jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
Instant coffee isn’t Daniel’s preference, but it’s better than none at all. And it’s become habit to have it waiting in the morning for both himself and Ezra. Some small, normal comfort that serves as one of the few things that feels familiar anymore. He doesn’t expect anyone else to be in the kitchen this early, certainly not a boy he’s never seen before and it has him stalling in the doorway for a long moment.
“Morning.” The response is automatic, he barely registers the word even as he says it. Instead there’s some mixture of confusion, an ache in his chest he can’t place yet, a familiar, stunted reaction that Lowell seems to summon in him too. There’s only the repetitious thought that whoever the kid is, he seems so small.
It gets swallowed down as swiftly as he can. “Sorry, who are you?”
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A man’s voice had him turning his head to look, adult men were something of a threat in Jason’s mind, while they were mostly something his mother was weary of when she was still alive, he understood why. And when she was dead it was something he had to adopt too. All over again. His family had him convinced that the bad part of his life was just some terrible distant dream he had to live through for a while and the perks of his bright new shiny life included adults you could trust and rely on to have the best interest of kids in mind. 
But that was just some calm before the true terror began. A collection of warm memories he would never get to make more of. 
He realized he had stilled and was staring, but, so was the other man, and he wasn’t sure what to do now. Obviously staring awkwardly at someone was rude, and awkward, but just because the vast majority of people he had interacted with had all been women he sort of trusted for a long time didn’t mean he needed to go and freak out or something. He knew how to deal with adult men. Be respectful, don’t make them your enemy, and stay out of their way. Ideally they’ll just ignore you, more than once he’s attracted attention as ‘a drain on resources’ despite how useful he attempts to seem. It was those situations that lead to him staying away from groups until he found the Monastery. He got tired of sleeping with one eye open.
The man didn’t introduce himself, but asked who he was.
“Uh...Jay. Jason. Jason Peter Todd.” Stupid, his private joke of introducing himself as Batman’s second Robin who died on the job but then got better had become a habit instead of an ironic joke. No one ever got the reference, he wondered why he even bothered with it. “I’m just.” He pointed to his bag, “Putting stuff from the last run away. I... didn’t know there’d be so many people. So I didn’t bring much food.” He didn’t know why he needed to explain himself or make an excuse, but he did feel the compulsion.
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jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
He was tired. But he was also hungry. And there were fresh blueberries. How was he supposed to say no to fresh blueberries? Jason got his hands on a whole mug full of them, he covetously cupped his free hand around the brim, making sure none fell out, a big grin on his face. There was someone else out on the porch, someone he hadn’t ever seen before, but coming across people he hadn’t ever seen before was a thing that going to happen a lot today apparently and he thought nothing much of it. He only thought of blueberries. 
He picked a polite distance to settle down, sitting carefully and slowly, ever mindful that his mug was filled much too full. A single berry fell out and he watched hopelessly as it fell to the dirt where his feet dangled, knowing full well that if he tried to fumble for it that more would come tumbling out. If someone hadn’t been out on the porch with him he would’ve picked that berry up and eaten it anyway to be entirely honest but, well, he wasn’t about to act like he was raised in a barn in front of a pretty lady he’d never met before.
His eyes widened as he heard her address him, not really expecting her to say anything as she had seemed like she was having a rather serene morning. The smile came easily to his face, he shrugged, “Better than sleeping in a trunk.” He noted conversationally.
Which was the understatement of the century because while he was perfectly sized to fit in car trunks, and they made for excellent hiding holes to sleep in while outside the monastery, they were by no means any kind of substitute for an actual bed. Or fresh produce, or a proper shower, or an actual fenced in area you could walk around in without being on guard, or actual people that you could talk with. All of which were comforts he didn’t truly take for granted, and part of the reason he kept coming back to it.
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Haddie hadn’t spent much time in the Emmanuel Monastery, but it was certainly an interesting stop to have made.  Her interactions with the sisters had been limited, mostly because she had no interest in getting to know them and she planned on her stay remaining short.  It was nice to take some hospitality from those willing to give it, almost like a vacation when it came to a place like this.  Walls to keep you separate from the monstrosities outside, food on the table you didn’t have to scavenge for, and a roof over your head to give you a break from the elements.
Currently, she found herself outside, sitting with water in hand, letting her mind wander for once.  It could almost be described as a peaceful day, if not for the grunts, moans, and thumping of the creatures outside.  There was some peace of mind to be had at their being blocked, and Haddie intended to take it.
She heard someone come out and sit close to her, and she didn’t say anything at first.  Likely they wanted to just take a moment for fresh air or something like that.   Finally, since she was in a particularly good mood in that moment, she asked,”  So, how are you liking your stay?”
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jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
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Professor Layton moodboards:
➳ Luke Triton ♤
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jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
Jason made a beeline towards the pantry when he was able to set his sac down, finally, was it just him or had that thing increased in weight since last he’d carried it? How long had he slept? Not long, it was still the crack of morning. They’d be making breakfast soon. He would like to put everything away before he ate, the ache in his belly wasn’t too bad, considering he’d eaten a can of beans just last night.
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“Morning.” He greeted politely at the person at the person who entered the kitchens while he was putting away the edibles from his scavanging trip. He didn’t bother turning around around from his task, working quickly. He did that when he was as tired as he was now, attempting to get tasks done as soon as possible so he could nap in his bed. That was assuming he still had one since so many people had arrived at the Monastery. He’d really been looking forward to a bed.
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jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
There was a man rifling through things in an upset manner, and it caught his attention. The curiosity about the new group getting the better of him, though in with this particular man he wasn’t getting the best impression. He frowned and watched from a distance.
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Jason only realized he was rudely staring when the man looked over at him, at which point he tried to clear his throat and avert his gaze too... the sky, oh christ that was a stupid direction the man wasn’t going to believe he was staring at the god damn sky instead of at him. “Uhhh... you.. you’re hurt?” He instead switched his tactic to a polite innocuous question of false concern. There was no way the man was really hurt, the way he was riffling through the meds was reminisce of the way he’d seen before. That hungry look in the eye. He’d seen it on a teenaged girl named Rachel he’d stayed out of the way of in one of the homes he’d been placed in early on. He’d seen her hit other kids who’d gotten in her way before.
He wasn’t going to accuse the man or anything, and he could very well be wrong, he wasn’t going through the sister’s supplies so it was absolutely none of his business. Though even if he were he wasn’t sure he’d stop him either.
It had been a while since he’d done this. Last time was before anything was official, at least in his mind, back when the group were just bystanders to him, complications to how he imagined his and Eli’s reunion going. He didn’t have time to care about the group’s well-being over his own desires then, and Justin was starting to feel that disconnected again as he rifled through the group’s medical stash for purely selfish means.
They were good people, here. He could use that. No one would look twice at him because he was supposed to be part of them and no one knew how little that actually meant to Justin, honestly. They were good conversationalists. Good fighters, good in general. But it didn’t matter whose wounds might have been soothed in the future by this medicine if it meant he didn’t have to spend another painfully-dull hour sober. Only, no matter how aggressively he rifled through things, nothing good appeared that he could use. Justin clicked his tongue, irritated.
“Fucking useless,” he mumbled, furrowing his brow and starting to pick through individual pieces, trying to find something he might have missed.
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jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
A small and quick figure with a sac quite nearly as big as himself strapped to his back flitted this way and that, sticking to the shadows and cover wherever he could, even this close to his destination he was careful. You could never be too careful anymore, that and patience could mean the difference between living another day or not. Though to be fair, with the world as it was now, the question of whether or not another day is at all worth it could be mulled over. Not by this boy though, no, never by this boy. He moved forward, ever towards his destination, wherever that was that particular day or hour. He kept moving, kept living, that was his promise to his mother, the woman he wasn’t strong or fast enough to protect. If he failed her in that respect he would not fail her in this. He would keep moving.
As he neared the gates of the Emmanuel Monastery he pushed back his hood, revealing watchful and stony blues set on a pale face that was quickly losing the baby fat of his youth. Where it still clung to his face it no longer clung to his body, giving way to skinny wiry muscle that seemed out of place, unhealthy, and much too soon for a boy his age. Though it was telling of the man he was going to become thanks to the mark on his right hand. It was the reason he was still alive in this wasteland, destiny marked him as a hunter.
Preferring as always to climb over the walls rather than make a lot of noise with the gate by opening them Jason took note of all the new cars from a distance. He would groan outloud if he dared spare the noise. It was stupid to move around at night as was but he had trusted his gut and decided to run back to safety as quickly as he could. He trusted his instincts more and more each day as he realized they were just a summation of what his senses were telling him. Like now, as he studied the cars and made an educated guess that the group weren’t cannibalistic ravagers. They even had an ambulance, he wondered if it was just another set of wheels or if they actually had doctors with them.
The new cars meant a lot of people probably, and the majority of what he had fit into his bag was items that weren’t edible. He’d found a house with a surprising amount of canned goods in them but hadn’t thought it was necessary to take very many since the gardens at the Monastery kept them well enough. With this many cars they would absolutely need more food, a lot more food. The thought left him feeling inadequate in his scavenging efforts. At least he had managed to find all of the certain things Talia had written on the ‘shopping list’ as he had jokingly called it. The small win did little to sate the rock in his stomach though, food now being his primary concern.
He came around the back and found a spot where there were no revenant clawing at the walls, using the meat cleaver and rope he had fashioned into a grapple a while back he scaled over the walls quickly, preferring not to dawdle while out of the open with a heavy sac on his back and very little chance of outrunning creatures more dangerous than the undead. With a huff he landed, the weight of the sac making the landing painful, with no one around and aware that the monastery was locked up at this hour he allowed himself a grimace and a small whine as he straightened. It would be dawn soon, so he wrapped up his hook and set it down on the porch, fluffing his sac of stuff in an effort to make it a better pillow. Jason gave up on the task and made to lay down but something hard tucked into his belt reminded him where he kept his gun. He moved it to the front pocket of his hoodie and finally settled down. He’d wait until the monastery was open...
Or he had planned to anyway, until he accidentally fell asleep. A fact he only became embarrassed of once he was startled awake by someone. “Mmphginfk. M’not as-leep.” He insisted in the best insistent voice he could muster, his hand flying out of his pocket to rub at his forced open eyes and his handgun making a clattering noise as it fell out of his pocket, barely registering the noise as his head pounded from the disruption of his deep slumber. He sat up and squinted at the person who had found him in his state of dreamless sleep.
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jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
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jaytheyounggun-blog · 6 years
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☼ made by/credit : gяingλlet ♥ like/reblog if you use. thank you
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