jc-archer · 2 years
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"To be content with little is difficult; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach // Wants It has been said that real happiness is wanting what you have. Yet, from every direction our eyes and ears are attacked by the noisy messging of the day in an attempt to convince us that happiness lies on the other side of more stuff and greater recognition. Many fall prey. Many lose sight of what's important. And too many pills are prescribed each year for depression and anxiety because of it. You should seek more, bigger, and better. But in a healthy way by going after healthy pursuits. More self mastery, bigger purpose, and better mental frameworks around success and achievement... more self examination and greater contribution, these are the seeds of happiness and a life of contentment. So, at the end of the day, what do you want? Will people remember you because you had stuff, or because you made a contribution in this life... Deep down, you know the answer. Get busy pursuing what matters. Sight + Light, J. Be. Do. Have... In that order. (at Black Canyon Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccj7WArLbgp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jc-archer · 2 years
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"Fiat Lux" - Genesis // Moonrise Tonight's full moon lit up the sky so bright I had to squint anytime I lifted my eyes from the trail. With each step taken toward the mountains, I had only the company of my shadow... not a soul around. Pure peace and quiet. Nights like these draw me into the moment and make it easy to be present and simply be. I pause mid-hike in wonder as in my grand window to the universe the sun sets over my left shoulder and the moon rises at my right. This natural clockwork reminds me that the promise of light is always honored. Whether in bright desert days, or in reflections from sky bound onjects at night... there's always light. And we each carry some within. Learning to let it shine in pursuit of a life filled with meaning, purpose, and creation is really our only job. It's the only work always worthy of our time. It uncovers our desire to live an adventurous, productive life and leave a lasting positive impact on those close. And even when you've lost yourself, your light is always there. It never dims... but it can be covered. Yesterday's baggage is usually the problem. It has a way of piling up like dirty clothes thrown over a lampshade. And when all that adds up to feeling lost, down, or defeated and all I want to do is wallow in my own shit for while, that's my cue to stop letting shit pile up and do my mental laundry. Truth is, it's wallowing in the past, in what was, that causes us to feel like our fire has gone out. But, it hasn't. It's still there. It's just that no one has taught you how to uncover it and become a better a keeper of the light within you. I know how that feels. And someone was kind enough to show me how to move through all that to create a life I love living. Now, I do the same for others. And my selfish motivation is that its lights me up to have the opportunity to help guide someone on their journey to a life that lights them up. Few experiences feel better. If you'd like to explore the concept of living a life you really want rather than one in which you simply exist, let's talk it through. There's another level for anyone willing to do the work. Love + Light, J. (at Anthem AZ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcbvnkFpX8x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jc-archer · 2 years
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"Every day man crucifies himself between two thieves... the regret of yesterday, and the fear of tomorrow." - Benjamin Disraeli // Quote Power Words like these said by Disraeli, have shaped many of my days. The lead to better questions... How do we avoid the stagnation and weight and pain of carrying the past into the present, or making a future fear alive in the now... 1. Design your future. 2. Stay in motion. 3. Track your results. A future big enough to pull you forward is a matter of creation. Moving toward it keeps the stink of yesterday's missteps from Staying on you. And gauging your results against what you desire tells you if you're on the right path. Now is the only place we can create. What guides your now will determine the difference in how you experience each moment. You want to find a place where creative new moments outnumber the ones captive to past prisons... or, future fears. Much love, J. Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcWJwcGPZzn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jc-archer · 2 years
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"You should be afraid of taking risks and pursuing something meaningful. But you should be more afraid of staying where you are if it is making you miserable." - Jordan Peterson // Make Fear Work For You The first part of the Peterson quote is a given. You will be fearful when doing anything new and unfamiliar that causes you to step outside the familiar. The second part of his statement is less likely... which is why it requires careful thought and study. Few will ever be fearful of the familiar misery they inflict upon themselves. Why? Because it's familiar. It's seen as a norm. The devil you know brings less pain than the one you've never met. Take care to refuse the temptation to normalize the mundane, mediocrity and misery you experience. If anything, you should highlight it and magnify its potential impact on your existence. You should make it hurt enough to make lasting change. And if you do that well, you can avoid the regret so many experience on their deathbed wishing they'd taken a chance to really live. Find a way to gain leverage over yourself and move. The clock never stops ticking. Much love, J. Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbvchyHvU3y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us." - Ken Levine // Decisions Decisions The heaviest thing in the world is an unmade decision. It's choosing to be in the gray, that place between places, where misery is never resolved and anxiety builds. On the one side of a decision you have the devil you know. And there's comfort in knowing. So much so that the thought of staying put pulls at you. On the other side of a decision you have the unknown. And few experiences are more paralyzing to humans than letting the imagination run wild there. We have a propensity for imagining all the negative things... forgetting all the positive that might come from new movement. So the common solution is to make no decision. To vacillate and allow the weight of the decision to increase. Decide. Pick a side and move. You can always make a new decision, but you can never get your time back. Let the ticking clock find you enjoying yourself in purposeful motion. Do that, and you're living well. Sight + Light, J. Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbatfRnPCFb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe." - Muhammad Ali // Accept It. Whatever happens, happens... and doesn't care about your feelings. To fight what is, is foolish. To flow with what is, is to flourish. You can only operate in one if those two spaces. There's no middle ground. If you can find the wisdom and strength to let go of changing what you have no control over, your life will open up and possibilities to expand will appear. If not, your next years will look alot like your last years. Sight + Light. J #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. (at Anthem, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbLYIQxJbH1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"Clarity precedes success." - Robin Sharma // $30,000 The Queen and I are very fortunate to have found a quiet little corner of the globe that has so much of what we enjoy. It's almost as if the universe sent omens encouraging us to buy here. From the town tagline, "Life In Abundance", to the mountain named after Cristina's most loved flowers, daisies, little cues matching our lifestyle are everywhere. And I find myself in the mountain preserve often. Especially when I need to get clear. This day was like that. Decisions needed to be made. But rather than move, I was stuck weighing risks of all the unknowns. I had forgotten that the basis of all life is uncertainty. When I realized this and reminded myself that all paths are risky,... it took the pressure off, lifted the frustration, and removed the anxiety. I was now centered. See, any path can lead to success or failure. The only wrong path is not choosing one as time inches you closer to death. So, I have two immediate targets to hit, both in support my highest value: freedom. 1) Help Cristina develop her nutrition business. And 2) Acquire another property; this time in the form of Bitcoin. The best way to help Cristina is to hire a coach that has done what she wants to do. Easy; coach found, credentials verified, and 10k sent. And, Bitcoin acquisition is simply committing the funds without vacillating on it the being the "right or wrong" move, and trusting that no matter what, I'll figure it out. Coming from a household where money was something other people had, my programs around dropping large sums of cash always say "don't!". But knowing that makes it easier to dance with the falsehood of scarcity and move. So, another 20k goes to Bitcoin. 30k later and here I sit still not knowing what tomorrow brings. All I know is that I'm playing this hand with real skin in the game. Action creates clarity. It gives me a chance to be an agent of creation rather than a victim of circumstance. Maybe you've been paralyzed or fearful too, stuck and motionless. But if you're ready to break free and create the life you want, DM me and let's chat. Don't sit idle. Sight + Light, J. (at Anthem, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CabrDXgLtkt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus // Deuces Wild A series of 2's happened to be in the date yesterday, and people everywhere couldn't contain themselves. I get it. Being a math guy I can appreciate a little significance being placed on the cuteness of repeating numbers. However, I also saw the collection of 2's being used to justify all manner of indulgences. Marriage arrangements in Vegas went up, Taco Twosday meant double up your taco orders, and crazy cat ladies everywhere numbed themselves with an extra glass of wine before bed. On some level I wondered why... but a quick reality check reminded me that A) people will participate in any ritual to feel like they belong, and B) well, it's easy and requires no real effort or sacrifice. The fact that most people put more effort into a random date post than they will put into solidifying their primary relationship is telling. For me, the only significant "two" will always be the one formed by the Queen and I. It's forever worthy of my time and effort. I'm not sure what the guy dressed in stripes in the photo is saying to my girlfriend, but you can bet I'm gonna find out and use it. Seeing a her smile from a truly genuine place lights up my soul. Who else knows that feeling? Sight + Light, J #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. (at Anthem, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaVeg3gvNPD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"The true test of character is to live win-win even when promoted to positions where win-lose is possible." - Orrin Woodward // Super Bowl Sunday In honor of the big game, we are reminded what it means to create win win relationships by simply looking at the word "compete". Traditionally, we think of competition as a thing that creates a winner and a loser... it's one AGAINST another, or us VERSUS them. But this is wrong-headed thinking. It actually bears no truth in the original context of the word itself. The etymology tells us that to compete is to "struggle with" or "come together for" a cause or event. True competition makes a win win relationship in that no matter the final count, both parties competing have learned something from one another about themselves, their status, and their opportunities to improve or reasons to celebrate. What if we approached every competitive situation with the idea that no matter the outcome, we are all better for having been in the arena. Struggle with your spouse. Struggle with your clients and partners. Struggle with your opponent for the best outcome. In the end, the quality of our lives is determined by our ability to struggle well with all the perceived obstacles and problems we face. None of it is there to harm us, but to bring us closer to our true potentials. The universe doesn't care if you win or lose, just that you played your heart out in this thing called life. Sight + Light, J. #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7uRmMP5lF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care, nor your nights without a want and a grief, but rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked and unbound." - Kahlil Gilbran // What Matters When it comes down to it, the great challenge of life is not to live a drama-free existence filled with lofty ideas of well earned calm. That utopia isn't possible... or even real. It's antithetical to all we know to be true of the universe. Your life is the result of partical after partical violently colliding in ways hardly imaginable in environments not suitable for much else. And if the universal clockwork was off even slightly, we'd all never have lived to begin with. Yet, here we are... often ungrateful for our station in life, when life itself is the gift. Not an easy life. Not a hard life. All of life is unfolding for us to do with what we will. And, the measure of success that matters most is can we take whatever comes our way and live well... be it good or bad. Nature will see to it that life issues you a plethora of challenges. Even if you think your blessed with no challenges, that in and of itself will be your challenge. As having nothing to work against you, brings zero growth. It's the call for a life of ease, or of thinking "it shouldn't be ths way" that creates heavy bonds and self loathing. No... instead know life is this way. And knowing hardships in one form or another will find you is your impetus for self mastery. Life isn't about finding easier, it's about becoming the person capable of better. Better responses, better actions, and better results. You don't get what you want, you get opportunities to become the person who can create the life you want. Take advantage. Sight + Light, J. #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZstrEbJl7b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates // 5k A Day One key element of Self Mastery is asking more of our bodies. Doing so puts you in a vulnerable place, both mentally and physically, and gives you an opportunity to rise. Mentally, questions arise around the possibility of reaching whatever physical task you set out to accomplish. These questions usually get measured in anxiety and excuses. The limiting thoughts and beliefs you hold begin to rear their ugly heads: Things like: I don't have time. What if I miss a day. I'm not capable... All of which can easily be framed positively if you're strategic and choose an effective story over a disempowering one... fears present opportunities to rise. Physically, your body will do almost anything you push it to do. But, we live soft lives and have forgotten this. The challenge is to remember. In December, I decided to begin leaning out. And low heart rate cardio is one of the best ways to do that. I decided to do 5k a day mostly walking, some running, whatever kept me inline with my goal. I'd carry weight most days, a ruck, or ballistic vest and use this time to take in books and podcasts. Truth is... I thought it would be easy. And while 3.1 miles isn't that far, the challenge of mastery lies in the consistency. Doing when you're tired, sore, stuff, or pressed for time is proof of you running your life rather than the other way around. Every day for the last 45 days, I have done this. And my body is absolutely being challenged... whether it be no days off leading to soreness and stiffness in the lower leg, or simply not wanting to go get it done on a busy day. So... Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to cover 5k a day everyday this month. That's the game. Let's see what comes up for you both inside your head, and in the real world. Who's ready to #moveanyway? Sight + Light J. #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZgbL9irmpo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde // Sunday Vibes The Queen and I couldn't be more grateful for our station in this life. Our challenges make us stronger... Every friction smooths away rough edges... And, the future we've designed grounds us in the work each day. Still... we're as imperfect as two people can be. We come with all the usual human frailty and flaws baked in just like everyone else. But we have chosen to follow a path that leads us closer to self mastery and a lifestyle of freedom every day we breathe. We fall short often. We fail each other. And when we do, the focus is to move through the despair and frustration as quickly as possible to get back into forward motion. Unless the plan is to remain upset, motionless, and in perpetual victimhood, no other course makes sense. Every moment wasted creating what you don't want is precious life force wasted that can never be reclaimed. It's simple... but not easy. Nothing worthwhile and worthy of effort is. In the end, all the work, both inside our relationship and out is leading to something. And when that something is clearly defined and two people surrender to what is requiredto make it real... well, nothing is sweeter. It leads to a level of freedom and meaning that younger me never would've believed possible. My relationship challenges me to rise... to become more. May yours do the same. Sight + Light, J. #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZX9CROvS47/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money." - Warren Buffett // Wealth Is... Wealth is possible for all... right now there is more opportunity for "money getting" than ever before in history. But, that is just one component of the game. Wealth is about quality of time. Having more time as a free human who pursues his or her own path to fulfillment is a function of wealth. Are you taking advantage of what you know? Are you maximizing your opportunities? Are you living in Iiberty? Your money has to be right. Your body has to be maintained. Your relationships must be adding richness... Or, your time will not be enjoyable. When these things are off, you cannot be free. Your days will be filled with worry and anxiety. To avoid this, guage your life based on results in these areas and simply ask yourself if what you have is what you want. If you answer, "no"... now is an opportunity to move differently. Audit your day and ask, "are my actions supporting what I want?" The truth is you already know what to do. Discipline is doing it. And if you want a kick in the pants remember tomorrow isn't promised. Don't leave this plane with things in shit shape as just another statistic who falls in the category of "lived a life of quiet desperation". Act on creating the life of wealth you're worth. Sight + Light. J #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/j.c.archer/p/CZMCSpFrgL0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"Study the past if you would define the future." - Confucius // Forward Or Backward Hey you! So, you've already screwed up your grand plan for discipline and "goal getting" for 2022, and January isn't even over. Consider this before you reach for the hammer and beat yourself stupid: That workout you missed... That target you didn't hit... That relationship that ended... That money you lost... That opportunity you didn't take... All of that shit is past and cannot be changed. It's done. Let it go. Look ahead to what you want to create with the knowledge that your past is there only as a teacher. So let it teach you. Mine the lessons your history contains and move forward with actionable knowledge. Bring a more strategic you to the now and your future will look brighter every day. Yesterday is gone, but today shapes all your tomorrows. Act now. Be strategic. Let yesterday be a guide, pick yourself up, and #moveanyway. It's early in the week and you've got all kinds of time to make it productive. Do that. Sight + Light, J. #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/j.c.archer/p/CZJdnm3L-W9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards." - Søren Kierkegaard // 10 Year Challenge (Improved) Instead of looking backward... look forward. Looking backward 10 years and comparing the number of wrinkles on your face, hairs lost, or pounds gained can be a humorous (or sad) activity depending on your story, but the fact is that time is lost forever. What really matters is what's possible from today on. Today is just yesterday's tomorrow, as they say... so, what's happening now and what we experience now is the sum total of previous moments. Knowing this, one of two things is true for our lives: Either we can decide no more growth is necessary and we accept today as is and all that ever will be, or... we decide today is point A on a new journey to some point B that we've yet to make real. The future is unknown, yes. But, that's what makes it powerful. Your future can be decided today... by you alone. It's it an unwritten blank slate that without your input will be filled, scribbled on, and commandeered by other people and things. Why not pull out your pen and start to create it before that happens. If you do that, you'll immediately have an idea of how spending your time today will impact your ability to own the future you've designed. Maybe you want greater connection... Or more impact, Or a fit body, Or more money, Or better sex, Or new skills, Or 20 rental properties, Or simply to be at peace in your own home. Whatever the future image of the life you want, having a clear picture of what that looks like will be your guide in the present moment each day. Here's why: having something is the result of being something. Everything you have now is the result of your past "beingness". Deep down you already know this. So, you can label yourself as this or that and use that as an excuse to justify what you have, or you can do some fucking work to change your internals in a meaningful way, then reap the rewards of new states of being. It's "can", not "have to"... you don't have to do much in this life, but you can design your future and live into it. Do that. Site + Light, J. Be. Do. Have... In That Order https://www.instagram.com/j.c.archer/p/CY3WYd9LOuQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." - Mark Twain // Morning Meditation Twain brings so much heat with this quote that I could not love it more. It's not just the man who can read and doesn't he's invoking here. It's the human who: Can help, but doesn't. Can workout, but doesn't. Can learn, but doesn't. Can teach, but doesn't. Can plan, but doesn't. Can travel, but doesn't. Can eat well, but doesn't. Can be positive, but doesn't. Can invest, but doesn't. On and on I could go. But, my guess is you smell what I'm stepping in here. There's power in inaction, and power in action. Only one of those this places are you in control of your life and results. Which do you choose? Sight + Light. J #norestfortheworthy Be. Do. Have... In that order. https://www.instagram.com/p/CYmfqZSPZfv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jc-archer · 3 years
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"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." - Mark Twain // Books A few years ago I got caught in the "book flex" trap. I was aligning personal progress with my count of total books read. Which is idiotic, btw. There's absolutely zero utility in the attempt to associate progress with the number of pages turned. As with most things, the second order consequence matters more than the first. First order consequences of reading many books may even be more about you than anything else. Your ego is stroked when your number is higher than the next guy's, you get to say "I've read that one" more often at parties, but more importantly if your blazing through book after book fast as you can, what can you really retain and apply aside from not much. If you slow down and retain the knowledge, apply, and grow from what you acquire, then the first order consequences around ego and count don't matter... if they ever did. The second order consequences of slowing down give you deeper understanding of concepts, and ultimately give you greater confidence to discern the difference between a book that should be re-read repeatedly vand one to never pick up again. I was reminded of this earlier today when a member of our group asked about a book list. We haven't posted one yet. The list we will be adding to the group will be one that I feel contains knowledge that demands a deep dive, and can be re-read over time for greater wisdom and timeless  mastery concepts. We'll limit it to the top 50 or 100 books and add or remove one based on its potential to better explain a concept or not. Depth, not width, is the key to implementing change that moves us forward. My current pile of books is pictured below. The Maltz book and de Mello book I have read repeatedly because they always feed me. Anything you want to learn is out there and available nearly free, and there's power in that. The flip side is there's so much out there that much of it is just repetitive useless nonsense. Don't waste your precious life force on numbers. Go for quality. That said, what book or books would you recommend reading over and over again? J. https://www.instagram.com/p/CYimRWarf2x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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