jennacolore-blog · 8 years
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“If you have a minute, would you be able to help me make a decision?” She looked up at the person standing beside her. 
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“Oh, yeah, sure. Go for it.” Jenna said, finishing what she was doing, so she could give the girl her full attention.
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
“I’m wearing my happy face today, because if my happy face is on then no one will know that i’m contemplating my own slow demise as i crest the hill of old age.” Emilia said with a bright grin that didn’t reach her eyes. “Make the most of it, it may never happen again!”
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“Well... you certainly don’t show any sort of ‘old age’ at all.” Jenna offered, not sure it was actually going to help in any way at all.
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
[text] WOW! [text] I’m feeling all the love here [text] Why am I friends with the two of you again? [text] Thursday sounds good. You won’t believe what I have to tell you.
[text] Because we’re wonderful and you love us. [text] well thanks Sut now I’m going to sit here wondering. I NEED SLEEP WOMAN
[text] I SAID I LOVED YOU. [text] Oh, come on you can’t leave us hanging like this!!!!
group text; #squad
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
[text] Oh, it’s just you? What a let down [text] I love you. [text] I can do whenever, honestly.
group text; #squad
@elizabethxsamuels @jennacolore
[text] Guess who’s finally back from DC [text] If that’s not clear enough, the answer is me [text] Where are you two girls available for lunch?
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
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Dear Jenna,
Happy Valentine’s Day!  Enjoy the treats with your loved ones, we wish you a happy Valentine’s!
-Queens Apartment Management
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
“Oh come on, Valentine’s is not that silly, it’s an excuse to eat a lot of chocolate without shame,” Sutton said with a grin, “And really whose fault it is that you were nowhere to be found for the last few weeks?” she asked back to her best friend, “And okay, I have to admit that work has been crazy, I have to deal with my boss’s new girlfriend and their knack for PDA and that sure gave the reporters a field day, which I have to take care of.”
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“You know what, you make a wonderful point. This has changed my world view.” Jenna admitted. “Hey, I’ve been doing my own thing with you nowhere to be found.” She teased, before wrinkling her nose up at Sutton’s story of her new boss, and she rolled her eyes. “Gross. I’m sorry they’re like that. But today is a break at the very least.”
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valentine’s party
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
Jaron loved Valentines, and this year was even more exciting for him because he had someone special to celebrate with - Erik, and with the event hosted by Queens happening, he just couldn’t resist checking the party out, even with the struggles he’d been through recently. A stiff drink, or two, was something that he most certainly needed. 
Jaron had been knocking back drink after drink for the past hour now, and was well on his way to becoming a drunken mess. As his orbs watched the familiar faces wonder in, he then hurried over towards the entrance with a stumble, and embraced his friend with a huge hug and kiss to the cheek. “Happy Valentines!” He giggled, embracing the person with a french kiss on either cheek - the smell of wine and vodka lingering on his breath. “You look so cute! But I think you’d look even cuter in that pool..” 
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Jenna had never thought much of valentine’s day. She didn’t hate it, but she certainly wasn’t a fan of it either-- and not in a single bitter way. She just thought it was silly to create a single day that was dedicated to romance, when it didn’t need to be contained in one day. However, Queens was opening the brand new pool, and how could she resist that temptation. 
She walked into the new pool area, and was immediately greeted by Jaron, who hugged her, smelling specifically of alcohol, and Jenna just laughed, realizing her friend was pretty much gone already, and it barely took any time at all. “Thank you. Happy Valentines.” Jenna returned, glancing at the pool water, and then back at Jaron. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
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Ever since she heard about the party and the new indoor pool is finally ready, Sutton couldn’t wait to check it out. Walking into the party area she was greeted with some music and people already around, she went to one of the lounge chair around the pool to put her things and took off her robe where she was wearing a swimsuit underneath. She caught someone’s eyes next to her, “I’ve been more excited about this pool than about the Valentine’s day party to be honest…” she admitted.
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“I can’t fault you there. Valentine’s is silly, but an indoor pool is something to celebrate.” Jenna glanced over at her friend, deciding to give her a little bit of shit over the fact they hadn’t talked in at least a week. “Oh, wow, you look so much like my friend Sutton. It’s crazy. But she was lost to time days ago. It’s the only explanation since she has not gotten wine drunk with me in over a month.”
valentine’s party
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
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Let me help you.
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
A smirk pulled crookedly on his lips. “Yes ma’am,” Jason replied to her request not to call her drunk Jenna from the bar. Perhaps she doesn’t need to know that drunk Jenna from the bar will always have a soft spot in his blackhole of a chest. “I was bored, you were slow and I like taking stock for you guys – get things done while you get things done for me. It’s a win-win situation.” It was utter bullshit of course – he just liked reading the labels off and wonder the interactions between chemicals. He turned to look at the printer as the printer hummed, slipping out and towards her. Taking the paper work from Jenna, his eyes scanned the report, still listening to her jabber. He took his time to gaze up at her again. “I never doubt your competency anyway. Maybe it’s just your paranoia and heightened self-awareness nagging at you,” he casually lamented. Something was bothering him and he looked down at the paper again. His brows knitted before his attention snapped back at her. “Do you have a red pen?” he queried, taking out his own blue one together with a another report from a file. Jason looked up impatiently. “Please?”
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“I was not--” Jenna started to argue, but realized it was a mute point, dropping the attempt to fight him. “Well, sorry to keep you waiting, then.” She didn’t know why exactly he was so interested in what they kept back there. It wasn’t anything worth his time, anyway. Just chemical after chemical. “You didn’t... okay, well... good. You’re probably right.” Jenna agreed, moving a strand of hair out of her face. Paranoia and self-awareness seemed to be following her around these days, so he wasn’t exactly wrong. Curiosity tugged at Jenna as he read over her workups. It wasn’t her job to go over them, even if she did once or twice on other cases, but she was trying to break the habit, because getting too invested in another case just seemed like a death wish. However, as his face contorted, Jenna’s curiosity grew, and she wanted to know exactly what he was looking at. However, his attention snapped back to her, and he was asking for a pen. A red one. Why red? She grabbed one off the counter from behind her, and handed it to him. “I take it you found something useful?” She asked, despite herself. 
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Itchy fingers | Jenna & Jason
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
“Thank you,” Walker smiled towards the girl as he took the sketches form her and placed it back into his portfolio. “I did,” the boy nodded, “Would you like to see more?” He asked before opening his folder and showing her actual finished drawings.
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He opened the folder, and plenty of drawing sat in front of her, comic book style art, and Jenna smiled in awe. “These are amazing? Are you an... illustrator? Author? I don’t know the term for people who make comic books.”
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
Elizabeth let out a laugh. “No such thing huh?” She smirked as the bartender came over and she ordered herself a drink. “So any particular reason we’re having too much fun tonight or no occasion needed?” She asked her friend as she received her drink taking a sip. The alcohol flowing nicely through her body and she felt herself breathe out a sigh relaxing for the first time since she went into work. 
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“Not a thing.” Jenna confirmed, nodding her head. Her friend ordered a drink, as Jenna sipped on more of her own, and she shrugged. “There is an occasion, which is the fact that I don’t feel like being sober, and also didn’t feel like being alone.” Jenna explained, smiling a little bit. 
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
Jason shrugged – he liked the buzz, he liked being numb to certain things but he liked his intellect much more sober than intoxicated. Or perhaps that was just his paranoia controlling him. Not that he minded it – his own conscious has always kept him sharp, also he didn’t want to end up like his drunkard father in the first place. “Are you seeing me in posters or in real life? I didn’t know I have an every day face unless you’re confusing me for some Hollywood star because.. I hope not. No one from Hollywood, in their right mind would wander into a bar in the middle of Denver. And then proceed to talk to a drunk woman,” Jason said coolly, sipping on his Scotch. 
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“No, not posters. But I don’t know where else I would have seen you other than the building. I don’t even know if I have.” Jenna explained a little more clearly. “What? You never had the movie star fantasies as a kid? I mean, I didn’t, but I figure most kids do.” She tilted her head, and studied him a little more. “Nope, not a Hollywood face, that’s for sure. An average Joe at best.” Jenna concluded, smirking a little at her own dig. Not that it was that great, or that he would even take it as a dig. But it was amusing her, and, presently, that was all that mattered in her mind.
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
With Jenna’s order given, the bartender wondered off to fetch the large amount of drinks ordered. Jaron gave a quick glance over to where he was seated earlier, flashing a few of them a smile, before turning back to face his friend at the bar. “Oh come on, a heart throb? Please.” He giggled, shaking his head. “So I’m doing a Broadway show in April called Here Lies Love? And that’s the rest of the cast over there. I pretty much begged them to come to Denver since I’m not ready to leave Erik yet. Like, we’ve only got back together sooo.. But, we are all having a good time.” 
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“Broadway? That’s amazing! Congratulations.” Jenna said, a bring grin of excitement on her face. “Aw, that’s so great. Now you get to show them around, and they get to meet one of your crazy drunk friends. That’s how real bonding goes good, right?”
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
Gabriela nodded her head with a laugh. She hadn’t really thought of this place how Jenna waas putting it. Sure, she was there quite a lot, but she wasn’t sure where she even fell in any of it. She was ut doing it because there was nothing better for her to do. She shrugged her shoulders as she spoke, “I’m not sure. Maybe a mix of the latter two.” She shrugged her shoulders again. “What about you?” 
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“Funny, cause I’m a mix of the first two.” Jenna responded, downing the rest of the drink before she could think too much about it. She really wasn’t in the mood to do anything of the like at that point. “What’s stressing you out?” Jenna asked quickly, trying to move the conversation off of her.
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
Itchy fingers – that’s a made up syndrome his superior would say whenever he catches Jason fiddling with something he wasn’t supposed to. truth be told, if he wasn’t so fascinated with investigation and crime work, he’d go into a science lab and end up here. Chemistry had always fascinated him, plus waiting for this slow forensic scientist to get back to him was proving to be something that will drive him insane. So the best was to occupy himself. “There you are,” he said, eyeing the brunette as she came ambling into the lab. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be inside here without someone from the lab in the first place but Jason never cared about the rules unless it could put his ass into jail. “I’m about the case in Virginia. Blood samples, torn shirt et cetera,  et cetera,” he explained until he realised that she was a familiar face. “Wait… Aren’t you, Drunk Jenna from the bar?”
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Her brain was swimming, which was no different than usual in the past week. She always had an odd fog over her, that never seemed to clear. She only seemed to be able to function when focusing on her work. It was so clear cut and logical, with so little room for error that it kept her grounded. That’s why she had spent so long doing the workup on some evidence from a case in Virginia. How it ended up in their little Denver lab, she wasn’t sure. She was finishing the last of the data input on her tablet, making her way into the lab, where a guy from her drunken night at the bar stood, giving her more information than she needed. She was really hoping that he wouldn’t recognize her, but as soon as that wish came into her mind, he recognized her. “First, yes, I’m Jenna from the bar. For the sake of my career, I’d prefer it if you didn’t refer to me as drunk Jenna.” She placed the tablet down. “Second, you’re not authorized to be back there. So don’t be back there.” She said, motioning for him to move out from behind the equipment, pressing a last couple of buttons on her tablet before the printer hummed to life, ejecting the paperwork for him. “Third, I know who you are, don’t worry. And I have information for you as well.” She grabbed it off the top of the printer, handing over the papers. She paused for a moment, before adding. “My behavior while under the influence is no indication on how I preform in my work. I’m good at my job. In case you were wondering.” She really just didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. She was reliable, despite how they had first met.
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Itchy fingers | Jenna & Jason
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jennacolore-blog · 8 years
“Making it more vodka than soda would amp it up,” Thor laughed. “But I’d pick vodka over gin any day. I just don’t have the taste for gin at all and haven’t since college,” he said. “Scotch. Or beer but I’d prefer a glass of scotch after a long day of work or whatever,” he said with a shake of his glass. “I think that is more boring than a vodka soda or a mostly vodka and some soda.”
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“I could never bring myself to like scotch. And, honestly, drinking a beer is like eating slices of bread.” Jenna commented, wrinkling her nose up, before realizing she was just criticizing him. “Not that it’s a bad thing you like those! I just... don’t like those.”
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