she's a 10 but her social battery dies before she even goes outside
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I’m having a hot girl summer (drinking iced coffee while reading shakespeare)
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I am constantly trying to communicate something incommunicable, to explain something inexplicable, to tell about something I only feel in my bones and which can only be experienced in those bones.
Franz Kafka, from Letters to Milena
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i understand why old people sit outside just to sit outside
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It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.
— Maud Hart Lovelace
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you gain nothing from being a good woman be insane and evil
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"The future had never looked further away that summer. There was too much of the present built up in front of it, the entire city and its surrounding tributaries reaching up towards the hot blue sky. Who had time for the future in a summer like that one?"
- The Chosen and the Beautiful, by Nghi Vo
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going out to do hot girl activities (grocery shopping)
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i think if you aren't absolutely deranged about at least one (1) fictional woman you should go ahead and make that a personal project
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I love grandma activities… sleeping early, drinking tea, knitting, buying ugly sweaters and tacky clothing, gardening, feeding all the neighbourhood cats, sewing… Im all abt that!
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fuck having a job. life is all about sitting outside in the sun and reading a book and listening to ur favorite songs and getting excited about sunsets & being a little weird and dancing in the rain and creating art & talking to yourself in the kitchen & writing bad poetry and taking naps & laughing with your friends and telling people u love them and saying that u don’t care and then crying about something for three hours straight
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being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot
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"Not to have been born in a woman's body was a piece of luck in the first place: he couldn't see his own freedom because he couldn't conceive of how elementally it might have been denied him. To beg was a freedom in itself - it implied at least an equality with a state of need. My own experiences of loss, I said, had merely served to show me the pitilessness of nature. The wounded don't survive in nature: a woman could never throw herself on fate and expect to come out of it intact. She has to connive at her own survival, and how can she be subject to revelation after than?"
- Second Place, by Rachel Cusk
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“It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.”
— Far from the Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy (b. 2 June 1840)
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i’m ready for june. the purest month. the friday afternoon of summer, when the world hums with possibility. when spring kisses summer on the cheek, leaves behind a trail of ferns and dew. june is packing your suitcase for a trip. june is a sprinkler in the lawn. june is goodbye and hello all at once. every day feels like the first moment after you wake up, when the dreams still stick to your skin. we wander dazed and hazy in the infant months of heat and sun. we are lovely and unafraid
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"It ensured she would never see herself in relationship to another person."
- When We Lost Our Heads, by Heather O'Neill
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"... to take on the work of fate is to incur full responsibility for its consequences."
- Second Place by Rachel Cusk
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