joscail · 2 years
We're getting there A romancers... 😭
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joscail · 2 years
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It’s going to take over my life for a hot minute 🤣 I know it 🤣
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joscail · 2 years
Sometimes all the pivot needs is some novelty too, for example I always wanted to keep a diary but got bored with it and wouldn't want to go back after a long break. I found two things that made it work long-term for me: 1) discarding the "rules" I stopped caring about only posting "today" and if I wanted to write about something I did two months ago because I found the photos in my phone and haven't touched my diary in three months then I'd write about it and if I chose to write like I'd written it that same day or write it as something I did two months ago, whatever. 2) Novelty! I have been making my own journals (Junk Journal style) using the packaging from collectors editions of games or from the massive hoard of crafting supplies I have and I LOVE using these journals I'm excited for the next one which motivates me to fill up the current one. I'm not saying you have to make your own journal too, but find one you love the thought of using and don't wait until it's full to buy a new one, have another one on hand waiting that you're equally as excited to use.
so for those of you who don't know, I was recently diagnosed with ADHD-I. So far, I think my favourite thing that I've learned is the idea of "embrace the pivot".
Have you ever found a productivity system that works for you (whether it be your Google calendar, bullet journaling, agenda-ing, etc), and you're so pumped because it's like finally! Now I can actually get some stuff done! But then time passes, days or weeks or years, and the novelty of it runs out, and then it kind of just... Stops working. It can be so frustrating, because this thing that used to work no longer works for seemingly no reason.
But, that isn't a failing of the thing, that thing worked for a certain amount of time, and that's good! I used a massive agenda in my first year of uni, and it kept me on track for all my assignments. My second year agenda? Barely touched it. Instead, I started to use a bullet journal, and that was the thing that helped me through most of the year. But as time went on, my spreads got less creative, and in the final term, I didn't even want to touch it because it was too much work. So I switched to Notion.
The agenda didn't fail me, and neither did the bullet journal, it just worked for a certain amount of time. And when that time inevitably runs out, you can just say, "thank you for serving me for so long, I'm going to pivot to the next thing." And then you do it without feeling like you should try harder or like that thing failed you.
This doesn't just have to apply to productivity either. Systems, tools, habits, hobbies, coping mechanisms.. They all serve their purpose. It's okay to let them go when the time comes.
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joscail · 2 years
A new sticker available now on my Etsy store! For those times when you need to declare you're friendly in a game 👌Inspired by DayZ.
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joscail · 2 years
Very short Alien-Humans short story.
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joscail · 2 years
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So not only does Jo Sally have a messy apartment, but I do too! Don’t worry, I won’t be showing that here!
Inspired by The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames I have created the Mess styled apartment.
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joscail · 2 years
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Style wise this was a boring apartment to build, however, notice Jo Sally in the holographic game, who wouldn’t want all those gadgets and gizmos!
Inspired by The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames here is my take on the High-Tech apartment created in The Sims 4.
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joscail · 2 years
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Green just felt right for this Vintage apartment style… and check out that awesome “typewriter” PC in the bottom left photo behind Jo Sally 👌🏻
Inspired by The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames here is my take on the Vintage apartment created in The Sims 4.
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joscail · 2 years
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Another really fun build! Here’s Jo Sally relaxing in her Bright apartment.
Inspired by The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames here is my take on the Minimalist apartment created in The Sims 4.
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joscail · 2 years
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Now this cozy apartment was a fun build and definitely one of my favourite! Here is Jo Sally in the Cosy styled apartment.
Inspired by The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames here is my take on the Cozy apartment created in The Sims 4.
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joscail · 2 years
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Here the lights need a light… At least the drinks are lit up well enough for Detective Jo Sally to find.
Inspired by The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames here is my take on the Dark apartment created in The Sims 4.
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joscail · 2 years
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Minimalist - Modern - Clean. Detective Jo Sally’s apartment if she were to choose a minimalist design style.
Inspired by The Wayhaven Chronicles by @seraphinitegames here is my take on the Minimalist apartment created in The Sims 4.
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joscail · 2 years
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Aaaaand here Jo Sally in the basic apartment, you’d never known she’s been there years!
Inspired by @seraphinitegames and continuing on from my post yesterday feature my Detective, Jo Sally I’ve also created all the apartment options as I picture them in The Sims 4.
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joscail · 2 years
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Seeing all the awesome Detectives from other readers’ Wayhaven Chronicles experience I was feeling inspired to bring my detective to life! I wasn’t feeling up to drawing her so I combined another love of mine, The Sims 4!
So here is Detective Jo Sally in a few of the different outfit choices.
Aaaaaand, I’ve also created the the different apartment styles which I’ll share soon 😃
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joscail · 2 years
I just heard the best way to finish a phone conversation, man on the train was on a call, “Anyway, I’m done talking to people, c’ya.” *hangs up straight away, not even waiting for a response.*
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joscail · 2 years
When you thought you were finished writing/coding chapter one but realise you have a chunk more to add after you read it through… I was so excited to start on chapter two today 🤦🏻‍♀️
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joscail · 6 years
Don’t forget he also starred in the TV show Weeds... and here is a family photo of him with his Dad, who’s death was prior to and the catalyst for the first episode.
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