jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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“Can I help you? I just don’t think you should be looking over someone’s shoulder like that”
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“My bad. I wasn’t paying attention to what I was looking at.. Just kind of zoned out.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“What? Have you never heard of Bowie?” 
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“I think anyone that hasn’t heard of Bowie is just missing out on a massively good time.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“So, I had decided it was time to head into the kitchen again and do some baking. I actually managed to make a tarte tatin! Never thought I’d be able to actually make it taste well and look good. But I suppose practice makes perfect.”
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“You need to teach me how to do that. I can cook just fine, but baking goes right over my head.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“Did you take the last cookie in that pack? I was hoping to save it….”
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“-- Sorry. I didn’t realize it wasn’t up for grabs.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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“Hey. I missed you.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“I’m serious, J. I just.. She was all I thought about the entire time I was gone. I just wanted to get back here so I could see her. Every day I woke up and she was the first thing on my mind. I have the ring already, just.. Sitting in my jacket because I never know when I’m going to feel like I should ask the question. I love her with all my heart, Jo.”
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“You two were really close. Just— give her some time. Or think of a way to fix it. There must be a way” the brunette shoot the male a soft smile. At his next statement, Jo arched an eyebrow, her smile growing big and sly at his confession “Yeah, I am familiar with that feeling. Do you? J, are you serious right now? Because if you say yes and I give you my blessing and you hurt her I swear, I will cut your dick off. You really love her, don’t you”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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“Turn around, El.”
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“Before you even bother to ask me what I’m doing, I’m literally sitting here in the dark, hoping my ass isn’t soaked from the wet ground because this welcome back party fucking sucks.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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“Need a hand?”
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“Fuck” Harry swore loudly as he popped the bonnet, completely agitated that he might have to walk home at such a late hour “so much for services! Shite”.
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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“Yeah, I’ve found that philosophy will do nothing but get you in trouble. But hey, you do you.”
She raised her glass in a toast, aiming at the person beside her. “‘A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.’”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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“You know, it’s probably a lot more relaxing if you don’t go into it with an already sour attitude.”
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“Whoever made hiking a thing should be burned at the stake.  I thought this was supposed to be relaxing, but my thighs are burning and all these bugs are agitating me.  This is precisely why I’ve always preferred alcohol and sex over other forms of relaxation.” 
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“Just a bit. Not all of it though. Just a little bit. Don’t worry, Rhain. She can’t stay mad with you forever. Just give her some times. It really hurts when someone you care about leaves” she explained silently. “Do you want to be with her? Lay is a good girl, she means a lot to me. And I love you, I am still mad at you for leaving but I love you. That won’t stop me from punching you in the face if you hurt her. On a loving way, but it will still hurt.”
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“I know.. I know. She was really hurt. I think more hurt than Layla was, if I’m being honest. I really screwed things up there.” He let out a shaky breath, figuring if there was anyone to tell this to, it would be Jo. “You know how you can meet someone and you just know that you’re meant to be with them? That’s.. That’s Layla for me. I want to marry her, Jo.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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Although she could feel her nerves rushing through her veins, she managed to keep herself calm and collected on the outside, her face soft and welcoming as she looked at the male that had rushed out of her life only to rush back in. Of course all she wanted to do was get back to where they left off, but after going through months of sadness and not socializing with the outside world other than Johanna, Erin and Max, she knew that she had to put up a hard exterior for the male to push his way though, she couldn’t let him in that easily. Taking a deep breath, she allowed herself to give oxygen to her brain and stop the anxious feeling that was making her feel light headed and she walked over to the kitchen, letting him follow her into the fairly good sized area. 
“I see you came prepared,” she said with a small and simple laugh before moving a few strands of hair out of her face. She didn’t want to be goofy or laugh, she wanted to make this as serious as possible. Of course she wanted to jump around and tease him about the horrible matching he did with his choice of shirt and undershirt, but she ignored the matter - she knew that she couldn’t allow herself to fall as fast as she did last time. Pressing her lips together, she nodded her head slowly. “Maybe a little of everything? Fried rice is still one of my favourites but the rest sound amazing.”
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Following behind her into the kitchen, he couldn’t help himself. He took a moment to look her up and down, take in her beauty. And wow, she was beautiful. He had spent so long imagining her, but he couldn’t be prepared for the real thing. Because God, she was just beautiful. “Fried rice and a mix of everything. Gotcha.” He chuckled. So, she was going to see him jump around like a maniac trying to keep on top of everything going on in the kitchen. She was definitely going to have a fun time with that. 
He placed the bag down on the counter, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up his arms. Starting to take the ingredients out of the bag, he placed them on the counter and moved to the cupboard. It wasn’t until he had the cutting board out and the pans in all the right places that he realized he remembered the layout of her place perfectly. He glanced over at her, giving her a small smile. “Guess it’s kinda like riding a book, cooking at your place.. How’s work going?”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“I’ve heard that happens. I’m sorry people are being hard on you though. You don’t deserve it. Completely” she smirked briefly before raising the bottle, taking a long sip. “Yeah? Are you two— what is going on with you two?”
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“I know I deserve some of it. I just don’t think Anastasia’s going to forgive me for a long time. Which sucks.” He frowned, drumming his fingers against the surface of the table. “I’m not sure. It’s kinda like.. We’re together and we’re not? She spent the night at my place, we’ve been texting a lot, seen each other a few times.. And she says she’s forgiven me.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
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“Does that mean I’m in? I can uh–Totally audition for the role.”
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“Sure. You just gotta prove you’re a really good taste tester and not just scamming me for free food.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“I had to make sure, you were away for a long time” she recalled, pouring some liquor on a glass and handing it to him “How is Darlington treating you now that you are back?”
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“Around about how you’d expect. Some people forgive me, some people don’t.” He took the glass, raising it up in a silent toast before taking a sip. “-- Layla’s been really sweet to me though.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“It doesn’t matter, you are just one more person that walks out, is not that big of a deal anymore.”
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“No, Ana.. No, I’m not. Look, I’m really sorry, I just.. I had to deal with family stuff, okay? But I’m back now. I’m back and I’m here for good.”
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jonasrhxin-blog · 9 years
“Be quiet.”
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“Come on, Ana.. Can’t I at least get a second to apologize for leaving?”
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