joohvuks · 7 years
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         ———— laziness taking over his mind, there was a time when june had decided that he didn’t have to work more than four days a week to collect the right amount for his rent, bills, food and anything else he needed —– he could still risk and make two videos a day if he was inspired enough. the only p r o b l e m was the other three days of the week that remained. the ash-gray-haired boy would be more than happy to spend that amount of days locked inside his room, watching all that netflix had to offer him, but he always thought it was a waste of time he wasn’t sure if he was able to endure. then, after all the months he was now residing in seoul, he already knew in the palm of his hand the whole map of the seoul. june liked to meet new places. and that was the way he first came to the flower shop. it was so cute that he couldn’t stop himself from entering, and after the first three times it had become a habit —– go inside, pick up one of the flowers and walk away. the cute florist would never say anything. inside his mind, june was beginning to think he was doing it just as a way to p u s h ; he wanted to know how far it would go. that day was no different, he pushes the door of an empty flower shop, if not for the pretty florist ( whom he learned that the name was joohyuk ) gives him a smile and goes looking for the flower that would be his victim that day.
                                                        ⋞ closed to: @joohvuks ⋟
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the flower shop is the place where joohyuk feels at HOME   ,   even though his home is two hundred miles away   ,    surrounded by all the flowers hanging in pots on the walls or on the floor in baskets it gives him a sense of familiarity. joohyuk spends a lot of time in the shop since the nice grandma who owns the shop caught the flu recently & still hasn’t recovered from it   ,   but jookhyuk doesn’t mind working more hours at all since he enjoys being here in this little m a g i c a l place. whenever people come in here & place their orders for a bouquet or even buy a single flower   ,   joohyuk always remembers them even when they comeback weeks or even months later. he remembers them because every arrangement & combination he makes is different   ,   making it fit the backstory they usually provide even without asking. but even besides that joohyuk excels at remembering faces. at that moment the bell j i n g l e s from above the door   ,   signaling him that someone entered the shop. joohyuk definitely remembers this face.   a good looking face   ,   ash grey hair   ,   looking like he could be an idol or a MODEL   –––   a habit of waltzing in   ,   STEALING one of joohyuk’s precious flowers & walking away. dark brown eyes follows the other occupant of this store   ,   corners of his mouth already going down as he watches him looking over his flowers as if he’s trying to pick his new victim. confronting people is o n e of the things that joohyuk’s bad at but he can’t take the stealing around any longer! his eyes land on a nearby vase of flowers near the register   ,   an idea pops up in his head   ,   something that’s probably incredibly stupid & doesn’t make sense but he has to find a way to stop the stealing ONCE & for ALL ! joohyuk plucks a single flower from the vase   ,   fingertips slowly touching the soft petals to try & calm his beating heart down. fighting! he whispers to himself & starts walking up to the boy who couldn’t be that much older than him. ‘ excuse me? ’ his voice sounding two octaves higher than usual   ,   typical nervous joohyuk antics. and as if that wasn’t enough   ,   he shoves the yellow carnation in the boy’s face.  ‘ t ... take this flower   &   p––please stop stealing my flowers! you ... you flower thief! ’ a flush of warmth is spreading on his face   ,   his face no doubt resembling a red POPPY. 
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joohvuks · 7 years
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excuse my inactivity these past two days!! i had to leave work early bc i was feeling unwell & i just woke up from my nap but i feel a little better but now im all.. disoriented! i’ll probably be k.o. again soon but fortunately i have the next few days no work so thats enough time to make it up for !!! im so sorry lovelies :(((( but i lov u guys so much , dont 4get that ! 
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joohvuks · 7 years
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“so…i know i already have two cats, but i need a quick opinion,” the boy speaks while chewing on his bottom lip. “i keep walking past this animal shelter when i head to the studio, and they got a new black cat they just rescued, and it’s, y’know, really cute. are we even allowed to have three cats in our apartment??” the boy looked at the other with a conflicted look, an audible sigh falling past his lips. “i’m going to be a regular cat lady by th end of the year, aren’t i? they’re just…so cute, y’know? sorry, this is probably a silly thing to stress out about but if you saw the cat, you’d understand.” 
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blinking slowly   ,   he turns his head towards his COMPANION sitting next to him   ,   letting the other know that he’s all ears. this wasn’t the first time ace mentioned cats & his love for the feline creatures   ,   personally joohyuk wasn’t a huge fan of cats but he has to admit there were a few cats that he thought are cute   –––    for example, the ones under ace’s ownership. joohyuk gives the other a what he hopes to be is a reassuring smile   ,   ‘ um   ,   sorry   ,   i’m not sure about the pets limit   ?   but i think that if you really want to adopt another cat you should go for it   !    ’ joohyuk laughs a liitte   , a shy b u b b l e of laughter hidden behind his hand at his friend’s words before shaking his head   ,   sweeping away the bits & pieces of hair falling in front of his eyes. ‘ it’s not silly   ,    ’ rather than it being silly   ,   joohyuk think it’s sweet of him to wanting to adopt another cat. ‘ i think you’ll take good care of the cat   ,   you’ll give it a better home for sure.. m––maybe you should just do it   ,   you’ll probably regret it if you don’t. ’  
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joohvuks · 7 years
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joohvuks · 7 years
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i’m going to ... work my way through my plots page , so i’ll be a little mia now ! after that i’ll resume , replying to ims & starters !
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joohvuks · 7 years
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“no, i— listen. abe, no, you cannot put rat poisoning in the plumber’s sandwich— because i said so ! ” she states, staring her little brother down until he let out a long, resigned groan, waving the elder blonde teenager away before he turns on his foot, slamming the door behind him. yuna would sigh, staring at the front door of her house for a few more moments; it wasn’t the first time that her brother had threatened to kill a man with some form of poisoning, nor would it be the last, but it had been the first time that he had actually asked permission to do so. but then again, the last time he had tried to kill someone, he had nearly succeeded and now that she thought about it, he was probably only asking permission because the last time he’d done it, she’d very nearly put his head through a wall. turning on her heel, the eighteen year old would let out a small shout of surprise when she spotted the person standing across the street from her, not even bothering to hide the fact that they were staring and it was then that yuna was incredibly thankful that she and her brother had been arguing in japanese. shifting her weight onto her other leg, she’d shoot them a look and watch them carefully. “what ? ” she spat.
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truth to be told   ,   joohyuk is kind of a spacey boy. and it’s not like he can HELP it   ,   he’s always finding ways to think about something; how to arrange the flowers   ,   if his cacti are going to be fine now that it’s going to be winter   ,   if he made sure to lock the door of the apartment. and it just happened that he thinks of all of that at the wrong TIME & PLACE. his mind is always filled with everything ranging from a whole space full for the meanings behind flowers to daydream alternative universes in which he debuted in a seven membered boy group. fortunately for joohyuk   ,   he’s standing with his back to the front door of his store   ,    the day there’d been some   ...   less fortunate moments where he was spacing out in front of people that he’d gladly erase from his memories. the dark haired boy startles at the voice breaking his train of thought   ,   he blinks confusedly   ,   eyes landing on a girl on the other side of the street giving him a judgemental look. he blinks again   ,   eyes darting around the street to see if she was talking to anybody else but nope   ,   it was definitely joohyuk she’s talking to. ‘ m––me   ? ’ he asks uncertainly.
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joohvuks · 7 years
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hello angels n demons ! it’s me , uh kira , with the love of my life , PARK JOOHYUK . i love , redvelvetsus with my whole damn heart ! n marvel/dc , an*me n shopping by myself ! i’ve played joohyuk many times ( twice vc: twice! ) n i really wanted to bring him back in a rp , so that’s what i did ! im rlly excited to write him again ( hes a bit different from how i first imagined him tbh ) , & i’m also rlly excited to write with u all !! so to get to know joohyuk a lil more, i’ve written down some key things about him . at the end of it please give a big heart if ur interested enough to plot with me n joohyuk .. love me some validation
[ jeon jeongguk ] — hey there! this is [ PARK JOOHYUK ] and I go by [ he/him ], a [ twenty ] years old [ florist ] currently residing at [ daemun one bedroom apartment ] [ with my COUSIN ]. I am known around here for being [ b e n i g n ] but also [ taciturn ]. it’s nice to meet you!
WARNING: long because i dont know when to stop !
a BLESSING is what park jaehwan & kwon rohui called him after meeting fresh out the womb baby. although a little smaller & lighter than what was normal, his screams was proof that he was still a healthy boy ! his parents were excited to finally have their baby boy with them on this world, the baby they always wanted to have & now he’s finally here. ( HOSPITAL RECORDS: park joohyuk born march 20th 1997 on 09 55 pm . )
such a spoiled little thing he was, showered in affection & gifts ranging from secondhand iron man toys to hand me down clothes that were still too big for joohyuk  . money was a luxury for them , the parents just barely making ends meet with their 7-11esque store but for his parents , who always wanted to have a child of their own ; they would do everything for him. 
ask joohyuk what his childhood looked like & he would probably talk about tending the flowers in their backyard with his dad , learning about the different meanings of flowers and how to take care of them . he liked tending to the flowers during the spring months , more than he liked going to the playground near their home and having to play with the other kids. joohyuk always had the tendency to shy away from the neighbor aunties who would try to pinch his cheeks, and especially strangers. he wouldn’t even greet others if it wasn’t for his mother telling him to not be disrespectful. 
joohyuk likes flora but his true love is SINGING ! 
whether it be in his own room or in the bathroom, as long as it’s in the trusting & comfortable space of his home , he’d sing. sometimes even when his parents are in the same room as him too . his mother starts calling him her little songbird , his dad calls him sweet pea . joohyuk loves it . 
at age thirteen , an idol company scouted him ; having heard his singing when he passed by & joohyuk was well , embarrassed for the fact that the walls aren’t as thick as he thought they were but also very conflicted on what to do with being invited to do audition. the company wasn’t a big name like SM or YG , in fact joohyuk wasn’t even sure if he ever heard of the company before. his parents of course , were very excited to hear about the news ; of course they were , they were basically his BIGGEST stans . so they talked him into auditioning & after a lot of insecurity confessions n worries , joohyuk was packing a bag to get ready for the three hour train ride.
if he could’ve re-do his audition he would because it just wasn’t good , his voice cracked mid way through the song & he forgot his cue to start . tl;dr . it was absolute shit. and for joohyuk who didn’t want to audition in the first place, felt utterly heartbroken now after his audition. 
but miracles apparently do exist & three weeks after the audition , ( joohyuk almost forgot about it oops ! ) he got a call saying that he got in ! so a month after that , he was packing his bags & went on the same train back to seoul, his parents tagging along as they booked a stay at a guesthouse for a week so that joohyuk doesn’t miss them too much. 
during his trainee time , he felt incredibly lonely . his other fellow trainees tried to include him in their conversations & making him feel at ease but , joohyuk has always been the introvert type & always had trouble making friends. the other trainees didn’t bully him or anything but after so many attempts at befriending joohyuk they just started , ignoring him. 
the training period was hard , but joohyuk loves singing so much that it outweighs the cons . but five years later & with his debut date already set in stone , joohyuk just , couldn’t do it anymore. he hated singing in front of all those people, he cried every single evaluation &  he couldn’t stand the pressure, he couldn’t stand the thought of those guys he was going to be debuting with , knowing that he’d have to WORK with them & LIVE with them for the next who knows many years . joohyuk didn’t want to be a burden in a group where he wasn’t totally committed in. so he quit. 
the employees at the company weren’t all too happy with it , definitely not after spending the last five years making him into “ perfection “ . but , joohyuk still didn’t waver his decision even when he was drowning in the trainee debt. 
after that , joohyuk finished his high school . & college was expensive , and he doesn’t have much money even with the scholarship so it didn’t last long until joohyuk dropped that as well to work in a small flower store owned by a widow name jung haesoo . and he never returned to school again. 
HIS parents were disappointed in him , not the fact that he quit the trainee thing but more over that he dropped out of school . they believe that he won’t get a good future later since he doesn’t have an education , they only want the best for him they kept saying that to him but joohyuk didn’t listen. 
DAEMUN APARTMENT with one bedroom is his place of residence now , crashing the couch of his cousin who has kindly welcomed him . the place isn’t anything like his home in busan , far from it really but it’s still a place where he can make his home into.
after all this years, the one thing joohyuk isn’t good at is still talking to strangers . he’s incredibly shy , even having a hard time walking up to a customer needing assistance , but he’s .. working on it probably. he needs a good five minute to hype himself up before walking towards the customers tbh . he’s very , sweet too . he’s really , sweet lmao... tries to see the best in everyone , he’s got his heart in the right place. his biggest flaw is well , he doesn’t know when to stop giving. so please , don’t take too much advantage of him djfslksjf . sike do it. 
[ extras ] talking & singing to the flowers thinking that they’ll grow , being able to watch any & every horror movie . taking the stairs to his apartment instead of the elevator . succulent on the window sill . remembering the customer’s orders . secret stash of tea underneath the register . blushing easily . making himself smaller than he actually is . liking dogs but being allergic to them . 
[ PLOTS ] well , he actually he needs all of them friends , crushes , mayhaps enemies . i do have a very unfinished plots page in the works so , uhh i’ll link it when it’s done ! but in the mean time i absolutely do not mind brainstorming so yeah : ) . please give this  a like if u want to plot hdjsfkldsjf 
and thank you so much for reading this demon of an intro !
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joohvuks · 7 years
people ask me what im into im just like um idk quiet things alone things
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joohvuks · 7 years
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warm & cozy ♡
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joohvuks · 7 years
You’re soft, soft like spring flowers and sunsets and the white feathers inside your pillow.
hin-saek  (via xanrps)
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joohvuks · 7 years
people ask me what im into im just like um idk quiet things alone things
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joohvuks · 7 years
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© Candy House | Do not edit. (1, 2)
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joohvuks · 7 years
tag dump !
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joohvuks · 7 years
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joohvuks · 7 years
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Heaven // Troye Sivan
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joohvuks · 7 years
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod: love story ( ft iu ) – epik high   ,   move – taemin   ,   you better know – red velvet   ,   rain – baekhyun ft soyou
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to: in the backroom of the flower shop
the game they'd destroy everyone else at: definitely   ,   jenga   !
the emoticon they’d use most often: always uses the kkt stickers   ,   like   ,   all the time
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: he’s just more quiet ( if that was possible ) than usual   !    
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: a huge fan of tea   ,   especially green tea   .   keeps a box of those underneath the register   .
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: by cleaning the apartment   or   watching a ton of variety shows   ,   all while huddled up in a blanket taco
what they wanted to be when they grew up: he always dreamed of becoming a singer   /   idol   .
their favorite kind of weather: when it drizzles   &   the sun is still shining   .
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): his vocals are average   ,   definitely a tenor   & loves to sing when no one is around. 
how/what they like to draw or doodle: his artistic skills are a bit non existent but he doodles lil flowers   .
super cool character headcanons meme
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joohvuks · 7 years
red velvet // cool hot sweet love
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