jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
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This was the sky today during lunch!! It was really gray before, then the sun started beaming out of nowhere–suddenly, the sky became dim again! I turned around and saw this giant cloud with the sun’s rays! It was really beautiful, and I just had to take a picture~ (also you can see the corner of one of my school’s banners lolol)
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
i certainly don’t mind~ post them! 
anyone mine if i post some of my stand/jojo oc ideas…dont wanna clutter ya dashes
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
Hi Amora! Good luck with the blog! :D In the spirit of Valentine's Day, can I please have some headcanons about how Polnareff would spend the day celebrating his love with his sweetheart? Sfw and nsfw if you're up to it (otherwise just sfw is fine too!)
Anonymous said:Hi! May I please have some Valentine themed headcanons for Polnareff and his s/o please c:
Hi to the both of you~ And of course you two can get hcs! Since you’re both asking for the same thing, why not put it together? ALSO! Take this overbearingly cheesy edited photo of Polnareff I did! 💝
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• in French culture/in France, Valentine’s Day is only meant for people in love. (As in, no loving/friendly gestures to those who are not the person’s lover.) Because of this, if he happens to see you giving out some form of gift to another person that isn’t him, he’d be a little confused–but definitely not to the point of being completely clueless. Just explain a little bit to him and he’ll be fine, but Polnareff definitely expects the best and most precious form of affection and gifts from you as he is your lover. Of course, he’d prepare his gift(s) the same for you!
• Polnareff is a man who loves to love. And he expresses his love for you practically every day, but on Valentine’s Day his feelings seem to kick into overdrive as he’s swayed by the beautiful decor around town and the overall atmosphere of people he passes by. Polnareff is that traditional and familiar sense of romance kind of guy, so the specially picked bouquet of roses or your favorite flowers is definitely something you’re given each Valentine’s Day, as well as your favorite chocolates (or sweets if you’re not a chocolate fan.) As he’s handing you your “ribbon gifts,” you take notice of the little note card stuffed delicately between the bunches of flowers. On that note card is most often a sweet and simple sentence in French or a loving nickname he calls you by–and he’s keen on getting you to learn a bit of his language, so at this point you’re able to pick up the meaning. 
• I said “ribbon gifts” before, yes? I think Polnareff might refer to his gifts in certain terms that you would associate with an actual present in a box. The ribbon, being the “beginning” of that present/what you unwrap first of that present, so, the flowers and sweets are just basic but still very pleasant gifts. That means you have to get through the box cover afterwards! And for the finale, the “most precious” gift he can give you for the holiday.
• Polnareff definitely loves taking pictures with and of you on holidays! Valentine’s Day is no exception to that, so expect him to carry around a camera while on your date. Don’t worry, he’ll try to not be obnoxious while doing so! If he happened to cook you a Valentine’s Day breakfast, he’d probably take a picture of that before serving it to you or will sneak a quick photo while you’re eating. Or if you two plan on spending the whole day out, he’d still take photos of your food at the cafe, encouraging you to pose with your food in any way, maybe with a big smile, or fingers pointing at the food with a surprised expression! 
• In France, the people spend their Valentine’s Day just like everybody else: buying simple gifts, going out on a date, maybe shopping, and occasionally stopping to eat something. Throughout the day Polnareff will happily and lovingly hold your hand or have your arm linked with his, his gaze and head often turning down and to the side to look at you, an enamored expression very clear on his face. Just by glancing at him you can tell how happy and content he is to be spending Valentine’s Day with you, the one his heart belongs to. While walking around, Polnareff is more than happy to buy you little gifts here and there, like: earrings, clothing, nick-knacks, etc.. He sort of thinks of it as the “box cover,” like I kinda poorly explained before–something to ease you into the actual present he’s bought. You might not even want any little gifts throughout the day, and if you voice it, Polnareff will stop from spending so much–and instead, be over the moon if you say something along the lines of “I don’t need all those presents when I have you,” so on and so forth.
• After spending a good majority of the day around town, light window shopping, buying even more sweets, taking pictures of the decorations and you or him (and the both of you, courtesy of a nice stranger), Polnareff might like to watch a movie with you as the sky begins to dwindle down its brightness. If not a movie, then surely a dinner at a fancy restaurant is the second choice. There at the table is when you notice just how romantic Polnareff is. You’re not sure if it’s because of the atmosphere–the warm candles offering a dimmed appearance, the fallen rose petals that scatter around the vase, and even that light, relaxing piano in the background–or if it’s because of the way Polnareff is looking at you with so many emotions that you can’t help but feel shy, 
• At the end of the day, you and Polnareff are most likely relaxing at home. He likes to brew you any kind of warm beverage you’d like, telling you to wait for him patiently. Afterwards, warm cuddling and sipping of tea/hot chocolate ensues for the rest of the night (if not feeling frisky). Polnareff would reveal the last bit of his “box present,” happily yet anxiously handing you an adorned box wrapped with pretty wrapping paper. Inside is, well, something he wishes could convey his feelings for you. Would a promise ring be too much for a Valentine’s Day gift? 
HASHAAAAAA. My two Valentine’s Day themed requests finished in one post! Speedwagon and Polnareff were the only two requests revolving around Valentine’s Day, (and I don’t know if I was supposed to receive more or not? tumblr has been deleting a few asks, i’ve noticed so i’m sorry if there were more!) so I wanted to finish those themed requests on the actual holiday! I hope you guys like it, and sorry if it seemed inconsistent and repetitive! >
Anyway~ Happy Valentine’s Day to everybody! Did you guys have fun? Received any chocolates and sweets? I did, and still have a big box of cookies to go through, haha~ (I’m definitely gonna get tired of anything sweet for a while after this tbh)
♡ Amora
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
your name sounds so cute tbh? Amora! is that your actual name or ?? it reminds me of amore~
Ah, thank you, my sweet anon~ ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.° Amora is my second name! And it does seem similar to amore, doesn’t it? Just one letter off! 
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
That speedwagon picture you made is cute omg
Ah jeez~ It’s really nothing, honestly! Just getting hearts and placing them over his head and adding bokeh effects with some tweaking is all I did! Thank you though~ ♡
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
Ask Box is Closed!
I have quite a handful of requests in my box, so I’ll be closing it up before I get overwhelmed and burn myself out, haha! 
Well, closing it up to more requests. The ask box will still be open, but only for chatting/questions~ Feel free to talk to me, I wanna get to know you guys! 
♡ Amora
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
Good luck with your new blog friend! Do you any headcanons of how speedwagon would spend valentines day with his s/o?
Mhm, thank you @vintagemushroomfox ~ And here, have this poorly-edited-speedwagon-photo-by-me too! 💝 (I know it’s bad and cheesy!!) 
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• Valentine’s Day supposedly reached the height of its celebration during the Victorian Era! (And I think PB is set in that time, right?) So it’s no surprise for the both of you to see lots of pinks and reds in town, a few days or even a week before the holiday. Speedwagon might or might not suggest decorating your home(s) as well, “To get in the spirit of things,” he insists. He’d also find it cute if he noticed you wearing more “Valentine’s Day colors,” he’d probably try to rummage through his wardrobe to see if he has anything of the like.
• Speedwagon actually really likes Valentine’s Day, as it’s an excuse for him to shower you with more love than he usually does. Then again, you heard him once say something along the lines of: “I don’t see why people are so eager to show their love for someone on this day when they should be doing so every day.” Despite that though, you can expect a lot of little gifts throughout Valentine’s Day–or if he feels like it, one or two extravagant gifts like jewelries, new clothing, etc.!
• Valentine’s Day cards were cherished and really popular during the Victorian Era, and just like everyone else, Speedwagon made sure to make a few for you! Valentine’s Day cards weren’t officially printed until 1846, but time has passed and it’s common to have printed cards given to your loved ones (especially with how popular cards became in the 1870s and 1880s!) While Speedwagon enjoys the big trope of cards (real feathers, dried flowers, spun-glass hearts, all laced with ribbons, etc. some cards were so thick with embellishments that they came with presentation boxes) he goes out of his way to simply hand write his affection and love onto paper with maybe one or two ribbons and lace. He thinks he puts in more effort with hand writing, and before you know it the cards most likely end up as love letters! Throughout the day, I can imagine Speedwagon leaving little notes for you to find, pre-written, and he sneakily slides it into your pockets or belongings and around the house(if you’re staying indoors for the holiday) so you can find them any time. 
• Spending Valentine’s Day with Speedwagon, no matter if it’s the first one you get to celebrate with him, or if you’ve already been through a few, will always leave a warm feeling. It’ll start with either Speedwagon showing up at your door with a bouquet and/or chocolates, the whole cliche but still endearing gifts–the whole shebang, or he’s miraculously left the little notes/cards around your home the night before (or even a few days ahead) and you’re on some wild goose chase in the name of love! (Oh god) Rest assured though, the morning of Valentine’s Day will be sweet and maybe a bit funny! 
• In the noon/afternoon, Speedwagon will like to stroll with you linked to his arm, simply wanting to enjoy the scenery and window shop as well if you wanted to. Around this time Jonathan and Erina will likely come by on their own date, and it isn’t uncommon for you to have a double date with them around town! While Jonathan gives ideas to Speedwagon on what to do next for the holiday, you and Erina are conversing about shared interests as all four of you leisurely walk among the streets. Chocolate and other sweet treats are given out as samples or gifts from the shops, some light window shopping commences, and before you know it the sun’s watery light is casting a shadow over the town as the lampposts and bulbs of the buildings take place of your source of light. 
• So let’s say that Jonathan and Erina haven’t crossed paths with you and Speedwagon. In that case, you and Speedwagon will continue your stroll around town as usual, but not much changes besides it being just you two. But another thing! Speedwagon enjoys taking you to the park, as he thinks it’s romantic and we know how much he’s changed and how he expresses himself after meeting Jonathan! So he might be a little nervous, making tiny “mistakes” or mishaps here and there, but you enjoy your time in the park either way. Holding hands, watching the animals that roam the park, and just enjoying each other’s presence. Speedwagon might give you a gift here if he hasn’t already, or he’ll save it for later on. Which leads to the last stretch of the day!
• In the evening of Valentine’s Day, Speedwagon either leads you to a restaurant or asks if you’d like to head home. If the date furthers into dinner, Speedwagon will try to pick a place that he thinks you’ll like–he only hopes he has more than enough money for the both of you! And if you want to head home, he’ll gladly escort you back home, the both of you basking in the sun’s last embrace before the stars fill the night sky. 
• No matter if you’ve eaten dinner or not, you two end up home. There, he gives you a gift if he hasn’t earlier. Handing you the gift with a reddening face, Speedwagon encourages you to open it up then and there. It’s a piece of jewelry, most often than not, and it’s sparkling under the source of little light. A ring perhaps, or maybe a necklace, maybe a bracelet or a pair of earrings, is what you find in the slightly messily wrapped box. He goes on to say that it might not be much but he hopes you like it as much as he does, and offers to help you put it on if you like. 
• Surely you must expect some form of intimacy to end the day, right? Speedwagon will kiss you so sweetly that you’re sure of getting cavities. But do you really care? Maybe, maybe not–it’s metaphorical, after all. The way his hands cup your face, a gentle but secure hold, and the warmth radiating off of him in the slightly cold night tempts you to move closer. Speedwagon’s kisses can be quick pecks or more lengthy kisses, either way, his blushing but smiling face will be one of the things on your mind later on. 
AAAAAAAAH!! My first request! I hope you guys like it, even if it might seem all over the place/inconsistent! And remember, I’m not the best at writing so please don’t mind any mistakes you might find >
♡ Amora
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jjbaheaven-blog · 8 years
• I only write for Parts 1 - 4! Keep it in that range and you’re on to the next step of sending a request in!
• I only write headcanons! Though I admit, some hcs I do sort of seem like a mini scenario and such, but still--only request headcanons please!
• I accept only one person per request! Seems little, but I’m starting out so I want to be able to focus entirely on that specific character! 
• I write SFW and slight NSFW. It honestly depends if I feel like I’m capable of writing NSFW, or if I have the inspiration to do so. This part varies!
• If I feel uncomfortable and/or incapable of writing a request, I will politely decline. 
• This blog is for fun! Keep in mind that I’m not the best or even that good at writing, but I’m working on it! 
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