jessmasehcofa · 9 years
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jessmasehcofa · 9 years
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Week 12: ways of learning
This week I taught jess jessmasehcofa how to do a fishbraid. I verbally instructed her the first time, without a demonstration to see if she could do it. By the second time, I showed her how to do it, and by the third time, jess watched a YouTube tutorial.
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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Week 8: Uncreativity This week we were looking at uncreativity as the topic, so for my experiment I decided to appropriate Ella's appropriation of Mondrian's artwork, except I used found objects available.
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
Alain Robert biography and website http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=81043   http://www.alainrobert.com/index.en.html
Frank Gehry biography and assorted works http://www.biography.com/people/frank-gehry-9308278
Katerina Kamprani, ‘The Uncomfortable’ Project, Ongoing http://www.kkstudio.gr/projects/the-uncomfortable
Mobstr assorted works http://arrestedmotion.com/2014/05/interviews-mobstr/
Roy Masters, The Psychology and Conformity magazine article, 2012 http://www.newswithviews.com/Masters/roy122.htm
Self Portrait inspiration http://photography.tutsplus.com/articles/100-seriously-cool-self-portraits-and-tips-to-shoot-your-own--photo-5689
Week 7 Value Course Resources         
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
Concept Statement
Can creative acts be rebellious when rebellion has become canonised in art, design and media histories? What would a contemporary creative rebellion look like?
‘It could be you?’ Rebellion cannot exist by itself. It relies on emotion with personal connection.
Exploring this research question was quite overwhelming. There were so many different paths to explore in order to propose an answer to this wicked problem. My method in tackling this question was to first split it into a few key words and ideas to start the process off. These ideas being emotion, concept and questioning were expressed quite basically in Assessment one, the poster. For assessment two, I wanted to further research into these along with anything else I learnt along the way. With research, I discovered just how important personal connection and emotion was on rebellion. Rebellion cannot exist by itself. It’s not about destruction or vandalism or ‘just because I can’. Rebellion is personal; it relies on the individual’s personality, emotions and ideas to react to a certain subject in such an effective way that questions the audience’s preconceived ideas on the particular subject.
Research into my question was scattered, each topic giving me new ideas and a different direction which at times was quite confusing. However, the research that I focused did explore my initial ideas and key themes of concept, questioning and emotion. Starting off I went from our class resources from the topic of Value because I noticed some great examples that explored my ideas on more of a deeper level. For example looking at Case study one, Wim Delvoye’s Cloaca Machine, inspired me to think deeper about the idea of rejection of aesthetics in rebellion, focusing on concept, and to think more about the transformation process which I think is a key element in contemporary art/design rebellion. There is this tension between the experimental process of how the art/design object is made and the actual face value of the object presented to the audience. I thought that this idea of focusing on the process not end result was very relevant to contemporary rebellion and funnily this assignment itself. However I felt as though this idea was the main focus in assignment one, so still keeping the idea in mind I researched further into key findings that came out of assignment one, in particular the idea that in order to truly rebel, one must have an idea, subject, movement to react to, rebel against. Early in, I started looking into the ideas behind Ai WeiWei’s rebellious works and also Frank Gehry’s rebellious architecture. However I think the most beneficial experiment to help me develop this concept was experiment two. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of conducting this experiment, and I know my helper did too. This experiment shaped my response to the research question and helped me to develop final ideas for my final piece of work as my concept and focus was based on the outcomes of experiment two. Personally I am quite a shy person who cares what people think of me. I don’t think of myself as being confident or opinionated or strong which are all traits I believe contemporary rebellion relies on. For experiment two, my helper (my sister) however was the complete opposite of me; she was confident, bold and so focused on her own emotions of being fun and creative to let the worry of what the audience would think affect her actions, but I however, did. So there came the concept for my final work, rebellion is an emotional experience which relies on personal connection. For my final work I wanted to express this new idea along with incorporating my keywords, concept and questioning. My reasoning to do a self-portrait and display it for an audience was purely to show rebellion against myself, my shy personality and to also express how personal rebellion is. My aim was to create a piece of work that followed the same simplicity as assessment one, and that  incorporated this idea of personal emotion and rebellion but also to question the audience, can anyone do it? Can anyone be a creative contemporary rebel? After reflecting on this assessment and the research question I cannot help but think of all the other paths I could have explore but also all the paths I can still explore. I am actually going to miss investing this question, but it has inspired me to be more rebellious in my ideas, which I think for my final work I limited myself on. I don’t believe I have an answer to this research questions; I just have a whole bunch of other questions that could be further avenues to explore.
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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Final Work and Placement: My final work, 'It could be you?' explores the true nature that I believe contemporary creative rebellion exists in. I wanted to carry on my key ideas from assessment one into this final work, these being emotion from the audience and the creative rebel, a rejection of aesthetics focusing instead on concept and questioning both from the audience and the creative person. Through experimentation I was able to gain a deeper understanding of these key themes, whilst exploring new ideas that came from findings of these experiments, such as how important personal connection in order to truly rebel and also how rebellion relies on a audience, which hopefully comes across in my final work. I decided to make my final images into a poster type picture that I could hang in front of an audience, to grab their attention and question to them, it could be you? Rebellion is you.
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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Final images and composition! 
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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PROCESS OF FINAL WORK: For my final work I've decided it should be in the form of a self portrait to best express my ideas of rebellion. For the background of my photo I decided to come up with a slogan/question/ idea that would relate to my ideas but also be an idea by itself. So the final sentence I thought of was 'it can be you'. I thought this best explored the idea of personal rebellion but I turned it into a question to link it back into my initial ideas of what rebellion in art and design is. Hopefully i'll be able to explain everything in my concept statement because i'm not sure any of that made sense. For now i'll just document my process for my final work. 
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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Research: Since painting is really not my strong point, I'm thinking to photography. Is is a selfie? Does somewhere else take it? Where? Background?
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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Research:  Since i'm looking at doing a portrait for my final work, I started researching into different way of making portraits. 
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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EXPERIMENT 3: rebellion and the future
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
Before I went ahead with my first head for my final work I wanted to explore one more idea I came up with whilst brainstorming for this assessment, and that was rebellion and the future. Rebellion relies on context, it doesn't last long because its cyclic, so in order to create something that might answer the question of what might contemporary creative rebellion look like I thought of trying to create something that I think art would be in the future. First I thought of doing the opposite of what rebellion is now:  bold, simple, conceptual, emotional, not about aesthetics and turning that into a piece that is small, uncreative, no real ideas behind it but focus on aesthetics. This idea of rebellion in the future was really hard to tackle, so I think my experiment was a bit of a fail, but now at least I know that this idea isn't the right path for me to go down for my final work. 
For inspiration I researched information into what other people thought art for the future may be, and took some ideas from that, so my work wasn't based on my own ideas like rebellion art now is. I decided to explore the use of technology for art in future, and created a piece that also took influence from the tumblr page, things organised daily, because ever since I've seen that page I had the urge to try my own and also it expressed the idea of aesthetics not process and ideas. But anyway after this experiment I didn't feel very inspired, so I decided to go back to my main points and ideas for my final work. 
Link: http://online.wsj.com/articles/carter-cleveland-says-art-in-the-future-will-be-for-everyone-1404762157
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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jessmasehcofa · 10 years
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EXPERIMENT 2:  Day in the life of a blob. So we decided to photograph and video ourselves in the costume in public at our local shopping centre. These are some playful photos of us trying to get people's reactions, and just some funny/stupid ones to have fun. I actually found this experiment really interesting. As we walked around the shops, inside and outside, we were slowly noticing that nobody really cares. There were a few people who had to double take, some people smiling, some teenager saying "What da fuck" and some grandmothers saying "Oh my god!" which was funny. But other then that no one even looked, they were too busy on they're phones, or just thought we were being stupid teenagers for no reason.  Towards the end I was really hoping that something interesting would happen, like getting asked to stop by security or something along those lines. Not having a shocking audience made it feel not rebellious, it just felt like we were playing, however it was interesting how much fun we had. It was so liberating being that stupid, not caring what anyone think of you, which is something that I rebelled against myself. Usually I'm the shy one, without very much confidence so I felt scared to do a lot of these, I could only do it for a minute. However my sister could dance, jump around, be so stupid without a care and she also found it so fun and crazy. I thought these feelings were really interesting and again shows my idea of emotion and personality to do with rebellion.  I'm thinking for my final work, I could do maybe a self portrait that shows all the ideas I've researched and played around with it. I'm still not too sure. 
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