jpjr-strawberryf · 5 years
'Star Wars' and 'Harry Potter' are two franchises that try to claim, textually, that it doesn't really matter who your family is whilst showing subtextually that it unequivocally does matter who your family is.
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jpjr-strawberryf · 5 years
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jpjr-strawberryf · 5 years
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the prophecy was true
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jpjr-strawberryf · 5 years
former emos hearing about the MCR reunion
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jpjr-strawberryf · 5 years
Marvel directors: Even when actors like Chris Evans do their own stunts, we make sure they’re VERY wired in and rehearse a lot before filming. We also add dangerous weapons in in post so there’s no chance of danger, even with a prop. :)
Good Omens directors: We’re making David Tennant DRIVE A FLAMING CAR and IF HE DIES, HE DIES
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jpjr-strawberryf · 5 years
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Good Omens scenes that immediately made me think of Doctor Who. Part 1.
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jpjr-strawberryf · 6 years
Freddie: We need a b-side for bohemian rhapsody
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jpjr-strawberryf · 6 years
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cinematic parallels 
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jpjr-strawberryf · 6 years
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Just two guys being dudes
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jpjr-strawberryf · 6 years
Hey, You've got to hide your love away
- You've got to hide your love away, Lennon-McCartney(Especially, Lennon wrote it), 1965
No need to hide the love you've got inside
- Who Cares, Paul McCartney, 2018
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jpjr-strawberryf · 6 years
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“It was very loving in the first few years, before The Beatles became a bit antagonistic to each other. That then reflected in our relationship. It was a big issue for us, it was very difficult to handle. […]
“Maybe I should have left George earlier, I don’t know. Or maybe I should never have left him and ignored Eric, that was a possibility too. I didn’t know what to do, it was very, very difficult. […]
“About three months before he died he was in my area. He was going to see Ringo, and he popped in. He brought me a few little gifts and some music to listen to, it was really sweet. I knew he wasn’t well, I realised that he knew he wasn’t well.
“In a way I think he was coming to say goodbye. I could see he was very drawn and he was using energy more than he needed to, to appear up and happy. You could sense he wasn’t well.”
[Pattie Boyd, StartsAt60.com, 19th April 2018]
Some quotes from Pattie from this article. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her talk about that last bit before. 
Pics: Getty Images. 
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jpjr-strawberryf · 7 years
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the beatles, 20 december 1963
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jpjr-strawberryf · 7 years
paul mccartney circa 1957, praying by his bedside: it’s me again...i need someone to be my friend. maybe send me an angel! the nicest angel you have
john lennon, crawling out of the pits of hell: WAHAHAHAHHSKFS
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jpjr-strawberryf · 7 years
Beatles fans be like
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jpjr-strawberryf · 7 years
“One of my great memories from John is from when we were having some argument. I was disagreeing and we were calling each other names. We let it settle for a second and then he lowered his glasses and he said, ‘It’s only me…’ and then he put his glasses back on again. To me, that was John.” -Paul
“We were each other’s intimates.” -Paul, The Beatles: A Biography
“Paul and I know each other on a lot of different levels that very few people know about.” -John
Q Magazine - 1998  Q: “If John Lennon could come back for a day, how would you spend it with him?” Paul: “In bed.”
“I have had two companions in my life. Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono. That’s not bad” –John
Interview of 1975 for Hit parader Q: “Yeah, your friends…” John: “Yes, all your best friends let you know what’s going on. I was trying to put it ‘round that I was gay, you know– I thought that would throw them off… dancing at all the gay clubs in Los Angeles, flirting with the boys… but it never got off the ground.” Q: “I think I’ve only heard that lately about Paul.” John: “Oh, I’ve had him, he’s no good.” (laughter) 
John talking about when Paul first joined The Quarry Men: “But he was good, he was worth having. He looked like Elvis. I dug him.”
“Whatever bad things John said about me, he would also slip his glasses down to the end of his nose and say, ’I love you’. That’s really what I hold on to. That’s what I believe. The rest is showing off.” -Paul
 “A song by an old estranged fiancee of mine called Paul” -John speaking of “I Saw Her Standing There”
“She (Yoko) recalls hearing people in the Apple office who called McCartney 'John’s Princess.’” -Unknown (Cant find who said this but it was someone who worked at Apple)
“One time Paul had a chick in bed and John came in and got a pair of scissors and cut all her clothes into pieces calling her a whore and what not. He got like that occassionaly.”-George
“I just saw a girl who said she saw John Lennon walking down the street in New York wearing a button that said, "I love Paul.” she asked him, “Why are you wearing an 'I love Paul’ button?” and he said, “Because I love Paul.”-Harry Nillson
“He was always saying, 'I wonder what Paul is doing.’ When John and I were together, and this is about a week or two before our relationship ended, I remember him saying, 'Do you think I should write with Paul again?’ I said, 'Absolutely. You should because you want to. The two of you as solo performers are good, but together you can’t be beaten.” -May Pang
“We were recording the other night, and I just wasn’t there. Neither was Paul. We were like two robots going through the motions. We do need each other alot. When we used to get together after a month off, we used to be embarrassed about touching each other. We’d do an elaborate handshake just to hide the embarrassment… or we did mad dances. Then we got to hugging each other.” -John
Im just saying if they aren't your OTP they should at least be your BROTP because hell they loved each other SO fucking much and that is obvious. Even after the break-up of the Beatles when they both were so stubborn and angry with each other they still cared for each other so much. Their friendship is golden and a beautiful, beautiful thing. 
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jpjr-strawberryf · 7 years
What your favorite Beatles album says about you
Please Please Me: you're cool and care about your hairdo, but you've got a softer side. you giggle when boys look at you from across the room.
With the Beatles: you really like the Beatles, but for some reason you don't wanna hear them do their own songs. but you really, really like the Beatles.
A Hard Day's Night: nobody really knows the real you. they think you're a suave, energetic socialite. deep down, you're a farm hand with a piece of wheat sticking out of your mouth, trying not to cry. you can cry if you want. it's okay to cry.
Beatles for Sale: you think your friends all secretly hate you, and you think strangers all secretly love you. also, George is your favorite Beatle and you like hearing Paul scream.
Help!: you really like ironic humor and feeling sorry for yourself, and you think people would be happier without you in the picture. you need to understand people care about you, and you should learn to like yourself. but proposing to a girl in a jumping 12 bar is wrong. don't do that.
Rubber Soul: when people ask you what kind of music you listen to, you say you like all different kinds.
Revolver: crawling into bed, you're half asleep before you remember to set your alarm. you do it with one eye open.
Sgt. Pepper: people say you're really together, but you know you're not. you wonder why people think you're seamless. you have so many seams. it seems they don't see your seams.
Magical Mystery Tour: your parents fought a lot in front of you. i'm sorry.
The White Album: you're greedy and like the blues.
Yellow Submarine: this album says a lot more about you than i have room to type about sorry you can pm me
Abbey Road: you won't stop trying until you're sitting at the top in a gold encrusted throne made of the skulls of your enemies and the good wishes of your friends. you don't know how to rap.
Let It Be: you think you have an intimate relationship with somewhere between 1 and 4 of the Beatles in a way they'll never understand. you watch a movie again if it makes you cry.
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jpjr-strawberryf · 7 years
hey here’s something I learned only today despite being a lifelong Harry Potter reader
Hagrid is 12 fucking feet tall
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