to another station.
“Hey, shotgun controls the radio, we all agreed!” Luke protests from his spot in said seat.
“Dude, that’s all well and good, but not when we have to listen to fucking Christmas Shoes,” Alex said.
“I normally am all for the sanctity of the shotgun rule,” Julie said. “But I’m with Alex here. Fuck that song.”
“What is it?” Reggie asked. “I don’t think I’ve heard it before.”
“How?” Alex asked.
“Usually I have my phone plugged into the speaker,” Reggie replied with a shrug. “Plus you guys know that I don’t listen to Christmas music unless it’s Kenny & Dolly. Or the occasional John Denver.”
“But they play it literally everywhere!” Julie stated.
“Which is why I wear headphones. I don’t celebrate the holiday, so I don’t have to put up with the terrible music.”
“Not all of it is terrible,” Luke comments. “You liked TSO.”
“Most of that is just rock guitars with a holiday twist,” Reggie argued. “But yes, I will admit to enjoying that, even if the concert you made me watch gave me a headache from the light show.”
“Anyways,” Julie interjected, “Christmas Shoes is an awful Christian song based on a book… and I think there’s a made for TV movie too? It’s about this boy who loses his mom on Christmas Eve and asks Santa for a pair of shoes so she can look nice for when she meets Jesus.”
Reggie gaped at that, and turned around to look at Julie, as if to ascertain she was serious. They were at a stoplight, thankfully, so she nodded gravely. “That’s fucking sick!” Reggie exclaimed.
“It’s grief porn,” Alex said. “And disgusting. My church loved it, tried to make it some uplifting thing, but it makes my skin crawl.”
“And I think you can all tell why I would hate it,” Julie piped up.
“Yeah, sorry Luke, you’re outvoted here. Shotgun rule of the radio is overturned if that awful drek comes on my radio,” Reggie said decisively.
“I don’t like it either,” Luke grumbled. “I was gonna turn it off myself before Alex got to it. But I suppose that’s fair. But I am so changing the channel because we’ve been listening to NPR for five minutes now.”
“Just plug my phone in and we can listen to some good old Kenny & Dolly,” Reggie said.
“No. No way. I am still in control, and I get to choose the music,” Luke stated firmly. “And there is no way we are listening to country while I’m in control.” He turned the dial until it settled back to the original station, the last strains of Nat King Cole fading out.
But then the next song started and everyone had to laugh when it was “With Bells On”, and Reggie started singing along, loud and obnoxiously, Alex and Julie grinning as they joined in. Luke scowled but made no move to change the station. He may not like country, but he would admit, deep deep down, that his friends did sound good while singing it.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt: What did they have as children for Christmas?
Day Eleven: Winter Wonderland <-AO3!
Ray’s most memorable Christmas as a child is the one where he got his first camera. It was a second hand Nikon that his abuela had gotten from a pawn shop, his parents supplying the film and developing supplies. He uses most of the film that day, turning their little powder room into a dark room, and gifts his abuela the photo he snapped of her looking like a grand lady overlooking her family as they tore open presents. She loves it and has it framed on her wall for the rest of her life. Ray has it on his own walls to this day.
Rose Alvarez would always say her favourite Christmas memory is the first one she saw snow. She was freshly fifteen and her family was on a vacation up in the Rocky Mountains. Victoria complained about being cold the whole time, but Rose loved it. She twirled in the falling flakes, catching them on her tongue, wobbling on skates across the frozen pond, and attempting a poor snowman. She resolved then and there to live somewhere that it snowed when she was old enough.
Rose and Ray met at UCLA, falling in love early on, and were married within the year. They stayed in California however, as it was better for their careers. But once Rose confessed her wish for snow, Ray whisked her away to a mountainside cabin for their first holiday season together, and the next year they honeymooned in Switzerland.
From there on out, it becomes a tradition. Every year around Christmas, they pack up and go somewhere cold, somewhere there’s snow. One year they end up in Quebec, and meet a nice couple from New Brunswick, the Patterson’s, and become fast friends.
The next year, however, Rose is far too pregnant to travel, so Ray rents every bit of fake snow and snow makers from his friends in the film industry as he can, making their yard into a winter wonderland. Rose laughs as she twirls in the flakes, letting them catch in her curls, and grins ear to ear as her baby starts kicking up a storm. “Guess they’ll love winter just as much as I do,” she comments.
“Perfect,” Ray replies.
The next year Emily and Mitch have moved to LA, and the four-well six now, of them get a little chalet up north, giggling as Luke who has just learned to walk toddles along in his puffy suit while Julie crawls behind him.
They can’t go somewhere snowy every year of course. Jobs and finances and life get in the way. But they try, and the kids love it. Carlos takes to sledding like nothing else, and everyone ignores how pink-faced Julie is from ‘skating’ with Luke once they hit their teens.
But then Rose gets sick.
Ray is about to cancel their winter plans, but Rose stills his hand. She’s thin, pale, and weak. But no less vibrant, no less spirited. “If I am not going to make it to another winter, I wanna see snow one last time,” she demands.
Ray almost breaks down in tears at that, not ready to face the reality that he may lose his wife, that he might never get to see her twirl in the falling snow again. So he relents, books the cabin, Invites the Patterson’s, and all of Julie’s bandmates.
Rose spends most of her time inside, smothered in blankets, but everyone can see the delight in her eyes as she watches all the young people frolic in the snow. Smirks at Ray when they catch a certain couple under the mistletoe, but assures Julie she’s happy for her. Makes her promise to keep living, keep loving, no matter what.
On the last day, there’s snow gently falling, but Rose is finding it hard to move, her energy sapped. So Ray scoops her up in his arms, pulls a woolly hat over her bald head, and brings her out, twirling the two of them in the snow. Lets Rose catch those few flakes on her tongue, and feel them melt against his own eyelashes. And even though she’s all but skin and bones, dark circles and gaunt cheeks, to him, the smile on Rose’s face makes her the most beautiful woman in the world. He kisses her sweetly, making it count, making it last, just in case…
The next year, the kids are all off skiing in Vail with the Wilsons. Emily and Mitch are staying home, as Emily has a touch of a cold. Ray looks out the window of the chalet, feeling the stillness and emptiness around him. But the snow is starting to fall, so he goes outside, twirling in the flakes, then stops and holds out a hand.
Rose grins as she takes it, and twirls them again, whooping and beaming as the snow dances around them both.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt: Lost
Day Ten: I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas <-AO3!
Luna’s eyes widened as she took in the train going around the ornate Santa’s village in the middle of the mall. It was a shiny red and gold, with what looked like real steam coming from it as it meandered around the track. She turned to point it out to mami, but when she looked, her mother wasn’t there.
She looked frantically through the crowd, trying to spot the soft purple coat her mom had been wearing, her curls, her smile, anything. But all she could see was a sea of strangers.
Had her mom left her there by accident?
Had she gotten lost?
Did someone mean come along and take her?
Luna wasn’t sure, but her bottom lip quivered and the tears started in earnest as she realized that she was all alone. Clutching herself tightly, she stood by the train, wondering what to do next.
“Hey sweetheart, are you okay?”
Luna looked, and there crouched in front of her, was a Christmas elf! He was wearing a bright red and green outfit, and had a kind smile on his face. She sniffled, wiping her nose in her sleeve. “I think my mami is lost,” she said, her voice trembling.
“Well we can’t have that!” the elf exclaimed, his green eyes twinkling. “Let’s see if we can find a security guard to track her down, and you can hang out with me and Santa until then, okay?”
He offered her a hand, and Luna stalled for a moment. Her mami had told her to never go anywhere with a stranger. But elves worked for Santa, they couldn’t be bad! So she tentatively slipped her hand into his. “My name is Luna, what’s yours?”
“You can call me Reggie sweetheart. Do you know your mom’s name?”
“Julie Molina,” she offered shyly. “People say I look just like her.”
“Well that will certainly help,” Reggie said, swinging their hands together, and Luna giggled as he started to skip, making the bells on his shoes tinkle. They found a security guard and he assured them he would make an announcement on the mall PA. He asked if Luna wanted to come with him, but she stuck to Reggie, almost hiding behind him.
The guard chuckled. “Fair enough, I know I ain’t no competition with an elf. I’ll tell your mom to come collect you at Santa’s village then.”
Reggie nodded in thanks, and soon enough Luna was back watching the train, sucking on a candy cane while Reggie took pictures of all the kids with Santa. He kept talking to Luna in between shots, asking her what she wanted for Christmas (a dollhouse), if she had been good this year (of course), and what her favourite animal was.
“I like hippos,” Luna replied. “Mami taught me the song about asking for one for Christmas, but she said we couldn’t fit one in our apartment. So the dollhouse is fine.”
Reggie bit back a grin. “My mom told me the same thing about horses when I was your age, So I asked for a banjo instead.”
“A horse would have gotten too cold in the North Pole anyway,” Luna surmised. “You should have asked for a reindeer instead.”
Reggie burst out laughing at that. “You are right there Luna, I really should have!” It was then that Julia ran up to them, looking panicked and then relieved as she scooped Luna up into her arms, covering her face in kisses.
“I was so worried! I’m sorry for getting lost my little moonbeam.”
“It’s okay mami, Reggie took care of me,” Luna replied, grinning wide. Julie turned and saw the very cute elf standing there, pink cheeked and smiling, offering a little wave.
“It was my pleasure Luna, thanks for keeping me company while I worked.”
Julie went to open her purse, “Please, let me thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if…”
Reggie waved her off. “No, it’s fine. Anyone decent would have done the same thing.”
“At least let me buy you a coffee, hot chocolate, whatever you want. I insist,” Julie said, still holding the squirming Luna tightly, and the girl turned her big brown eyes on him.
“Oh yes, Reggie, come get a hot chocolate with us! You can tell mami all about wanting a horse for Christmas!”
“You’re still not getting a hippopotamus Luna Rose,” Julie replied automatically, then turned and offered Reggie a pleading smile.
“I’m off in like, an hour, so if you’re serious, we could exchange numbers, meet up somewhere when I’m not all-” he waved his hands up and down his outfit. Julie nodded, and they exchanged phones. Luna swore she could see Santa chuckling from his throne. And offering Reggie a fist bump after they walked away.
Later, Luna would be a little disappointed that Reggie showed up in normal clothes, though she liked the play with the zippers and chains on his leather jacket while they enjoyed their drinks.
And she definitely didn’t complain when he showed up to their house a few days before Christmas with a bouquet of dahlias for mami, and a stuffed hippo toy for her. She hid her eyes as she watched her mom kiss Reggie, but she cuddled her hippo tighter, and felt a tiny bit glad that her mom decided to get lost that day.
The next year, Luna didn’t ask for anything for Christmas, because honestly, nothing could top getting Reggie as her dad as a present.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt Do they believe in elves or Yetis?
Day Nine: Couple of Misfits <-AO3!
When Carlos is young, his parents assure him that he can be anything he wants to be when he grows up. “You could even become a dentist!” Ray jokes, though Carlos isn’t exactly laughing.
Being an elf in the North Pole leaves the job opportunities rather slim, you see. His mom works in the letter department, composing replies to every child that writes to Santa on a yearly basis. Dad works with the reindeer, keeping them happy and healthy before they start training for sleigh duty. Even his sister Julie is involved, working as an apprentice in the wrapping department, and the things she can do with a roll of tape are frankly, downright scary.
But as much as Carlos loves Christmas, loves everything that Santa does and stands for, he has no wish to work for him. He’s tried interning in every department, and nothing seems to be a right fit for him.
In the toy making department, all his train wheels turned square and his cowboys ended up riding ostriches. He ended up wrapping himself more than the presents when working with Julie. The reindeer seem to dislike him for some reason, maybe because he made one too many jokes about Rudolph when he was little, and nobody bad mouths Rudolph. His mom even tries to get him to help with letters, but all that does is confirm his dyslexia and explains a whole lot about his grades in elf school.
Carlos is flipping through the books in the library when he comes across the historical version of Rudolph. He had been forced to read it and write a sensitivity essay after Blitzen VII almost gored him after an insensitive comment, but that had been ages ago. There’s pictures of Rudolph’s adventures, the famous elf dentist Hermie, the prospector Yukon Cornelius, the Island of Misfit Toys, now long defunct since Santa gathers them up each year.
Then there’s the character that fascinated him the most-the Bumble. The tamed Abominable Snowman who had once tried to eat the heroes, only to have all his teeth removed, and prove useful to Christmastown. There was supposedly a statue of him somewhere near his old cave, a memorial to mark his final resting place. There had been no sightings of more monsters since then.
Carlos kind of wondered why. Surely there couldn’t have just been one Bumble right? Did he have a family in some far off reaches? Was he related to the Yetis that are in the Arctic mountains? A distant relation to the Sasquatch that supposedly roamed the forests of the Americas?
Carlos wanted to find out, (he also really wanted to see a Bumble bounce) and that’s when he realized this is what he wanted to do. Find all the mysteries of the world, and maybe help them find a place in it. Not taming them, but making them feel useful. Discover their secrets, maybe write a guide to them to help others, so that they weren’t driven to extinction or forced back into hiding.
So Carlos resolved to go, and though his parents worried, they wished him luck. Loaded him up with supplies, and even Julie gave him a roll of tape, “Because you never know when you might need it.”
It turned out that the tape proved quite useful for restraining a nasty drude, a bat-like creature that’s bite gave intense nightmares. Carlos brought him to the Sandman, hoping that the master of dreams could rehabilitate him. From there he met other legends and creatures, making notes, taking pictures, befriending those he could, avoiding those he couldn’t.
Eventually he came back to the North Pole, a few years older, a lot wiser. “I still never found another Bumble,” he lamented.
“I truly do think that the original was the last mijo,” Rose said as she forced some food to him, complaining that he had grown far too skinny during his travels.
“Maybe,” Carlos replied, sipping his hot chocolate. “But I want to check out his cave, just in case.”
The cave was deserted, as he knew it would be. But he did manage to find one of the teeth that Hermie had pulled out, which was a pretty sweet souvenir.
And that Christmas, Santa, always the joker, gifted him a plushy Bumble, which Carlos scowled at, but held tight. He might never find the real thing, but he'll treasure this version of the Abominable Snowman for the rest of his days.
Only… the next year, when Snowman Sam comes back around, strumming his banjo and singing about the tales of Rudolph, Carlos has to ask. Sam has been around since Santa first took up the mantle, he must have some idea about the Abominable right?
Sam does, though he’s reluctant to tell Carlos much, but eventually relents, and Carlos heads even further north. Up to were the aurora is shining constantly, and it’s there that he finds the cave; dark and foreboding.
He comes out with the tiny baby Bumble, obviously abandoned, and brings it home. He’s the size of Carlos, but seems tame enough, and with some love, he becomes a part of the Christmastown family. Helps out as much as he can, when he’s not accompanying Carlos on adventures to find more misunderstood creatures.
And yes, it turns out, Bumbles do bounce.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt: Who loves the snow and who'd rather be warm?
Day Eight: Baby it's Cold Outside <-AO3!
When Carrie first suggested getting away for their first holiday season together, Reggie was gung ho. Her dad was at some retreat or another, and the less said about his parents, the better.
He wondered where they would go; a ski resort in the mountains? A cabana on a tropical beach? Jet-setting all over Europe? With Carrie, he was prepared for any possibility.
However, they ended up in a little cabin in the woods, miles from civilization. Carrie breathed in the crisp air and sighed, her whole body relaxing. She gave Reggie that smile, the sweet little one she reserved only for him, and he grinned right back, loving the chance to get to see her so free.
The cabin was quaint, to say the least. Wooden furniture, kitchy quilts, and a real fireplace. Sure there were top of the line appliances, running water and a generator supplying them power, but it was way simpler than what Reggie had been expecting.
“I love it here,” Carrie admitted. “Just a chance to get away from it all. I’m gonna turn off my phone, get into a fuzzy sweater and make us some hot toddies.”
“Sounds lovely doll,” Reggie replied. “I’m gonna see if I can get the fireplace going. Looks like snuggle weather to me.”
“My favourite kind,” Carrie replied, blowing him a kiss as she went to put their things away.
Reggie was no stranger to starting fires, he’d done it all the time back when he lived with his grandparents. And there was lots of kindling and matches. But no wood. Which… kind of essential when you wanted a cozy fire to cuddle your girl in front of. Reggie glanced outside and saw a small shed, figuring that was where the wood was kept, and trotted off.
Carrie came out a few minutes later, feeling very cozy; big fleecy sweater, fuzzy socks, hair in a loose ponytail, and she was ready for some drinks and kisses. Only Reggie was nowhere to be seen. Yet she could hear a loud thwacking sound from outside. Curious, she peered out the window, and immediately felt overheated.
Because Reggie was there, in only his flannel, chopping wood. She could see a fine layer of sweat forming on his brow as he swung the ax, deftly splitting each log in twain. She pulled the collar of her sweater away from her neck, loving how handsome her man was, especially hard at work.
Then he took the flannel off.
Carrie nearly swooned at the sight of his strong arms, the trim expanse of his torso as he kept working in his thin little tank top and she subtly fanned herself. Pity he was working so hard when she didn’t think she would need to be warmed up after such a display. She couldn’t help but lick her lips when Reggie finally put the ax away and gathered the pile of logs with ease, coming back to the cabin. Carrie scurried to the kitchen, to make it seem like she hadn’t been ogling him, but kept him in her sights as he bent over to start the fire.
“Hey doll, how are those drinks goin’?” Reggie called out, turning and winking at her, loving how she turned pink before busying herself once more. He preened a little, knowing that Carrie had been checking him out, and though he dearly loved his flannel, he tossed it on a chair so he could see how many times her gaze drifted to his arms.
Once the fire was roasting though, he kind of regretted not putting the flannel back on. The sweat had cooled on his skin, and the room was slow to warm, making him shiver.
“You cold my little honeydew?” Carrie teased as she handed him a steaming mug.
“Only a little,” Reggie replied with a shrug. “But I’m sure you could find a way to warm me up, peach blossom.”
Carrie giggled, pulling them down onto the couch, and tossed a quilt over their legs. She cuddled into Reggie, the two of them sitting quietly as they sipped their drinks. Carrie was used to having to be bombastic to be heard, and Reggie just let his mouth go as a way to keep up with his whirling brain. But together, there was no need for talk. Nothing to prove, or anyone to be other than themselves. So contentment was a cozy quiet as they watched the fire roar, only letting out soft coos as they saw the first flakes of snow fall outside the window.
Reggie shivered again, and Carrie looked up at him. “Still cold baby?”
“Yeah,” he admitted. “You think we could take a warm bath and move these cuddles to the bed to help me warm up?” he asked with a waggle of his eyebrows.
Carrie rolled her eyes, drained the last bit of her drink, and pulled him away. Reggie grinned and dutifully followed, only scurrying back to make sure the screen was in front of the banked fire, then rushed back as he heard the rush of water in the bathroom. He honestly wasn’t terribly cold, not anymore, but he was also never going to turn down the chance to warm up with Carrie.
Others may think her an ice queen, but to Reggie? Carrie was the warmest person he knew, and the sultry smile she gave him as her sweater hit the floor? Well that made him downright burn.
Later, warmed by the bath, and each other, Carrie snuggled into Reggie's warm embrace, and began to hum quietly. Reggie smiled softly, running his fingers through her hair and sang the counterpoint, and though it was cold outside, he had never felt more warm and cozy than he did right in that minute, right there in Carrie's arms.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt: Who likes Christmas the most and the least?
Day Seven: Ghost of Christmas Past <-AO3!
When Luke was a kid, Christmas was his favourite time of year. He loved the food, and the presents, the decorations and the music. Just everything about the whole season made him come alive.
Right after Thanksgiving, his mom would take out the Advent candles, and he would be vibrating, knowing it was time. Slowly the house would be transformed; wreaths of holly, strings of lights, tinsel adorning the large pine in the corner. Brightly coloured paper and bows started covering boxes-all of which he was not allowed to shake-and cards decorated the mantle piece.
He’d watch in wonder as his mom baked up a frenzy, weighing, mixing, measuring each and every ingredient to make cookies galore. Shortbreads, sugar cookies, snowballs, snickerdoodles, little raspberry filled ones, and she always let Luke help. Even if all he got to do was add sprinkles or a dusting of icing sugar, or even just lick the bowl, he delighted in helping her.
As time went on though, Christmas lost some of its magic. First when he learned The Truth About Santa. Then when the gifts became more practical, less fun. Sure he needed new socks, but he missed the years when he got a new Gameboy or a guitar for the holiday over clothes.
Then, as the band starts to take off, it gets bad.
His mom wants him at home, as a family, not playing gigs. It’s not like he was going to play on the day itself, but she wanted him home throughout December, and each time he argued that the band was important, his music was important, she would shout back that the family was important too.
“Not if you can’t support me it’s not!”
“Then go! If you truly don’t care about this family, about this holiday, take your guitar and go!”
Luke won’t ever forget the way the lights from the tree reflected in his mother’s tears as he ran out. Or the way he could still hear the radio blasting Christmas songs as he stormed out, the slamming of the door echoing two broken hearts.
Luke didn’t know that would be his last Christmas alive.
Honestly being a ghost didn’t make it any better. Because he could see his mom putting up those same decorations she always had, still making those same cookies, though she mostly gave them away now. Could see the unopened presents stacked in the closet of his room, collecting dust. Could see the haunted look in her eyes when she looked at the third stocking in the box, and never hung it up.
He longed for the power to haunt her, but she was no Scrooge, and him no Marley. She deserved to grieve how she wanted, to keep celebrating, even as muted as the joy was. Luke wondered if she could even bear to think of that last fight, those last angry words, because they cut him like a knife, repeating in his heart as WHAM! played on in the kitchen.
He wished he could change things, could at least let them know he was okay. Julie had let them know he was sorry, had brought them his song, but he doubted even that could heal the sadness that was sure to linger today.
He watched as his mom hung one last decoration on the tree, a little picture of him as a baby in a cutesy frame. She pressed a kiss to it, whispering, “Merry Christmas Luke.”
Luke sniffled, wiped away the tear streaking down his face, and pressed a kiss to her temple, intangible and cool. “Merry Christmas mom. Wish I could celebrate with you.”
Luke turned away, getting ready to poof back to the garage, back where Christmas didn’t exist because neither Reggie nor Alex were keen to celebrate either, and just prayed they could wait out this holiday without regret eating him alive.
But he still snagged a few cookies to give to Julie and her family. Even if he didn’t want anything to do with this holiday any more, he could still do something nice for them.
He didn’t even notice the tin marked with Julie’s name on it sitting on the kitchen counter. All he saw was the memories of his mom and him, baking together, happy and whole, and never to be again.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt Snow & Ice
Day Five: The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway<-AO3!
Carrie fiddled anxiously with her gloves, aching for a day when she wouldn’t need them as a crutch. But then she turned her gaze towards Julie, her oldest friend, her sister in all but blood, and the vibrant white streak in her otherwise dark curls.
That was why she needed the gloves.
To keep Julie safe, to keep everyone safe, Carrie had to endure it. It had caused panic when she had taken them off earlier during her coronation, the sceptre had started frosting in her hands, and she couldn't think what would happen should she not reign in her emotions, the source of her powers.
Of course, that was before Julie dragged some boy from the Southern Isles in with her, claiming they were in love and wanted to be married right away. Carrie of course, refused. She couldn’t let Julie marry some man she had just met! She couldn’t lose the only family she knew, not to this boy who simpered and bowed but had a predatory gleam in his eyes. Julie had yelled, and snatched Carrie’s glove from her hand, saying mean, hurtful things, standing in her way of escape.
Carrie panicked, trying to push past, trying to not let her tongue cut into Julie like she had so often done in the past to keep her away, keep her safe. But she could feel the frost building, and when she pushed Julie out of her way, a wall of ice stood between them. Julie clutching at her chest where the magic had hit her, her face saying so many things, and Carrie couldn’t face her.
The crowd gasped, and Carrie could see the fear, the distrust, the hatred for her in their faces. So she ran.
Through the castle, across the moat, the water freezing at her feet, a trail of snow and ice left in her wake, despite it being the middle of summer. Up the mountains, to where the snow never melted, finally collapsing in tears, letting the icicles drip down her face.
Looking back, she couldn’t see her kingdom any longer, but those faces, especially the betrayal on Julie’s… those would haunt her. But she trusted their superstitious nature that they wouldn’t follow. Let her other glove fly off into the wind, and started finally using her powers.
If she had to build a fortress around her heart, around herself to keep them away, she would. Summoning the cold, the winter, she started constructing herself a new kingdom, one for only her. Someplace where she would never hurt anyone else, ever again.
But of course, Julie found her. Demanded the truth, demanded she come back, to fix the lingering winter that enveloped the land.
“I… I don’t know how,” Carrie whispered. “I’ve never known how.”
“I believe in you,” Julie said, snatching up Carrie’s hands, uncaring that the ice nipped at her mittens, that just being close to her made her shiver.
“You shouldn’t,” Carrie replied. “And if you’re here, the mob isn’t far behind. You need to go before they lob us together.” She twirled the now almost completely white curls adorning Julie’s hair. “Go back, rule my kingdom. Keep it safe from me.”
“I’ll keep it safe for you,” Julie stated. “Until you’re ready to come back.”
There was so much left to say, but then the invaders were at Carrie’s door. No time for Julie to flee, or even hide. No time for Carrie to defend herself, but when she saw one crazed man-the man who Julie had so wanted to marry mere days ago-go after her, Carrie swooped in, a human shield.
Only the sword never fell. Instead it stood frozen, Julie warm at her back, directing her hands towards the villain. Yet all around him, everything else started to melt. Julie’s hair returning to her natural brown once more, a smile on her face. The crowd murmured, but all Carrie could do was cry into Julie’s arms as her powers swirled around them, bringing back summer.
Carrie returned to her kingdom, the peasants still a little leery until she made them a skating rink, until they heard of the Southern Isle’s princes' treachery. Then all hailed Carrie as the Snow Queen, long may she reign. Which she did, Julie (and the cute ice salesman she fell in love with that Carrie actually approved of) at her side for the rest of their lives.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent prompt of cute head canons for your OTP at Christmastime
Day Four: My True Love Gave To Me<-AO3!
When the three of them first get together, and it grows closer to December, Luke asks the inevitable question; “What do you guys want for Christmas?”
Julie hums for a moment, “A nice night out at a restaurant would be lovely. Or maybe the new Taylor album. I'm guessing you want a new song book?"
"Or guitar stuff, yeah," Luke admitted with a shrug. "What about you Reg?"
"Oh, I'm good," Reggie demurred. "I don't celebrate Christmas, so…"
"You don't celebrate Christmas?" asked Julie, "Are your parents Jehovah or something?"
"Oh, well do you want something for Channukah then?" Luke asked.
"It's not really a gift giving holiday," Reggie clarified. At least, it hadn't been for him, not since living with MeeMaw and Pops. "I'm happy enough to do Christmas with you guys though, you might just need to show me the ropes."
So they did. Julie introduced him to all her favourite specials, and Reggie fell in love with the Muppets. He delighted in baking all the cookies that Julie learned from her abuela and Luke knew from his mom. Though he did also get to share some of MeeMaw's recipes, and they both were singing her praises after tasting her cookies.
On Christmas Eve, Luke shared something his family did-opening one present each. They decided to open their presents from each other, since they were spending the next day with their families. Even if Reggie was mostly going to be avoiding his, given his parents propensity for fighting when stuck in the house together for extended periods.
Luke received a new songbook from Julie, a leatherbound one with actual staves to write music down, with his initials embossed on the corner. Reggie got him a giant pack of picks and a new strap, a blue one that went from deep navy to the lightest colour of the sky, edged in silver thread. Plus a selection of good pens, in a multitude of colours. “So you can write our parts without scrawling our names on the sides,” Reggie explained.
“These are perfect, thanks babes,” Luke said, his fingers twitching like he had the urge to write them an ode right then and there, but a calming touch from Julie made him stop, though Reggie had no doubt there would be at least one or two songs written just for them before Christmas morning dawned.
Julie smiled wide when Luke gifted her the new Taylor Swift album, as requested, but shrieked when Reggie handed her the accompanying gift from the both of them; rockets to see her concert when it came to LA in March. “We can go to a nice place for food beforehand too,” he said with a smile.
Julie enveloped them both in a hug, raining kisses down on their faces, perfuse thanks falling from her lips. Neither of the guys were big Swifties, but they were more than willing to endure her concert for Julie, just like she would do for them once Green Day had their next show.
“Your turn Reggie,” Luke said, handing him two packages wrapped in Star Wars themed paper.
“You two didn’t have to get me anything,” Reggie said, ready to push the presents back, but Julie stilled his hands.
“It’s your first Christmas cariño, of course you get a present,” she assured him. “We love you, it’s no trouble to remind you with small little gifts on holidays, okay?”
Reggie sniffled, swiping at his eyes before offering them both a watery grin. Slowly he peeled back the tape on the first gift, and crowed with delight when he saw it was a vinyl of Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers singing Christmas songs. “I know you love her,” Luke explained. “Seemed like this might be right up your alley, even if you don’t celebrate, you can enjoy the music.”
“You gonna listen to it with me?” Reggie asked with a smirk.
“If I must,” Luke said with a smile, Julie elbowing him and insisting that yes, he must.
Julie’s gift to him was his own songbook, a mirror to Luke’s, the leather more red tinged, his initials in the corner. “For your next country hit,” she remarked, then handed him a set of pens, one of which was purple. “For the fiddle parts.”
Reggie looked up at her at that. “You’re really gonna learn? For me?”
“I already am,” Julie admitted. “Mrs. Harrison has been giving me lessons after school when you both have your own clubs and the like.”
“And once she’s mastered it,” Luke pipes up. “I will grudgingly play my guitar with you guys to record some country songs. So make ‘em good.”
Reggie pulled them in for hugs and kisses at that, uncaring of how his tears might stain their clothes, he was too happy for words right now. The only thing that he could choke out was that he loved them, and these were the best gifts he had ever received.
That was, until years later when his gift to them both was a set of shiny engagement rings, and their enthusiastic yeses were better than anything wrapped up under the tree.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
For the @jatp-adventevent What is on their Christmas Wishlist?
Day Two: Dear Santa <-AO3!
Dear Santa,
I doubt there is anything in that bog old sack of yours that I want this holiday season. Not unless it contains accepting parents or a cute boy for me to date. Maybe one with really nice hair? If not, I'll accept the latest Whitney Houston album in lieu.
Sincerely, Alex Mercer
Dear Santa,
All I really want for Christmas this year is for Sunset Curve to make it big. To make sure that I prove all the nay-sayers wrong, and prove to myself that I didn't just make a huge mistake. A space heater for the studio would also be nice.
Thanks, Luke P
Dear Santa,
I know it might seem silly, writing to you at my age, but a part of me will always believe in you, in the magic of Christmas. This year, I'm not asking for me, but for my sister, Julie. We lost our mom this year, and while I know you can't bring her back, you can help Julie. Bring back her love of music, somehow. The house is too quiet without it. And what’s Christmas without music? Just-no Christmas Shoes please.
Thanks Santa, Carlos
PS: And if you wanted to throw in the new Pokémon game for me, I wouldn't complain.
Dear Santa,
I don’t know why I’m writing to you really. Does Santa even visit ghosts for Christmas? I know this holiday is associated with ghosts, but it’s more so them haunting misers to change their ways, and Julie says we aren’t allowed to haunt Trevor any more. Either way, I figured it would be worth a shot to write, maybe get that Christmas present I missed out on in ‘95. Luke told me I’m not allowed to ask for a puppy-not even a ghost one, and wishing for pizza would be useless-unless you can return our ability to eat stuff! Anyways, for Christmas this year, I’d like a banjo. Julie promised me she’d learn to fiddle, and I wanna duet some Kenny & Dolly with her.
Thanks Santa! Your Friend, Reggie Peters
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
Phantom Carols
Fills for the @jatp-adventevent 2022!
Day One: Make a Wish <- AO3!
When Julie was young, she would often stare up into the night sky, looking for the evening star so that she could make a wish. Sometimes they were for silly things, like a pony, or a doll as nice as the one Carrie brought to show and tell that day. One day she wished for a sibling to play with, but after Carlos was born she came to regret that wish.
Once she was older, she believed less in the power of wishes. She was more practical, more aware that stars didn't grant wishes. But after her mom got sick, she was desperate enough to try anything.
So that night, she frantically searched the sky for that star, the one she had wished upon as a child. The brightest one in the sky, which was a feat given the smog. She pleaded and prayed for anyone who would listen, for her mother to get well once more. For the treatments to work, and keep the cancer away for good.
She prayed until her hands were sore from how tightly clasped they were, her voice weak and feeble. Finally letting the star blink out of sight as she closed her eyes.
But stars don't grant wishes.
And sometimes the cancer wins.
So Julie stopped believing.
That is until three ghosts literally fell into her life. Bringing back joy, and music, and belief in something more.
So that when they didn't show up at The Orpheum, Julie turned to wishing once more. Not on a star, none could be seen with all the lights of Hollywood. But she wished to her mom, to make it better, make it so the guys were okay, would come back to her. She took the kind stranger with a red dahlia as a sign that her prayer had been heard.
Yet she was still astonished when the guys flashed into view as she sang, smiling wide and playing their undead little hearts out.
Apparently wishes were good for something after all.
So much so that when they still flickered, she wished, with all her heart and soul to save them. To hold them tight to her, and never let them go. And threw herself into their arms, expecting to fall right through.
But they caught her, smiling wide, celebrating this second… third… (who was counting really?) chance.
So Julie believed one more, and she never stopped wishing ever again.
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jatp-adventevent · 2 years
JatP Advent Event 2022
🎄 Once Upon a Phantom ⛄  A Christmas Advent
Even if it’s a even later to launch it than last year, here is a JatP Advent Event for 2022! Posting will start 1st December and will end 31th December (or even in january if you want!) ~ But you can post whenever you want, or even use last year’s prompts. You can add last year prompt in either 2012 or 2022 AO3 collections, just use the 2022 tag, so I can still share them here!
How does it work?
This is pretty simple: you have prompts for each day and you can post whatever you feel like creating for this day. You don’t have to do all days, and can post as many things as you want per day. Arts, Fics (Drabbles, One Shot, Long, Multi Chapters, Sonfic, no limit), Graphics/Gifs or even Playlist, Moodboard or whatever you can imagine (even cakes), you can post it. The only rule is it has to be JatP themed.You are also free to not post them on the right day of course.
This year, there is one prompt each 5 days or so. All other days are filled with asks, but once again, feel free to do whatever you want, it’s just for fun, there is no real rule for what you really have to write.
Don’t forget trigger warnings and use proper tagging, so it can be safe and enjoyable for everyone!
AO3 collection: Jatp Advent Event 2022
Please, use the tag #JatPAdvent2022, so we can share your work and you can @ this blog too ~
If you have any question, feel free to contact us!
Day 1 – Ghost in Boots Presents & Wrapping, Make a Wish, Love & Dreams
Day 2 – What’s on their Santa’s Whishlist?
Day 3 – Who is the best at wrapping present?
Day 4 – Any OTP or cute love headcanon for Christmas to share?
Day 5 – The Dorky Duckling Ugly Sweater, Snow & Ice, Fireplace, Snowmen & Yeti
Day 6 – Who has the worst Ugly Sweater?
Day 7 – Who like Christmas the most and the lest?
Day 8 – Who loves the snow and who’d rather be warm?
Day 9 – Do they believed in the Yeti or elves?
Day 10 – The Guitarist of Hamelin Children & Toys, Music & Jingle Bells, Lost
Day 11 – What did they had for Christmas as child?
Day 12 – What’s their favorite Christmas song?
Day 13 – Best and worst Christmas Memories?
Day 14 – Anything they lost on Christmas or any lost Christmas present?
Day 15 – Little Gay Riding Hood Decorating, Into the Wood, Baking Time, Christmas Tree
Day 16 – Who does the Cookies and Gingerbread House?
Day 17 – Queer Day, for any Queer Headcanon!
Day 18 – How would their Christmas tree(s) looks like?
Day 19 – Who is afraid of the Santa Claus?
Day 20 – The Phantom of the Orpheum Insecurities & Fear, Fabulous Outfits, Showtime, Yule Ball
Day 21 – What do they wear on Christmas eve?
Day 22 – Who do they take at the Yule Ball?
Day 23 – What are their worst insecurities (on Christmas or not)?
Day 24 – The Brave Little Skater Courage, Ice skating, Dancing
Day 25 – Bonus: Free Day!
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jatp-adventevent · 3 years
The Ghosts of Christmas Eve
@jatp-adventevent Day Twenty Five: Merry and Bright Forever <-AO3 link
So I got the inspiration for this last minute, and figured why not add a bonus chapter for a little Christmas present for all of you. Set in my Semisonic Sunset verse, because it seems it wasn't quite as done with me as I thought.
Merry Christmas all!
It was dark and quiet as the clock ticked over to announce the hour. Pre-dawn light was still a forethought, but the house had subtle lights in the halls so when the children rose to go to the bathroom they could find their way. But the small Molina girl was not returning to her room, rather she was silent, creeping down the stairs, curious and careful. She stepped over the creaky stair that her papa had promised to fix but never did, tip-toeing into the family room.
Groping blindly, she found the remote to power up the tree, the multi-coloured twinkling lights creating a rainbow effect across her face, and allowed her to see the room clearly. The first thing that caught her eye was the row of candles, the last of which had been burned down earlier the week, but mami insisted on keeping out, claiming it was important to honour all sides of their heritage. The child hadn’t really understood it all that much, but she had loved hearing the stories surrounding them, the games and food, even the prayers in a language she hadn’t understood, her dad trying his best to teach her, holding her hand steady as they lit a new candle each night.
On the table sat an empty plate littered with a few crumbs and an empty glass that once held milk. The stockings were all bulging with knick knacks and treats, but it was what was underneath the tree that interested her. The floor was littered with a multitude of presents, all expertly wrapped, tags bearing the name of each recipient. She had just learned to read her name earlier the year so she snooped around, exclaiming with glee when a rather large package bore the letters she knew. She traced over each pen stroke, following the looping handwriting, and could even make out that the gift was from her parents, as she had learned to read mami soon after she learned her own name.
She then rooted through the rest of the presents, finding many with her name, just as many for her brother, and a smaller pile for her parents. Her uncles and aunts had been there the night prior, and they had done their presents then, and she did love the dolls she had received, but what she wanted, really wanted, was a puppy. Her father was completely behind her, but her mother often sighed at the request. “Mija, I know you want a dog, but pets are hard work. They need a lot of care, and with our work taking us away so much, any dog would have to spend time in a kennel.”
“Not if abuelo looked after it! He always says he’s lonely in that big house alone, he’d love to have a puppy to take care of!” She had protested, and her papa smirked.
“She’s got you there boss.”
“Maybe we should ask papi before we make any decisions, hmm?” Mami replied.
“Well you know my vote!” her dad replied, then bent down, scooping the shrieking girl up to cover her in kisses, flying her off to the kitchen to start on dinner.
She had hoped, really hoped that she would get a puppy for Christmas, she had been super duper good and everything! She pouted a little, nudging a present with her toe before a yawn ripped from her throat. She blinked her sleepy eyes a few times, and then headed off to the couch, tossing the warm quilt her grammy had knit over her, and fell asleep, the twinkling lights reflecting the first peaks of the sunrise as it streamed through the window.
“Mija? How long have you been down here?”
The child opened her eyes, and smiled up at her mother, reaching her arms up for a hug. “Wanted to see if Santa came, and he did!”
“Well of course he did, you both were so good this year,” her papa said, carrying her brother in his arms, the boy almost vibrating with excitement.
“Presents?” he asked, breaking out his biggest pleading eyes.
“Not until abuelo gets here buddy, but we can do stockings as soon as I get coffee on the go,” her dad said, kissing mami sweetly, then papa before he ruffled both of the children’s hair. He came out to the family room soon after, carrying a tray of mugs, plus two cups of warm cocoa for both of the children, the two of them polishing them off quickly, eager to get to the stockings.
Papa sighed, and rolled his eyes, passing them down the bulging socks, “Go on you little monsters,” he said before sitting back with his mug, arm thrown over mami’s shoulder, dad snuggling into her other side. The next few minutes were full of delighted squeals as the children tugged out each new item; lots of sweets, small toys and practical items of clothing. The parents eventually pull down their own stockings, which hold more practical items, lots of guitar picks and song writing paper, and by the time all of the stockings are empty, the children are bouncing in anticipation to open their presents. That’s precisely when the doorbell rings, and they both run towards the door, flinging it open.
“Abuelo!” they cry, and he scoops them up, kissing them all over their faces.
“Ah, my little nietos! Feliz Navidad! Have you done presents yet?”
“No Papi, they were waiting on you,” dad says as he comes to the door, hugging him tightly. “Merry Christmas Ray.”
“You too Reggie, how was the last night of Chanukah? Did Luke manage to beat you at dreidel yet?”
Reggie chortled at that. “No way. Luna kicked his butt, and even Danny managed to get more gelt than him.”
“Swear that dreidel is rigged,” Luke muttered before encompassing Ray into a hug. “Hey pops, you want some coffee?”
Ray shook his head, lifting up Danny and Luna in his arms, the pair giggling as he plopped them down in front of the tree. “Nah, my grandkids wanna open presents, so who am I to deny them? Go on you two.” The kids screamed and began attacking the pile of presents, Julie going over and pressing a kiss to her father’s temple.
The room was soon a hurricane of wrapping paper, Luna modelling the pile of dress up clothes that Santa had gotten her, while Danny was eyes and nose into the giant book of bugs that the jolly old man had left. Luke crowed with laughed over the pile of t-shirts and sewing kit his spouses had gifted him with; claiming he was going to make so many cut-offs now. Reggie seemed suitably pleased with the cowboy get-up he received, but teared up when he also unearthed the itinerary for a weekend at a dude ranch for the five of them.
“I can finally teach the kids to ride horses!” he exclaimed, a beaming wide smile lighting up the room. Luna lit up at the prospect, loving horses and unicorns a lot. Danny looked a little more apprehensive, but gave his papa a smile when he quietly assured him that they would help him the whole time.
Julie gasped at the fancy blue jewellery box her husbands gave her, the simple charm bracelet sparkling. A second box held a few charms; a heart, a dahlia flower, a rainbow, an infinity symbol, and a music note. “It’s beautiful guys, thank you,” she whispered, kissing them both soundly, then held out her wrist so that Luke could attach the clasp as Reggie attached the charms.
Ray opened his gifts next, admiring the nice sweater and books he received, but made more of a deal over the simple crafts the kids had made him, praising their use of glitter and glue to make him picture frames and ornaments. “I actually have one more present for you my nietos, hold on.” He reached under the tree, pulling out a slim envelope, and handed it to Luna. She ripped it open and shrieked when she saw the picture of him holding the sweetest looking puppy.
“Puppy! Did you get a puppy? Where is he? Can I pet him?” she asked, her words running together in excitement, the adults chuckling at her enthusiasm.
Ray pulled her into his lap, then Danny who was clutching the picture to him, as if the hug would make the puppy appear. “I met with this little puppy earlier this month, she’s still really tiny and not ready to leave her mom yet. But when she’s a bit more grown, she’s going to come live with me. You two are free to come over any time and visit, and maybe, look after her a little while your parents are on tour. Then when she’s a bit bigger and knows how to act, she can come stay here, with you.”
“Really? Really?” Luna asked, bouncing in Ray’s lap.
“Really my little moonbeam,” Reggie replied, scooping her up if only to save Ray’s legs while Danny pestered him with questions. “We know you wanted her for Christmas, but she has to get a little bigger first, okay?”
“Okay! Wait, does she have a name? Do I get to name her?” Luna asked, her green eyes shining.
“You and your brother have to agree on a name,” Julie said practically.
“And we get veto rights,” Luke piped up.
Luna rushed over to Danny, the two of them frantically whispering, and finally agreed with a handshake before turning to their parents. “Dolly. Her name is Dolly,” Luna announced.
Luke chuckled and shook his head “She is so your kid there Reg.”
Reggie giggled, scooping the kids up for a squeeze, dumping them on top of Luke and Julie who pulled him down for a family snuggle. “What can I say, my girl has good taste. Dolly it is.”
Luna cuddled further into the embrace of her family, smiling brightly, and openly declared that this was the best Christmas ever.
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jatp-adventevent · 3 years
The Ghosts of Christmas Eve
@jatp-adventevent Day Twenty Four: Zero flying sleigh <-AO3 link
Pairing: Rukebox
So this is my little tribute to the wonderful @bananakarenina's want your midnights verse, which if you haven't read yet, go do that. I just love that verse, and Katie so damn much, so I hope this is worthy of her.
Merry Christmas Eve all!
Luke woke up January 1'st very much disoriented, as he didn't feel the lumpy studio pull out below his back. Blinking open his eyes he took in the soft palate and little touches that made up Julie's bedroom. He remembered now, last night, or well, very early that morning, finally telling Julie and Reggie how he felt. Getting to kiss them, and then cuddling the two of them all night long.
Looking down he could see Julie and Reggie snuggled into his chest, breathing softly, and looking like his most perfect melody made life. Glancing off to the side he could see Flynn sleeping on the couch, the only way Ray had agreed to a band sleepover. He couldn't see Alex and Willie curled up on the air mattress on the floor, but the snores certainly let him know Alex was there.
Luke let himself drift back to sleep, content to be warm and loved between the two stars of his galaxy, a soft smile on his face as he fell. He was awoken some time later by a smattering of kisses all over his face and when he opened his bleary eyes, he saw brown and green ones staring back at him, happy smiles on their faces.
"Hey," he whispered, voice sleep rough and warm. "Guess last night wasn't a dream then."
"Dream come true maybe," Reggie quipped, grinning as he bounced out of the bed. "Everyone else is already up, we should go before breakfast is all gone."
"Reggie you guys can't even eat it," Julie said kindly, stretching out her arms as she slowly exited the bed. Which was... mostly still true. They found that some times food cooperated, but usually only when Willie smuggled them the ingredients from the club, which he assured them were edible to ghosts and lifers alike, with or without Caleb's influence. He couldn't do it often, but the boys relished the rare opportunity every time he did.
Reggie shrugged, he still enjoyed sitting down with them for every meal, giving him some sense of normalcy, something he had lacked even before becoming a ghost. He held a hand out to Luke, easing him up out of the bed, the two of them poofing out to give Julie privacy to get ready.
"Hey boys, sleep well?" Ray asked, looking at them over the rim of his mug. The both of them froze, wondering if he saw them in bed with Julie and more importantly if he knew about the three of them. Neither thought Ray would mind or kick them out over it, but he could object and that would crush them all. Reggie especially, who had bonded with Ray even more since they became visible.
"Yeah, no bad dreams or anything," Luke replied, though he could feel the sweat drip down his back. Reggie had run off to make Julie her coffee, and Luke rushed after him, Ray chuckling once they were out of hearing range. Julie had let him know of their new relationship before she went to bed last night, and while he had some misgivings, he was going to be supportive, but that didn't mean he couldn't have fun in the meantime.
Julie bounces down the stairs later, kissing her father hello, and sits between her boys to enjoy breakfast. Flynn is finishing up as she sits, and soon has to leave, but sneaks Julie away to congratulate her once again on her new boytoys. Julie flushes, and shoves her a little before bringing her in for a hug. Flynn still doesn't get the whole being into ghosts thing, but whatever Julie needs is fine by her, and those two dorks make her happy, so why not? She had been trying to get them together for long enough, why not be happy that they had finally gotten over themselves and finally realized how much better they were together.
After breakfast they have a lazy day planned, so they spend time together as a band, some jamming, some song writing, and end the day by snuggling together for a movie. Alex and Willie go off after for a date night, having plans to crash a few museums before dawn. “Do you guys wanna plan our first date?” Julie asked, her voice a little sleepy as she was snuggled between them.
“I-I have a plan. If you two trust me,” Reggie stutters out.
“Of course button, you just tell us where and when,” Luke replied, pressing a kiss to his temple, Julie nodding and snuggling into his chest. The guys share a fond look over her head and eventually poof her up to bed, tucking her in and going off to the studio to curl up together on the pull out.
A few afternoons later, bundled up in nice winter gear, arms linked, Reggie poofed the three of them to a snowy farm scape, where a horse drawn sleigh was waiting. Julie gasped in delight, and the three of them took a seat, nodding at the driver who started the horse on a trot. Snuggled together under a blanket and sharing a thermos of hot cocoa they enjoyed the landscape and each other’s company. Before long the stars peaked out, and then, a few started streaking through the sky. They came to a stop, exchanging a few wishes, and even more kisses as they headed back to the farm.
They soon had to poof home where the sun was still setting, sitting down for a meal, sitting on a blanket in the studio, toasting with sparkling cider. Luke leaned over to capture the taste from Reggie’s lips, tart apple, a hint of cinnamon, and then pure Reggie, warm and sweet, and Luke could drown in that flavour. He pulled back slowly, then had his head turned towards Julie by her fingers, pressing their mouths together, and then his senses were full of Julie; the faint hint of chocolate from their dessert, the whiff of coconut from her hair oil, the subtle scent of flowers that followed her everywhere. He blinked his eyes open when they parted, not even sure when they had slid closed, but he got to see Julie pull Reggie down for his own kiss, and gosh if the two of them together weren’t the epitome of beauty.
All too soon it was time for Julie to head to bed, though she winked as she wished them a good night, and sometime later they silently poofed into her room, snuggled down to either side of her, smiling softly as they got comfy. Luke knew she had set her alarm early so they could sneak out, and relished the thought of doing this as often as they could. With one more sleepy glance at the two halves of his heart, both already drifting off, Luke slept, the light from the stars shining in on them as he fell.
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jatp-adventevent · 3 years
The Ghosts of Christmas Eve
@jatp-adventevent Day Twenty Three: You got nothing to gift <-AO3 link
Pairing: Regal Jewelry
Everyone is alive and aged up.
Reggie swore when he checked the mail yet again and found only bills. The tracking on his shipment promised that his package would be here today, and given tomorrow was Christmas Eve, he very much doubted it would arrive then. He already had gifts under the tree for Julie and Carrie, but these presents, they were going to be special. And now, he had no idea where they were or when they would arrive. He sighed, he supposed he could wait for Valentine’s, but he had wanted to do this now.
Reggie sighed and walked away from the mailbox, a frown on his face which he quickly wiped away once he was inside the house. The air was filled with the scent of baking, as Julie had taken over their kitchen making a multitude of cookies and treats. Carrie was out doing promo for Dirty Candy’s Christmas hit, her last interview of the year, she promised. Reggie didn’t mind, he was happy that Carrie and her group were so successful. Julie and the Phantoms had also done well, but they had opted out of a holiday hit this year, as they were deep into writing their next album and didn’t want to distract from that.
Some wondered how it worked, having three people in a relationship in rival groups, but Julie always looked at those people weirdly. Dirty Candy was a pop group and had a completely different sound and demographic than the Phantoms who played more pop punk music. They had even collaborated for a song that had earned them all some Grammy buzz earlier the year, so there was no competition in their minds. Besides, the three of them worked just fine romantically, and any pretend rivalry only fuelled Carrie up in the bedroom.
Reggie went into the kitchen, pressing a kiss to Julie’s cheek before swiping a cookie, grinning while she scowled at him. “Tastes delicious hun!” he said through a mouthful of crumbs, but started on the dishes once he was done, mainly so Julie wouldn’t stay mad at him. Though it was his turn to do them anyway, so he didn’t really mind. He had just finished drying and putting away the last bowl when Carrie flounced through the door, greeting them both with smiles, then collapsing onto the couch once she was in her comfiest of lounge wear.
“Okay, no more commitments until the New Year. At least any professional ones. I know we gotta do the family thing for the next few days, but can I reserve the 31’st for just us?” Carrie asked. Reggie put her feet up into his lap, rubbing at them gently until she was purring, with Julie bringing them all treats and drinks to veg out in front of the television with.
“Of course hun, a quiet New Years in sounds perfect,” Julie assured her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Reggie nodded his agreement, and they relaxed for the rest of the evening, despite his worries over his missing package.
It was the 26’th when Reggie finally received his mail, and despite being a day late, he was overjoyed to see the small box there before him. He ensured the contents were right, and with a grin, hid them for their quiet night in, humming with anticipation. The next few days were agony to wait through, but before long they were watching the celebrations in New York, all in their comfy jammies, flutes of champagne on stand by.
“Got any resolutions for next year?” Carrie asked as she swiped the last bit of cheese from the board they had been munching on. “Mine is to take some time off. With Kayla due in June we have to take a break anyway, so I want the band to concentrate on ourselves for a bit. It’ll be nice to not have such a hectic schedule for a while.”
“I want to finally do my album of songs for my mom. It’s been ten years, it’s time,” Julie said. She had talked about making a solo EP of songs her mother wrote, ones she deemed too personal, or not to the style of the Phantoms. The boys understood completely, and would 100% support her in this. Luke had already said he wanted a producer credit for it.
Then both of the girl’s eyes flew to Reggie, and well there would never be a better time now would there? He groped for the box in his pocket, and slid down to kneel before them on the couch. “My resolution is the same as it is every year; to love the both of you as fiercely as I can. But I think this year, I’d really like to do it with the both of you as my fiancées.” He held up the box, popping it open to show the simple diamond rings inside, the stones bright and sparkling, and each band inscribed with the name of the girl it was meant for. Reggie grinned as they both gasped, Carrie reaching for her band first, sliding it down the appropriate finger before she pulled his face into hers for a passionate kiss.
Julie was a bit more tentative in taking her ring, but slid it home just the same, admiring it for a second before leaning down to press a lush kiss to Reggie’s mouth. “It’s a yes mi corazon, from the both of us.” She then turned to Carrie, kissing her lightly, Reggie still beaming at them, the three of them paying no attention to the television where the sound of the countdown was still playing in the background.
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jatp-adventevent · 3 years
The Ghosts of Christmas Eve
@jatp-adventevent Day Twenty Two: Wrap Up <-AO3 link
Pairing: Rukebox
The boys are alive again AU
Julie slumped against the door as she entered the house, exhausted, but satisfied that she had finally managed to finish her Christmas shopping. It had been an especially arduous task this year, because she had wanted to get the guys something special to celebrate their newly alive again status. Also… well she was tired of waiting on Luke to make a move, so she decided to get him a little something extra to motivate him.
Well, that had been the plan, and then Reggie happened. Reggie who smiled as bright as the sun and likened her to an angel. Reggie who whispered secrets into her hair when he thought she was asleep about how he felt, for both her and Luke. Reggie who had taken up equal residency in her heart right alongside Luke. However, Julie knew Reggie would never do anything about his feelings, too convinced that she would only like Luke, and Luke would only like her. After an embarrassing conversation with Alex, she became assured that the three of them were stupid for each other and that Julie should just go for it, because goodness knows those goobers would never make the first move.
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jatp-adventevent · 3 years
The Ghosts of Christmas Eve
@jatp-adventevent Day Twenty One: Voice of an Angel <-Ao3 link
Pairing: Rulie
Warning: Homelessness, allusions to abusive Peters household
Reggie shivered as the winds blew through his thin coat, flakes of snow catching on his threadbare gloves and hat. It was supposed to be a frigid night, and unfortunately every shelter he’d turned to had been full. Reggie had slept rough a few times since leaving home, but he wasn’t a fan. Yet sleeping on the ground in the dead of winter was preferable to sleeping in his bed at his parent’s house. He couldn’t bear the thought of staying in that hell-hole any longer, not after years of abuse, and especially not after he came out as bi and they threw around the words conversion therapy.
He had taken what he could and left, never looking back. That had been over a year ago, with Reggie scrimping by on his meagre savings, odd jobs, and an understanding YMCA employee. But now the YMCA was shut down for the holidays, and he had to find someplace else to stay for a bit, thus wandering the streets hoping to luck out at the next shelter.
He was heading for a local halfway house when he passed by a church, its door open wide, beckoning people inside. Reggie stopped, and hesitated. It wasn’t like they would turn him away even if it wasn’t his faith would they? He didn’t have much belief regardless, and it wasn’t like he had gone to Temple any time in the last six years. He slowly went up the steps, holding his breath as he stepped through the doorway, only letting it out when he heard the most beautiful voice ever.
He went towards the singing, stopping at the back of the small church, people filling the pews as a woman around Reggie’s age stood at the front, belting out a Christmas carol. Her voice sent shivers down Reggie’s spine, and the way the candlelight reflected off her made her look almost angelic. She caught sight of him and smiled, nodding her head to sit as she kept singing. Reggie almost rushed to the closest empty spot, sitting and watching her sing, enraptured. This girl was as gorgeous as her voice, and he felt his heart give a flutter. Then she hit a high note and Reggie swore that he fell in love. He wondered if you clapped at church for a song, clenching his hands together just in case it wasn’t done.
The girl finished and the gathered congregation leapt to their feet, applauding wildly, so Reggie joined them, eyes never leaving this girl who had so captured him. The curls of her hair, the tiny gap in her smile, the faint flush to her cheeks. She gave a little bow, and then flounced off to sit down, only she stopped, speaking to the man who was surely her father and then, remarkably, gestured at Reggie. Reggie flushed, wondering if he would be in trouble for coming in, and wondered how to quickly extract himself. He was about to get up when his path was blocked by the smiling face of the angel who had sung. “Hi there, can I sit?”
Reggie nodded, dumb-struck. She was even more stunning up close and he hoped he wasn’t drooling or staring at her with his jaw on the floor. “I haven’t seen you here before. Are you only a Christmas/Easter church goer?” she asked in a whisper as the priest was leading everyone in a prayer.
“Oh, um, I… I just needed somewhere warm to go, it’s a cold night out there. I’m Jewish, but figured they wouldn’t say anything if I came in out of the cold for a bit. Then I heard you sing and wow you’re good.”
The girl grinned, blushing a little. “Thanks. Glad I was able to keep you for a bit, it is pretty chilly out there. I’m Julie, by the way.”
“So why are you out on the streets on Christmas Eve instead of home with your family Reggie?”
Reggie rubbed the back of his neck, and though he knew there was no real shame in being homeless, he also didn’t really like admitting it, it always resulted in pity and he hated that. Yet Julie had seen him, and came to talk to him, despite not knowing him, to show even the smallest kindness to him and he felt like he had to be honest.
“I-I don’t have a home. My parents were… they were monsters, so I left. Been on my own ever since,” he admitted. He was a little shocked when Julie gave him the tiniest smile and grasped his hand in hers.
“I kind of figured, you’re not exactly dressed for the weather. Do you have someplace to go tonight?”
Reggie was about to answer when the crowd was standing, putting on their jackets and exiting the church. Oh, they had missed the rest of the service, but Julie made no move to leave, still looking at him, awaiting an answer. “No, but I’ll figure something out, I always do.”
“Mija, are you ready?” the older man Julie had been talking to earlier came up to them, holding out her coat. A young boy was by his side, face buried in his phone, Reggie supposed this was Julie’s brother. He didn’t spy her mom, and he wondered where she was.
“Sure thing Papi. Come on Reggie.” Julie held her hand out to him expectantly.
“Um… where are we going?” Reggie asked, but still slipped his hand into hers, letting himself be pulled up and into the aisle.
“Home of course. You can come with us, get a good meal, a better night’s sleep, and tomorrow we can talk about where we go from there,” Julie’s dad replied before she could. “I’ve been exactly where you are mijo, only made it to where I am now due to the kindness of strangers, so I figured it’s about time to return the favour.”
Reggie was flabbergasted, “Bu-but you don’t know me. I could be a thief, or a serial killer for all you know!” He whipped his eyes to Julie then, saying assuredly “I’m not either, but still I could be!”
Julie chuckled at that, sharing a warm look with her father. “I doubt you could hurt a fly cariño. But we’ll take our chances. Now come on, I’m hungry and we have warm sopa de pollo con fideo at home. It’s basically chicken noodle soup, which is perfect for a cold night like this.” They were halfway out of the church, hands still entwined when Julie stopped. “Wait, can you eat that? I don’t know much about how kosher food works.”
Reggie giggled at that, “I’m fairly certain it’s okay. Haven’t exactly kept kosher myself for a bit, not that I ever did. Bacon is too good to not eat.” Julie grinned at that, and kept pulling him towards the car where her family was waiting. He hadn’t really agreed to being essentially kidnapped for Christmas, but he didn’t get any weird vibes from them, so figured why not?
Later that night, dressed in warm, clean pyjamas, full of soup and curled up on the couch with a holiday movie playing on the television, Reggie thanked his lucky stars that he wandered into the church that evening. The sweet kiss that Julie pressed to his cheek as a good night didn’t hurt either.
Years later, when Julie and he had started their own family, every year around the holidays they always tried to find some other unfortunate soul to help, carrying on Ray’s tradition of paying kindness forward. Reggie would never forget how that kindness changed his life, forever thankful as he pressed a kiss to his wife’s cheek, then repeated the motion on the cheek of his sleeping daughter, and the sleeping boy who was soon to be their son.
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jatp-adventevent · 3 years
Day Nineteen - Crooked Tin Soldier
PeterPatter (Luke/Reggie)
Reggie is a solider, friend of Luke and loves him and would do everything for him. He even scarifies himself for Luke more than once.
Note: A new Christmas Tales inspired by “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, or it’s supposed to…
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