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Okay but hear me out. Everyone on reddit was saying that Zimone's "death" here was really tame in comparison to everyone elses. Which yeah, I get it because this could be taken metaphorically, but like:
Was I the only one who took the phrasing of "breaking from inside as it blossomed into a new, smaller version of the creature" literally when I read it? Like WAS I THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT OF "The Quarry" or "Alien" when Zimone "died" here? (like this but from human to monster:)
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Reminder: The other four are Planeswalkers, whether in the past or currently. They are all very experienced adults. Zimone is 16 at the youngest as she stated herself she was older than Marina. But she's definitely not over 18 either. She is a student. A child. The fact that she can just have this happen to her and carry on instantly is SO BADASS OF HER.
In this essay I will-
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Their dead child firefox
warrior cat named websight
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No joke, the first picture made me cry for a straight 10 minutes and I had to just hold myself, in my playthrough, i accidentally killed the hackett family, but travis, i kept alive thankfully. I felt awful when the game told me that “the curse that plagued his family for years has been broken” when every single member of it was now dead. Travis deserved so much better and you captured his grief and helplessness perfectly, very well done.
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Spread the wooord!
Every single character in Obey Me is autistic. All of them. No one can escape the Autism Spectrum Disorder
Source: I'm autistic and I said so
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I have a tik tok now!
For those of you who like my content/humor, check it out :)
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My dnd party on twitter
CW: swears, mentions of sex
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Hello and this is why Simeon, Barbatos as Luke’s parents need to be featured more often.
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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Mc: Fangirling? Excuse me, but I am more mature than that. I fanwoman thank you very much. 
Jaehee: Fanwoman? I fanlady, peasant!
Nadia: Fanlady? I fanqueen, peasant!
Thirteen: Fanqueen? I fanGODDESS, mortal!
Mc: ...That escalated quickly.
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Fanart for fanhearts, the havenfall gang dont need no costumes! @lovestruckvoltage
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Obey me brothers getting the covid jab/shot
“A vaccine? Very well, that’s fair.”
He was planning to go to the human world for a business trip with Diavolo, but when he learned he and Diavolo would have to get the vaccine against this strange human world plague, he was honestly all for it. 
The thought that the human world was being responsible, and he respected that quite alot.
The initial injection doesn’t hit him too hard, he takes it like a champ if not for a small flinch. (And by flinch i mean a tiny flicker of his eyelids.)
It’s the aftermath that he doesn’t expect, he was confused as to why he woke up the next day feeling like he had been run over by a truck on fire. Needless to say, he stayed in bed all day that day.
He recovers quickly the next day, however. And acts like nothing happened. 
“A vaccine?! Huh??”
He just wanted to visit a human world casino. He didn’t sign up for this!
Suddenly he wasn’t so eager to go to the human world anymore.
You dragged him to get his shot anyway, all the while he was kicking and screaming, begging not to go.
Thanks to Mammon’s trembling in the chair, the injection hurt like hell, it’s probably the highest pitched scream you’ve ever heard him make.
And the aftermath was no better. He was sobbing in his room all day. But he had you to take care of him! So that was kinda neat.
And he didn’t stop there, for the next few days, he pretended to be sick for your affection and care. But you caught on quickly and told him to snap out of it.
Over all, nervous start, terrible jab, sick needy boy.
Oh, and you didn’t go to a casino, you ended up just having a nice walk downtown in London. And he ended up having a lovely time.
“Huh.. A vaccine... okay, I guess..?”
 He was nervous, but he figured that if he got to go to a TSL convention in Tokyo with you, he’d do it. For Henry!!
He is the whiniest demon you’ve ever seen during the injection. One yelp is what starts the waterfall of complaints. You haven’t heard anyone worse. “What did they just do to me??” “My arm hurts!” “I think I’m sick already!”
You just pat his back all the way home in a “there, there...” sort of fashion.
Surprisingly, he takes the aftermath like a champ, he’s used to holing up in his room, sick or not. The symptoms aren’t too bad for him.
Thankfully, you two were able to go to the convention together. Cosplay and all! So in Levi’s books, it was worth it!
“Hm, a vaccine, you say? Alright. Let’s get it over with.”
While he wasn’t overly thrilled with the concept, he was understanding about it. Besides, he wants to go to a human world library with you. And he’d rather be safe while reading with you.
Now, during the wait for the injection, this man is terrified, but he hides it really well, but you can tell he’s struggling from the small whimper during the injection.
You offer to hold his hand, and at first, he refuses, but when he feels the needle, he instantly holds your hand.
When you leave the building, it’s as if nothing happened, he seems to be totally asymptomatic too in the aftermath.
So as it turns out, the last minute panic was all for nothing, he’s fine. Especially with the new books he got to read with you!
“A vaccine? Alright! I’d hate to get some virus, it would ruin my perfect complexion!”
He wanted to go with you to a human world milkshake place with you. It had been a while since you went on a date with the fabulous Asmo!
Though he’s never had botox or anything like that, he’s probably not too nerved about needles. He’s probably the one comforting and cheering you on about getting your vaccine.
He takes his injection like a champ, and he even has a little flirt with the doctor on his way out. 
Now obviously, the aftermath makes him miserable as hell, but afterwards, he comes out of his room better than ever!
The milkshake place was absolutely fabulous now you were both protected.
“Hmp. Alright.”
He was planning to go to a human world fast food place so Beel could have his all time favourite food: Human world cheeseburgers. When told he had to have a vaccine, he gladly accepted. The sooner he could have those burgers, the better.
This man is a brick wall during his injection, he keeps food on his mind to keep himself confident. He looked like he didn’t even feel the injection. He assured to you that he was okay.
The aftermath was heartbreaking though. His loss of taste absolutely crushed his poor, hungry heart. He was crying in his bed all day during the flu-like symptoms. 
But rest assured, when his taste came back, he was the happiest demon alive. He ate probably twice as much as he usually would. The devildom suffered to say the least.
When he was able to go the the fast food place, he ate so much that the owner walked out crying. But hey, Beel was ecstatic to be able to eat in public safely with you. 
“A vaccine? Ugh.. what a hassle...”
He wanted to get human world ice cream with you and sleep, not get stabbed with a needle.
It’s not that he’s afraid of them, he just knows how bad the aftermath could be.
He hisses in pain at the initial injection, but he just grumbles about it on the way home
The aftermath is just as bad as he feared it would be. He just hides in the attic. All. Damn. Week. Your cuddles do make it much better though.
Beel probably has a heart attack, thinking Belphie’s dying. He’d probably be at his side for as long as he’s sick and long after too. 
After the jab, you two get ice cream. Was it worth it for Belphie? Probably not. But he enjoyed your affection and the protective nature of Beel. It’s over and done with now and that’s what matters.
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Dreamscape - English Lyrics
The songs original lyrics are NOT MINE, they belong to Obey me, I just took the english lyrics and made them singable, no copyright or any form of offense was intended. If anyone wants to use these lyrics, please ask and credit me first.
Original translation: Maon_ObeyMe on twitter Singable lyrics: Me
Hey, now you’re here, let’s have a bedtime tale Now can you rub your sleepy eyes? Now I’ll hold you, soft and frail and whisper in your ear “goodnight” "Well, I mean, this ain’t much to me" Is so easy to say when it’s anyone but you   In your case my chest is gonna burst with my heartbeat And my face is bright red too Now my heart is dancing in my chest And your presence calms it down I need a rest 'Cuz my soul’s in constant leaps and bounds All the time and day by day On and on I know there’s nothing that I could do Cuz I’ll always Be right here waiting for you Today where do you want to go? ‘Cuz I don’t want you to be alone I used to be able to say it out loud But hesitation lets me down "Hey, how was your day?" "Let’s sleep the night away" These words on my tongue fade away I want to cry, my brain is fried and I don’t know why! But what finally comes out my mouth Is "Goodbye" Now my heart is dancing in my chest And your presence calms it down I need a rest 'Cuz my soul’s in constant leaps and bounds All the time and day by day On and on I know there’s nothing that I could do Cuz I’ll always Be right here waiting for you What kind of friends are we? Or do you love me? I'm thinking what could we be? But behind it is the meaning that I can’t see Love’s blanket’s got me wrapped up in this warm, yet lonely daydream In bed lying restlessly   For the first time, I can’t sleep Now my heart is dancing in my chest And your presence calms it down I need a rest 'Cuz my soul’s in constant leaps and bounds All the time and day by day On and on I know there’s nothing that I could do Cuz I’ll always Be right here waiting for
Now my heart is dancing in my chest And your presence calms it down I can’t express The amount of love that I have found I know this is a selfish need Your affections’ got me begging on my knees Hey, please..?
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Mackenzie: Hey, I'm lesbian.
Elmer: ...I thought you were American.
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Aaa thx for the tag!
My top three ships (im a sucker for gay ships):
RavenpawXBarley (warrior cats)
DiavoloXLucifer (obey me)
LancelotXJonah (ikemen revolution)
Last song: Davy Jones Theme
Last movie: Leafie: A hen in the wild (the uncut ending made me cryy)
Reading: Warrior cats: Thunder and Shadow audiobook (does that count??)
Watching: r/choosingbeggars videos
Consuming: Maltesers chocolate
Craving: Mac and cheeseeee
Go for it @hhhany82 @sirpeanutthethird @scintilans @somebody-1 @syazrock and anyone else who wants in!
Get To Know Meme
Tagged by @owlswithfins and @corgi-nub - thank you!!
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Three Ships:
Snupin (of course), Snucissa, and Mcshep (SGA)
Last Song:
OK. It was All Star by Smash Mouth but I swear I was listening to it ironically!
Last Movie:
Guns Akimbo - Daniel Radcliffe was fantastic!
Currently Reading:
Still on Malice by Heather Walter. I'm procrastinating cause I don't want it to end!
Currently Watching:
Just finished Cruel Summer. It was so good. Kate and Mallory! 🥰🥰😍
Currently Consuming:
Cup of tea.
Currently Craving:
Nothing really. I feel a bit sick. 😣
Tagging: @logicgunn @celta-diabolica @adelinegryffindor @maria-de-salinas @marshmallowmcgonagall @abrunettecoffee @solasnarealtai @i-will-steal-your-intestines @mouseinthecastle
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Lucifer - German Shepherd:
German Shepherds are loyal to the grave. They would practically lay down their life for their owner, similar to how Lucifer would die for Diavolo.
They can be aggressive to strangers or people who annoy them, ahem Lucifer and mammon ahem
They are very beautiful dogs, very elegant, similar to how Lucifer shows himself off to be.
I don’t want to be obvious, but c’mon, Lucifer screams German shepherd energy.
Mammon - Jack Russel Terrier
These little ankle biters are perfect for a bad tempered demon like Mammon.
When he turns INTO a dog during a text, he is literally "A little ankle biter". His words, not mine!
Jack Russel Terriers are loud too, yappy and constant, like Mammon.
They're VERY cute and cuddly, though if they could speak, they'd be denying it constantly like a certain mammon we know.
Leviathan - Duck Tolling Retriever
A Duck Tolling Retriever is arguably the best dog when it comes to water, which fits Levi's demon form.
They're the smallest Retriever, and i wanted a small ish dog for Levi, it just fits.
They're loud when needed, but very insistent with attention, like Levi's neediness.
When doing the things they love, they;re the happiest dogs in the world, A duck tolling terrier playing fetch is like Levi watching TSL, they adore it.
Satan - Doberman
Dobermans are very strict, very well trained too when in the right hands, a dog after Satan's own heart.
When it comes to their purpose, dobermans, like Satan’s, are very efficient and on point.
They are known for aggressiveness though, Dobermans could soar after a robber like Satan soars to MC when they call him "Lucifer"
When they are attached, they are ATTACHED. Good luck trying to leave a Doberman's home
Asmodeus - Poodle
This was a dead giveaway, poodles, whether toy or large are beautiful and used for show purposes for a reason.
They can be loud and rude when untrained, like how Asmo is sometimes but trained, they can be the most well behaved dogs!
Their fur was bred to be attractive and soft, like Asmo's demeanor.
They can have a bit of an attitude too, which also suits Asmo very well.
Beelzebub - Saint Bernard
Saint Bernards are laaaarge, like, large to the point where they're clumsy, similar to Beel.
They can be the biggest, softest cuddlebugs on the planet, they're gentle giants like Beel too.
Oh and did I mention, they;re HUNGRY. Like, Beel would almost have competition with Saint Bernards. Almost.
They're bred to save your life, and that they will do. Beel will also protect you with his life, at this point, a Saint Bernard is his spirit animal.
Belphie - Japanese Chin
The color is black and white, Japanese chins basically look like Belphie's pillow, especially with their tiny size.
They're more like cats than dogs, more introverted when it comes to other people, similar to Belphie.
They're very quiet and lazy dogs too, and their cuteness could get them anything they want. Similarly, Belphie was called cute by his brothers multiple times.
Japanese Chins are very intelligent too, matching Belphie's smarts while being slightly feisty like him too.
Diavolo - Bernese Mountain Dog
With the playfulness of a golden retriever and the size of a Saint Bernard, a Bernese Mountain dog is perfect for Diavolo!
They're a lovely, playful dog, amazing with new people, similar to Diavolo's happy personality.
They love attention, the Bernese has the mind of a lap dog and the body of a Goliath. Diavolo would definitely be the same.
They were also bred to save lives, and Diavolo in the amusement park proves that he saves lives too. Overall, a good boy for a very good king.
Barbatos - Guide Dog Lab
Labs are usually excitable dogs, but when trained right, into a guide dog for the disabled for example, they're very sensible, like our butler boy.
Labs are usually very neat, they don't shed much, which means that, like barb, the place they're in is usually pretty clean.
They are known to fetch certain items on command too, they're basically furry little butlers.
Like Barb with Luke, guide dogs are responsible with children, specifically more respectful kids. Overall, Barb is a guide dog. You cannot change my mind.
Solomon - Wolfdog
Wolfdogs, like Solomon, have a bad reputation. But in the right hands, they're actually very soft and sweet.
While wolfdogs aren't trusted, like Solomon isn't, as long as there's a limit to people close to them, they're very protective and happy to see you if you're in that limit.
Wolfdogs can be dangerous though, and while Solomon isn't aware of it, he can be dangerous too, with his cooking and potions and all.
Overall, both have terrible rep. Both don't deserve it.
Simeon - Australian shepherd
Aussie Shepherds are very clever and very well trained, so it's very fitting for Simeon.
They aren't timid though, and i think this fits Simeon well, since many people see him as innocent and sweet, but he, like the Aussie Shepherd has an attitude he isn't afraid to use.
They're very efficient at what they do, and they're known to be loyal to the fault, and suspicious of any newcomers for about 0.3 seconds.
Plus, Simeon's quote of "it's an angel's job to shepherd our little lambs", seals the deal.
Luke - ....
Oh buddy...
I'm so sorry lil guy.
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Lovestruck with an Aspie/autistic MC like:
You: I got you coffee!
Mac: aw, really? You shouldn't have..
You: I shouldn't have?? GOD I'M SO FUCKING STUPID
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Me to my enby partner: Aw, you’re so cuuuute! My enby partner:
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Diavolo: I am not... fucking drunk..!
Lucifer: Can you tell the time?
Diavolo: ...Yes!
Diavolo: *points to a clock* I am NOT... fucking drunk!
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