jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
Jesus Generation Family, Wishes you all “Merry Christmas”.
For unto us a Child is Born, unto us a Son is given (Isaiah 9:6)
Have a JESUS Filled Christmas ahead.
God bless !!!
#jesusgenerationblog #merrychristmas #christmas #Jesus #jesuschrist
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Welcome to the Season of Great Joy.
The Bible says in Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”
Jesus is given as a gift, not only for Christians, but for the entire World and for all Human race. He chose to came down, to save every person from Sin & death. He is our Saviour, our Living Hope and our way to Heaven. Only in Him, we have Salvation, Acceptance and Redemption.
Ponder on these words, even as you start this day. May God be with you.
God bless !!!
#jesusgenerationblog #december2022 #itsallaboutjesus #jesusourhope #christmas
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Start this New Week, with this Faith Confession - I am Blessed in all aspects of my life, because of Jesus. I am Thankful to God for every little thing, He has done in my life and I am Grateful for all His Faithfulness.
Remember, the more you are Thankful to God, the more Blessings you will see in your life.
Have a Wonderful Week ahead.
God bless !!
#jesusgenerationblog #blessed #thankful #grateful
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Happy Sunday, to all the Believers around The World.
The Bible says in 1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God.
Yes, The Love of the Father has made us His Dear Children. What a great promise and what a great comfort.
We, who are unworthy, undeserving and unfit, are now qualified to become the Children of the Most High God and will be partakers of the Inheritance, because of what Jesus Christ has done on the cross. His blood, His sacrifice and His Name, made us to reconcile with God and restored us back to His Kingdom.
Be of great joy, that you are the Child of God and your name is in the Book of Life.
Have a Blessed day ahead.
God bless!!!
#jesusgenerationblog #lovethatmatters #november2022 #jesuschrist #Jesus
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Another New Week to “Start Afresh” and to fulfil our Divine Purpose here on Earth.
Jesus said in Matt 28:20
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
One of the Names, given to Jesus is “Emmanuel”, meaning, “God with us, Always”.
Whevere we go, whatever we do, Jesus is always with us. He is inside of us, beside us, in front of us and carrying us to walk with God. He will never leave us not forsake us, this is the greatest promise, we have in Christ and this should become our confidence, to move forward in Life.
Ponder on these words, even as you start this new week.
Have a Blessed Week ahead.
God bless!!!
#jesusgenerationblog #Jesus #jesuschrist
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Welcome to November, another New Month, God has given to us in His grace and mercy.
This month, we are focusing on one of the greatest traits, Jesus showed, while He walked on this planet.
“LOVE” - The Most Important Aspect in The Kingdom of God.
The Bible says in I John 4:7,8
Beloved, let us LOVE one another: for LOVE is of GOD, and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.
The Kingdom of God is The Kingdom of Love.
Join us and do follow us, even as we start this amazing journey, about LOVE. We are sure, God will speak to you and your life will be changed for good.
God bless!!!
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Happy Sunday to all.
The Bible says in Romans 8:38, 39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Yes my friend, nothing can separate us from the Love of Jesus Christ. His Love for us is Unconditional, His Love is Eternal and His Love is Perfect.
People may leave us, stop loving us, but God’s Love never fails.
Have this assurance and confidence, that Jesus Loves you, even as you start this Wonderful day.
God bless!!!
#jesusgenerationblog #godslove #Jesus #jesuschrist
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Another New Day to make an impact in this world and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus.
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:25
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
God's faithfulness is not based on our faithfulness towards Him. His faithfulness flows from His unchanging nature and love for us. He is forever faithful.
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22–23).
Indeed, we serve a Faithful God.
Take some time today and think of all the good things, God has done in your life and thank Him for His Faithfulness, thank Him for His Mercy, thank Him for His Kindness. I am sure, you will be overwhelmed and amazed.
Have a great day ahead.
God bless !!!
#jesusgenerationblog #godisfaithful #godsfaithfulness
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Another New Week ahead, to know God in a deeper way and to share His goodness with others
The Bible says in Psalm 119:105
Your Word is a Lamp to my Feet, Light to my Path.
Yes, my friend, when we are going through the darkest night of our life, when the path is not clear, when we don’t see a way out, when we have gone astray and when things are dim & dusty - The Word of God, stands still and teaches us to go in the Right Direction, in God’s chosen path and in the way we should go, to fulfil our Divine destiny. This is The Truth.
Jesus said in Matt 24:35
Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.
Open your Bible and let God speak to you clearing all your doubts and removing all your worries.
Fill your Mind with God’s Word and you will have no room for Satan’s lies in your life.
Have a blessed day ahead.
God bless !!!
#jesusgenerationblog #readbible #thebible
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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Dear Jesus Generation,
Happy Sunday to all.
Jesus says in John 7:38
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’
The 'rivers of living water', Jesus was referring to, is the Spirit of God working in and flowing out of the life of a believer. When Jesus made this statement, He is shifting the paradigm, letting us know the Holy Spirit would no longer just come upon a believer, but would dwell within the believer.
What Jesus truly desires and what should be the case in the life of every believer is there should be an abundant overflow of the Spirit of God in your life. When that happens then the rivers of life are flowing within you.
Let The Holy Spirit God take over your life and Let Him flow like a River, giving Life & Hope to many in this world, through your Life. That’s the Will of God and the very reason, we are still here on Earth.
Let God speak to you.
God Bless !!!
#jesusgenerationblog #riversoflivingwaters #holyspirit #knowingholyspirit
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jesusgenerationblog · 2 years
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