jhanmichaelcesar · 4 years
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jhanmichaelcesar · 4 years
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jhanmichaelcesar · 4 years
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jhanmichaelcesar · 4 years
For me I believe that everyone has a voice and that the world wants to hear it. I believe that you have something inside you longing to be expressed and an impact longing to be made.
The best think about life isWe can call it passion, purpose, calling, vocation, meaning, direction, identity, formation, “I just don’t know what to do with my life”, “it feels like something is missing”, or “I just want more”. Whatever words you choose, I’m here to help. I know what it’s like to feel lost, confused, and helpless, and I offer one-on-one meaning sessions to help discover and answer the questions that you are asking in life.
Together, we’ll work to get in touch with what matters most to you and with your deepest desire for impacting the world and then set you in motion toward making those things a reality. We’ll question everything— particularly conventional wisdom and things that have guided you in the past— as we begin to form new ways of thinking about yourself, your work, and the world.
because usually this is not creative thinking - but just loops of self-talk, often repetitive and negative. ‘Not to think” at all is very tricky - but to switch from thinking to viewing imagery or listening to music is much easier You can also chant mantras - this helps to get rid of thoughts and go into meditative states, but this will not help you during a past life regression as you have to listen to the navigator and can’t chant a mantra in your head. Working with breathing or body postures can also be useful, if you are very attuned to your body and physical aspects of emotions - you might do better with ‘bridge inductions” when the past lives are accessed through somatic symptoms or any bodily feelings or emotions - and not through visual imagery.
during my teenage days i remember some of my fellow classmate my cousin my grandfather It’s the awareness to have gratitude and appreciation for what life is when it is happening that makes life so amazing!
It’s noticing the warm touch of someone’s hand on yours, the beating of your heart as their hand clasps yours and holds it tightly, and that feeling of time slowing down as your eyes meet in romantic silence.
It’s the sensation climbing into bed after a hard, but productive day, and feeling the soft bedsheets envelop you like a giant, comfortable and cool hug, as you stretch in relief of a great day done.
And it’s the slight smile you give yourself as you look outside the window and watch a storm rage on, while you sit on your couch, with a blanket above your shoulders and a hot chocolate in your hands. Im so very happy because everytime i remember my teenage days .
Having respect from your peers. Be in great comfort financially. Have the car of your dream, the house you always wanted to have. Eat what you want at the grocery store. Don’t worry about any expenses or bills you have to pay.
I Just being amazed at the world we have around us. Animals, plants, humans everything is beautiful.life is full of challenges we may pursue our dream to make it trueIn each of these 3 situations, I have presented initial items that many people would consider the best thing in life. But, as a parent, isn’t it the best thing to see your children succeed and start families of their own? Getting that dream job could be best, but wouldn’t it be better to help others succeed just has you have? Finally, I have many friends who have become teachers, and they all say that it was the best decision they ever made, but I’m willing to bet that if they had one student that they really believed just wouldn’t make it come back up to them years later and say that they succeeded because of the teacher, that would be the best thing in their lives. Friends is always forever
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jhanmichaelcesar · 4 years
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