julezfornow-blog-blog 11 years
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A journey through the paintings of Georgia O鈥橩eeffe, Grant Snider
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julezfornow-blog-blog 11 years
In the end, we must each tend to our own gulfs of sadness, though others can assist us with kindness, food, good words, and music. Our human tendency is to fill these holes with distractions like shopping and fast romance, or with drugs and alcohol.
Joy Harjo's "Crazy Brave: A Memoir"
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
When I was a child, I tried hard for a time to split my voice...It seemed like something one should be able to do. With concentration and a muscular push of air, I felt, I might be able to people myself, unleash the crowd in my voice box, give birth, set free all the moods and nuances, all the lovely and mystical inhabitants of my mind's speech.
Moore, Lorrie. Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
When Petr Ginz and all the other artists in Terezin, who had nothing - no food, no supples, no dignity - used that nothing to create hope, they made themselves immortal, while the world exploded, by reaching for one another and for us.
Derfer, Joel. Swish: My Quest to Become the Gayest Person Ever and What Ended Up Happening Instead
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
But I believe that the desire to love and be loved is the strongest force on eath. And in that way, being gay affects every interaction in which I take part - just as being straight affects every interaction in which straight people take part. Every human motive is in the end a yearning for companionship, and every act of every person on this planet is an effort not to be alone.
Derfner, Joel. Swish: My Quest to Become the Gayest Person Ever and What Ended Up Happening Instead
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
100% Yes.
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How to
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
Then came the most exquisite moment of her whole life passing a stone urn with flowers in it. Sally stopped; picked a flower; kissed her on the lips. The whole world might have turned upside down! The others disappeared; there she was alone with Sally. And she felt that she had been given a present, wrapped up, and told just to keep it, not to look at it - a diamond, something infinitely precious, wrapped up, which, as they walked (up and down, up and down), she uncovered, or the radiance burnt through, the revelation, the religious feeling!
Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
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OK, Washington Irving. Thanks for only giving me two options and showing us all how fantastic you probably thought you were.
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
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Welcome 2013. My "New Year" began in June 2012. I re-arranged my priorities and set new goals for myself, goals that made sense to and for me and fuck it if no one else got it. At the end of the day, the only person you have to answer to is yourself. Your life is your own and no one else's. Most importantly, so is your happiness. I lost sight of that these past few months and let some things get in the way of my happiness. You know that moment when you realize you made something into your number one priority when that was the very thing you were trying to avoid? Yeah, well...that happened. When it happens, and it does happen oh so often, the best thing we can do is identify the issue and take steps to get back on track. Shift gears. Your life is your story so remember to make it a good one. Remember that you are number one. When you go after the things that make you happy, everything naturally falls into place. Into a puzzle that you created with your own desires. A puzzle that doesn't follow the order in the picture above. Never let societal pressures determine your goals for you - always set your own.
Create Your Own Puzzle.
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Pieces of the puzzle
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julezfornow-blog-blog 12 years
For years, I thought I was watching the city go from bad to worse, a kind of terrible backsliding from its imagined destiny as an America with different food. I was blind to what was slapping me in the face: the future. A place where conversation is a gun and reality is a drug and time is immediate and tomorrow, well, tomorrow is today because there is no destination beyond this very second.
Bowden, Charles. Murder City: Ciudad Juarez and the Global Economy's New Killing Fields
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julezfornow-blog-blog 13 years
The Head and The Heart's Lost in My Mind
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julezfornow-blog-blog 13 years
Ja Rule and Ashanti's Always on Time. This song has been stuck in my head for days.
Look at those outfits. Oh man... the 90s.
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julezfornow-blog-blog 13 years
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julezfornow-blog-blog 13 years
Dev's In The Dark
This girl can do no wrong by me.聽
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julezfornow-blog-blog 13 years
Break up the bad, insert the problems. Roll up the resentments. Light up the solution, Inhale the happiness & Exhale the past.
Kid Cudi (via literallylaughoutloud)
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