jmiemagvans · 1 hour
It is! Oh, and it's even better when they remember things that you've forgotten and think everyone else has forgotten... but then they bring it up and it becomes their favorite story to tell. You're welcome. I think you did an awesome job. And as long as you're having fun, that's the most important part! We had fun, we always like to mix things up every year, and I'm pretty sure Sylvia had me take some kind of blood oath or something. And to actually practice playing guitar.
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It's very, very nice once that happens and you don't have to worry about basically sharing with the rest of the world. Or, you know, siblings. Either way! Of course, I have friends back home that, whenever we talk, always do that same thing -- it all ends up being a roast where we bring up things that we would all rather forget, but it's still kind of funny, and hey, we get to give it right back, yeah? Thank you! It was pretty nerve wracking getting up there, but I had a lot of fun, and the crowd was getting into it, and you can't really ask for much more than that, you know? I can't wait to see you guys perform, though! It's going to be so much fun!
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jmiemagvans · 2 days
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Please join Sylvia and Jamie for a performance of some favorite duets. This year the pair are going a little more heartfelt indie with some pop hits to dance to in between. And if you know the words, please sing along!
Tuesday September 24th 2024
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jmiemagvans · 4 days
How's your week been? Are you heading to Creek Fest? Gonna grab something to eat? I tried the new food truck earlier and my niece tagged along with me. She's now kind of obsessed with noodles. One bite of mine and she announced she loves noodles.
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jmiemagvans · 5 days
Probably just a little bit. Don't you love the way the world works? But it keeps us busy so that's a plus, I guess. Not complaining. I do love my job. It's crazy! Oh, the other day I was at my mom's and fixing her tv and she was playing Christmas music. Not just any Christmas music. Sinatra Christmas, which means she's serious. And when I tried to change it, she nearly bit my hand off. You're telling me. The other day, I had a three year old nearly rehearse the whole soundtrack to The Little Mermaid.
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Might make life a little bit easier! But then we'd probably just get spoiled and not get anything done, anyway, so I guess there's a reason why they push us to get right back to work and get our butt in gear. That's very true, all of the stores are already moving towards getting Christmas stuff out, even, how wild is that? It just seems to move faster and faster, every year. It is, absolutely. We never really have a dull moment, though, so I won't complain. The busy-ness makes it easier to get through the day.
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jmiemagvans · 5 days
Right! Yeah, it was fun but now I'm glad I got my own space eventually. Mhmm, but do they listen? Nope. Oh, they enjoyed it a lot. But we had fun catching up, even if that meant roasting me, but that's how it goes. Siblings. It's so true! They figure it out and we have to find other ways to go around it. Intuition? Teachers work their magic that way. You'll be amazing! Sylvia and I signed up again. I have to practice on my guitar a little bit and figure out what we're doing this year, but it's been a lot of fun every year. Then after we can all toast to getting the jitters out.
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At least it wasn't something that you had to do super long term, you know? I'm sure for a short amount of time, you were able to handle it, but I bet that the sleepovers you guys had when you were all together were a lot of fun, too! Getting to welcome them back home -- but hopefully be a little bossy and remind them that it was your bedroom that they were hanging out in, you know? Your rules that they had to follow, now! They were just too good at knowing what we were doing. Or we would get caught when we thought they weren't watching, I think teachers had eyes in the back of their heads, especially when it came to what we were doing on the internet. Magic. It's ridiculous, isn't it? That they think that's what they should be worried about, given the way the world is today. I am! I'm a little nervous, but excited at the same time.
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jmiemagvans · 5 days
Right? It’s a weird feeling, but I guess we learn to live with it. Humans are like that. I don’t think anyone will ever know why, but that’s why therapy is good! Maybe it’s just the way people are. I think as we get older, we start to realize that. We get more experience, learn more things, understand them. There's that feeling of "oh no I'm getting old" but that's reality. Every now and then I think it too, but I'm pretty good with where I am in life. Oh nice, that's cool. Yes, sounds like it's been a good time!
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You almost have to wonder if people like that don't know how to be happy, if they have just become so accustomed to being angry at everything that they see that they just resort to that when it comes to feeling things. They'd be a lot happier if they just… well, let themselves be happy. Getting older should be a good thing, you're right! It's a privilege to get older, something that we should be proud that we have the opportunity to do. So far, so good! She comes to visit me a few nights a week after school, and she's always going on about how much fun she had, so that's a good sign, right?
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jmiemagvans · 7 days
Jamie had a rare day off in the middle of the week. He decided that his time was best spent at the library. He enjoyed spending his time around dusty old books. Having been a big reader growing up, the library had always been a place he felt comfortable and safe. Any book-adjacent place, really. But it was always a place he felt like he could read or study in peace.
He was walking quietly through the aisles and while he wasn't paying attention, he accidentally walked into a book cart, causing a sort of loud clash. "Sorry!" Jamie whispered loudly, holding his hands up with a sheepish grin. He didn't mean to startle anyone, he was just clumsy at times.
"No, no, I just need to watch where I'm going," he wrinkled up his nose a bit.
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open: 1/5 location: Memorial Library
A day off meant that Henry could do as he pleased and so he decided to spend it at the library, so after being done with most of his tasks for the day he found himself trying to find the best hideaway spot so he could read in peace, of course life always seemed to have other plans.
He was surprised by wide selection of books, even having one of his favorite series, including the latest novel that had come out. If he was asked how he felt about romance Henry would deny any interest, he found it all to be very silly but of course that was further from the truth, actually enjoying the silly that came with it.
So here he was now reading, when he heard a voice that caused him to jump up rather cartoonish manner in attempt to hide the book." Scared me half to death." Henry mumbles." Yes? Is there something I can help you with or do you make it a habit of scaring patrons?"
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jmiemagvans · 10 days
We should get twice as long for our brains to recuperate after a long work week. I will! I made sure to have some time off in order to enjoy it as much as I can. It’s like you blink and it’s suddenly time for the holidays. We already started decorating for Halloween and I just opened a box of Halloween coloring books the other day. That’s good to hear! I feel like the start of the school year is always extra busy.
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Oh, absolutely, you earned those days off if you were working that long! Will you have some time off for Creek Fest coming up this weekend? Hard to believe we're that far into the year already, isn't it? It goes by so quickly. I'm looking forward to all of the good treats and eats and fun things to do there, and slowly starting to drag out some Halloween decorations, too. I've been good! Busy, we're keeping the kids that visit the center busy with a lot of helping out around the town.
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jmiemagvans · 10 days
Yes! So that was a plus for us. Our house wasn’t huge so we all shared space, I shared a room with my brothers at one point, but it was a very short time. And then when I was still living there and they’d visit from college or something they’d all bunk up in my room. Yeah! I think so, there’s some kind of system so that they’re held accountable and no questions asked or at least they’ll keep track of everything. Oh yes, us too! We used to try different sites so that we couldn’t be tracked but lo and behold, those were the ones they were looking out for. Gotta love how that worked out. I’m in no way an educator or a teacher or any sort, but I have family who have young families and that’s the biggest peeve they talk about. It’s not fair to anyone, really. Oh! Are you going to be performing at Creek Fest this year?
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That's the one plus to having siblings that would have already moved out! You get the extra sink space to yourself, so you don't have to worry about sharing with everyone. That's the worst, I was lucky enough to have my own bathroom for the most part once we moved to Merrock, but when we lived back in New Orleans, my mom, dad and I all shared one bathroom -- it was a nice bathroom! But it was still just one bathroom, and I was normally the last one up, so… yeah, I get you! I'm assuming they do, probably some sort of system that everyone has to be logged into to be sure that everything is done correctly and they're not messing around with anything else? Because I remember in school, we used to test the limits to see what sites were and were not banned when we had access to the internet, not going to lie. They do, and it's ridiculous. Sometimes those decisions should be up to the students and their parents, not a principal or, even worse, some guy in an office somewhere.
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jmiemagvans · 12 days
Yeah, same. She’s very passionate about this. Maybe she can even do a Ted Talk about it. I’d totally sit in and listen. Honestly, I think that’s probably what it is. So how’ve things been lately?
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Oh, a five year old is going to know far more about unicorns than I do, she's the expert you should listen to when it comes to that. Sounds kinda like you're describing my little pony unicorns, honestly, but I'm not really mad about that.
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jmiemagvans · 12 days
"Well, true. There's a lot of creativity to it. Back then, people did what they had to when mapping out the sky. Probably helped out. Now with modern humans, it's mostly just a fascinating topic," Jamie said before taking a sip of his drink. "Did you ever have a telescope? My neighbor had one and we'd sit around looking at the stars, trying to see another planet. We were like... nine so I don't really know what we actually expected," he laughed. "Physics wasn't my strong point. I liked geometry because it was just pictures. We watched a lot of Schoolhouse Rock in middle school," he hummed. "I enjoyed biology and psychology, though. Microbiology though, that was rough," he nodded again, looking up at the sky. "There's the top part and then it goes long down. Maybe it's the angle?"
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"Mm." Chandler acknowledged what he said about the AP class with a sound, but no words. "Right. But constellations are kinda made up. It's just connect the dots for adults. It's not like the stars are actually trying to tell a story about soup in the sky. So, like, I didn't think it was a stretch that they drew inspiration from astrology." Then again, astrology used a lot of space imagery and talked about being born under different ruling stars from what little he knew about it, so it actually made a lot more sense that astrology drew from constellations. But this was the most time he had ever spent thinking about that topic. "Oh man, I actually liked physics. I think it's cause I had good science teachers. Fuck math, though. Geometry was the worst class I ever took." Chandler laid back in the sand with a sigh. "I mean - yeah but it doesn't really look like a spoon to me. I see a sad kite on a windless day."
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jmiemagvans · 13 days
"The best kind out there, really," Jamie laughed, clapping his hands. "That's awesome! I took a few lessons as a kid, learned a bit of piano too. I sang a little in school."
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"That's my target audience," Lou said with a nod, "the drunken masses." She dug her bare feet into the sand as they sat there. "I'm self-taught myself, but just the guitar. I can kick out a few songs on piano, hold a beat on drums, but I'm only fluent with strings."
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jmiemagvans · 13 days
It’s a mystery! I mean, it’s normal to have emotions but people who are angry on the regular probably need to seek other avenues. We’re all human, so you can’t really avoid it! Getting older should be a good thing, we’re learning, we’re getting better right? The reality sinks in when we look back and think about how much time has passed. Awww, that’s so cute! How did the first week of school go for her? Everything good, I hope?
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They are! I don't know how they get tired of being so angry, too, like what do they get out of that? Why not just try to be happy every now and then, spread some of that happiness to other people who might need it in their lives? They really do, it makes me so happy to see when they just seem… happy. So many people think that getting older is a bad thing, but they don't see that you can still find happy things in your life, even when you are older. Oh, she absolutely is! She behaved herself, but I did take her up a little glass jar full of sand and seashells today to make it up to her.
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jmiemagvans · 13 days
I thought it went great! It was nice to have a few days off because I just worked 8 days straight after since things have gotten really busy so I feel like I could sleep for 8 days straight now. It’s pumpkin spice season, I see sweaters everywhere and the leaves outside my window are already a pretty shade of yellow and red. I absolutely love it, sleep deprived brain aside. How are you though??
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The party was the perfect way to celebrate! I don't normally count summer out until Labor Day, especially since the kids don't go back to school until after then, but… I do feel like once the beach party comes and goes, you at least start to look forward to fall, right?
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jmiemagvans · 26 days
“Just touched upon it a bit,” Jamie waved his hand around. “Because there was a part about mythology or something. More of a this-is-something-interesting type of sub-lesson that my teacher brought up,” he said with half a shrug. “I think astrology is more of the mystos of it all… uh…” he rubbed his forehead. “The other one is the science. You know, physics,” he chuckled. “The class I hated the most,” he shook his head. “There’s so much to it.” He grinned. “Isn’t it supposed to be a spoon or something?”
Chandler had never taken an astronomy class in his life. He remembered his high school offered it, but it had conflicted with one of his AP classes so he didn't get a chance to take it. "Your AP class talked about constellations? Mine didn't...." Or maybe it did and he just didn't remember. It was years ago, and much of high school blended together for him. "Wait....astrology is named after the stars and not the other way around? Not gonna lie though, I've never understood like even the basic ones like the big dipper and the little dipper. I wanna say they don't look like 'dippers' but I'm not sure what a dipper is supposed to be anyway."
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jmiemagvans · 26 days
I’ll tell you… having a big family with very few bathrooms is challenging. Teenagers take forever and everyone starts arguing. Luckily by the time I was a teenager, most of my siblings had moved out because they’re all older than me. Oh yes! Having to wait for the shower only to find out all the hot water was used up. Ugh. In elementary school now they require tablets! Back then, tablets weren’t allowed. But I guess they have a way of regulating these things and making sure the day goes smoothly? It’s so weird. But they’re learning technology so that’s a plus… Mmm, no! Story time shouldn’t change. That’s one thing that needs to remain sacred in any school setting. Just. Please. It’s becuase people want to control everything, even books. But it’s mostly probably because they don’t want to have those conversations about those books, when they’re there for learning! Total nonsense
You say that and I'm thinking aw, what a fun scenario, the whole family under one roof, everyone being so happy together. And then I'm thinking… all those people vying for very few bathrooms at once. Especially if people are spending the night and want to get a shower, then they have to wait for that, too. Ends up being a nightmare scenario! You would think so! But I don't know, maybe they just figure everything is going the way of electronics, so they just don't have to worry about it anymore. It just seems like a bad idea, though. Teach them the old with the new, so when the new fails, they can still survive. How dare you, Jamie! Don't put it out there that schools should start changing up how they do story time! I do think the banned books thing is ridiculous. Let people, especially kids, read what they want!
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jmiemagvans · 26 days
Something like that! According to my five year old niece, at least. I think most of them are, but it depends on their magic. I think it’s fun that way. Oh and with colorful manes too, haha. Cliches are simple. I think that’s why they stick around.
They do? I thought unicorns were white, clearly I have a very narrow perspective and need to expand my horizons. Cliche things are still things for a good reason, right? Like there's a little nugget of truth in the cliche.
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