joelleechristaasblog ยท 4 years
Animal kingdom 2019๐Ÿต๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿฆฅ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿฆ’๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฆฉ
I'm gonna have to do multiple posts since I'm only allowed 10 pictures per post, so I'm gonna do Animal kingdom first.
Here's a picture of me and my family out front of Disney's Animal kingdom! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฆ“๐Ÿฆฉ
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In November of 2019 my family went to the happiest place on earth Disney world in Orlando Florida, my favorite place on earth. On our second day out of four we went to Animal kingdom. I love Animal kingdom it has so much to do! From seeing and interacting with real animals to rollercoasters and other fun rides that we went on. Spectacular shows and of course the tree of life.
For our trip to Disney's Aniaml kingdom our aunt penny got me and my sister and cousin all matching shirts. That was one of the things about Disney thats pretty cool is everyone and their personal shirts made specifically for Disney world. Ours said our names on them and they were pretty and sparkly!
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There's us under the tree of life wearing our matching shirts! I love this picture of us we look so happy and we were. The whole time we were there we had giant smiles on our faces from beginning to end. So all the pictures we posed for you can just see the joy in our eyes.
One of my favorite parts of Animal kingdom is the tree of life and the cool 4-D show underneath the tree of life. Starring Flick from bugs life, it's a cute show that takes you into the POV of a bug. It's so inventive just like everything else in Disney. When I was younger the show kinda used to scare me when the antagonist (Hopper) would come out and take over the show trying to kill the humans like we kill millions of bugs everyday. Lol its a very interactive show. Heres a shot of my and kara before we went into the show with our honorary glasses to see the bugs.๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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Another aspect of animal kingdom that we love was seeing all the animals. We went on a jungle safari and got to see alot of cool animals they have in Africa. After waiting in line for like an hour we finally got on jungle safari. All the interesting animals are just roming around which is really cool! I mean we got so close it was like we could almost touch them.
After a little while we got a little hungry so we stopped for a little midday snack. It was a 10$ cookie because everything in Disney costs an arm and a leg lol. Don't get me wrong it was good but wicked expensive. It was just a silly icecream cookie too! I couldn't have the smoothie that everyone was gawking about because of the coconut they use in it. Boo for food allergies! I even asked if they could make it without the coconut milk in it and they said no. Like wtf?!? But here's the 10$ cookie ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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Later on we saw the best live show animal kingdom has to offer called the festival of the lion king! Its so amazing with all the effects and singing dancing and acrobatics. They even have an amazing talented aerialist who would fly so high above the crowd. When I was younger I wanted to do that! Still probably could if we lived in Florida! The show is very entertaining and also interactive just like everything else in disney. It really gets the kids involved too!
The best thing about Disney is you don't have to be a kid to believe in the magic, Disney really brings the magic to life. People of all ages always enjoy Disney world. Ive been a Disney kid my whole life and will probably never grow out of it. I cant wait til I have kids of my own to take them and show them the magic. Ever since i was little I watched and re watched every disney movie there is. My favorites would be Winnie the pooh, lion king and the little mermaid. Oh and of course lilo and stitch! Stitch is literally my spirit aniaml!
After the lion king show we rode some more rides and then had dinner, a wopping 40$ later for dinner we went to the lake to see the light show on the water. It was so cool, nothing like anything ive ever seen before! They were projecting images on water! Yes water! It was amazing. Heres some shots of the coolest light show๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ just another way Disney brings magic to life.
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How cool!! It was so pretty! After the light show we rode the best rollercoaster there climb to mount Everest! Im honestly surprised my mom went on it too. It goes 80 feet up in the air! Then goes backwards too which is the coolest, its the only rollercoaster ive been to do that. Heres a great picture i snagged off the computer screen where they try and sell you the pictures for like 30$๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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Look at us screaming lol. Thats my uncle dave behind me and my sister. This picture kills me. After that exhilarating ride we did a little shopping. Daddy bought me a beautiful animal kingdom shirt! I spent well over 600$ at Disney..opps. lol between eating and shopping it went way too easily. Also at animal kingdom i got my charms for my bracelet ive had since i was a kid too! Costing 6.99$ each i got three of them. Another opps moment,not really though iblove that bracelet. Shopping was another one of my favorite parts too! Plus the cool thing about animal kingdom all the proceeds went to the animals! I also got my baby simba necklace which i wear all the time!
Over all animal kingdom was pretty great! I would honestly love to go back and just do Animal kingdom. Its one of the smaller parks but its definitely one of the bests. Besides Magic kingdom,aniaml kingdom is the best! So heres a few more pictures i snapped there! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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There are more posts to come for all the different parks. This was our Animal kingdom experience!
Sincerely yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 5 years
"Only 365 more days until next Halloween" ๐ŸŽƒ
The Nightmare before Christmas!
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10/31/2019: we got to dress up here at work on Halloween and it was a blast! I'm happy for all my friends that participated in dressing up. Its always fun to get into the spirit of any holiday but especially Halloween! Like my favorite movie said, "Halloween is when all the girls can dress like total sluts and no other girls can say anything about it." But I must say this year was very boring, and it rained! So Kernersville, the town we live in...canceled Trick or Treating in downtown Kernersville. All the kids were disappointed and had to go out Friday night instead. Im sure all the parents loved that. Not. I cant wait til im a mommy and have little babies to take out trick or treating! My friend's all have kids and it looks so fun! Dreasing them up and going out and getting free candy at 25 again is pretty cool too! My friend from work, her little 5 year old dressed up as a cop!๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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Isn't she just the cutest! That's Hannah banana shes the sassiest little baby girl ever! Shes too cute to handle sometimes.๐Ÿฅฐ
Me and hubs also dressed matchy matchy for Halloween too! He is always so good about dressing up with me every year! I love him so much! He tickles me! He goes along with most holiday things I wanna do cause he knows how much I love the holidays. Heres a pic of me and hubs on Halloween dressed up! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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He's such a good sport and I love that about him. He can be such a brat sometimes but other times when he's the sweetest ever makes me love him all over again. Even if he has his tantrums lol.
At work on Thursday it was totally dead but I ended up doing really well. But that's only because my last table of the night left me 30$! Which is good at Captain Tom's lol.
This year we didn't end up going to the fair, Jonathan said it was iust a waste of money..even though we had a great time last year he does have a point. By time you park and walk in the gate is like 45 bucks. So I agreed to take a year off of the fair. But maybe next year well go to the state fair in Raleigh. This fall has been pretty great so far though, I really cant complain. It went from 75 and sunny maybe even 80 to literally almost freezing. I hate it! I hate the cold! Being from upstate new York you would think I was used to it but I'm not! I don't think I'll ever get used it. If his job moved us somewhere warm all year round I would not be mad at all.
Well anyways just wanted to write a little blog since it's been like 6 months since I've posted anything. So there's a little glimpse for you. Hope everyone is doing good.
Sincerely yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 5 years
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Spring is supposed to be here. Wheres all my pretty flowers and my fairy garden? Its April and its snowing..Yay! But thank god for North Carolinas shitty and bipolar weather! It's getting everyone sick! And you know what IHate more than snow? Being sick from weather changes..but I do hate the snow alot! Im from upstate New York and it snowed most of the year there and I do not miss it ever! It would get down to like -2. Screw all that noise. I can remember all my friends going outside and playing in the snow and me staying inside saying fuck that snow. Give me heat or give me death. Lol just kidding but seriously I would totally move back to Florida if I could always being tan and wearing my favorite summer clothes! But Here are some pics from the best place on earth where its always warm.๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž
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Florida is amazing. Thats where my best friend Abigail Jane kirby lived. It where we met and weve been friends ever since. weve been friends since we were little and Abigailalways seems to come see me no matter what states we live in! My Florida trips are always the best and she always makes them possible I love all our adventures. Weve had more than just these pictures these are only a few. Florida is just such a great place.
I want to take Jonathan there one day he's never been! So I think he should see Disney world at night! And the beaches there are beautiful! It's always warm there and I love warm weather and wearing cute summer outfits, they're so much cuter than winter clothes. I love sun dresses and cute shorts and bathing suits gloar! Always being tan and having sunshine everyday seems ideal to me I could live in 100 degree weather all the time lol.
Today outside in shitty NC it was snowing but its still cold and definitelynot 100 degrees not even close! The only good thing about the cold is cuddling with my baby! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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We love to cuddle! He's my favorite cuddler too! I love him and my soft white blankey, I love laying in bed with him cuddling somedays we don't wanna get out of bed we just lay around all day and its so fun. Especially on a cold ass day like today! Eventually he gets up and makes us food and its so sweet! He spoils me to death and I love it! Im his queen๐Ÿ‘‘ and he treats me as such days like these are some of my favorites with you.
Date Nightโค
Last night we had such a fun date night. Some days we lay around, but some days we go on great date nights! We went to the fancy movie theater in Highpoint and saw Dumbo! It was so good! โค๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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Tim Butron did an amazing job bringing this flying elephant to life. The new back story around this is pretty sweet and heart filling. Way to go Disney this one is a hit for me. Hopefully Aladdin is just as good. But, we get to the theatre early cause I like to watch all the new and up coming Disney movies coming out; and all the commericals that were supposed to be on 3D looked so weird. We didn't think anything of it at first until the movie actually started then we were like this isn't right. We went out to the concession stand and told the lady who sold us our popcorn that something wasn't working with glasses lol and she said this has happened before. So we stood there until she came back out and was like okay its fixed. She said we'd just have miss a little bit. Like gee thanks we only paid 20$ to see this movie. But after we got that problem fixed the movie was amazing. Baby loved Dumbo! He said it was so cool in 3D. I cired and laughed and just absolutely loved the movie.
Anyways, can't wait to see more Disney movies with you, coming out soon like really soon! The next one comes out may 24th! Im pretty excited about it lowkey, I love Aladdin! I love all the Disney movies! I grew up watching them my whole life Ive been to Disney world like 20 times! I wanna take hubs there one day! I hooe he likes it as much as me!
But as far as spring goes heres some shots from last year!!๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ
Spring 2018.๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿฆ‹
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Hopefully spring 2019 is gonna be just as awesome as the past year was! Cant wait to see what the future holds for us. All the adventures that we will have but until then..
Sincerely yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 6 years
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Fair daysโœŒ๐Ÿผ 10/3/2018โค
We had so much fun at the fair! I loved seeing all the signs for food and trying new things with you. Eating the corn dog and the fries I'm surprised we didn't go into a food coma. We got there early so we could beat the lines and all the hoodlums in Winston, right at 2 we got on our first fair ride together!! You were like "does it go fast?" And I said, "you'll see!!" Then we went arpund and around super fast we were dizzy by the end of it and wanted to get some yummy food. We then got that yummy chicken on a stick! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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It was delcious! We also got lemonade freshly squeezed of course. The woman had like 7 bees flying around her and she was like totally normal about it like shes used to them. Her daughter was aftaid of being stung too! Hey, I do not blame her, I hate getting stung by bees. I would've ruined my day. But after we got that yummu snack we walked around a little while. Played one game and you won me a little giraffe for 5$ lol I love him!
I am so glad I got you to face your fears and ride a rollar coaster with me!! We had a blast riding the roller coaster at the fair! Heres the picture I took on top of the roller coaster!๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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At first you were nervous about it, but overall you overcame your fears and rode it with me. You played it off so well, I couldn't tell how nervous you were. But im glad you had fun, and i know you had fun cause your cute self told me 10 times by time we got home. I admired you tuning into your inner child and letting loose and just having fun, it's almost rare now days with all this college stuff going on... you've been so up tight, it was a refreshing day to see you laugh like that. It melted my heart and made me fall even more in love with you, as if that were even possible.
One of my favorite parts of the day was the butterflies, I loved walking around and seeing them just chillen, they're so accustomed to people its not even funny. We saw an infant try and grab the butterfly and the dad pulled it away and said "no, be nice and just see." And the baby giggled, it was nice to see families having fun at the fair. Better than having all the teenagees ruin it for us. Im glad you surprised me and went early!
Does everyone like butterflies? I sure do! We even got to hold them, well on a stick lol.
Which type of bugs or aniamls do you like?
Oh heres us holding a butterfly!๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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So beautiful! After that we searched and searched for that dude to refill our lemonade but it seemed everywhere had different cups and we had a hard time finding that certain tent. Finally I asked a dude with cups that looked like ours and he said 3$ and you just shook your head and askes about the cupon and he said well i dont know, but here its 3$...we said fuck it and gave him the 3$. Later down the path we found the acutal guy who sold us our specific cup and got a free refill after dumping out that shmucks nasty lemonade.
We finally got our giant turkey leg! We even got ours togo, because by that point we were hot, tired, and wanted to go home. When we finally got home and ate our huge turkey leg you were so amused by how huge they actually are. It was so cute watching you eat that thing. We had a blast just trying to eat it. Heres a shot of the turkey legs from the fair since ours was all wrapped up๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
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All in all it was a fantastic day of being with you and going on this grand adventure with you. Our first ever fair date was a huge success! Even though it was hotter than hell and we kept running into everyone cause there was no since of direction, people were just walking wherever and it kinda started getting busy by 6:00. But, despite thise things we had a great time! You loved seeing the fairgrounds and all the animals and stuff! I'm so glad you had a great time hubs!
I would love to see everyones fair photos on Instagram ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ @joellee_christaa or Facebook! Follow me on all social media!!๐Ÿ˜Š
Ps, everyone told me how pretty I looked and I looked like Amy Whinehouse. Lol i hope our next adventure is as good as our fair date was!
Sincerely yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 6 years
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Fall is right around the corner and I couldn't be more excited! All the hay rides and spooky trails and haunted houses and trick-or-treaters! Hot chocolate and sheetz coffee! Falk is a time for all the warm vanilla candels to come out yallโœŒ๐ŸผShort fall days of 55 and cool nights for snuggling. Nice walks on leaves in the woods and holding hands and all the fall colors too! All the dark oranges and reds, itself all so pretty! Its all so pretty to see all the trees change and everyone being so festive and bundled up. Being together and watching horror movies all hours of the night!
Fall time also means fall attire, scarfs, hoodies, sweaters, boots, skinny jeans, and beanies! All of my favorite things to wear nowadays. I wanna get another pair of high black boots just gotta keep an eye out gonna check Gabes or Shoe show.
Hubs looks good in orange too;) Hubs looks good in any color but he looks good especially in fall colors. Oh shoot he can pull off any color really, I am super jealous! I can't wait to take all those cheesy couples fall pictures with the pumpkins in our cliche matching outfits! And I know hes gonna dread it but he's always such a good sport. I couldn't ask for a better Hubby he's the greatest. It makes me so happy how amazing he is and cooperative he always is with me and my shannagins. He knows how excited I am for all those things but most of all dressing up for Halloween!! He is very compliant to everything I need from him and it makes my heart warm! He always knows how to bring a smile to my face.
Im throwing a party of course, I enjoy planning parties and such, theres people who literally hate the stress of planning a party or wedding or anything but I love it! Like for real Hubs knows when we finally do get married, I already have everything planned down a tee! Its pretty crazy actually. I planned our 4th of july party and Thanksgiving last year was my doing with the tremendous help from his dad doing all the cooking! But I planned it all out and exicutded it. And all those holidays ended perfectly! We had a blast. I can plan baby showers too, I love all the Pintrest DIY things they have! Its so easy to do your own parties these days! Plus Im super creative and clever. And Hubs helps too.
Do you guys like parties? If so what kinda parties do you like to attend?
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Halloween 2017โ˜๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜š
He is always such a good sport he dressed up at work as prince Eric from the little mermaid. Everyone at work thought he wasnt gonna do it but he was such a good Prince! He did all the pictures and everything. Everyone loved our costumes, which were home made btw. I know right?! We look damn good for spending virtually nothing. It was a overall pretty easy and simple look. Luckily his mom is very crafty and knows how to sew really good! So shout out to Hubby's mom! It was a good year. This year for my party I wanna be a dalmatian and he is going to be a sexy fire fighter.๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ
I think we'll be able to pull it off just as well hopefully for just as cheap! We don't work on Halloween this year so I wanted to have a party, which I think my mom is more excited about it than me and Hubs are which hey, more power to her. Shes already bought so much for it, which trust me I very much appreciate cause I know she doesnt have to but she loves doing parties too. Maybe thats where I get it from.
I invited alot of people from Captain Toms they're like my family! I've known all those people for years. I've been there for like 3 years and some change. Were all like a huge family at least the OGs are. We get away with everything at that place and were something kinda special. Everyone who works there is great at least my friends are anyhow. There's Marley, who's my A1 since day 1. We went to East together she's actually my friends youbger sister who I happen to get along with too! And her bff Ashley! Aka Red. They're both great friends of mine! We hangout quite a bit and we always have a good time! We went to carowinds and Danielle's party and Ronda's party! And theyre our favorite Olive garden dates! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ Marley may!
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We always have a good time and she always makes me smile! We always act like kids when we get together. Theres never a dull moment with my A1!
The people at Captain toms are 90% of the reason I'm still there, im so comfortable there too and Im a favorite so I never get in trouble. Which I don't really go out of my way to get in trouble or anything. As long you do what youre suppose to working there the mangers pretty much leave you alone. Just do your job correctly and if she does say something just say yes and walk away it really is that simple. Whats the point of giving lip or having an attitude? I don't get it. Serving tables isn't that hard come on now. But we always do like secret Santa and all those fun things and Tina always gets a card for people at work on thier birthday's. Working there hasn't been so bad, best restuarant job I've had by far. That's why I still work there. And the money isn't so bad either right?;)
Fall time it finally starts getting busy. I cant wait for that fall time money. Chritmas is actually the best time of the year. People are always so generous. But it starts in the fall, people start going out everynight before going to see a scary movie. Fall brings people together I think...
I think that word means something and I think fall is the one of the best times for togetherness. Going out walking or sitting outside on your back porch just sitting talking with the ones you love. I love to go outside during fall time. Everything makes me feel so thankful and full and loved. Makes me think of November and Thanksgiving! Im beyond excited about those holidays! They're my favorite holidays besides Christmas and my birthday! Another year also spent with the love of my life too! I always enjoy holidays with my wonderful Hubs! He makes everyday special but especially my holidays.
Who do you guys like spending your holidays with?
What holidays are your favorites?
This year is a new year and were gonna carve pumpkins with funny desings and were gonna DIY Halloween party and its gonna be awesome. Until then friends...
Sincerly yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 6 years
Live, Love, Learn.
Valentine's day 2018โค
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Now I know why it never worked with anyone else. It took you to open my eyes and realize what life really can be. Because of you I found me in some ways I needed to let go of who I was and I'm just glad you saw through all the bullshit. You knew that wasnt who I really was. I am a new person and shes much more likeable. I am a better person and it is all thanks to you for never giving up. Saying fuck and losing all hope in me like everyone else did. I wasn't a lost cause to you and that made me feel good about myself. Most people just used me for something they wanted and never treated me like a human being. So yes it was that easy for you. That's it, there was nothing more than treating me like a respectable girl. Not saying I'm easy because I'm not, despite others opinions. I'm a very clean person and now more than ever. I'm not that girl anymore, thank God she almost died. I never wanted to be her to begin with. But I have learned because of you who I was underneath the drugs and makeup. I just needed a little reminder.
You came into my life and ever since I have been so happy. Everyone has told me how different I look so it must be true cause we act like weve been together forever. Which truthfully it does feel that way and for me it's the best feeling knowing something this good happened to a sad girl like me. It was the beet thing that could've happen to me.I am alive and you're to thank for that. I know you love me more than anyone has just in the fact you were so patient for so long just for my attention, I had no idea it was so important to you. You valued me as a person when I didnt give a shit if I was alive or not. You always saw something spcial in me and I never knew why.
You are so sweet to me and I hope we continue to be happy like this forever because I cant get enough. I never want it to end and I'll make sure it doesnt. I want to marry you if you'll allow me to. I know marriage is a little scary for you right now but dont you worry ill be as patient as you were with me. I finally have someone that takes care of me in all ways imaginable and its so nice it is such a change of pace and it is so refreshing. I wouldn't trade this for the world. I cant wait to spend my entire life with you. When I look at you I know I'm okay, I believe in some God for bringing you to me.
Even though you can be an ass just like everyone else I still love everything about you. We both have a lot of growing to do together but I want to do with you and you only. I wanna see the world with you and have you always be my partner in crime. I cherish all the moments we spend together, hint, thats why I take so many photos. Sorry. You love it! It just documents our love and that makes me smile and it's also a plus we look amazing together. Like it was meant to be. Actually it was meant to be! All of it....even our arguments.
Our fights are never going to stop as long as we're both human. We will probably never agree on things like flavors of icecream or spicy ass chicken you tried to make me eat; to the seasons of the year. But all that makes everything worth it with you. We didn't start how normal couples do so I didn't expect you to be perfect in the slightest. But you do an amazing job at the adaptation of living with your girlfriend of a year and a half. I could only imagine how hard youre working to live with me.I am so proud of how well you've done. It hasn't taken you long at all and being an only child I know this isnt the easiest thing you've ever done. You make it seem so simple though. The cuddles are the best arent they? Sleeping with someone else is great huh? Until you sweat to death lol. So living with your girlfriend hasn't been all bad. Cuddles whenever you want! And feet rubs and someone to always heatup leftover dinner for you!
I love the things we share and even if you blow 200$ on video games and I dye my hair too much we always support one another(even if we give eachother shit). If we didnt give eachother shit it wouldn't be as fun. You might be cheap and froogle but that what makes you, you and i think it's kinda cute sometimes.
I am also thankful it didnt work out with anyone else. Could you imagine me as a red neck? Thank God you saved me. You saved me from more than just rednecks, you saved me from drugs, stripping and dying. But more importantly you saved me from myself. So thank you. I can be a very dark scary bitch. I feel like I don't thank you enough. I know I get on your nerves sometimes but someones got to, but also again, thank you for putting up with me and all my baggage. I know its alot to ask for, I just hope my love will be enough to keep you forever. Youve changed my life I hope I've changed yours too.
What or who has changed your life?
My changes have all been positive! I hope all of yours are too. Change is so important in life sometimes you need a drastic change in order to move on or change who you are as a person and I did that because of you! So youre more important than you think. Youre the most important thing in my life! I value you and all of your opinions. I love the changes weve gone through together.
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Time flies when youre in love and having fun. Everyday is a new blessing, I see life differently now because of you. No one has cared this much about me and my health and everything. I know youre by my side through it all and with you I can face anything. I really seriously am this cheesy yes. Dont judge me.
It's not always easy working with your partner, then add living together ontop of it and you've got a double whammy. I know I can get annoying and it feels like you can never get away so for that I understand why you snap off on me sometimes. Fighting is never easy but most people get to get away from eachother during some points of the day, but not us. So there's no doubt that somedays we'll be down each other's throats.
When you meet someone and you know there's something special about them. Keep them close love like this only comes once in a lifetime. A single moment can change your life and you changed mine, it all started with a kiss...
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A kiss so powerful it overtook my entire body and ill never forget that night. I learned alot that night, it started as a bad night but then you came and saved the day. I am so glad you did and even though I was a bitch to you earlier you still over looked all that and came and saved me. I wouldve been screwed without you.
That night you kissed me under the lights at sheetz and it was the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. There was sparks and it felt so natural kissing you. Like we were little kids and nothing else mattered besides kissing you. We kissed 100 more times that night. It was nice to feel like a child again playing and swinging at that playground it all started at.
Somethings in life you want to block out and forget but everything I do with you I will remember forever. Our time together is precious and ill never take a moment for granted. I love you Jonathan Lewis. Please take me as I am now and forever? It might seem selfish to wanna stay this happy but I hope you feel the same so it wont actually be selfishness. Itll be mutual, well love eachother how were supposed to be loved. I love you with all of me! I never wanna forget our love so please stay with me forever so I don't have to go without you. Kay thanks!
What do you love unconditionally?
Sincerly yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 6 years
Life is too short
For me and many others today is a day of loss and sadness. September 11th 2001 was a very scary and sorrowful day for thousands of Americans. But I have my own reasons for feeling sorrowful on this day, I lost someone very important to me my beloved grandmother we called Mimi. Well really my cousin Eric started calling her that when he was a baby I was told. I was only 10 when she died so I wish I got to spend more time on earth with her. All in all I knew it was her time to go. She was suffering from stage 4 lung cancer, so the amount of pain she was in was unimaginable. She was a very strong woman for getting through as much as she was physically allowed. I always think about her on this day, even though I do not think of her as much as I feel like I should on this particular day I do. My dad tells me stories from when he was growing up about my Mimi. And being the first granddaughter Lacey and her had a special bond. Lacey is 4 years older than I am so she was about 14 when Mimi died. I feel bad for the younger grandkids though they didn't have nearly enough time with her. The youngest doesnt have one single memory of her cause he was only like 2. What a shame he never really got to know her, but such is life.
Death is always a touchy subject for a lot of people because everyone deals with death differently. How does everyone feel about death? I feel life is too short to hold any kind of grudge. Or stay mad about anything that wont matter in a year. Either way life is too short to take for granted and the people in your life. Recently I jad a good friend of mine from highschool commit suicide and it kind of took me back.
I remember when I was seriously depressed. Its not fun believing you have no way out, that the world is better off with out you. None of that is true! You are never better off dead. I used to think nobody cared about me but Ivan was right I was just doing it to myself. I needed someone like Jonathan (husband) to get me out of the slump I was in! I literally thought i had no other options and my exsistance didnt matter. But meeting Jonathan who tried so so hard to get me gave me the realization that I was important and he treats me exactly how I deserve to be treated. He has inspired me to work on myself even more and I want to do great things for him. He told me he liked me before I even knew it. He said he asked someone else we worked with who I was, he said I was so pretty and unlike anyone he's ever seen before. So now I am thankful I was given a second chance and now i never take anything for granted.
It feels pretty odd to think about that if things went according to plan that I wouldn't even be here right now. I try to forget about it and push it in the back of my mind cause i know its nothing I should be dwelling on but the sad thruth was I accepted that I was ready to go. At 23 I was ready to die. I was unafraid of what was going to happen because I didnt care and niether did the people who clamed they loved me. Or who knows maybe it was the drugs the whole time making feel that way. Either way I was not myself and I truly wanted it all to end, I guess I was just more ashamed of myself than anything. A part of me still is. Im just glad I dont feel that way anymore im happy now!
My point is about all this as i sit here and remember all my loved ones that I have lost I remember that i will never take life for granted again. I love my life and everyone in it and I dont want them to know what life would be like wothout me.
What are you guys ashamed of? Does anything from your past make you remince?
Sincerely yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 6 years
Let's keep writing!
Today is 9/9/18,
Most Saturday's my "husband" and I work at our seafood restaurant in Kernersville nc which is good! I enjoy serving with him and all my friends! My best friend at Captain toms is Matthew and Marley too! She's my A1 since day 1. But since working at Captain toms I have made alot of friends that have been close with me for years! But Matthew told me to keep writing and keep my mind working and writing is a good way of doing that. And I actually love to write so this works out for everybody. I have been way less depressed so my writing has cheered up a bit and now people are going to wanna read it versus not for being too sad. Writing keeps my brain fresh! What I like writing the most is fantasy! I do believe in fairytales and all that love in first sight crap. So some of my best stories are just made up love stories and they're very good, in my opinion anyways. I like to think I'm okay at writing, so hopefully I will continue to work and write and get better! Well thats all for now loves. Tell me something you think youre good at that keeps your brain going!
Sincerely yours,
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joelleechristaasblog ยท 6 years
Let's start a blog!
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Today, 9/6/2018 has been a slap in the face and an eye opener so, I decided to start a little internet blog. Because, lets face it I'm probably never going back to school. But hey, fuck it. I guess im just gonna save up as much money as I can (even though money burns a hole in my pocket.) I have also gained a ton of weight and need new clothes but that's not the point. Lol. Saving money. Yes. Trust me it's harder than it seems. But if I keep the will power in myself and the help of my trusty husband (not really married but whatever) I know I can save and get a car! Cause ya girl wants a bartending job! These Caption Tom's tips are not going to cut it! The future is bright friends so keep your head up guys life gets better. #IAmThankful โค
What are you thankful for?
Goodnight, love always,
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